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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I swear to fucking god, Kennedy.....you better vote to end gerrymandering....


What a terrible article.

These got stays because the SC is currently hearing cases on those two issues and without the stays, things get complicated to manage because now there's two cases about the same thing, instead of one. At least that's what was discussed last week when this happened.

Ordinarily, the Supreme Court does not put lower court decisions on hold when it considers a case. That's why Court rules require votes from five justices to do this, as opposed to four justices simply to hear a case (without putting the lower court decision on hold). In other words, this week's actions were extraordinary for the Court.
What? Isn't this standard procedure for multiple cases about the same thing?


Well, I feel a little better if that's truly par for the course.

But not really.....here's another article from WaPo on the same thing, citing Gorsuch's new influence as well:


And as it stands right now, we COULD have had a liberal court if Garland were appointed. Right now, it mostly seems like a 4-4 court with Kennedy being the swing vote. The balance of the court is precarious at best right now. I seriously think the repercussions of Kennedy, Ginsburg, or Breyer retiring or dying before 2020 to be the single biggest threat to the US.

In my head, I seriously imagine a political cartoon where the people of the United States are hanging onto Ginsburg's legs as she holds onto a fraying rope attached to a cliff that reads "DEMOCRACY" and the pit they're about to fall into reads "FASCISM".


Well, I feel a little better if that's truly par for the course.

And as it stands right now, we COULD have had a liberal court if Garland were appointed

What should be of concern to people is what happens if the Republicans continue down the path they started with Garland:
”Right now, this is the very first of an administration, and there is a lot of precedent for that, that someone in his last final months should not be making the determination as to who is going to be the confirmed nominee."

Ignore Trump for now. This is a dangerous path that I think the GOP will willfully march down, and which is more dangerous in the long-term than RBG retiring or dying. It shows a complete inability to cross the aisle when it comes to judicial branch appointments. They didn't go for Garland because of racism against Obama... They were talking about going against all Hillary's appointments because, well, Hillary. Does anyone doubt they'll obstruct a Harris or Kennedy nomination?
The precedent is set, you now need a senate majority to get a supreme court justice. This is the future McConnell has forced the country to abide by. If they take the majority in 2018, the Democrats will absolutely follow the same path.

I'm not sure a worse majority leader could have ever been picked. He shredded the integrity of the senate, and destroyed its reputation.
Nah, she can hold on. Health is her only concern, she has no inclinations to retire under a Republican.

Kennedy actually wants to retire under a Republican. 2019 is my guess. He doesn't want to retire in an election year.


In a lot of ways, Gorsuch seems even worse than fucking Scalia to me.

Can't believe we're stuck with this guy on the court for 30 years.


What sucks is that this makes me lose so much hope. It's like, no matter how "good" Congress or the President are in the future, the Supreme Court could stop and block literally anything they try to do, because making a Constitutional Amendment is near impossible these days.
If we could take the senate, it would be fine as long as he stays post mid-terms, but the chances of that happening aren't likely.

He doesn't want to make his retirement an election issue and has already started hiring clerks for the 2018 term. This Russian stuff probably doesn't sit right with a Reagan appointed justice, either.

2019 is the year to watch, imo

What sucks is that this makes me lose so much hope. It's like, no matter how "good" Congress or the President are in the future, the Supreme Court could stop and block literally anything they try to do, because making a Constitutional Amendment is near impossible these days.

If you give up hope, they win. Never give up hope. Lincoln had an aggressively hostile Supreme Court against him. Marshall was replaced by Thomas. The SC changes more often than you think it does, just because it hasn't changed in awhile.
In a lot of ways, Gorsuch seems even worse than fucking Scalia to me.

Can't believe we're stuck with this guy on the court for 30 years.

Same. At least Scalia and Ginsberg could find some common ground on search and seizure or free speech from time to time. Gorsuch doesn't even have that going for him. He's like Alito.


He doesn't want to make his retirement an election issue and has already started hiring clerks for the 2018 term. This Russian stuff probably doesn't sit right with a Reagan appointed justice, either.

2019 is the year to watch, imo

Oh! I didn't know that! That's good. Wouldn't retiring in 2019 also make it an election issue, especially if the Senate is Democratic? They'd probably hold off the way the GOP did now that the precedent is set. Fuck McConnell for doing this.

If you give up hope, they win. Never give up hope. Lincoln had an aggressively hostile Supreme Court against him.

I'll try : ) . Maybe Clarence Thomas will croak or something. He seems like a meat and potatoes guy :p


Apparently there's Hurricane Jose projected to skim up the east coast and get very close to the mid Atlantic states. NJ going to be able to take flooding better now compared to Sandy?


Oh! I didn't know that! That's good. Wouldn't retiring in 2019 also make it an election issue, especially if the Senate is Democratic? They'd probably hold off the way the GOP did now that the precedent is set. Fuck McConnell for doing this.

I think what ballad means is that Kennedy would announce his retirement in 2019 and then leave the bench at the end of the term.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Listening to Kirsten Gillibrand on PSA, she's the real deal. First time I've heard her in an extensive interview and she's quite impressive. She sounded a lot more prepared than Harris, Warren or Booker.


I think what ballad means is that Kennedy would announce his retirement in 2019 and then leave the bench at the end of the term.

Oh, gotcha. Interesting. The end of the term being end of 2019, right? I guess I just realized I don't know how SCOTUS terms work.


There's legit criticism over an incident/legal battle w/ a trans prisoner which she is getting legitimate criticism for.

Then there's that other unstated thing in light of the way the demographic breakdowns went down in the last 2 dem primaries that's impossible to ignore when someone puts out an article going after Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Deval Patrick.

Hm, I'll have to look into the trans issue then. I was just browsing YouTube last night looking for clips of any recent Harris interviews and stumbled across a bunch of "progressive" commentators legit tearing into her. It seems a bit early to be trying to rip apart potential 2020 Democratic candidates. You'd think they'd at least wait until a clear non-Bernie front-runner emerges in 2019.
Session's Asset Forfeiture garbage was watered down in the House, and moves to the Senate. Not even the GOP wants to touch this.
I think what ballad means is that Kennedy would announce his retirement in 2019 and then leave the bench at the end of the term.

The end of the 2018-2019 term is what I meant. May/June 2019. Long after midterms and long before the 2020 election.

Here's the article about him hiring a 2018-2019 clerk already
As I'll mention in my next Supreme Court clerk hiring round-up, and as I've already tweeted via @SCOTUSambitions (which offers real-time SCOTUS clerk hiring news), Justice Kennedy recently hired one clerk for 2018: Clayton Kozinski (Yale 2017 / Kavanaugh), son of prominent Ninth Circuit judge Alex Kozinski (who clerked for Justice Kennedy back when he was Judge Kennedy of the Ninth Circuit, and who remains personally close to AMK).

That doesn't seem like a hire where he goes "lol never mind, I'm out, you get to work with Alito this year, have fun!!" since it's a personal hire.


Oh, gotcha. Interesting. The end of the term being end of 2019, right? I guess I just realized I don't know how SCOTUS terms work.

If he said in January 2019 "I am retiring at the end of this term" that would be June.

Listening to Kirsten Gillibrand on PSA, she's the real deal. First time I've heard her in an extensive interview and she's quite impressive. She sounded a lot more prepared than Harris, Warren or Booker.

Highly recommend her interview on the Axe Files. I listened to that a couple months ago and went, holy shit, she's got what it takes more than anyone else in the running.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Listening to Kirsten Gillibrand on PSA, she's the real deal. First time I've heard her in an extensive interview and she's quite impressive. She sounded a lot more prepared than Harris, Warren or Booker.

Agreed. I like her much, much more than the three you listed.


I'd be OK with any of those. I don't want Booker/Warren/Sanders anywhere NEAR the final pairing. I'd be fine with Harris, but I think she's a bit overrated on this board.


What Ta-Nehisi Coates Gets Wrong About American Politics, by George Packer

Choice paragraphs:

Because he takes all white American political behavior as undifferentiated and founded on the idea of race, he faults me for writing a pre-election essay in The New Yorker about the white working class.

You didn't hear it from Coates, but in my essay I discussed the relation between race and class, arguing that bigotry is fixed and immutable in some people, while in others bias can be manipulated by a demagogue like Trump depending on circumstances. I added that anyone who supported Trump, for whatever reason, ”will have tried to put a dangerous and despicable man in charge of the country."

When you construct an entire teleology on one cause—even a cause as powerful and abiding as white racism—you face the temptation to leave out anything that complicates the thesis. So Coates minimizes sexism—Trump's disgusting language and the visceral hatred of many of his supporters for Hillary Clinton—background noise.

I must admit, I didn't get through all of Coates's piece a few nights ago before I went to bed. I think reading both in parallel (flicking between the two at the same time, or running straight from one to the other without pause) might be very worthwhile.
Kennedy, then Ginsburg and Breyer seems more likely than not. They're all getting really really old

Predicting deaths is impossible (assuming they're not hitting 100 years old). If they're not going to retire (no liberal justice will under Trump), then nobody knows how many Trump will get.

A surprise death might also push Kennedy to stay on past Trump, not wanting to upset the court further.


ballad, may I just PM you in the future whenever I start having illogical Supreme Court thoughts? Your logic is helping my coffee go down.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump seemed to have no problem condemning terrorism and terrorists at the asscrack of dawn today, but he still can't seem to bring himself to say anything bad about nazis. Weird...
Wonder how he got in a twitter rant this morning. Maybe Kelly is slipping.

Also the speed at which he changes the topic from terrorism to ESPN is kind of scary

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Agreed. I like her much, much more than the three you listed.


I'd be OK with any of those. I don't want Booker/Warren/Sanders anywhere NEAR the final pairing. I'd be fine with Harris, but I think she's a bit overrated on this board.

Those are all good..

I would include Sherrod Brown in that group maybe.
Randy is the biggest cuck in the senate. Didnt he grandstand before turtlecare too?
Only because we dont have a wildcard in McCain anymore and ex-moderate darling Heller is on it. Who else is left to peel besides Murkowski and Collins?

Weird that McCain would support this, same with Murkowski and Collins. It’s a lot of the same shit as the previous bills, and would again go against regular order. But somehow Graham has marketed this as a bipartisan bill, and everyone just bought into it. Apparently some senators did too.


I didn't even know this until I heard it on NPR but apparently NK shot another missile over Japan? At this point it almost doesn't even feel like news anymore.
Only because we dont have a wildcard in McCain anymore and ex-moderate darling Heller is on it. Who else is left to peel besides Murkowski and Collins?
They have 15 days where much more important things than this bill are being addressed. They have no help from Senate leadership to whip votes. McConnell doesn't care. Trump doesn't care. They have no CBO score. The media doesn't care.

And despite all of that, they're going to overcome all the issues the previous attempts have with this magical bill. In two weeks. With no senate leadership support.

The Graham bill will never even get a vote.
Yep. McConnell has no interest in having this fight again.

Weird that McCain would support this, same with Murkowski and Collins. It's a lot of the same shit as the previous bills, and would again go against regular order. But somehow Graham has marketed this as a bipartisan bill, and everyone just bought into it. Apparently some senators did too.

If this thing ever gets a CBO score, those supporters will drop like flies.
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