Bringing those jobs back! A whopping, massive, unheard of 700 coal jobs have been added since January. So weve gone from 50,000 to 50,700 in about 9 months....
Bringing those jobs back! A whopping, massive, unheard of 700 coal jobs have been added since January. So weve gone from 50,000 to 50,700 in about 9 months....
Still wish Biden had run.
Oh well.
Wow that's horrible ahaha.2020.
His approval ratings suck in Kentucky too. PPP had him trailing a generic Democratic opppnent by 7 points. I wouldn't be surprised if he hung it up in shame - how must it feel to achieve everything you've ever worked towards only to realize you were never up for the job and have no ideas of your own?
I don't know why Steve Beshear couldn't run. He's 73 but that's two years younger than Mitch. Or maybe his kid the Attorney General could run, although he's probably running for governor in 2019 which might complicate a 2020 run.Wow that's horrible ahaha.
Do we have any more manchins lying around to throw at that race?
Noam Scheiber @noamscheiber
Morning: Supreme Crt agrees to hear case that wld cripple public unions
Lunchtime: Gorsuch talks to group funded by same ppl funding case
1:41 PM · Sep 28, 2017
Bringing those jobs back! A whopping, massive, unheard of 700 coal jobs have been added since January. So weve gone from 50,000 to 50,700 in about 9 months....
So yeah, unions are fucked.
And Gorsuch seems to think he's a politician, not a judge. He was speaking at a campaign event a week or two ago.
Interesting to see Booker and Warren start to break away - it's early yet (obviously), but maybe that's a sign of growing name recognition. Trump has always put up more or less the same numbers in PPP's 2020 matchups, with the Democrat's lead tied directly to their name recognition.
SC justices getting into politics (more than used to be accepted, anyway) seems like the natural evolution of our process at this point. It'll likely be the norm in a decade or so.
Just more reason why it's time to abandon our false norm of pretending SCOTUS is impartially interpreting the Constitution, understand them as a partisan governing body, and act accordingly.
When haven't they been one?
Meanwhile, the Republican mayoral candidate in Raleigh
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Now let me proceed to call every player in the NFL a rapist"
Sigh. I'm so tired of what modern evangelicalism has become. I wish people were smart enough to realize it is so far removed from actual Christianity.
It could probably be argued that most versions have always been more about people adopting their personal beliefs and politics to Christianity rather than the opposite.
So yeah, unions are fucked.
And Gorsuch seems to think hes a politician, not a judge. He was speaking at a campaign event a week or two ago.
Still wish Biden had run.
Oh well.
Would he beat Trump? Yea, no doubt in my mind. But it's a moot point because he wouldn't beat Hillary in a primary. Even if his son hadn't died and he ran...we'd still have President Trump right now.
Would he beat Trump? Yea, no doubt in my mind. But it's a moot point because he wouldn't beat Hillary in a primary. Even if his son hadn't died and he ran...we'd still have President Trump right now.
Why is Vermont so liberal and why are Idaho and Wyoming so conservative?
Sigh. I'm so tired of what modern evangelicalism has become. I wish people were smart enough to realize it is so far removed from actual Christianity.
As for the SCOTUS comment - I think it became much more of a legislative and governing body when Congress stopped actually doing their jobs and it turned into Executive Orders and then challenging the constitutionality of it. That said, you probably lose abortion rights and gay marriage very quickly if you explicitly make them partisan.
Yeah. SCOTUS is basically a legislative and governing body where parties hope to pick judges that will take their side on laws. It really needs some sort of revamp since 2-3 Dem judges dying would suddenly mean a Republican majority for the next 40-50 years.
I think Biden could beat Trump in 2020. I have serious doubts he'd have done it last year, even assuming he got through the primary. I know he's likable and appealing to working-class whites in a way that Hillary wasn't. I just don't see how he gets those Obama-Trump voters to break his way purely on charisma. Those people went the other way last year as a reaction to the last eight years and an impulse for change, so how does re-upping on the same vice president for another four years satisfy that impulse?
Trump and Biden are both charismatic, appealing guys for that bloc of voters. The difference between them is that Biden extends the Obama administration four more years and Trump is a complete break in the other direction. So for the people in that group who wanted change, I can't see why they'd go for Biden over Trump.
4 Democrats, 4 Republicans, 1 Independent?
4 Democrats, 4 Republicans, 1 Independent?
Sanders on Trump v. NFL: "There's nothing to clarify here. I think it's pretty black and white."
4 Democrats, 4 Republicans, 1 Independent?
Meanwhile, the Republican mayoral candidate in Raleigh
people really need to clarify which Sanders they're talking about!phrasing.
They have, but you have to wonder sometimes how that translates to public awareness.Booker and Warren have been around a while.
"If you have name recognition, are you doing better than a hypothetical Clinton re-do" is a good way to take this I think. Michelle, Sanders, Biden all pass that test, Warren/Booker don't. Harris/Gillibrand really aren't well-known.They have, but you have to wonder sometimes how that translates to public awareness.
Biden was Vice President and Sanders just ran a very publicized presidential campaign, one where he got more primary votes than the GOP winner. They have universal name recognition and yet Trump does no worse against them than he does against the other Democrats - Biden and Sanders just do better than the lesser known Democrats.
That one independent would basically rule the court.
As for the SCOTUS comment - I think it became much more of a legislative and governing body when Congress stopped actually doing their jobs and it turned into Executive Orders and then challenging the constitutionality of it. That said, you probably lose abortion rights and gay marriage very quickly if you explicitly make them partisan.
One congressional investigator has said that the Facebook accounts from the International Research Agency are likely just the ”tip of the iceberg." The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the probe freely.
I think you're utterly wrong to suggest that abortion rights and gay marriage are protected by stare decisis. They're protected by social norms.
Oppo Droppo hour has become "Social Media/Russia" hour the last two weeks.WaPo: Twitter finds hundreds of accounts tied to Russian operatives
Uh, no shit?
Ever see a troll post get 2500 likes and 2500 shares in one minute? I have.