If a major Russia story drops today also expect Tom Price to be fired to distract from the Russia story.
Well it's Friday, someone has to be fired today.
If a major Russia story drops today also expect Tom Price to be fired to distract from the Russia story.
This.Get my hopes up about winning Alabama? No.
Get my hopes up for retaking one or both chambers of Congress in 2018 because the democrat is within 6 in Alabama? Absolutely.
Meh, when's the last time a Dem won a state wide race in Alabama? Massachusetts at least had a Republican governor not too long ago.
Meh, when's the last time a Dem won a state wide race in Alabama? Massachusetts at least had a Republican governor not too long ago.
The Democrats held a senate seat in Alabama until Sessions won in 1997 after Heflin retired.
Which wasn't that long ago.
Right, but that means Heflin last won in 1990, which is 27 years ago. A lot of old weird southern democrats have died off since 1990.The Democrats held a senate seat in Alabama until Sessions won in 1997 after Heflin retired.
Which wasn't that long ago.
Republicans would be fools to invest in a special election for Massachusetts Senate. Their best case scenario is to hold Coakley to a single digit win.
Trump approval bump fades in @surveymonkey tracking: 40 approve (-5), 57 disapprove (+4) https://www.surveymonkey.com/blog/2017/09/29/trump-approval-bump-fades/
Bomp bomp.womp
1) We're arguing the DSCC should invest in Alabama. They have nothing to do with the Virginia House of Delegates. That's the DLCC. These separate branches exist precisely so there's no bickering about whether a US Senate seat is more important than 10 State Senate seats. It's all a separate thing.https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/swing-voters-and-elastic-states/
Massachusettes elasticity is 1.19. Alabama's elasticity is 0.67. This means that if the nation swings to one side by 10%, on average, Massachusettes will swing by 11.9, whereas Alabama would swing by 6.7%. That's a big difference! This is because Massachusettes has far, far more independents than Alabama.
Parties have limited resources to allocate for races. It'd be smarter, in 2017, to invest some of that money in Virginia's statewide races (17 of which are held by Republicans in Clinton-won areas!), where we can plausibly pick up multiple seats. State races aren't nearly as sexy as the nationwide races, but they are just as important!
Or even better yet -- save that money for 2018! 2018 is increasingly looking like a big blue wave, but a lot of the races are fundamentally tough for Democrats to win in. Invest in those states and districts! Don't invest in literally the second most inelastic state in the United States! I'll change my tune if a bunch of more polls say the election is close, but from what I've seen so far, this poll is a big outlier. You can't just ignore the bad polls.
@Plinko -- that's the attitude Democrats need! Under 6% Moore victory would be a great sign for Democrats! Unfortunately, a lot of people don't understand this.
Also @ people saying Democrats recently won in Alabama -- remember southern Democrats didn't die off until later 2000's! There were many ancestral democrats from before 1960. While the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a turning point for democrats in the south, it took a very long time for democrats to lose their institutional power there on the state level (Remember -- Georgia always elected a democrat governor from 1872-2003!) While many of them often voted republican in presidential elections, they were still willing to vote for the right democrat. Most of those ancestral democrats have died off, although democrats seem to be starting to make a recovery in the south (mostly in Georgia / North Carolina, but the trends could start to get better in most southern states as people get less racially polarized.)
Bomp bomp.
The last time a Democrat won a statewide election in Alabama was 2008 for Public Service Commission President.
Last time a Republican won a statewide election before Brown won in Massachusetts was 2002, so you know. Precedence.
I have this thought noodle floating through my head and want to see what the reaction is: what's stopping some set of liberal activists from copying the Russian Fake News strategy of divide and conquer through social media to suppress turnout and sew chaos? Why not fight fire with fire, or hell fire with napalm? It's not like this shit is illegal.
Thank god its FiredayWell it's Friday, someone has to be fired today.
Last time Oklahoma elected a Democrat
Last time Mississippi elected a Democrat.
Last time Alabama elected a Democrat.
Last time Georgia elected a Democrat.
Last time Louisiana elected a Democrat
Last time South Carolina elected a Democrat
Last time Tennessee elected a Democrat
Last time Kentucky elected a Democrat
Last time Arizona elected a Democrat
Last time North Carolina elected a Democrat
Many reasons Sen Budget Res is bad. But, here's one hidden nugget that undermines accountability and transparency. CBO = no longer required.
Under old rule, CBO score required for bills reported out of committee to be considered on Senate floor or needs super-majority vote.
New budget res eliminates rule. Explanation: "unnecessarily restrictive to the deliberative nature of the institution." Really? CBO score?
In fact, old rule should be broadened, not eliminated. Didn't apply to leg brought directly to Sen floor -- like health repeal. Should've.
Why do this now? Major piece of legislation that may be reported out of committee: the Senate tax bill. Concern = set up move w/o CBO/JCT.
How do Byrd challenges work if there's no CBO estimate of budgetary impact?
(1) As with health bill, parliamentarian can judge Byrd w/o full CBO/JCT score. (2) Budget comm chair could adopt 3rd party score like Treas
Under Senate norms, Byrd judged using CBO/JCT. But not required. Rs have threatened to change. Could be step in that direction.
I have this thought noodle floating through my head and want to see what the reaction is: what's stopping some set of liberal activists from copying the Russian Fake News strategy of divide and conquer through social media to suppress turnout and sew chaos? Why not fight fire with fire, or hell fire with napalm? It's not like this shit is illegal.
What would be effective? Say "Trump caught donating to Planned Parenthood" got spread around FB -- would GOP voters really care?I have this thought noodle floating through my head and want to see what the reaction is: what's stopping some set of liberal activists from copying the Russian Fake News strategy of divide and conquer through social media to suppress turnout and sew chaos? Why not fight fire with fire, or hell fire with napalm? It's not like this shit is illegal.
https://twitter.com/mkraju/status/913846896036401152Tom Price's fate will be determined "sometime tonight," Trump says, per @NoahGrayCNN
Asked Bernie Sanders' @senatebudget staff about this: It doesn't get rid of the rule that CBO must score bills.
The new budget resolution would scrap two minor things added to the CBO requirement just two years ago, they said. It's a nothingburger.
Also note, if the GOP had the votes, they would have voted on Graham-Cassidy even with a partial CBO score. It wasn't having or not having a score that will ever stop them, it is the political blowback that will be an issue (that a late CBO a score will still impact)
Massachusettes elasticity is 1.19. Alabama's elasticity is 0.67. This means that if the nation swings to one side by 10%, on average, Massachusettes will swing by 11.9, whereas Alabama would swing by 6.7%. That's a big difference! This is because Massachusettes has far, far more independents than Alabama.
Parties have limited resources to allocate for races. It'd be smarter, in 2017, to invest some of that money in Virginia's statewide races (17 of which are held by Republicans in Clinton-won areas!), where we can plausibly pick up multiple seats. State races aren't nearly as sexy as the nationwide races, but they are just as important!
Or even better yet -- save that money for 2018! 2018 is increasingly looking like a big blue wave, but a lot of the races are fundamentally tough for Democrats to win in. Invest in those states and districts! Don't invest in literally the second most inelastic state in the United States! I'll change my tune if a bunch of more polls say the election is close, but from what I've seen so far, this poll is a big outlier. You can't just ignore the bad polls.
I have this thought noodle floating through my head and want to see what the reaction is: what's stopping some set of liberal activists from copying the Russian Fake News strategy of divide and conquer through social media to suppress turnout and sew chaos? Why not fight fire with fire, or hell fire with napalm? It's not like this shit is illegal.
I bet Bernie could win in alabamer
New budget res eliminates rule. Explanation: "unnecessarily restrictive to the deliberative nature of the institution." Really? CBO score?
Parties have limited resources to allocate for races.
Man Price getting fired would be hilarious. Guy gave up a safe(ish) House seat just to be thrown under the bus when the President is a moron.
Man Price getting fired would be hilarious. Guy gave up a safe(ish) House seat just to be thrown under the bus when the President is a moron.
Like I can't believe how many Republicans ended their own careers for Donald Fucking Trump.
Price would be the first Secretary to vacate, right? I'm not counting Kelly since he became Chief of Staff, so it was a sideways move.
Meh, when's the last time a Dem won a state wide race in Alabama? Massachusetts at least had a Republican governor not too long ago.
To be fair, three seconds is not too long ago.Massachusetts has a Republican governor right now.
Who is we. Its almost as if a party made up of many people all who can focus on different important things that can be targeted by locality or issues they care about.Between Indiana being a red state and Lugar's bipartisan support we can't win that Senate seat. I wouldn't even bother fielding a candidate at all. We need to focus on the important races instead.
Nick Saban has being speaking in support of the NFL players. If he comes out and endorses Jones...
Massachusetts has a Republican governor right now.
WhooooooooshWho is we. Its almost as if a party made up of many people all who can focus on different important things that can be targeted by locality or issues they care about.
Uh. We only have 25 military helicopters and 5000 troops in PR? The hell? It's been over a week! The excuses they're still parading around today are day 1-2 material. Not day 9. Yeah, okay, it was way worse than anyone was anticipating a few days before it happened. You could have organized half the Atlantic fleet and a hundred thousand military police to patrol the place by now.
*Looks up*Whoooooooosh
Ken Thomas
Ken Thomas @KThomasDC
Trump: "We have great secretaries and we have some that actually own their own planes, as you know, that solves that."
3:52 PM · Sep 29, 2017