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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Cuban endorsed a health care system similar to the NHS a couple months ago.

I think he's a real threat if he runs unlike Zuckerbot.

Elizabeth Warren to Wells Fargo CEO: 'You should be fired'

I think both Cuban and Zuckerberg will be in pretty good shape out the gate if they elect to run because right off the bat they have widespread name recognition. In addition, they've got a lot of money so they get the same perception benefit that they're not beholden to the typical donor class a la Trump. Main things you need after money and people knowing who you are is a decent team of professionals supporting your campaign and good salesmanship skills.

Therefore, I think for a lot of celebs could beat the traditional politician type without too much trouble given how poorly the US has been run. The big roadblock I see are the passionate Elisabeth Warrens of the world. A lot of liberals would probably identify more with folks like her fighting the good fight than rich guys like Zuckerberg or Cuban trying to make people's lives better.


Looks like Mark Cuban went on a little 2020 tour earlier today. We’re going to see a ton of these, right?

Primary is going to be insane. Cuban and Zuckerberg on a debate stage with Booker and Harris. And Lincoln Chafee and that one guy who bragged about killing someone.

Ugh, I hope Zuckerberg is out immediately. Fuck that complacent shit. Silicon Valley is just new money. Just as corrupt as old money.

It is something inferred rather than in black and white.
I don't know what degree of funding that accounted for.
But it just screams using them as useful ideological idiots.

My issue with a lot of these sites is that for being "Left wing" it effectively parrots right wing talking points to the point that I'm just like "I don't see the point of reading this".

I don't know, this year I feel like my judgment has been more onpoint than it ever has been before.


Of those 10,000,000 people who saw the ads, is it possible they affected 0.1% of those people’s vote? That’s 10,000 people.

1%? That’s 100,000

Trump won by less than 60k across three pivotal states...

Indeed the darkest timeline...


If we're talking celebrity rich people running, Oprah would dominate Democratic voters compared to dudes like Cuban or Zuckerberg.
Cuban was out fighting the good fight for Clinton towards the end there too. He's a quasi libertarian that realizes some social safety nets are necessary and the GOP is too rigid to accept differences in ideology. He's no democrat, but I would vote for him 1000 out of 1000 times before anyone the GOP offers up.


No Scrubs
Cuban was out fighting the good fight for Clinton towards the end there too. He's a quasi libertarian that realizes some social safety nets are necessary and the GOP is too rigid to accept differences in ideology. He's no democrat, but I would vote for him 1000 out of 1000 times before anyone the GOP offers up.

If he were the basic GOP voter we'd probably be in a better place as a nation.
Mandate military political experience in order to run

Nobody should just be able to become president due to using their celebrity status as a crutch to overcome how blatantly unqualified they are

If Cuban or Zuck want to play ball tell them to run for a senate seat or governors mansion. Or join the military. Otherwise I don’t want to play into this game

Yeah, maybe running Tom Hanks would actually work. But the direction that sort of nonsense that road will take us down is union ending stuff long term.
Rare underperformance for Democrats in a special election, we got crushed in the Mississippi House special election. Winning it would have broken the GOP supermajority and it was a pretty close district in the presidential results, my impression is our candidate was a little too green to really make an impact here.


No Scrubs
Mandate military political experience in order to run

Nobody should just be able to become president due to using their celebrity status as a crutch to overcome how blatantly unqualified they are

If Cuban or Zuck want to play ball tell them to run for a senate seat or governors mansion. Or join the military. Otherwise I don’t want to play into this game

Yeah, maybe running Tom Hanks would actually work. But the direction that sort of nonsense that road will take us down is union ending stuff long term.

I dunno about mandating military service, but make it so you've had to hold major political office before. A governor, senator or congressman is going to be better equipped to deal with Washington than someone who has never had to deal with a legislature before.

Yeah. The biggest problem is how the right shifted further and further right.

And according to reports, Pence wants to drag it even further right.
I dunno about mandating military service, but make it so you've had to hold major political office before. A governor, senator or congressman is going to be better equipped to deal with Washington than someone who has never had to deal with a legislature before.

And according to reports, Pence wants to drag it even further right.

I'm assuming they meant military or political experience.


Oprah annoyed me last year, because she DOES have such sway. I remember how much she did for Obama in 2008, and then last year....not a peep. And then she gave that godawful interview right AFTER the election like "people are coming together, it's beautiful, let's give him a chance" etc. nonsense.

I mean I know it's different situations, she didn't have her main show anymore-- and she's not OBLIGATED to do anything obviously. But I noticed and was irritated.


No Scrubs
I'm assuming they meant military or political experience.

I mean, I'm cool with military experience if it meant dealing with Congress at some point, but just military experience alone isn't enough. If you flew fighter jets over Iraq in the first Gulf War or something I respect the hell out of you for it, but that doesn't mean you'll know how to navigate Congress or foreign affairs. Gimme someone who worked at the pentagon and dealt with Congress and the State Department.


Rare underperformance for Democrats in a special election, we got crushed in the Mississippi House special election. Winning it would have broken the GOP supermajority and it was a pretty close district in the presidential results, my impression is our candidate was a little too green to really make an impact here.
She kinda sucked, and it was my impression from comparing both candidates' Facebook pages that McGee was more visible and involved in the community.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
In a three way race between Zuckerberg, Oprah and Cuban, Oprah would win.

I'd probably rather vote for Cuban than Oprah.
As previously mentioned, Oprah is iffy on a few issues. Particularly science. It's tough to say what degree that was caused by having to fill an hour show 4 days a week. I think there is a good chance it's because Oprah is more on the gullible side. Critical thinking is a critical skill...

Either way, Zuck would fucking tank.
I’m not sure of anybody who could go up against how Oprah would likely dominate the minority vote but it’s yet to be seen. Her rallies would be fuckin events though.


Mandate military political experience in order to run

Nobody should just be able to become president due to using their celebrity status as a crutch to overcome how blatantly unqualified they are

If Cuban or Zuck want to play ball tell them to run for a senate seat or governors mansion. Or join the military. Otherwise I don’t want to play into this game

Yeah, maybe running Tom Hanks would actually work. But the direction that sort of nonsense that road will take us down is union ending stuff long term.
God, fucking, no. This isn't Starship Troopers and the last thing I want to see this country turn into is some kind of caste system where the only way you receive the full benefits of society is if you serve the military.

Frankly, this is a tangent, I got pissed on facebook when someone shared one of these "like if you agree all vets should get healthcare." I mean, I do agree, however, I do not think that serving the military should entitle you to an elevated existence over the rest of your countrymen, it creates a warped society where for you your country's great, they'll take care of your school, your health, it is worth fighting for but that's not really the country you're serving because just outside the vast majority of your countrymen are struggling to pay for their healthcare or secondary education while they fund yours and for them, no, it's not a country worth fighting for. Just fuck that. If you think the military should get something so should the civilians and vice-versa.


Oprah would get railed in the press for her psuedoscience support as of late. Nobody has really noticed it because she cordoned herself off to her own TV network.


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was on the verge of resigning this past summer amid mounting policy disputes and clashes with the White House, according to multiple senior administration officials who were aware of the situation at the time.

The tensions came to a head around the time President Donald Trump delivered a politicized speech in late July to the Boy Scouts of America, an organization Tillerson once led, the officials said.

Just days earlier, Tillerson had openly disparaged the president, referring to him as a “moron,” after a July 20 meeting at the Pentagon with members of Trump’s national security team and Cabinet officials, according to three officials familiar with the incident.

While it's unclear if he was aware of the incident, Vice President Mike Pence counseled Tillerson, who is fourth in line to the presidency, on ways to ease tensions with Trump, and other top administration officials urged him to remain in the job at least until the end of the year, officials said.


Emily Nussbaum had an interesting conversation earlier this year that she always assumed the first "television president" would be someone like Oprah, rather than Trump.


It’s really interesting people here say they’d vote for Cuban, a pseudo-libertarian with some newfound sympathies for the social safety net, rather than Oprah, a pretty typical liberal with some tendencies toward Hollywood pseudoscience. The deep corporatism would seem more ingrained and less flexible to persuasion to me, but idk. Silly hypothetical anyway.


She kinda sucked, and it was my impression from comparing both candidates' Facebook pages that McGee was more visible and involved in the community.

McGee won that?

One of my Facebook friends was talking about voting for her.

How terrible is she?


Cuban has a better shot because he has actual charisma and can actually speak. Zuckerberg has no shot because he lacks these exact qualities.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yeah, I’m not getting the Oprah hate here.

1. She’s clearly in favor of democratic policies.
2. She gives millions to the poor and needy.
3. She has a colossal legion of fans spanning all cultures.
4. She is a black woman, and Trump losing to both a minority and a female would be amazing and a huge blow to his supporters.
5. She is incredibly likeable.

She is easily the best choice of any celebrity running.
What's weird to me with all these celebrities running is that they don't recognize the fucking scale of the position. Like you know you'll be responsible for the death of thousands, bare minimum, right?
The thing about the SC, is that the liberal and conservative justices are nice to each other, and outside of court, they seem to actually be friends. Ginsburg may have seriously disagreed with Scalia on basically everything, but outside of the court, they were on friendly terms. They considered each other to be "best friends"

Gorsuch doesn't seem to realize this, and it's going to hurt his influence on the court. Nobody wants to work with an ass. He also has a lot to prove, considering he's the junior on the court and the way he got his seat was pretty dubious, if not insulting to the court. He's pretty much acting how a modern Republican acts. Condescending, thinks they know the best, hostile to other people who don't agree with them. That doesn't really work that well on the court.
What's weird to me with all these celebrities running is that they don't recognize the fucking scale of the position. Like you know you'll be responsible for the death of thousands, bare minimum, right?

Of course they don’t. Just like Trump thought he could give all responsibilities to his VP and spend his entire term rebranding America.
Yeah, I’m not getting the Oprah hate here.

1. She’s clearly in favor of democratic policies.
2. She gives millions to the poor and needy.
3. She has a colossal legion of fans spanning all cultures.
4. She is a black woman, and Trump losing to both a minority and a female would be amazing and a huge blow to his supporters.
5. She is incredibly likeable.

She is easily the best choice of any celebrity running.

Yup. Her views on pseudoscience are dumb but who the fuck cares in the end. She ticks all the boxes.

She has no political experience, but a ton of business experience. We would have the first major party candidate in history who is a self-made billionaire and philanthropist.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I mean, would I rather have Biden/Gillibrand? Sure. But Oprah would be fine. She is a brilliant woman and would surround herself with good people.


May contain jokes =>
I think the trend of majority public opinion heading towards 2020 will be "well, that businessman/reality star didn't turn out so great, maybe we do need a professional politician after all."

Personally I don't want any celebrities running in 2020. Except The Rock, to primary Trump and literally physically smash him during a debate.
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