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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I wonder why Bannon is sparing Ted Cruz. I doubt it's for electability purposes because he is trying to unseat Dean Heller which is a great way to hand the Nevada senate seat to dems.
I wonder why Bannon is sparing Ted Cruz. I doubt it's for electability purposes because he is trying to unseat Dean Heller which is a great way to hand the Nevada senate seat to dems.
Because Cruz has a ton of credibility with the hardcore social conservatives and is actually incredibly talented at making a lot of the things someone like Bannon would support more palatable to a wider audience. He’s more useful to someone like Bannon than anyone else is the senate
I wonder why Bannon is sparing Ted Cruz. I doubt it's for electability purposes because he is trying to unseat Dean Heller which is a great way to hand the Nevada senate seat to dems.

Heller isn't going to hold it regardless. It was always either going to be a different Republican or a Democrat taking it in 2018.

He's way too excited for this to be something real. It seems to be 6am, whatever he's on about.

It's Sean Hannity. Odds are it's a huge pile of dog shit on someones lawn that the homeowner claims was from Hillary Clinton's family dog. Hannity is about as tonedeaf as they come, so I expect nothing we either didn't already know and he's trying to reframe to take heat off the Republicans, or something so inconsequential people stop doing the whole "tick tock" thing on Twitter.
I wonder why Bannon is sparing Ted Cruz. I doubt it's for electability purposes because he is trying to unseat Dean Heller which is a great way to hand the Nevada senate seat to dems.

Cruz is tight with the Mercers. They originally backed him in the Primary. As long as he stays in their good graces, Bannon can't really touch him.


I wonder why Bannon is sparing Ted Cruz. I doubt it's for electability purposes because he is trying to unseat Dean Heller which is a great way to hand the Nevada senate seat to dems.
Heller's looking like a goner either way, might as well take a freebie "put the fear of god in em" while you're at it.


So just out of curiosity, is it possible for a state or whatever to say 'no' to Trump visiting? Considering they have to pay for his visits,I don't see why they couldn't say 'no'.


So what are Republicans going to do when they find out they have to campaign against someone that's not Hillary Clinton or Obama?

I think their reaction to Weinstein will be most of their playbook for '18 and '20. Pretend they're innocent, and push the narrative that even if they're not innocent, Dems are worse. They'll also continue to drag Hillary and Obama in, not just because that rallies their sexist/racist base, but because it'll help their both-sides narrative - emails, speeches, "Obama let people die during Katrina".

The main problem isn't that Republicans will do this, it's that a good chunk of the voting population are too stupid/ignorant/apathetic to call them out on it, either at town halls, or in the voting station.


The main problem isn't that Republicans will do this, it's that a good chunk of the voting population are too stupid/ignorant/apathetic to call them out on it, either at town halls, or in the voting station.

I kinda doubt town halls considering how many of them haven't had town halls for a whole year.


I kinda doubt town halls considering how many of them haven't had town halls for a whole year.

Mmmm, but it's going to be harder for them to evade town halls next year. It's difficult to argue for re-election and that you're aware of your constituents concerns and are fighting the good fight for them, when you're actively ignoring open Q and A sessions with them.

According to the latest episode of PSA, Paul Ryan hasn't had one in almost 2 years.

Or mayyyyybe I'm wrong. :(
So what are Republicans going to do when they find out they have to campaign against someone that's not Hillary Clinton or Obama?
Just say that the candidate is Hillary's stooge/received money from Clintons. She is going to be the next Soros boogeyman type.


Dems should agree to wall and immigration officers in return for a path to citizenship for all illegal immigrants in the country including those already deported wrongly in the last 5 years. Any who have committed actual crimes can be deported. This does not include traffic crimes or crossing the border crime. Even throw in they must learn English if that is Needed. Also throw in mandatory reform of the judicial deportation system and of ICE. If he wants the wall so bad then if he wants to now add it to his demands then agree to path to citizenship for all 11 million in the country. At least dems should try to increase their demands but obviously still get DACA passed if they can't get additional demands. If that doesn't work, demand amnesty and work permits for all people related to daca individuals in the country as well as path to citizenship for all daca individuals. Dems should try to demand more if he's going to demand more. I know this makes daca individuals into a political hostage but that has already happened so dems can't back off while they should still make sure something gets passed.

I'm fine with a stupid wall named the majestic trump wall of America if we can get something good out of it. 30 billion is a small price to pay for that.


I don't think so.

The Wall would do vast damage not only to America and Mexico (diplomatic and economic considerations), but to the wider world. The only thing in the recent past that it is similar to is the Berlin Wall, and I have no doubt that if Trump's Wall is ever finished, it would be guarded in a similar fashion to Berlin's. And what then? Are the guards going to let Mexicans try and clamber over it? Will they shoot them? If the former, the Wall is essentially pointless. If the latter then it would be a diplomatic hell, if not almost an act of war.

Also, 30bln is a vast amount of money. Could any Dem politician or voter stomach that much money on something that is just xenophobia made physical? How much would single-payer cost to enact? We already have arguments about more money spent on the military than heathcare.

Giving Trump the Wall makes no sense, especially since there's a good chance that whatever Trump does, it can be undone by the next Dem President. After all, the next Dem President is already going to undo Trump's orders on the Paris Climate Accords, probably the ACA, and god knows what else. Even the concept of it is a losing proposition for Trump and the GOP outside of their base, and that's before they even start on eminent domain seizures and cutting the Rio Grande. All those "Don't tread on me" types who hate the Federal Government and own land along the border? They'd rather another Waco than give it up.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Dems should agree to wall

This invalidated everything else you said. A wall would do irreparable damage to America’s relationship with countries around the world.


This invalidated everything else you said. A wall would do irreparable damage to America’s relationship with countries around the world.

There is already walls fences cameras and all sort of bullshit down there. If we can get citizenship for people in the country and reform the crap deportation process and ice then I don't see why a wall that won't do shit and can be cancelled later is an issue. It's a lot harder to get daca and others back in the country after they been deported 4 years earlier than it is to cancel a wall that will take years to even get started building considering how we can have citizen groups hold it up in court till trump is out. Meanwhile you have saved the economy and several million lives of immigrants. Non of that will ever get passed without a dem supermajority otherwise. That will take years if it ever happens and in the meantime everyone is deported. Americas image is being irreparable damaged with the current situation of ICE running rampant. Border walls and such is hardly a new concept nor is it something that only happens in America nor do I think it is more damaging than the current situation of hunting down people in mass and deporting them regardless of how long they been here or how the contribute.

There is already walls fences cameras and all sort of bullshit down there. If we can get citizenship for people in the country and reform the crap deportation process and ice then I don't see why a wall that won't do shit and can be cancelled later is an issue. It's a lot harder to get daca and others back in the country after they been deported 4 years earlier than it is to cancel a wall that will take years to even get started building considering how we can have citizen groups hold it up in court till trump is out. Meanwhile you have saved the economy and several million lives of immigrants. Non of that will ever get passed without a dem supermajority otherwise. That will take years if it ever happens and in the meantime everyone is deported. Americas image is being irreparable damaged with the current situation of ICE running rampant. Border walls and such is hardly a new concept nor is it something that only happens in America nor do I think it is more damaging than the current situation of hunting down people in mass and deporting them regardless of how long they been here or how the contribute.

Realistically Dem's just need a simple majority in the house and senate, and to do the Republic a favor and nuke the filibuster.
I'm sure Trump's supporters will follow the VP's lead and walk out of NFL games starting next week. HAaaaaahahahahayeahright. That shit's expensive as hell, and even if people wanted to dump their season tickets they're likely stuck with the seat licenses or other non-refundable stuff. Reselling for a profit isn't a thing for all but a few teams, so that's not an option either.

This is from Gaming but I prefer to post it over here so I don't get banned. This is out of the Gran Turismo demo, which for unknown reasons has a slideshow of approximately 500 entirely random events from human history of extremely varying levels of importance rolling around in the background sometimes. It does occasionally mention cars and/or video games. Featured: Every version of windows ever released. Missing: Any references to crime or conflict.

Good times.
Dammit Sony, just had to go and be political, huh? I'm 100% joking, but some people will interpret this as a dig against Trump and cause a fuss.


Still can’t fully wrap my head around how we went from Barack Obama to early Orange man Donald Trump. It’s a tragedy. Really miss him.
This is interesting:

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 11h11 hours ago
As was his call today. He had 2 aides on line, 1 taping us. Corker is effectively staging a slow-rolling public intervention w Trump. 3/3

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 11h11 hours ago
Comments after C-ville, the "chaos" remark last wk, which he repeated for cameras in Capitol basement. It's all planned. 2/

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 11h11 hours ago
Corker noted his PAST comments were aimed at "an audience of one plus those people who are closely working" w Trump 1/

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 10h10 hours ago
"...they are being received in other languages around the world, what that does" -@SenBobCorker on Trump 6/6

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 10h10 hours ago
"I don't think that he understands that the messages he sends out, especially when you take into account that..." 5/

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 10h10 hours ago
Corker belittled the low expectations for Trump, voicing the way it's rationalized by apologists: "You know, well, he acted ok yesterday" 4/

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 10h10 hours ago
"it's just not the way a president acts" 3/

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 10h10 hours ago
He brought up "calm before the storm" to complain its "gotten to where, as a nation, we just accept these things" but 2/

Jonathan Martin‏Verified account @jmartNYT 10h10 hours ago
Corker said he talked to MITCH today . Zero pushback about his "daycare" tweet 1/

Alex Burns‏Verified account @alexburnsNYT 11h11 hours ago
What it looks like when a POTUS's power fades: can't swing a primary in a friendly state, can't menace a Senate committee chair into silence
You can't stage an intervention against Trump. If he senses he's losing power, he's just going to double down on the crazy and try to drive his hardcore base away from the GOP.


Unconfirmed Member

“We, the black people, we stand in one unity. We stand in one to say that Hillary Clinton is not our candidate,” one of the men says in a November video that warned Clinton “is going to stand for the Muslim. We don’t stand for her.”

“This is time for change. This is why I say that let our vote go for Trump. Because this man is a businessman. He’s not a politician. We can have deal with him,” Williams says in a video published in August of 2016. “Because I don’t see him as a racist. Because any businessman cannot be a racist because when you are a racist, then your business is going down.” He then makes a black-power fist as he endorses Trump.

These videos were transparent as fuck, jesus. They were basically "blacks_rule.jpg" except rather than using an old white dude, they used 2 African dudes with heavy, heavy accents.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Conservative Tax Foundation said even they cannot justify Trump’s tax plan boosting the top 1%. Chalk up another L on the board.

This is interesting:

I am now convinced this is what Corker was talking about when he said he had important work to do over the next 13 months.


You can't stage an intervention against Trump. If he senses he's losing power, he's just going to double down on the crazy and try to drive his hardcore base away from the GOP.

That's an intervention of sorts... It all comes down to whether enough (influential) Republicans hate where they are now, caught between a rabid racist fanbase and Trump. If Trump breaks off and takes his racist base away from the GOP, then you'd have essentially the political version of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The GOP restructures itself, looks contrite, criticises Trump full-force, and pushes Trump and his base to the margins.

I find it unlikely, for sure, but I also find it unlikely that Republicans are just going to sit back and let the last 9 months be a pre-cursor for the next 3 years. Everyone knows Trump and the administration is only going to get worse from here on in.
That's an intervention of sorts... It all comes down to whether enough (influential) Republicans hate where they are now, caught between a rabid racist fanbase and Trump. If Trump breaks off and takes his racist base away from the GOP, then you'd have essentially the political version of Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The GOP restructures itself, looks contrite, criticises Trump full-force, and pushes Trump and his base to the margins.

I find it unlikely, for sure, but I also find it unlikely that Republicans are just going to sit back and let the last 9 months be a pre-cursor for the next 3 years.

That rabid racist fanbase is like a fifth of the voting population, the GOP can't afford to cut them from the party.


That rabid racist fanbase is like a fifth of the voting population, the GOP can't afford to cut them from the party.

The question is, does the GOP really think they're going to win "decently" in 2018 or 2020? You say they can't afford to cut them off, and I agree with you up to a point. But that point is the stage where the GOP lose more votes by keeping the racist base than they do kicking them to the curb. How enthused will those racists be come November next year, and in 2020? Will their forecasted turnout be lower than the No Party Affiliations who the GOP are losing because of those racists?
The question is, does the GOP really think they're going to win "decently" in 2018 or 2020? You say they can't afford to cut them off, and I agree with you up to a point. But that point is the stage where the GOP lose more votes by keeping the racist base than they do kicking them to the curb. How enthused will those racists be come November next year, and in 2020? Will their forecasted turnout be lower than the No Party Affiliations who the GOP are losing because of those racists?

I think there are more Trump fanboys than there are people who would vote for Republicans were it not for Trump.
Russia made fake Black Lives Matter accounts that even spoke with some leaders and organized events to sow division in the US. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/sep/30/blacktivist-facebook-account-russia-us-elections

Also the Daily Beast uncovered that Russia also recruited fake BLM youtubers to call Hillary a racist bitch all over their accounts - https://www.thedailybeast.com/russi...sh-racist-btch-hillary-clinton-over-rap-beats

It’s absolutely flooring me how sophisticated Russia’s tactics were. I know they had GOP help but they assessed the political climate and the strains to a tee. Like how did they have this many bases covered? It’s terrifying how this probably gets even better in the future.

EDIT: I see the daily beast link was posted above. my point still stands.


I think there are more Trump fanboys than there are people who would vote for Republicans were it not for Trump.

Mmmm... It's something I go back-and-forth on myself. I do think that the more Republicans and Trump appear united in the eyes of the general population, the easier it'll be for Dems to enthuse their base, and drag along Undecideds at the same time.
The question is, does the GOP really think they're going to win "decently" in 2018 or 2020? You say they can't afford to cut them off, and I agree with you up to a point. But that point is the stage where the GOP lose more votes by keeping the racist base than they do kicking them to the curb. How enthused will those racists be come November next year, and in 2020? Will their forecasted turnout be lower than the No Party Affiliations who the GOP are losing because of those racists?

They don't need to win decently, they just need to win like Trump did in 2016. 2020 could again be a repeat of Dem candidate winning the popular vote by an even wider margin than HC but losing the EC.


Russia made fake Black Lives Matter accounts that even spoke with some leaders and organized events to sow division in the US. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/sep/30/blacktivist-facebook-account-russia-us-elections

Also the Daily Beast uncovered that Russia also recruited fake BLM youtubers to call Hillary a racist bitch all over their accounts - https://www.thedailybeast.com/russi...sh-racist-btch-hillary-clinton-over-rap-beats

It’s absolutely flooring me how sophisticated Russia’s tactics were. I know they had GOP help but they assessed the political climate and the strains to a tee. Like how did they have this many bases covered? It’s terrifying how this probably gets even better in the future.

EDIT: I see the daily beast link was posted above. my point still stands.

I almost want to go back in time to see what kind of dirt Russia would have pulled up on Bernie or even Presidential Candidate Sexy Dad Abs.
Hannity where's my oppo? I've heard this will deal the final blow to Crooked Hillary's campaign.

Probably the revelation that Hillary finally admitted it was her fault Trump is President. Now there can be peace in politics... after we go over the 10 worst e-mails in the "Not Russian" DNC Hack.

I almost want to go back in time to see what kind of dirt Russia would have pulled up on Bernie or even Presidential Candidate Sexy Dad Abs.

Most of the opposition research on Bernie has leaked out, but I think the most damning thing would have been watching him have to try and give actual answers to questions. In a primary you can just focus on 1 issue, but as the nominee you have to give answers eventually, and Bernie was pretty bad outside of economics. Trump was a fucking moron*, but at least he tried to have answers that the lowest common denominator could understand, and all he had to do was continually lie and confirm peoples deepest most unfounded fears about Hillary. With Bernie, it would have been impossible to know if he was lying or not, and some of the stuff he wasn't lying about would have seemed pretty outlandish. He could have just made up so much shit about Bernie being a communist and people wouldn't really be able to tell it wasn't true.

* - Trademarked by Rex Tillerson
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