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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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i still have my fucking morals.

2017 is the year we find common cause with Furries and Juggalos.

I'm still drawing the line at Bronies though.
I don't even understand how Nazi Furries even came to be. That's right up there with Republican Bronies. A bunch of walking, talking paradoxes as far as I'm concerned.

Just did a Google search for "conservative brony." The images were, uh, something.

And what's with the alt-right blatantly copying the format of Onion editorial cartoons but playing it straight?



Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz)

Something something, the American dream...

Also your fursona doesn't have a political opinion, you do.
Something something the people supporting this are absolutely fine when they're doing their laundry and making their food, but freak the F out when they actually aim higher than that. You see the same thing in the UK w/ Brexit- it's all about relative status and being threatened by non-white people who can do better than you.

edit: I say this because these people will read these stats the opposite of how they're intended and double down.


Fun news from the soccer today: Syria qualified for the World Cup play offs, against either Australia or Saudi Arabia. If they win, they will likely play the US for a place at the World Cup.

The question is, would Trump allow the Syrian team in or not?


Fun news from the soccer today: Syria qualified for the World Cup play offs, against either Australia or Saudi Arabia. If they win, they will likely play the US for a place at the World Cup.

The question is, would Trump allow the Syrian team in or not?

I assume we would forfeit if we didn't allow the opposing team into the country to play us.

On the other hand, since the team that wins that game goes to Russia, maybe that's just as well.


Trump is itching to show the world just how small his dick really is. Allowing Japan and SK to buy highly destructive weapons from the US?


Corporate Apologist
I don't even understand how Nazi Furries even came to be. That's right up there with Republican Bronies. A bunch of walking, talking paradoxes as far as I'm concerned.

I feel like it started as being an ironic statement, and then Poe's law kicked in. Similar to what happened in the early days for /r/The_Donald


I don't even understand how Nazi Furries even came to be. That's right up there with Republican Bronies. A bunch of walking, talking paradoxes as far as I'm concerned.

Furries are a socially marginalized group. All socially marginalized groups are likely to have overlap, because they have to have higher tolerance for socially unusual behavior.


I really need to going to have to stop following politics soon. This shit is getting depressing and infuriating...

The real fucker is that the more depressing and infuriating things are, the more important it is to be paying attention...

I'll be going to a DACA rally in my city tonight.

If nothing else we have the bloody healthcare thing behind us for now.

It's time to start lobbying for law enforcement to stop cooperating with ICE.

It's going to be really bad when we get another eight years of a cool Dem president, only for the next generation to piss and moan about the 2028 candidate not being good enough and electing... well, I don't know who would be worse than Trump. An actually competent fascist?


If nothing else we have the bloody healthcare thing behind us for now.
There's always next year!

I really hope that bipartisan Gov group can lobby the fuck out of Congress to overwhelmingly pass their suggested fixes to the ACA. Veto proof baby.

...yeah right 😕
Tim Cook said:
On behalf of the hundreds of employees at Apple whose futures are at stake; on behalf of their colleagues and on behalf of the millions more across America who believe, as we do, in the power of dreams, we issue an urgent plea for our leaders in Washington to protect the Dreamers so their futures can never be put at risk in this way again.

Despite this setback for our nation, I'm confident that American values will prevail and we will continue our tradition of welcoming immigrants from all nations. I'll do whatever I can to assure this outcome.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
We are literally still in an unnecessary and unwinnable war caused by the last Republican administration.

Maybe two if you count ISIS!

It's not unwinnable, the United States just doesn't want to commit the necessary resources.


The hurricane has landed in OT.

As for the actual Hurricane Irma, it looks like it will definitely hit Florida in some way, even if the center doesn't. I guess they can add Irma relief funding to the September agenda.


What's even more depressing is that if you had Democrats start saying they are going to make Trump a one-term president like McConnell and the GOP did to Obama, they would be raked through the coals as being unAmerican.
This is probably worse.

Knowing that '06 and Obama were coming, it looks a little easier in hindsight.

But 2004 and "permanent Republican majority" sure looked like we were just going to spiral down the militaristic drain, with jingoism leading to war leading to terrorist attacks leading to war leading to jingoism... I mean, they were torturing people, god only knew what the NSA was doing, constitutional protections were being shredded left and right, and incidentally the racists and the homophobes and the religious right were in the coalition with the warmongers, so we had that to look forward to, as well, seemingly indefinitely.

It's hard to tell - and honestly my perceptions are almost certainly colored by where I was in my life at both times. But it sure *looked like* 9/11 was the cataclysmic event that marked the end of America as a place of freedom, I suppose what Trump's election looks like now. And it does give me some hope that we might be able to claw our way out of this.

The dawn will come.
In my case? Because my friend who most supports Trump is also one of the four people who were there for me during the absolute lowest period of my life, and to whom I probably literally owe my continued existence. I accept that realistically they would likely have to literally stab me in the back for me to reconsider our relationship.

The other three are all either leftists or politically apathetic.

He's well aware that I find his political views abhorrent, I'm well aware that the feelings mutual.

Do you challenge them on their views at least?


Don't punch down. We got our wake-up call last November. Nothing is washing this taste away.
I mean, you say that, but the mental callous you develop as you realize the country is going to war in Iraq based on transparent lies and there's nothing you can do about it s a pretty big one.
The prospects for LGBT Americans was also pretty low after the 2004 election. Many people wouldn't even recognize that version of the country at that point and would think of it more like out of the 80s.
It's going to be really bad when we get another eight years of a cool Dem president, only for the next generation to piss and moan about the 2028 candidate not being good enough and electing... well, I don't know who would be worse than Trump. An actually competent fascist?

During election season I often had a sense of deja vu based on my memories of 2000. At times I couldn't believe what people were saying and the I came to the horrifying realization that appeals to how wrong the same rhetoric turned out to be in regards to Bush and Gore were ineffective, because by and large the people saying this things were too young to really remember the Bush presidency.
I said God damn

Honestly, all of this should be building to the next Democratic executive straight up canceling ICE as a government agency. It doesn't fill a need that other law enforcement can't provide.

100% cancellation of ICE. They are a department that shouldn't exist as its jobs and responsibilities are pieced together from different agencies.
The prospects for LGBT Americans was also pretty low after the 2004 election. Many people wouldn't even recognize that version of the country at that point and would think of it more like out of the 80s.

I continue to be amazed how many people don't realize that California voted down marriage equality in 2008.
I mean, you say that, but the mental callous you develop as you realize the country is going to war in Iraq based on transparent lies and there's nothing you can do about it s a pretty big one.

I am sure of that. I am sure you also have more aches and grievances by the sheer disadvantage of having lived longer.

But this is an extremely difficult time for everyone in America with a heart. Certainly we don't need to compete over who has hurt longer. Everybody had it easy for eight years. Now nobody does.

In these times, let us continue to look to Cher.
Looking like Republicans will try to get wall funding with any DACA bill. Should be no Dem votes for that. Push comes to shove I think a clean DACA bill could be veto proof


It's time to remove ICE from field operations, and only work as called in by local enforcement or the FBI.

I mean, I guess?

This is tantamount to telling local law enforcement to actually detain ICE agents. Otherwise how are you going to stop them?

I don't actually hate this idea but it's, shall we say, fraught.


Looking like Republicans will try to get wall funding with any DACA bill. Should be no Dem votes for that. Push comes to shove I think a clean DACA bill could be veto proof

On the recent PSA, they agreed that if there was an opportunity to have a DACA fix as well as a path to citizenship, Dems should bite the bullet and fund some form of wall. Tough to swallow on principle, but it's truly a better path than simply obstructing everything.
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