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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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Really, I think sucking up to Trump and telling him "we'll give you political wins and shiny bills with your name on it as long as you don't act like a nazi because do nothing Ryan isn't going to give you anything" has like a non zero chance of working.

I'm sort of believing that if we were able to win the house and senate somehow in 2018, if Sanders and Harris slapped the Medicare for all bill on his desk and just called it Trumpcare he'd sign it
Maybe Chuck can stop Trump from acting like a Nazi.

If Trump would stop being a Nazi, it would be easier for me to feel comfortable with the Democrats going full steam ahead working with Trump.

I doubt Schumer could ever get Trump to step away from his inner fascist beliefs entirely, but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump would be willing to sell them out to get with a "Better Class of People"

I'm sort of believing that if we were able to win the house and senate somehow in 2018, if Sanders and Harris slapped the Medicare for all bill on his desk and just called it Trumpcare he'd sign it

If they added that he could one-up Obama in doing so, that'd be the icing on the cake.
For real. I'd expect the likelihood of impeachment to increase drastically if he ends up working with Dems on the regular. It's fucked up but probably true.

The GOP still knows impeachment virtually guarantees a Dem sweep of the next couple of elections including presidential.
The GOP still knows impeachment virtually guarantees a Dem sweep of the next couple of elections including presidential.

But impeachment would give them a shot at Pence running the show. With Pence at the helm they get their shitty politics, but with a little extra "respectability" added.


Maybe Chuck can stop Trump from acting like a Nazi.

If Trump would stop being a Nazi, it would be easier for me to feel comfortable with the Democrats going full steam ahead working with Trump.
You are assuming Chuck wouldn't turn on Trump the second impeachment becomes a reality. Trump pissing on the GOP leadership only weakens him during impeachment.

Using Trump by stroking his ego is all positive. He can be used for Dems agenda & piss of the GOP at the same time. Ofcourse, that will all end when Trump is replaced by another GOPer, but advancing Dems agenda & weakening Trump's support in the GOP is a good play.


Ryan's already said he's a no to any debt ceiling repeal. I doubt McConnell wants it either.

Okay, I'll change it. Ryan is either a true believer or very stupid. McConnell definitely would like to repeal the debt ceiling. There are literally no advantages to having it, and it's much worse for the GOP when they're in power because they have to convince all the idiots they told that the debt ceiling was bad that it's actually fine. McConnell's the one who came up with the McConnell rule last time!

I suspect that Ryan might just feel compelled by his dumb caucus to say he doesn't want to repeal it.
The most amusing thing to me is that Democrats are basically pursuing the same strategy that Republicans did while Obama was president, tying low-hanging fruit partisan priorities to needed legislation to try and force a showdown.

The difference is that Republicans were stupid, had no achievable policy goals and would overplay their hand. Obama was cunning and saw through this every time.

Democrats on the other hand can scale back certain proposals and still walk away with a victory. We need full immigration reform, but DREAM Act would still be a win. We need Medicare for All, but stabilizing the marketplaces in the meantime after seven years of GOP-led sabotage would be a relief. It's not expecting Trump to do a full 180 on these issues tomorrow (the way Ted Cruz thought he could totally get Obama to repeal Obamacare, you know, the law that's nicknamed after him), but massaging him into an agreeable position.

Meanwhile Trump is either too stupid to realize he's being had, or just over it and wanting some good publicity for once. Which he'll certainly get by working with Pelosi and Schumer. It'll help his numbers with swing voters and I doubt it'd hurt him much with the base, they don't give a fuck about Ryan or McConnell (NINE PERCENT APPROVAL RATING).

You are assuming Chuck wouldn't turn on Trump the second impeachment becomes a reality. Trump pissing on the GOP leadership only weakens him during impeachment.

Using Trump by stroking his ego is all positive. He can be used for Dems agenda & piss of the GOP at the same time. Ofcourse, that will all end when Trump is replaced by another GOPer, but advancing Dems agenda & weakening Trump's support in the GOP is a good play.
Bingo. Democrats need to ride this gravy train until something substantial comes out from the Mueller investigation, or otherwise.
Okay, I'll change it. Ryan is either a true believer or very stupid. McConnell definitely would like to repeal the debt ceiling. There are literally no advantages to having it, and it's much worse for the GOP when they're in power because they have to convince all the idiots they told that the debt ceiling was bad that it's actually fine. McConnell's the one who came up with the McConnell rule last time!

I suspect that Ryan might just feel compelled by his dumb caucus to say he doesn't want to repeal it.

I get what you're saying. Freedom Caucus enjoyed wielding that power far more than McConnell ever seemed to.
What in the flying fuck is going on politically right now? lol

Decent poll for 2024 Democratic nominee Gretchen Whitmer.


MI-Gov: Local Michigan pollster EPIC-MRA tests Republican Attorney General Bill Schuette, who has done everything to get ready for a campaign besides announce he's in, against two prospective Democratic foes. Schuette ties ex-state Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer, the early Democratic primary frontrunner, 37-37. However, against attorney Geoffrey Fieger, who is considering getting in, Schuette posts a clear 43-33 lead. Fieger was Team Blue's 1998 nominee, and his disastrous campaign resulted in a 62-38 loss to GOP incumbent John Engler.

EPIC-MRA did not test Democrats Abdul El-Sayed, the former director of the Detroit health department, or wealthy businessman Shri Thanedar. GOP Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, another likely candidate, also was not included in any head-to-head matchups, though the poll gave him a 16-7 favorable rating with general election voters, while Schuette posted a 26-18 score. Among the Democrats, Whitmer had a 12-6 favorable rating, while Fieger was underwater at 27-40.

Michigan has been a notoriously tough state to poll, so caution is always warranted. However, this survey does give Democrats one reason for optimism. Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, who is termed-out, sports a terrible 41-57 approval rating. If Snyder is unpopular next November, it's going to be difficult for the GOP to make the case that voters should keep them in power.


You don't seem to actually understand how midterm dynamics work, which I was pointing out when you said you'd rather have this open election in a presidential year. That's not how out-party midterms work. You should be hoping for as many retirements in 2018 as possible.

And no one actually have irrational exuberance, just the correct assumption that given the dynamics of 2018 and the seat itself, that this is a prime pickup opportunity. And I also said if Democrats cannot win this seat, then it is a bad night and they should give up as a party, which was half of a joke.

Saying that this seat has "never been held by a Democrat" thus a Democrat cannot win is a fundamentally terrible argument for more than one reason. Saying that this seat would be safer in a presidential year is silly given how midterms work and how special elections have worked since Trump was elected. No one is saying pack your bags, we have this. But given the dynamics at play, you'd much rather be the Democrats than the Republicans for WA-8.
Ok, the issue is that I never took any of these positions. I never said that the history of the district is the only thing that matters, that there is no advantage for the out of power party in power, that I would rather the election be in a presidential cycle, etc. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was a comprehension issue rather than an intentional strawman.

Look at the context of my posts. You're one of several posters I replied to, not the sole one. It was in response to things like "free dem pickup!", "the eighth is a rich suburb of Seattle", "huge dem advantage". I'm not chicken littleing, just pointing out facts and correcting things that make this a potentially competitive race.
I like how this month started off with the GOP wanting to give a huge tax cut to the rich and might end with the DREAM act being passed and no tax reform even started.

I wonder if September will make July look normal by comparison. And July was bonkers with the ACA mess and whatever else happened that month that I already forgot about.
I like how this month started off with the GOP wanting to give a huge tax cut to the rich and might end with the DREAM act being passed and no tax reform even started.

I wonder if September will make July look normal by comparison. And July was bonkers with the ACA mess and whatever else happened that month that I already forgot about.

July was insane.
Trump is spiting republicans more than he is favoring democrats. I think he cares about making his "enemies" look like losers a ton. And republicans didn't pass health care and they don't "protect" him from the russian investigations. They're not "loyal" enough.


Trump on eliminating the debt ceiling altogether:

"It could be discussed. There are a lot of good reasons to do that."

It's actually on.
If the reports are true, Trump is miserable and lonely and has isolated himself. McConnell, Ryan and Trump are a trio of hate who are all blaming each other for their failures. McConnell's situation with his wife in the adminstration has let to more drama and tension, angry phone calls and arguments.

Honestly, it would not be hard for Pelosi and Schumer to be more pleasant company that Trump would want around given he's run out of friends and allies on the right, as the only conservatives that will still talk to him Kelly has basically banned from the White House because they are psychos.

I don't think Trump really gives a shit what the people around him believe nearly as much as long as the people around him tell him he's nice and great and awesome and smile. If Schumer and Pelosi are willing to endure the humilation of selling their dignity doing so, they should be able to. Because I think it can work.


When you gauge your political calculus on how many stories you get that night on the news. Literally the narrative for Trump is that of Michael Scott from the Office right now.
I don't know what I'm saying but people are saying it sounds good, many people.
Also Harvey and probably now Irma are a huge reason for the way things are going right now. They seriously fucked over the GOP agenda probably through 2018, especially if Irma lands as predicted.
Trump is going to start tweeting out Verrit entries.

I think it is interesting that there is not a single post on t_d on the debt ceiling deal. They are pretending it didn't happen or something.

Geez, how does someone become as evil as Betsy Devos? She's cartoon level


She's on the level of Jeff Sessions. Fuck, there's some evil assholes all over this administration.
These are all such weird twists no one would ever have thought could happen that I have no idea what to think. Trump will see progressively worse press against him from his preferred outlets and he'll inevitably turn away from Democrats again. He has still yet to understand that governing is hard. It's impossible to please everyone. Hell, it's impossible to please even half of people.
CNN reporting Trump Jr. “didn’t recall” whether the White House was involved with his initial, false statement about Russian adoptions.
These are all such weird twists no one would ever have thought could happen that I have no idea what to think. Trump will see progressively worse press against him from his preferred outlets and he'll inevitably turn away from Democrats again. He has still yet to understand that governing is hard. It's impossible to please everyone. Hell, it's impossible to please even half of people.

Im not so sure. I don't see non right wing sites pushing stories that Trump got Bi-partisan bills and agreements pushed through as bad. They'll probably praise him for it.

And yeah he mostly follows conservative, far right weirdo sites. But I think even then if they react negatively towards those stories, like we saw so far I think the anger would be moreso directed at Ryan and McConnell for being so incompetent he didn't have a choice


Imagine if Donald loved the positive coverage so much that he essentially allows the Democrats to send bills to his desk as long as he gets good coverage and they do all the work for him


A man can dream
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