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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I've figured out why the Mueller stuff is so cathartic: because he's calling Trump and co on every piece of bullshit they otherwise get away with

But haven't you heard? He's pivoted for really real this time. He'll be a democrat, so we can stop with all the focusing on the distractions of stuff he may have said and done in the past. Don't we have better things to do, like obsess over a dumb and irrelevant webpage?


I mean can you imagine Trump going on Twitter and chastising Ryan and McConnell for not bringing up Schumer and Pelosi crafted legislation for a vote. Bwahaha.



It's like he gets one day of decent coverage and he can't help himself but walk back for another hit.

Feed him single payer and tell him he can be the man that one-upped Obama and repealed and replaced the ACA. Watch the fireworks
Like imagine if in September 09 Obama just blew off Pelosi and decided he would be besties with Boehner.

There will probably be some impasse that gets Trump to hate "Chuck and Nancy" again, but I think the fact that any of this is happening demonstrates the biggest difference between the parties, that the Democrats actually have good faith policy goals as opposed to Republicans who reflexively say no to everything.

Anyone remember McConnell shutting down an infrastructure bill within days of Trump being elected? Schumer will totally help you write that, Donnie! Because Schumer actually wants infrastructure, even if he has to work with a Republican to get it. Obama, by contrast put entitlement cuts on the table, the white whale for many Republicans, in exchange for some modest spending and tax increases and got rejected. (For the best)

Hell I wonder if Democrats can buy in on tax reform and whittle it down to something inoffensive, or maybe even more progressive than our current system.
Really though, if Ryan and McConnell are no longer able to work with the president, who is in their own party, then they should be replaced with someone who can.

Are we going to get to the point where GOP senators are filibustering legislation proposed by Trump?


So if Trunp actually sticks with this course and manages to pass bills with Dem + "moderate" Republican support could this actually hurt the Dems in the midterms since credit would go to Trump?
So if Trunp actually sticks with this course and manages to pass bills with Dem + "moderate" Republican support could this actually hurt the Dems in the midterms since credit would go to Trump?

Maybe? The image of the Democrats and their legislation being popular and successful could help them a lot as well.


Maybe? The image of the Democrats and their legislation being popular and successful could help them a lot as well.

Don't voters usually just associate stuff with the president though? If times are good theyll just go "guess there's no need to come out this time around" and stay home or vote the way they usually do. The Democrats best chance for the midterms is an unpopular Trump.
I bet Chuck Schumer has a list of some very high IQ judges.
"You know, Obama would be seething mad if you got Garland on the Supreme Court and he didn't"

Next day: Kennedy stepping down, to be replaced by Garland

So if Trunp actually sticks with this course and manages to pass bills with Dem + "moderate" Republican support could this actually hurt the Dems in the midterms since credit would go to Trump?
Would probably hurt us in the House, might actually help us in the Senate. Trump praised Heitkamp at their appearance yesterday.

People still have plenty to be pissed at Trump about anyway. And if he just starts co-opting Dem policy that might turn some GOP voters away.


Don't voters usually just associate stuff with the president though? If times are good theyll just go "guess there's no need to come out this time around" and stay home or vote the way they usually do. The Democrats best chance for the midterms is an unpopular Trump.

I am not actually sure that Trump passing DACA would give him a big popularity boost. Trump's approval rating has stayed quite steady after Charlottesville. I, for one, would not suddenly start approving of Trump just because he signs a bill to solve a problem he created, while still being a Nazi.

If anything, codifying DACA might hurt Trump's standing with the deplorable 34%, without helping him much with the 66% of America that are coastal elites.


Like imagine if in September 09 Obama just blew off Pelosi and decided he would be besties with Boehner.

There will probably be some impasse that gets Trump to hate "Chuck and Nancy" again, but I think the fact that any of this is happening demonstrates the biggest difference between the parties, that the Democrats actually have good faith policy goals as opposed to Republicans who reflexively say no to everything.

Anyone remember McConnell shutting down an infrastructure bill within days of Trump being elected? Schumer will totally help you write that, Donnie! Because Schumer actually wants infrastructure, even if he has to work with a Republican to get it. Obama, by contrast put entitlement cuts on the table, the white whale for many Republicans, in exchange for some modest spending and tax increases and got rejected. (For the best)

Hell I wonder if Democrats can buy in on tax reform and whittle it down to something inoffensive, or maybe even more progressive than our current system.

Well the thing is, Tax Reform is needed and I would wish that the Dems be the ones that set the agenda. Tax Reform doesn't have to be a republican agenda item.
So if Trunp actually sticks with this course and manages to pass bills with Dem + "moderate" Republican support could this actually hurt the Dems in the midterms since credit would go to Trump?
It is not like the Republicans are going to vote for medicare for all. If Trump sticks to the course very little is going to get passed because almost every Republican don't want something that Democrats want. The strategy now only works now is because both the DACA and stability to ACA something that is pretty popular and the Democrats have leverage right now. The Republicans HAVE to do something soon. Once the next budget is passed and if/when the Democrats got what they want than it is back to how it was before.

This is probably the only time that the Dems can get what they want.
So if Trunp actually sticks with this course and manages to pass bills with Dem + "moderate" Republican support could this actually hurt the Dems in the midterms since credit would go to Trump?

Richard Nixon is probably the most moderate president in US history and that didn't help him in the end.


It is not like the Republicans are going to vote for medicare for all. If Trump sticks to the course very little is going to get passed because almost every Republican don't want something that Democrats want. The strategy now only works now is because both the DACA and stability to ACA something that is pretty popular and the Democrats have leverage right now.

This is probably the only time that the Dems can get what they want.

They're not going to try to get him to pass single payer though, just realistic things like stabilization.

It will be interesting to see his this plays out.
I think those that feel that this current turn points towards Trump embracing more progressive policies need to slow down. The man has the attention span of a gnat and in no way can be depended on to be consistent in backing any ideology other than whatever Trump feels is worthwhile within a given moment.

If "Chuck & Nancy" can exact, in the short term, good policies out of him (enshrining DACA into law, ridding the nation of the debt ceiling and shoring up Obamacare) at a time when he's pissed off at Republican leadership and is looking to spite them - then that's great. However, it's only a matter of time until that dynamic changes and we're back to wall funding, nationalist and authoritarian tendencies and more lashing out due to the Russia investigations.

I mean, are people ASLEEP the last year...no FOURTY years with this tub of cinnamon-frosted cottage cheese? No Dem with any marbles between their ears should trust him till his John Hancock is on that bill and shouldn't trust him afterwards.

I mean, REALLY. Fuckin' marks...
I mean, are people ASLEEP the last year...no FOURTY years with this tub of cinnamon-frosted cottage cheese? No Dem with any marbles between their ears should trust him till his John Hancock is on that bill and shouldn't trust him afterwards.

I mean, REALLY. Fuckin' marks...

He's going to sign the Democrats' debt ceiling bill. There's no trickery here.
So if Trunp actually sticks with this course and manages to pass bills with Dem + "moderate" Republican support could this actually hurt the Dems in the midterms since credit would go to Trump?

1) He's not going to stick the course;

2) Democrats are not going to endorse policies that go against everything they stand for;

3) Democrats are not going to stand still and let Cheeto get all the credit, it's not like the Democrats like Cheeto and the Republicans like Pelosi

4) Republicans already own the bad shit (healthcare, DACA, shitstorm of a foreign policy). That's not going away with moderate legislative "wins"


Obama's reading of Trump in his exit interview turned out to be more or less true: he's a pragmatist and not really ideological at all. Granted, Trump's ultimate goal isn't anything political, it's just to be popular. If Republicans aren't going to help him accomplish that, he'll work with Democrats instead.


No, guys, Trump is a white supremacist. He's just not a very good one.

Agreed. He may lack the smarts, planning, and ideological foundation of his fash supremacist brethren, but that he's those things out of convenience doesn't make him salvageable. Wring him out and put the knives in at the nearest possible opportunity.


So conflicted - Trump doing the right things with Dems, but for the wrong reasons (his ego), also, it's Trump.

Not sure how to feel.


So conflicted - Trump doing the right things with Dems, but for the wrong reasons (his ego), also, it's Trump.

Not sure how to feel.
Same way you use an a-hole on Survivor, use em until you can vote em out or use em as a Goat at Final Tribal.

All is short term here. Do not invest in him, just use him as much as you can.
get whatever you can from trump that is in the best interests of the country as a whole. i don't want to play party politics on shit that could potentially hurt people.
get whatever you can from trump that is in the best interests of the country as a whole. i don't want to play party politics on shit that could potentially hurt people.


So conflicted - Trump doing the right things with Dems, but for the wrong reasons (his ego), also, it's Trump.

Not sure how to feel.

Think about the innocent children who could be deported if we didnt make deals with him, or the people who could lose their healthcare etc.


I HOPE it's for the best, but I can't help but take the cynical path.

I mean the bar has been set so low! Should the response to the small moment when he does anything remotely presidential be one of hope?
I say let's wait at least a week to see if anything comes of this before concluding it "is a good start".

It's just that given his track record, the discerning conclusion to draw is a cynical one...

Otherwise, yesterday, when Trump met with Pelosi and Schumer is the day he became the president! (it wasn't)
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