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PoliGAF 2017 |OT6| Made this thread during Harvey because the ratings would be higher

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I think those that feel that this current turn points towards Trump embracing more progressive policies need to slow down. The man has the attention span of a gnat and in no way can be depended on to be consistent in backing any ideology other than whatever Trump feels is worthwhile within a given moment.

If "Chuck & Nancy" can exact, in the short term, good policies out of him (enshrining DACA into law, ridding the nation of the debt ceiling and shoring up Obamacare) at a time when he's pissed off at Republican leadership and is looking to spite them - then that's great. However, it's only a matter of time until that dynamic changes and we're back to wall funding, nationalist and authoritarian tendencies and more lashing out due to the Russia investigations.
Imagine if Donald loved the positive coverage so much that he essentially allows the Democrats to send bills to his desk as long as he gets good coverage and they do all the work for him


A man can dream

This wouldn't be possible under a GOP congress. It still would have to be something Mitch and Ryan would allow to have a vote.

The best we can hope for right now isn't trump "passing a progressive agenda", as much as it would be offering him small political victories on the condition that he doesn't veto a DACA bill or doesn't make further attempts to gut the government and kill legislation that helps people, or tries to push a healthcare bill that would kick 20 million people in a year again. I think how this went down shows that keeping things running and not making things get as catostrophically worse as they normally would under single party Republican control if they suck up and give him votes he needs some times is at least possible.


Imagine if Donald loved the positive coverage so much that he essentially allows the Democrats to send bills to his desk as long as he gets good coverage and they do all the work for him


A man can dream

Why would Fox sit by with that happening?

The Bernie Goldberg's wouldn't just praise him non-stop if he were to suddenly agree to funding planned parenthood.


This wouldn't be possible under a GOP congress. It still would have to be something Mitch and Ryan would allow to have a vote.

The best we can hope for right now isn't trump "passing a progressive agenda", as much as it would be offering him small political victories on the condition that he doesn't veto a DACA bill or doesn't make further attempts to gut the government and kill legislation that helps people, or tries to push a healthcare bill that would kick 20 million people in a year again. I think how this went down shows that keeping things running and not making things get as catostrophically worse as they normally would under single party Republican control if they suck up and give him votes he needs some times is at least possible.

Indeed, I guess the best we can hope for is 50 Dem senators in 2018 and a Dem house (pipe dream, but still.)
People really think this lovefest will continue? LOL

Tax reform
will break them up, back to "clown Schumer".

As long as it fixes DACA and ACA, it's a W and a big L on the Republicans
Why would Fox sit by with that happening?

The Bernie Goldberg's wouldn't just praise him non-stop if he were to suddenly agree to funding planned parenthood.

Honestly, the cult of Trump is strong enough that if they go too critical, they risk losing their core audience. Old people.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
People really think this lovefest will continue? LOL

Tax reform
will break them up, back to "clown Schumer".

As long as it fixes DACA and ACA, it's a W and a big L on the Republicans

Yep. Get all you can but don't become connected.


People really think this lovefest will continue? LOL

Tax reform
will break them up, back to "clown Schumer".

As long as it fixes DACA and ACA, it's a W and a big L on the Republicans

I agree that people shouldn't get carried with the "now Chuck and Nancy are my best friends" stuff. But, shoring up ACA, codifying DACA into law, and eliminating the debt ceiling are honestly more than I ever imagined Dems being able to accomplish in this Congress. If we can score wins on those three, then that's sensational.
Indeed, I guess the best we can hope for is 50 Dem senators in 2018 and a Dem house (pipe dream, but still.)
51 Dem senators, no? Donald might be willing to sign whatever legislation the Dems pass, but I can't see Mike Pence voting with the Democrats in the case of a tie.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

I can't believe Fieger is considering running again. He was a horrible candidate.

Fun Fact: When I was in high school, Fieger was running and came to my high school to talk to students/citizens. A citizen in the town who looked IDENTICAL to John Engler came in during the meeting and almost set off a firestorm. Fieger saw him from the front and became speechless. He had zero idea what to do. Many of us were concerned it would come to blows. It was hilarious.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
"Nothing is inevitable" says increasingly more desperate old man.


It's a weird day, sure, but the basic strategy still applies: wring as much out of 45 through schmoozing as possible while working to undermine him and moving him closer to impeachment.
Question: 'Would you be okay with a nuclear but contained and deterred NK?'
Trump: 'I'm not telling you. Also, check out our awesome new tanks.'
Trump is going to start tweeting out Verrit entries.

I think it is interesting that there is not a single post on t_d on the debt ceiling deal. They are pretending it didn't happen or something.

Geez, how does someone become as evil as Betsy Devos? She's cartoon level


If rush Limbaugh or alex jones didnt talk about it they might not even know. Although it is very possible they dont want bad news in thier safe space bubble.
Ok, the issue is that I never took any of these positions. I never said that the history of the district is the only thing that matters, that there is no advantage for the out of power party in power, that I would rather the election be in a presidential cycle, etc. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that this was a comprehension issue rather than an intentional strawman.

Look at the context of my posts. You're one of several posters I replied to, not the sole one. It was in response to things like "free dem pickup!", "the eighth is a rich suburb of Seattle", "huge dem advantage". I'm not chicken littleing, just pointing out facts and correcting things that make this a potentially competitive race.

but you did.

How do they have a clear advantage in a non-presidential election when they only went for Hillary Clinton by 3 points against Donald Fucking Trump?

The Dem apparatus is terrible in Washington. Can't even hold the senate in one of the most liberal states in the country.

Not saying they won't pull it out, but this is nowhere near the slam dunk you guys are making it out to be.

There is a huge Dem advantage here given the dynamics of the race -- it's a Clinton district (albeit barely, but by a larger margin than Obama) in an open seat in a midterm with an unpopular Republican president. All of these things are a clear Democratic advantage. And then you complained about the Democratic apparatus in Washington, which doesn't really have a lot do with how this race will play out. Again, I never said it was a slam dunk, I said there was a clear Democratic advantage given the dynamics of the race. Which is true.

Also, if you complain that people are misrepresenting your argument, don't actually forget what you said?


I watched season 4 of Veep over the weekend and Trump in press conferences is pretty much Karen:
People really think this lovefest will continue? LOL

Tax reform
will break them up, back to "clown Schumer".

As long as it fixes DACA and ACA, it's a W and a big L on the Republicans
Don't think there's really any love fest to begin with. But It won't be on democrats for tax reform failing. The republicans themselves will not be able to agree on anything. It'll likely be Failing Ryan and Loser Mitch at fault again.

Well have leverage when they don't have the votes themselves again

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
Ouch, I'd prefer to think we're slightly better than the average focus group.

EDIT: I know it'd never happen, but it'd be hilarious if the Democrats convinced Trump that surmounting Obama's legacy didn't mean removing it, but one-upping it. Trump does what Obama can't.
Holy shit, this is an amazing idea and there's probably a solid 20% chance he'd fall for it.
I sadly buy this.


WI-01: On behalf of Democrat Randy Bryce, an ironworker who has gotten national attention during his bid against Speaker Paul Ryan, Global Strategy Group is out with a general election poll giving Ryan a 46-37 lead. The memo argues that, while Ryan does post a 50-41 favorable rating, he could be vulnerable in this southern Wisconsin seat. While this district went from 52-47 Romney (with Ryan as his running mate) to 53-42 Trump, the poll gives Trump a bad 42-52 approval rating. Democrats would absolutely love to unseat Ryan, but he will have all the resources he could possibly need to win in a seat that has largely turned on national Democrats in recent years.

Some oppoium:


Exclusive: Mueller seeks interviews with WH staff over Trump Tower meeting statement

Washington (CNN)Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has approached the White House about interviewing staffers who were aboard Air Force One when the initial misleading statement about Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower was crafted, three sources familiar with the conversations said.

The special counsel's discussions with the White House are the latest indication that Mueller's investigators are interested in the response to the Trump Tower meeting. Mueller wants to know how the statement aboard Air Force One was put together, whether information was intentionally left out and who was involved, two of the sources said.

Mueller's questions could go to the issue of intent and possible efforts to conceal information during an obstruction of justice investigation. The answers to Mueller's questions also could illuminate the level of anxiety surrounding the meeting and the decision-making that followed.

The interviews with White House staffers who were aboard Air Force One have not begun, the sources said. They currently involve only a small number of people, but the sources cautioned that number could increase. At this time, Mueller has not asked to interview President Trump. Trump Jr. was on the Hill Thursday for an interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee.



but you did.

There is a huge Dem advantage here given the dynamics of the race -- it's a Clinton district (albeit barely, but by a larger margin than Obama) in an open seat in a midterm with an unpopular Republican president. All of these things are a clear Democratic advantage. And then you complained about the Democratic apparatus in Washington, which doesn't really have a lot do with how this race will play out. Again, I never said it was a slam dunk, I said there was a clear Democratic advantage given the dynamics of the race. Which is true.

Also, if you complain that people are misrepresenting your argument, don't actually forget what you said?
That does not say what you are asserting it says. This is like talking to a barely literate rock. I'm done.
That does not say what you are asserting it says. This is like talking to a barely literate rock. I'm done.

Then what does it mean? Because from the way I'm reading it, there's no way to read:

How do they have a clear advantage in a non-presidential election

Without implying that you think that Democrats would be better off having this open seat in a presidential year?

I mean, if you want to insult me and say you're talking to a rock, fine. But if you actually read what you wrote without you getting defensive, there's no other way to read what you said. Maybe it's not what you meant, but it's what you actually wrote, and since we're not talking in person, this is all I have to go by!

Maybe instead of insulting people, you actually read your own argument.
-Is for bullshit tough on crime measures.
-Vetoed legal marijuana legislation. (well this isn't too bad, per se, but combined with bullshit tough on crime measures, well...)
-Wants insurance to cross state lines.
-Not an environmentalist. (no carbon tax. waffled on whether global warming is man-made)

Yeah no. Rather vote the Democrat, unless they are really corrupt.

Vermont is quite liberal, but Republican governors can win, as long as they run on the right thing. As long as Scott has a great challenger, I'll be voting against himself.
Ouch, I'd prefer to think we're slightly better than the average focus group.

EDIT: I know it'd never happen, but it'd be hilarious if the Democrats convinced Trump that surmounting Obama's legacy didn't mean removing it, but one-upping it. Trump does what Obama can't.

I was just thinking that. If you can't beat em, join em. Trump's failed miserably when trying to reverse Obama policy while remaining popular. If he instead pushes Obama's policies further, he could convince enough of his followers that it's in their best interests while getting support from centrists and even some on the left. Regardless, Democrats should continue to sway him as long as they can hold his attention.
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