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PolliGaf 2012 |OT5| Big Bird, Binders, Bayonets, Bad News and Benghazi

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Obama rally on CSPAN.com now playing Springsteen. Official Obama video not up yet.

Considering all the excitement and anticipation for tomorrow, I thought I'd follow up my Hillary & Michelle Obama fanfic with this new entry (with different characters, but taking place in the same universe.)


"Just one more day and the campaign's over, the President thought to himself. "I'll have a chance to do the job I always wanted to do. In some ways these first four years have felt like a trial period. In more ways than one. We've done some good work, but I can't help feeling Michelle drifting away more each day. Or is it me who's drifting? We never talk about--"

Just then, a knock raps against the ornate doors of the Waldorf Astoria hotel room.

Two secret service men step in and part to allow a bus boy carry in a domed dish.

As the President watches the boy-- 25, an oarsman's build, dewy lips and a pompadour the color of wild owls-- his eyes drift to the tight, ice cream curves of the boys ass and the ample package nestled tightly in front.

"Mr. President? Sir?" The boy scans the President's eyes for recognition, but the former community organizer appears lost in a day dream.

"Yup, yes. I, you can just leave that right there, son."

Obama watches the secret service men usher the bus boy out. Did one of them cast a quick, knowing glance in his direction as he exited?

"It's just nerves," the President tells himself as he opens the dome to reveal a huge bacon cheeseburger and fries. Just the kind of meal Michelle would deny him. Always denying him what he needs.

The President reaches into his briefcase, opens a secret compartment and pulls out his iPhone, his secret line that no one, not his family, not his friends, not Axelrod knows. As he bites into the juicy burger with one hand, he navigates to an app, nestled away on the last screen. Its orange yellow icon and etched line drawing face stare back at him. He taps it. Grindr.

As Barack devours the thick, salty fries by the handful, he scrolls through all of the other profiles, a sea of muscled torsos, smirking young twinks, and it, his own profile-- a shot of himself playing hoops, shirtless, cropped so that the head can't be seen. His profile name, alOha glows in the upper right hand corner.

"I can't be doing this," he thinks. "What if someone finds me. What if someone blackmails me?" Just then, the digital gurgle of a notification beeps in. Someone's messaged him.

Obama looks at the screen to see who it is and there's the profile pic for hungsthrnstud. A thick, not unmuscled torso, white, pinkish even covered with a fan of white chest hair is staring back at him. He opens the message:


Followed by the image of the same torso cropped much lower to show an erect penis, so disproportionately large that it would be more suited to a donkey.

The President reaches to turn off the phone, but a deep seated yearning, a stirring he can feel from the core of his being stops him. Before he knows it, he's texting back.


His palms begin to sweat as another message comes in.

"127 ft away!?? u at the astoria too?"

The president texts back "yea just 4 th night"

"u want some company?"

"wife would kill me"

"LOL! i know the feeling bro. u party?"

"not really. luv 420 but haven't in a long time"

Suddenly, Barack seems himself, laying in bed, eating junk food, staring at that magnificent piece, lazily fondling his own, texting with this intriguing and endowed stranger. For a moment he's almost revolted but it feels so right.

"O yah? have some sick chonic if u want to join me."

"have to be discreet. could get into a lot of trouble."

"me, too alOha, i'm kind of famous, lol. I'll send u a face pic if you send me yours."

Obama stares at the words, all dancing together. And faces drift into his mind, all of the faces he's seen on the campaign trail, working men and women, the press corps, Michelle's, Hillary's, Biden's. Springsteen. A wave of panic hits him.

"i'm sorry i can;t" texts the President.

He puts the iPhone to sleep and sets it down. He takes a sip of the beer that came with burger.

The phone chimes again with a message notification. It's hungsthrnstud. He's sent a pic.

Obama slides to unlock the phone and taps Grindr. There it is, the face.

He drops his beer on the floor as he sees the face staring back up at him: Bill Clinton, playing sax on the Arsenio Hall show circa 1992.

The President shuts off the phone and tosses it across the room like it's radioactive. Just then, the hotel phone rings. Must be Axelrod. He picks it up.

"Aloha, Mr. President," says Bill Clinton on the other line, his Arkansas drawl, hanging like pulled taffy in the air. He sounds stoned.

"Bill. Good-- good to hear from you."

"You like what you see?" The wet, gurgling sound of a water bong being sucked on in the background comes through the phone. "It's 9 inches." Clinton exhales loudly.

"Bill, I think… I think maybe you've had one too many drinks tonight. I don't know what you're talking about--"

"Now don't be shy, of course I knew it was you. Barry, I have wanted to sit you on my lap and ride you around in the Oval Office desk chair since the 2004 convention. Come on. I have seen you lookin' at some of the campaign stops. Ah've seen you checkin' out what I have going on downstairs. It's OK. As Presidents, we have bigger… appetites."

"This is-- this is insane. We can't do this Bill, as much as I'd like to know. Firsthand. What it is that you're packing--"

"Mister President, put on your bath robe and come to my room, 1714. Ah've got a bottle of Dom here and the stinkiest weed you ever put your nostrils to.

"Bill, I--" the President speaks but there's only a dial tone now.

Obama walks over to the window and gazes at the bustling city below. A laughing young couple is in a horse drawn carriage, cozy on the cold New York night. He imagines him and Bill, together, sharing a hot cider, the wind on their faces, no one knowing who they are, except each other. The only ones who can really understand each other.

The 44th President of the United States slips off his T-Shirt and boxers, wraps himself in the plush terry robe hanging in the bathroom and walks, heart racing, out the hotel room door.
Damn, this rally is in Des Moines? I could have been there... now I regret not paying closer attention to this stuff.

I like Tim Wise but I think he's wrong on that point.
Minorities can fall for the allure of low taxes and the personal responsibility/limited government ethos just like white folks.
And there is not reason why the GOP can't peddle their merchandise without appealing to racists.

Now it's true, the GOP will have to go through some major and painful realignment, but in the long run, but once they realize they have to, I'm certain they will.

Agreed. They're losing the demographic race, but I don't think it would take much for them to pull themselves back to competitiveness. They could get a much better share of the Hispanic vote just by dropping their insane immigration policies.
Title Ideas:

OT| Come and celebrate Phoenixdark being wrong... AGAIN
OT| It's Obama's world, we're just worshiping in it
OT| The tribulation begins if Obama wins


I think we should hold off on a new PoliGAF topic until after the election is called. Roll in the OT thread for most of the day tomorrow.


I don't understand Nate's Electoral Vote model. Why does it slowly tick up, instead of say going up big all at once by whatever the state's EV count when that candidate is winning it?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Poligaf OT6 - Obama got reelected? Bad News for Obama.
Poligaf OT6 - Revenge is a dish best served with socialism.
Poligaf OT6 - Thanks a lot, Chris Christie
Poligaf OT6 - It's not like Romney wanted the presidency anyway
Poligaf OT6 - Unlike last time, Obama's not gonna just TALK about genocide
Geopolitically speaking, does someone mind explaining to me why e.g. Colorado&Nevada are blue, and why Idaho&Indiana are red?
The Klan started in Indiana. Also, Indianpolis/Marion county government was unified to keep the main urban area in the state competitive for Republicans; accordingly, a traditional Democratic machine never developed. Unions are significantly weaker in IN compared to other Midwestern states.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
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