While I am absolutely here for Godfessions pt. 2 this is a little bit too Rancid Awful Memory for my liking if it is MadgeMau ®;112506559 said:Billboard has uploaded a secret snippet of an instrumental. They say it's of a high-profile artist but will not reveal who.
It's been rumoured that it's actually for Madonna.
Slé a bit Nicki, I'm here for her new stuff
Just bought Sayit cuz I didn't feel like waiting for Spotify. Already slaying me in the first minute.
Fuck me Robyn.
Fuck that say it video for making me think my laptop was on the fritz
Song is decent but I'm a little disappointed there isnt more to it
Album: Ghost Stories
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#9 The Bahamas (-1)(+108)
to be fair i'd probably break up with chris martin if he carried on making music that bad
[edit] now i feel quite mean
[edit2] not available on spotify? yeah i guess that makes sense i mean coldplay must be really starving for money.
Mau ®;112589827 said:It's Madonna. Katy did mention being sore from "all those positions" :eli:
Madonna about to steal Katy's youth![]()
yasss the last times she stole some youth, we got confessions, blackout, back to basics, and fame monster.
yasss the last times she stole some youth, we got confessions, blackout, back to basics, and fame monster.
[M A D O N N A] ?
"Mmmmm my baby's got a secret..."
That's a line from the lead single "SECRET" from the critically acclaimed + iconic 6th album entitled "BEDTIME STORIES" by Madonna.
this heaux is on fire
It's funny: what Nicki Minaj is doing now is exactly what Gaga should have done a year ago.
Nicki rode that loud Barbie image all the way to Pop relevancy, but cashed out right before the public got TOO sick of it. Now, she's getting a ton of buzz just for dressing down and looking--ironically--closer to what her actual style is.
Gaga could have started doing that a year ago and got MASSIVE buzz from it, just due to her being a bigger star. But if she did it now the public simply wouldn't care enough.
It's funny: what Nicki Minaj is doing now is exactly what Gaga should have done a year ago.
Nicki rode that loud Barbie image all the way to Pop relevancy, but cashed out right before the public got TOO sick of it. Now, she's getting a ton of buzz just for dressing down and looking--ironically--closer to what her actual style is.
Gaga could have started doing that a year ago and got MASSIVE buzz from it, just due to her being a bigger star. But if she did it now the public simply wouldn't care enough.
It's funny: what Nicki Minaj is doing now is exactly what Gaga should have done a year ago.
Nicki rode that loud Barbie image all the way to Pop relevancy, but cashed out right before the public got TOO sick of it. Now, she's getting a ton of buzz just for dressing down and looking--ironically--closer to what her actual style is.
Becky G - Shower (Lyric Video)
Will the curse ever stop?
Can we discuss how Kimbra is slaying with visuals this era?
Which is what Madonna did almost 30 years ago and remains her most important lesson to future generations of pop stars. It's amazing that Gaga out of all people failed to grasp that.
Speaking of Madonna and Gaga, am I the only one who thinks it's funny that after taking a huge dump on Gaga Madonna is going around giving her blessing to (arguably) less-talented girls like Cyrus and Perry? It feels almost like a deliberate slap in the face.
Coz it is.
Of all the "blessings" and support Madonna has given to female artists in the past, none of them have been towards women who were a perceived threat to her. She never saw Britney or Christina as a threat. She doesn't see Cyrus as one either. But she saw Whitney as one, Janet as one. Her behavior toward Gaga is reminscent of her behavior during those women's prime and it's because she doesn't really group her with the other girls. That's my opinion at least.
The only thing more intimidating than a rival being good at the things you're bad at is a rival that's good at the things you're good at.