Say what now?me too!
...must be a straight guy thing
Doesn't everyone get a plane for their tour or is it a big deal that they painted it? :/
EDIT; When will Annie
Stuck On Repeat is everything.I lahv the production on Nocturnes but all of her songs are so repetitive.
Mau ®;112477243 said:Giorgio Moroder's new album has a good guest list
me too!
...must be a straight guy thing
Not an eternal summer anthem being released in September. Rihallah her impact months and months later.I was driving and played "Only Girl" with the windows down and sunroof open. I cried. The PERFECT summer anthem, one of her top #1 hits.
I was driving and played "Only Girl" with the windows down and sunroof open. I cried. The PERFECT summer anthem, one of her top #1 hits.
Mau ®;112487215 said:Only Girl seguing into What's My Name was such perfect DOUBLE HIT COMBO ;____;
This is the POPGAF Spotify playlist (click the banner). It is a collaborative playlist so you are able to add your own music to the mix.
This is to discover new music faster, easily be able to grab it and add it to your own playlist
- Do not add music that is more than 6 months old
- Do not add full albums just the good tracks...
Mau ®;112487215 said:Only Girl seguing into What's My Name was such perfect DOUBLE HIT COMBO ;____;
Mau ®;112493872 said:I'm guessing you are Vepar_DJ, right?
Mau ®;112495891 said:"Seasons (Waiting on You)" by Future Islands is amazing.
Thank you, Vazduh ;__;
Stefan;112462978 said:Is You Know Nothing Mary Jane Holland and Aura?
Mau ®;112506559 said:Billboard has uploaded a secret snippet of an instrumental. They say it's of a high-profile artist but will not reveal who.
It's been rumoured that it's actually for Madonna.
I agrih, not here for Hard Candy 2I could see Madonna lay down some lyrics for this but honestly the production isn't doing much for me
Moving into Pharrell's direction and I have already expressed my distaste for him and his efforts.
I agrih, not here for Hard Candy 2
This would be too desperate even for Madonna. She already gave us far superior retro-disco realness in 2005.Mau ®;112506559 said:Billboard has uploaded a secret snippet of an instrumental. They say it's of a high-profile artist but will not reveal who.
It's been rumoured that it's actually for Madonna.
Mau ®;112477243 said:Giorgio Moroder's new album has a good guest list
Mau ®;112506559 said:Billboard has uploaded a secret snippet of an instrumental. They say it's of a high-profile artist but will not reveal who.
It's been rumoured that it's actually for Madonna.
This would be too desperate even for Madonna. She already gave us far superior retro-disco realness in 2005.
o, pretty sure this is Giorgio Morodor now *.*
o, pretty sure this is Giorgio Morodor now *.*
But nobody who follows Billboard would even know who Giorgio Morodor is.
I think it's Janet.
I'm confused, sis. I don't see Xtina in this photo.
Yeah they referenced a "dancer". I think it's Janet! She's coming! o.o
Bad Xtina cosplay with a fat Madonna from the 80s?
I thought it was Gaga.
I thought it was Gaga.
Mau ®;112512994 said:You're new here.
Welcome. Make sure to tell us who your fave artists are *.*
Nothing would be too desperate for her.
edit: Mau quick! Coldplay is on NBC!
Mau ®;112512994 said:You're new here.
Welcome. Make sure to tell us who your fave artists are *.*
Mau ®;112515058 said:I'm not in the USA
Can't find a decent stream either.