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Predict the RT and Metacritic score for Batman V Superman

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Even though I'm excited to watch the movie.

I find it weird that I'm more excited to see the Review thread than the actual movie just to see all the meltdown from people.





Bloodborne is shit
423 RT because their review system is fucking stupid and 55 meta because the movie is shit but nobody will have the balls to take it to task.

This movie will be super dung.


423 RT because their review system is fucking stupid and 55 meta because the movie is shit but nobody will have the balls to take it to task.

This movie will be super dung.

So should I point out that everyone and their mother had "the balls" to take Man of Steel to task or should I tag quote you? Its tough.
How the hell are Snyder's movies reviewed that low? Man of Steel isn't that great but I have no idea how it got under a 60... and 300 and Watchmen wtf?

anyway I don't give a shit about metacritic, but I think this one has potential to pull at least a 70 on RT.
Looking at the low scores of 300 and esp Watchmen is a good reminder how fucking awful and unreliable reviews are sometimes.

No idea about the score, but it can't be worse than MoS.


What watchmen has only 65% tomato score. That's y I don't like this reviewing system.

Still will predict 80% score
I'll predict box-office no problem, I feel pretty comfy guessing, based on marketing and buzz and that sorta shit, what general audiences are curious enough about to drop coin on for the first three days of release. That seems within reach to me, and fun in its own way.

Trying to predict what people, a large majority of whom I have never read are going to think of a movie I haven't watched based on incomplete knowledge of both what the movie actually plays like, and no real sense of the predilections of hundreds of writers watching the thing I haven't seen?

Nah. Can't get in on this. Too weird.

Like, maybe if it was at least Top Critics, it'd be more manageable, seeing as there are a metric fuckton of hack dimbulbs who have RT accreditation - but I've at least read a fair amount of the Top Critics before. But even then I still bump up against the fact I'm trying to guess an aggregate score based on the combined hot takes of 40 different writers based on a movie none of us have actually watched yet.

I dunno. I think it'll make somewhere between 175-185 mil on opening weekend. Worst case scenario, it ends up being comparable to Jurassic World?

Let's see, what did Man of Steel do? I know it was divisive... 56% RT, 55% Metacritic.

I'd like to think it'll be at least less divisive with the spectacle of Batman vs Superman.

Honestly, conservative guess would be about 65%. Maybe more if the writing is much improved from Man of Steel.

To be fair, Zach Snyder was never a critical darling. They'd better be banking on sales rather than critical success.


Eh, based on the strong audience reaction, positivity to Afflecks performance, Terrio being a promising writer but Snyder's typical direction bringing things down a bit, I will guess roughly a 80% RT, 68 MC. With a +- of 5 for RT, less for MC.

It will be more of a crowd pleaser then most Snyder films, helping the RT score but the tougher MC weighing will keep it down on that side. Falling below the Nolan films and in the middle, upper pack of Marvel films.

...of course I am literally shooting in the fucking dark because I haven't kept up much with this film.


RT 55%
MC 44%

It will make money but it will be around Man of Steel levels of garbage with that moron Snyder directing
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