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Predict the RT and Metacritic score for Batman V Superman

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I wonder if some critics weren't ready for a more mature/complex comic book movie at the time. I suspect that it would be better received now as the notion that comic book movies = lighthearted spectacle for children only is not as strong.

What? Didn't TDK come out the year before?


What? Didn't TDK come out the year before?

It did, but Watchmen, to me, seems much darker. In TDK we see Harvey turn, but there is still a fairly clear distinction between good and bad. There's also enough reinforcement of the idea that people in general are good (the boat scene for example) to keep it from becoming as dark as Watchmen.
Mark my words. It's going to make Fantastic 4 look like a hit. I'm calling it now. 4%.
I'm going to be positive and aim somewhere in the mid-60's. I'm fearing much worse, but if it ends up in the 65-70% range I'll be thrilled.
And since I guess I don't know the character outside of the film, stuff like that just passes by without much problem for me.

Ranking them somewhere in the Marvel movies is probably right for me. Better then many, not as good as some. But I also seem to be less into Marvel movies then the critical consensus, so there is that too.
No, I'm the same. I find the general consensus of Marvel movies not to be as good as made out to be. There's only 2 great games and 1 amazing one out of all the ones in the MCU. The rest all fall to to good, solid & ok with none being garbage. That's one thing I can give Marvel credit for, they make no horrible movies.
Right, Man of Steel is only one of the best. Up there with Iron Man, Spider-Man, and The Dark Knight.
Definitely not for me. It could have been there with just a few changes, which unfortunately weren't there.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I'm honestly a little surprised at Watchmen having a 65% RT rating.

Roger Ebert gave Watchmen 4 stars (out of four). Devin Feraci, who is usually negative toward anything DC, gave Watchmen a 9 out of 10 score.

It wasn't flawless, but I thought it was a well done film.

As a huge Watchmen fan, I found it really disappointing.


I'm predicting mid 60s to low 70s.

I would probably give it a 58 if it was solely a Man of Steel follow-up, but the Batman-effect I think will artificially boost the film for several critics and viewers.

Either way, I think it'll be worse than absolutely awful... it's be AVERAGE. *gasp*
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