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Predict the RT and Metacritic score for Batman V Superman

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Question for anyone who's paid attention to these sorts of games before:

Has it been the case that these RT predictions on the part of users tend to more or less line up with what said users end up thinking about the film themselves?

Basically: Is this thread more or less stage one in a two-stage confirmation bias experiment?


Question for anyone who's paid attention to these sorts of games before:

Has it been the case that these RT predictions on the part of users tend to more or less line up with what said users end up thinking about the film themselves?

Basically: Is this thread more or less stage one in a two-stage confirmation bias experiment?
How dare you imply such a thing good sir! Now excuse me, I must return to twitter and continue to look at only positive reactions.


How the hell are Snyder's movies reviewed that low? Man of Steel isn't that great but I have no idea how it got under a 60... and 300 and Watchmen wtf?

anyway I don't give a shit about metacritic, but I think this one has potential to pull at least a 70 on RT.

Man of Steel was soul less garbage with CW level cgi

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
Man of Steel was soul less garbage with CW level cgi

Nope, Man of Steel is the best CBM ever made. And it has the greatest superhero theme.

Until BvS hits that is.



63% specifically

Did ultron seriously get a higher meta critic than deadpool?
Never realized meta critic was such a joke for movies


Nope, Man of Steel is the best CBM ever made. And it has the greatest superhero theme.

Until BvS hits that is.

Nope, Man of Steel is the best CBM ever made. And it has the greatest superhero theme.

Until BvS hits that is.

If Man of Steel is the best CBM ever made, then everything else must be terrible considering how mediocre the former is.

Edit: hopefully it's just a troll post


Question for anyone who's paid attention to these sorts of games before:

Has it been the case that these RT predictions on the part of users tend to more or less line up with what said users end up thinking about the film themselves?

Basically: Is this thread more or less stage one in a two-stage confirmation bias experiment?
Good question, I have always wondered what influence my pre-conceived expectations of a film have had on biasing my final opinion on it.

I'd like to think not that much but who knows.

Though with threads like these I tend to just project based on the moment and forget about it. For me the larger potential for bias probably comes from critical consensus before a film and more importantly opinions I respect setting up certain expectations.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
If Man of Steel is the best CBM ever made, then everything else must be terrible considering how mediocre the former is.

Edit: hopefully it's just a troll post

You'll struggle, you'll race behind, but some day, you will see its greatness. You will join us.


I can't tell which one of these hyperbolic comments is more awful. It's a toss up.
Yeah, I was late to Man of Steel due to all the strong hate. Actually only got around to it a few weeks ago.

It certainly wasn't the best comic book movie I've seen. It certainly wasn't the worst either. It was pretty to look at, which all Snyder films are, and I thought it was decent overall.

I also am not a big comic book fan in general outside watching the movies, so the whole ending didn't really bother me the way I guess it did for fans of the character.
Yeah, I was late to Man of Steel due to all the strong hate. Actually only got around to it a few weeks ago.

It certainly wasn't the best comic book movie I've seen. It certainly wasn't the worst either. It was pretty to look at, which all Snyder films are, and I thought it was decent overall.

I also am not a big comic book fan in general outside watching the movies, so the whole ending didn't really bother me the way I guess it did for fans of the character.
MoS is right up there with your typical MCU movie. All for different reasons as well, different strengths and different weaknesses compared to what you get out of 90%+ of MCU movies. The ending bothered me mostly due to execution rather than what happened. What bothered me a lot in the movie was
Clark letting his dad die because of the secret.
There's no way in hell Clark would have ever let that happened. Not to mention due to the surroundings, it wouldn't have been too obvious. I'm pretty sure I said in a soft spoken voice that there's no way that would happen in the movie theater as well lol.. I may have had my palm in the air to express my confusion at the scene for a few seconds..


MoS is right up there with your typical MCU movie. All for different reasons as well, different strengths and different weaknesses compared to what you get out of 90%+ of MCU movies. The ending bothered me mostly due to execution rather than what happened. What bothered me a lot in the movie was
Clark letting his dad die because of the secret.
There's no way in hell Clark would have ever let that happened. Not to mention due to the surroundings, it wouldn't have been too obvious. I'm pretty sure I said in a soft spoken voice that there's no way that would happen in the movie theater as well lol.. I may have had my palm in the air to express my confusion at the scene for a few seconds..

And since I guess I don't know the character outside of the film, stuff like that just passes by without much problem for me.

Ranking them somewhere in the Marvel movies is probably right for me. Better then many, not as good as some. But I also seem to be less into Marvel movies then the critical consensus, so there is that too.
I don't want to start a thing, but how come so many people are so confident in Chris Terrio's writing? He has two scripts to his name, one which was meh and the other which was good, but overrated. He's not exactly an established, consistently fantastic writer.

My 60 year old mother who sometimes gets me to proofread her emails can write better than Goyer though, so it is doubtlessly a step up.

74% critic RT
87 audience RT
65 MC

Watchmen 65% and Dark Knight Rises 87% what a joke. That reminds me why i dont even bother with these sites.

The tomatometer isn't an indicator of how "good" a movie is. It's just the percentage of critics who gave it a pass. Binary, yes or no, would you recommend this movie to an audience. With that, I can see why more critics would be inclined to tell movie-goers to go see TDKR and not Watchmen. Watchmen really isn't for everyone, whereas TDKR is pretty inoffensive viewing for anyone who has 3 hours to spare and mid-high tolerance for cheesy exposition.

What's weirder is the average rating.
Wow, was looking at the Rotten Tomatoes of all Zach Snyder movies. Even 300 and Watchman are in the 60s. Critics are pretty divided on him. There's an argument based on Snyder's record that, at best, this movie will get 6.5, maybe 7.0 if it's lucky.


Say what you want about MoS, but it's kinda impressive that people still talk about it this often after 3 years.

Anyway: RT 79, MC: 74

- J - D -

I predict a tomato icon rating.

Not the nickelodeon gak icon, which never made sense to me unless it's supposed to be vomit.


A rotten tomato is obviously a bad tomato a fresh tomato is clearly good. What needs explaining about that ha.
Damn MOS criticism really was split right down to the middle. You either like it or you don't. I liked it, and every trailer (including trailer 2) has made so darn hyped, but I got to be realistic.

My guess :
75% RT <
RT critic: 7/10
65 MC

How 300 and Watchmen got scored in the 60s is beyond me, both should be high 70s-low 80s at the very least.


I'm honestly a little surprised at Watchmen having a 65% RT rating.

Roger Ebert gave Watchmen 4 stars (out of four). Devin Feraci, who is usually negative toward anything DC, gave Watchmen a 9 out of 10 score.

It wasn't flawless, but I thought it was a well done film.


This move will surprise everyone !
Of course, there always be haters of Snyder or Man of Steel, if you want to hate something, you'll find some flaws

80% RT
450M+ domestic totals (with 190M opening)


I'm honestly a little surprised at Watchmen having a 65% RT rating.

Roger Ebert gave Watchmen 4 stars (out of four). Devin Feraci, who is usually negative toward anything DC, gave Watchmen a 9 out of 10 score.

It wasn't flawless, but I thought it was a well done film.

I wonder if some critics weren't ready for a more mature/complex comic book movie at the time. I suspect that it would be better received now as the notion that comic book movies = lighthearted spectacle for children only is not as strong.
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