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PS3 Firmware Update 3.21 of preventing piracy by removing Linux.

I don't know about you guys but I love when things get taken away.

Maybe if we're lucky they'll take out movie playback too, stop all that rampant movie piracy. As an added bonus, people will totally buy more games right? Gotta put Sony's well being over my own. They get picked on SO much, I'll take one for the team, go Sony!


Gold Member
There is something I don't understand from those who say this is fine to battle piracy: if tomorrow Sony decides to kill blu-ray gaming (that is, PS3 won't read blu-ray games anymore, but it will continue to read movies for the time being) and goes fully digital, will that be ok with you all because it stops blu-ray game piracy completely?

I guess that is why PSPGo is such a massive success. Oh, wait...


Dragona Akehi said:
Hacks like that would be at a game's base level and unlikely, and as for trophies, who really gives a flying fuck if someone else "cheats"? After all, it isn't like Sony is giving free things away for having trophies.

Maybe not now, but sometime in the future, game companies may offer prizes or limited DLC based on your trophies. and what if the DLCs are limited? Then you got screwed because there are a bunch of trophy cheaters.

what is this base level talk? If a system is hacked, people can write program like wall hacks. That will give people an edge online. And I'd rather not play with cheaters, and I'm guessing most consumers have this same sentiment.


ReyBrujo said:
They didn't quit because of a hack. They have always struggled with the censorship, and the attack (which was targeted at determined accounts from some freedom-of-speech supporters) just made them realize they could not keep themselves as a bastion of freedom when the law (and the anti-law) are against you.

Of course. A hack is usually motivated by something valuable isn't it ? It's only a means to an end. You won't be able to predict your losses until it happens. And while preventing it, we will continue to pay for the additional secured checks here and there.

Also, they were using IE6, for God's sake. They knew their computers could be compromised. If you f*ck without condoms you will eventually catch something.


Sure, back in the old days. But I think we have advanced 30 or 40 years since Arpanet and BBS. Even the strongest worms or the massive zombie farms can't kill internet.


PSN is not Internet though. It's Sony's server farm on the Internet. You also clearly forgot that both regular systems *and* hackers have advanced in the past 30/40 years.

I don't know why you want to kill the Internet. I said destablize PSN.


ReyBrujo said:
if tomorrow Sony decides to kill blu-ray gaming (that is, PS3 won't read blu-ray games anymore, but it will continue to read movies for the time being) and goes fully digital, will that be ok with you all because it stops blu-ray game piracy completely?

It would not be ok. But it also would not happen unless there is a solid business or operational reason behind it. Will Sony benefit greatly from the move ? Common sense.


nods at old men
Ever since I bought the PS3 on launch day I told myself, "I'm gonna install Linux for fun one day". :D

Oh well, almost 3 and a half years later and I never did. I have 3 laptops (2 are netbooks) and a desktop in the house anyway.

Sucks for people who actually used it though.


Dragona Akehi said:
No, that was for playing pirated software on their machines online.

Really? How does microsoft know your playing with pirated software? I thought they only knew if you were using a custom dvd firmware.

Salacious Crumb

Junior Member
This has the potential to accelerate the inevitable hacking of PS3, rather than prevent it. Most hackers advocate open platforms and programs rather than piracy, and were content with the PS3's Linux support. Now that that has been removed the spotlight is on the PS3, and any hacker looking for some recognition will be trying their hardest to crack that bitch open.

That's my hairbrain theory anyway


coopolon said:
It shocks me how many people in this thread take joy at seeing their fellow consumers fucked over.

It scares me how brazen Sony is being taking away features customers paid for.

It saddens me that video games, at least on the console side, have become so anti-consumer, that I just feel dirty continuing to support them with my money.

I used OtherOS all the time, but the PS3 is also my primary BluRay player. Not really sure what I am going to do.

This seems like a legitimate angle for a lawsuit--arguing someone bought a PS3 Fat for the OtherOS feature under the reasonable assumption they would be able to use it in concurrence with PS3 and BR software for the life of the hardware. This scenario has to violate one or several consumer laws.
Kinan said:
Just woke up to these sad news....

Fuck you Geohot. Fuck you.

I figure Geohot is closer to getting my blurays to play than Sony is. He's had less than three months, whereas Sony's had over a year by the time this new firmware is out.


Dragona Akehi said:
That would be it: the pirated DVD firmware.

pirated dvd firmware? I'm not understanding. Does having custom dvd firmware mean you are using pirated software?

What if people are just playing backups? What if people replaced their dvd drive because the old one broke?
racerx said:
pirated dvd firmware? I'm not understanding. Does having custom dvd firmware mean you are using pirated software?

What if people are just playing backups? What if people replaced their dvd drive because the old one broke?

Microsoft doesn't care. They'll ban you just the same.

And I don't understand why people love to worship the 360 in this forum while bashing Sony. MS is more draconian than Sony is this gen, at least Sony lets you put any hard drive you want in your PS3. :lol


Funny how PS3 updates often just removes features...

Regarding bluray playback, can't I just pull the PS3 from the network and never update?


soldat7 said:
I'm sorry, but the most knowledgeable people here do not work for Sony R&D.
And somehow they figured out the cause to APOCALYPS3 while Sony was still trying to figure out what was happening.


nods at old men
Dragona Akehi said:
I figure Geohot is closer to getting my blurays to play than Sony is. He's had less than three months, whereas Sony's had over a year by the time this new firmware is out.
What if this new FW fixes the BD issue as a stealth update? :D


Dragona Akehi said:
I figure Geohot is closer to getting my blurays to play than Sony is. He's had less than three months, whereas Sony's had over a year by the time this new firmware is out.

Truth is, he cares about region-free Blu-ray playback even less than Sony. He doesnt care about any practical reasons for hack at all, he just wanted to show what a cool hax0r he is. And now I have a few days only to back up ~200GB and reformat the HDD. :p

Fuck you, Geohot.


dak1dsk1 said:
Funny how PS3 updates often just removes features...

Regarding bluray playback, can't I just pull the PS3 from the network and never update?
No, they include the updates on the discs. Well, Sony ones anyhow. I'm not sure if they force you to install them though.

But Blu-ray discs include the ability to blacklist players/devices. Perhaps newer Blu-rays won't play or will blacklist PS3s with the 3.15 Firmware or lower.


Chrange said:
And somehow they figured out the cause to APOCALYPS3 while Sony was still trying to figure out what was happening.
Looking through Linux PS3 source code at that.
racerx said:
pirated dvd firmware? I'm not understanding. Does having custom dvd firmware mean you are using pirated software?

What if people are just playing backups? What if people replaced their dvd drive because the old one broke?

The firmware being used to hack the DVD drive incorporated some of Microsoft's copyrighted code. That's piracy and wrong. I have no problem with people wanting to play legit backups of their games, but copyright infringement is not the way to go about it.

dallow_bg said:
What if this new FW fixes the BD issue as a stealth update? :D

The irony would be astounding.

Unknown Soldier said:
Microsoft doesn't care. They'll ban you just the same.

And I don't understand why people love to worship the 360 in this forum while bashing Sony. MS is more draconian than Sony is this gen, at least Sony lets you put any hard drive you want in your PS3. :lol

You're saying that the people ballyhooing this move from Sony are lapping up MS's bullshit like 16GB flash restrictions? Or Nintendo's idiotic implementation of region coding on their portable hardare? Nice try.

Kinan said:
Truth is, he cares about region-free Blu-ray playback even less than Sony. He doesnt care about any practical reasons for hack at all, he just wanted to show what a cool hax0r he is. And now I have a few days only to back up ~200GB and reformat the HDD. :p

Fuck you, Geohot.

Did you tell Hillary to fuck himself for climbing Everest? It was there, too, you know.


dak1dsk1 said:
Funny how PS3 updates often just removes features...

Regarding bluray playback, can't I just pull the PS3 from the network and never update?

3.21 is optional.

Since launch, PS3 updates removed/will remove OtherOS, SACD.

It added/will add a lot of other stuff though (Blu-ray 2.0, 3D gaming and Blu-ray, upscaling, DiVX, dynamic themes, etc.).


Dragona Akehi said:
Hacks like that would be at a game's base level and unlikely, and as for trophies, who really gives a flying fuck if someone else "cheats"? After all, it isn't like Sony is giving free things away for having trophies.
I only care about cheating if it is in online.

Never used Linux on my PS3. Sounded like it really wasn't worth doing. Tempted to do it now before they close it. This does suck for those who use it though.


ReyBrujo said:
There is something I don't understand from those who say this is fine to battle piracy: if tomorrow Sony decides to kill blu-ray gaming (that is, PS3 won't read blu-ray games anymore, but it will continue to read movies for the time being) and goes fully digital, will that be ok with you all because it stops blu-ray game piracy completely?

I guess that is why PSPGo is such a massive success. Oh, wait...

Logical Fallacies, the winner is you.


Dragona Akehi said:
The firmware being used to hack the DVD drive incorporated some of Microsoft's copyrighted code. That's piracy and wrong. I have no problem with people wanting to play legit backups of their games, but copyright infringement is not the way to go about it.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not true. Via fair use laws, consumers are allowed to copy that part of the code if it's needed to get their drive working.

Also, I'm guessing that not all custom firmwares have MS's copyrighted code. Maybe some do, but there are probably many that don't.


Schrade said:
No, that was a hardware change with the 40GB systems and newer.

Yeah a lame hardware change, on the flipside I only have 1 SACD, but then again that single SACD is now just a coaster. =(


Schrade said:
No, that was a hardware change with the 40GB systems and newer.

Wait a minute, so my 60Gb can still play SACD ? I didn't try because I heard the SACD removal news soon after I bought a SACD receiver to go with my PS3 at that time. D^8
racerx said:
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not true. Via fair use laws, consumers are allowed to copy that part of the code if it's needed to get their drive working.

I'm not a lawyer, but from what I do know, the homebrew community not only looks down upon others who steal code, they don't do it themselves for legality reasons.

As far as I know, it is reverse engineering that is protected by fair use, not stealing copyrighted code. And hackers and homebrewers reverse engineer.


patsu said:
Wait a minute, so my 60Gb can still play SACD ? I didn't try because I heard the SACD removal news soon after I bought a SACD receiver to go with my PS3 at that time. D^8

Yeah, SACD is hardware based, so for 20GB, 60GB and MotorStorm/MGS4 80GBs, you can still play SACDs.


patsu said:
3.21 is optional.

Since launch, PS3 updates removed/will remove OtherOS, SACD.

It added/will add a lot of other stuff though (Blu-ray 2.0, 3D gaming and Blu-ray, upscaling, DiVX, dynamic themes, etc.).

All updates are 'optional' but unlike some others you can't go online without getting it and they warn that you won't be able to play games or Blu Rays that require it, without it. That would seem to be more 'mandatory' than 'optional' lol


And even i am moderately surprised
Wait a minute, so my 60Gb can still play SACD ?
yup, SACD was removed from the Slim as a hardware update, fatties still have it.

I really like SACD , i just wish there was more stuff available


No Linux doesn't bother me at all, never used it, don't want to. But at least add something if your'e gonna take something away ffs. It's not as if they don't know what the userbase wants (Playstation Share).


racerx said:
Actually, I'm pretty sure that's not true. Via fair use laws, consumers are allowed to copy that part of the code if it's needed to get their drive working.

Also, I'm guessing that not all custom firmwares have MS's copyrighted code. Maybe some do, but their are probably many that don't.

I've yet to see a firmware for the Xbox 360 , Wii or PSP that did not involve modifying the original software (which is a copyright violation). I'd love to be pointed to one if it exists.


Gold Member
patsu said:
It would not be ok. But it also would not happen unless there is a solid business or operational reason behind it. Will Sony benefit greatly from the move ? Common sense.
What better reasoning than preventing piracy for a software branch of the company?j Didn't they do that with the PSPGo already?

Other examples:
  • Sony could suddenly only allow determined harddrives to work with PS3. After all, you could have altered the hard disk with bogus data to mislead the PS3 and trigger a unknown bug. This means no more hard disk upgrades unless you buy them from Sony (which, of course, won't be readable on PC).
  • Sony could remove PS2 compatibility from old hardware-enabled systems. This will force people to buy PS3 games (including PS2 compilations, and PS2 games through PSN once they start releasing them).
  • No more keyboard support. After all, if you can't type you won't be able to insert commands into the PS3.
  • Since you can fake packets from your router to the PS3, they may prevent PS3 from connecting to any router except a new branch created by them.

Imagine if they decide to limit online playing to regions or countries because some countries are found more problematic with others. They could do that too.

I am not against the concept of fighting against piracy. I am against taking these kind of measures without having seen the kind of hacks that can be created. This is just an entertainment network, not a nuclear controller system. Nothing will happen if tomorrow someone suddenly is able to sign to via a Xbox 360.

Unless the network you have created is so simple that it could easily be hacked (like those old websites with inventory where the actual database SQL was sent as a GET parameter, where the front end had direct access to the database without passing through an application server). If your system is like that, you deserved to be hacked.


DCharlie said:
yup, SACD was removed from the Slim as a hardware update, fatties still have it.

I really like SACD , i just wish there was more stuff available
Not all fatties, just 40GB and newer. See the posts above yours.


Chrange said:
All updates are 'optional' but unlike some others you can't go online without getting it and they warn that you won't be able to play games or Blu Rays that require it, without it. That would seem to be more 'mandatory' than 'optional' lol

I thought some updates are mandatory. As in, you have to install it to proceed. Games will update your firmware when you start it up.


Massa said:
I've yet to see a firmware for the Xbox 360 , Wii or PSP that did not involve modifying the original software (which is a copyright violation). I'd love to be pointed to one if it exists.

So, are you saying that all custom firmwares are illegal?


Not only have I been a big proponent of linux for the past decade (yes, I do have YDL 6.2 installed on my PS3), I'm also a big fan of the Yakuza series. Not a good month for me!


ReyBrujo said:
What better reasoning than preventing piracy for a software branch of the company?j Didn't they do that with the PSPGo already?

Other examples:
  • Sony could suddenly only allow determined harddrives to work with PS3. After all, you could have altered the hard disk with bogus data to mislead the PS3 and trigger a unknown bug. This means no more hard disk upgrades unless you buy them from Sony (which, of course, won't be readable on PC).
  • Sony could remove PS2 compatibility from old hardware-enabled systems. This will force people to buy PS3 games (including PS2 compilations, and PS2 games through PSN once they start releasing them).
  • No more keyboard support. After all, if you can't type you won't be able to insert commands into the PS3.
  • Since you can fake packets from your router to the PS3, they may prevent PS3 from connecting to any router except a new branch created by them.

They're all made up by you isn't it ? ^_^

Unless the network you have created is so simple that it could easily be hacked (like those old websites with inventory where the actual database SQL was sent as a GET parameter, where the front end had direct access to the database without passing through an application server). If your system is like that, you deserved to be hacked.

Yes, Google probably deserved to be hacked too. The truth is: there are simple and sophisticated attacks.


patsu said:
I thought some updates are mandatory. As in, you have to install it to proceed. Games will update your firmware when you start it up.
True, but you don't have to play the game - hence it's 'optional'
Massa said:
I've yet to see a firmware for the Xbox 360 , Wii or PSP that did not involve modifying the original software (which is a copyright violation). I'd love to be pointed to one if it exists.

The way D_A inserted his own code into Sony's official Firmware isn't illegal because you are able to download it yourself from Sony's website in order to update your system via USB stick, whereas with the 360 DVD firmware hack, there is no legitimate method of obtaining that code.

He created a PSAR dumper so you could collect your own POPS prx files so you could use his POPStation loader in order to pick which verison of POPS to use, they were never provided.

All Wii hardware hacks from Team Twiizers use their own code, reverse engineered from what they've observed on the Wii. No Nintendo code was used, (even if the vehicle of their hacking was a copy of TP, the user must legally obtain it for the hack to work).

The latest 360 hack, the JTAG method is a legit reverse engineered hack. The DVD firmware hack, however, was not.


Dragona Akehi said:
The way D_A inserted his own code into Sony's official Firmware isn't illegal because you are able to download it yourself from Sony's website in order to update your system via USB stick, whereas with the 360 DVD firmware hack, there is no legitimate method of obtaining that code.

He created a PSAR dumper so you could collect your own POPS prx files so you could use his POPStation loader in order to pick which verison of POPS to use, they were never provided.

All Wii hardware hacks from Team Twiizers use their own code, reverse engineered from what they've observed on the Wii. No Nintendo code was used, (even if the vehicle of their hacking was a copy of TP, the user must legally obtain it for the hack to work).

The latest 360 hack, the JTAG method is a legit reverse engineered hack. The DVD firmware hack, however, was not.

Help me understand. So, if you can download the software, you can modify it for your own use and spread it around?
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