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PS3 Firmware Update 3.21 of preventing piracy by removing Linux.


I AM JOHN! said:
Who fucking cares. No seriously, who really fucking cares?

I sure as fuck do.
I don't give a fuck about installing Linux on my PS3, but I give a fuck about Sony ripping out features. I also give a fuck about them inserting ads into Wipeout.

It's bullshit, and if I wasn't so lazy I'd sue them.

Dragona Akehi said:
EULAs are neither legal nor enforceable. An end user is allowed to use/modify/alter their purchased hardware or software as they see fit.

Wrong. All homebrew efforts on any modern system are made possible by reverse engineering and circumventing schemes designed to stop it. DMCA says hi. It's bullshit, but the simple fact is that it's illegal. There are tons of legal restrictions in place that dictate what you can and can't do with hardware and software. EULAs are not legally binding contracts, but the DMCA is still in effect.


Mudkips said:
I sure as fuck do.
I don't give a fuck about installing Linux on my PS3, but I give a fuck about Sony ripping out features. I also give a fuck about them inserting ads into Wipeout.

It's bullshit, and if I wasn't so lazy I'd sue them.

Didn't they take out the ads in WipeoutHD tho?


Azerach said:
how dare they take out the ads, i paid good money for wipeoutHD just for those ads!

:lol :lol :lol

With that, I go to bed, this thread delivered in spades, and I expect it to continue in the morning. :lol


Are Wipeout ads in or out?
Sony removed the State Farm ad, but in November...

The 2.10 update for WipEout HD boldly proclaims that "Changes have been made so that any adverts shown during loading screens will not adversely affect the loading times" upon first launch. OK, ads are back, but at least they don't increase load times -- right? Not so fast. When loading a particular race, we perceived some degree of delay while the ad (in this case for Fat Princess) played. Wanting to make sure it wan't just in our ads-in-our-games-can-leave-now-please heads, we timed it. Lo and behold, the same course loads in 16.9 seconds without the ad and 21.7 with it -- an almost five second difference.
From the stick of banned sites.


tass0 said:
Linux on PS3 is slow and near useless, nobody uses it and those who do stop using it after a day.

That's a fact.
Exactly. Because you not liking something is a fact, Sony should remove all games you dislike or haven't played from the shelf. Because they are clearly, factually, useless.


zerokoolpsx said:
If someone was blatantly using cheat codes with custom firmware on their ps3 on an online game. They would get banned for sure.

It's not certain Sony could track it if someone used custom firmware, they obviously can't stop it on PSP. :-/
If all they had were PSN ID's, all someone would have to do were to create a new free ID.
Aaron said:
Exactly. Because you not liking something is a fact, Sony should remove all games you dislike or haven't played from the shelf. Because they are clearly, factually, useless.
ouch. pretty much.

I don't ever recall a gaming system removing interesting features in the middle of a console's lifespan.

*hugs 60 gigger*


Dreams-Visions said:
ouch. pretty much.

I don't ever recall a gaming system removing interesting features in the middle of a console's lifespan.

*hugs 60 gigger*

GameCube killed the component out.


Dreams-Visions said:
ouch. pretty much.

I don't ever recall a gaming system removing interesting features in the middle of a console's lifespan.

*hugs 60 gigger*
Ask Microsoft about third party memory cards.


Mudkips said:
Wrong. All homebrew efforts on any modern system are made possible by reverse engineering and circumventing schemes designed to stop it. DMCA says hi. It's bullshit, but the simple fact is that it's illegal. There are tons of legal restrictions in place that dictate what you can and can't do with hardware and software. EULAs are not legally binding contracts, but the DMCA is still in effect.

isnt DMCA only in the US?


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Dragona Akehi said:
Got OtherOS installed. Screw Sony.

Let's hope geohot gets the PS3 fully hacked. I'm not budging now, cos I'm pretty sure the opensource community can write a better fucking OS than Sony can these days.

I do not think so, PPC support is being left to the community by many popular distros, it is not clear who will be taking responsibility for patching the PS3 Linux kernel and libs, even with direct access (no docs)... decent and stable RSX support is not trivial (look at how much time the Nouveau project is taking). Without big corporations paying, a lot of OSS developers write code to scratch their itch and do the "brand new thing"... even in major GNU Linux distros, polish for not latest tech portion of the OS are not what gets the most attention.

With small form-factor PC's with HDMI out available for not too much money, unless a lot of OSS time was spent on CELL coding, I doubt the PS3 would be that good media player for users compared to a Core 2 Duo + modern ATI/nVIDIA card with video HW decode on it.

I am as pissed off as anyone about the PS3 Linux fiasco... despite CELL being that open specs wise much earlier on than PS3's launch even, things such as not having a nice GPU driver stopped a lot of people from bothering with it... a XNA like toolkit could have helped too... PS3 Linux scene was ghost-town-ville compared to PS2 Linux (especially given the fact that PS2 Linux users had to spend quite a bit of money to get the kit from Sony).


I am Korean.
Mako_Drug said:
sooo...you don't liek trophies? :p

How about the chain letters? Awesome value added feature.

Irregardless of how anyone feels this is about Sony protecting its bottom line and thats it full stop the end
Even though there's no evidence of an actual threat to that bottom line?


Whine Whine FADC Troll
This sounds like an April's Fools. No loss to me if it happens though. I got better things to rage about.


This is probably already mentioned, but why are they going 3.21? Shouldn't the next logical update be 3.16 or 17?


Never used it, never planning on using it (especially because the RSX is locked it), and fully can understand why they're going to remove it. No problems here.


Going by their previous numbering, 3.21 is a fix to 3.20, and the x.x0 releases are the scheduled releases that contain new features. I wonder what was added in 3.20 and why it wasn't released?

I guess one explanation is that it was held back because of the stuff Hotz was doing. This would also explain why there there was much longer between releases than usual.


is now taking requests
Majine said:
This is probably already mentioned, but why are they going 3.21? Shouldn't the next logical update be 3.16 or 17?

3.16 (removal of PS1 compability) and 3.17 (removal of browser) will be released tomorrow.
never used it, sucks when stuff gets removed, sucks even more when people mock other people for getting pissed that it got removed "just because" they didnt use it themselves.

there's a holocaust analogy about having that kind of mindset (which I used when IW removed dedicated servers, and everyone was "WHO CARES'ING" about it).

and how can a ps3 slim "only do everything" when my BC FAT PS3 does more?

false advertising sony!
That better not be the only thing in 3.21...

Personally, I don't give a shit about OtherOS and I'd rather have a secure PSN than run linux.
My 60GB will remain at 3.15.


If this gives me party chat, I'm fine with it. Goddamn over how many firmware updates and still no party chat, damn those 7 cores must be working overtime.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
bigswords said:
If this gives me party chat, I'm fine with it. Goddamn over how many firmware updates and still no party chat, damn those 7 cores must be working overtime.

I'm still waiting for custom soundtracks for every game :(


I've never used this feature, but I can imagine some people will enjoy using this kind of stuff....

The problem is the number of people who will be regularly using this on a daily basis will be relatively miniscule compared to the people who actually use the thing as a games console.

Here's a dilemma for Sony, the OtherOs thing has obviously served its purpose and kept some wannabe hackers happy enough for now, but its suddenly turned into the door that the guys are trying to break down to get into the system.

Instead of locking the door they're just going to brick it up...... I understand this might disappoint 10,000-20,000 people, but its better than 20,000,000 getting hacked off with cheats on-line etc etc.
racerx said:
What?! They both sound the same to me.

I want to put myself on the cover of a book. Can I start printing my own copies of Lord of the Rings with myself on the cover and give them away? No. But I can give people stickers they could put on their own legitimate copies.


Combichristoffersen said:
I know. The only feature I want Sony to implement (fuck cross-party invites and party chat), and it's never gonna be implemented :'(

something something Blame EA something something.


I don't think linux was used much on PS3 anyway, I never heard about a single person using it. Especially since you weren't able to do much with it (no control over the graphics chip if I understand correctly).


Sounds like they thoroughly examined Linux and ways to break the system and found ways they can't fix so they have disabled it completely. My 40gb turned 2 years old yesterday, I never used Linux and never had an interest in it.

Amazing how pathetic some people are by just trolling and saying how bad the change is. Look at how many people actually used the thing.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Very sad, but since geohot made his first announcement this has been like watching a slow car crash through to its inevitable conclusion. The Yellow Dog Linux guys reported this would be happening on their forum a while ago (before deleting the post), if their shift in focus toward GPU computing wasn't already a sign.

Almost as sad that this is the busiest Linux PS3 thread since before PS3 was released. People are given everything on a plate, say 'meh', then complain viciously when it's taken away. I'd very high hopes for PS3 Linux back in 2006, but really...virtually no one cared. For the five of you who did...chin up, maybe the system will be usably hacked in the future.
What ? You can't just disable a large feature of a console, ok not alot of people use it, but it is still a part of the console that I paid for, this cannot be true.
Jamesearlcash said:
What ? You can't just disable a large feature of a console, ok not alot of people use it, but it is still a part of the console that I paid for, this cannot be true.
Compared to dropping the PS2 BC and a couple of USB ports I'd say linux is a small feature.
M°°nblade said:
Compared to dropping the PS2 BC and a couple of USB ports I'd say linux is a small feature.

You are joking right ?

When i bought my 60gig machine, it said that i could install another os, this has been taken away. Somone from sony didn't sneak into your house, steal your ps2 chip, and block your usb ports, you knew that the console did not have those features when you bought it, I paid for linux, ok i don't use it, but i paid for it and they're taking it away ??
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