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PS3 Firmware Update 3.21 of preventing piracy by removing Linux.


PetriP-TNT said:
Seriously, how many of you who are so against this have actually TRIED the Other OS?
That is totally irrelevant. It is a feature of the console being removed that people use (no matter how small the number). Those people will now not get what they paid for. Just because you do not have a use for it does not make it worthless.


PetriP-TNT said:
Seriously, how many of you who are so against this have actually TRIED the Other OS?

I think there's like 5 people in this thread that have actually done it. :p I feel sorry for the gaffer with 200GB of information on his linux partition. Now he has a reason to say FUCK YOU SONY EAT SHIT AND DIE. Strangely enough he hasn't. :p


If there is anyone to blame, it should be the stupid piece of shit pirates.
Its perhaps the reason why Sony is getting rid of the OS feature.
They did the Wii and 360, its only a matter of time before they got to the PS3 as well.

Anyways, this is not cool and seems that the only options to keep the OS feature is to not update or say your in school for this shit.

I paid for this feature and use it. The fact that it is being removed is utter shit.

And whats the USB thing I hear on here?


Scary Euro Man
Burai said:
It's a direct link to the site that someone has posted on GAF. How does that even count?!

All of those things are buried away and you know it and are being purposefully obtuse. How is that even advertising a feature?

Are you a cretin or a Sony shill? These are the only explanations for your position.

Your claim was that the feature is not mentioned anywhere and can only be reached by explicitly searching for it.

I've just demonstrated in a clear and simple step-by-step process how you can see it described from their online manual.

You were wrong.

Your claim was that the website providing details of Linux installation was not accessible from the Sony website.

I've just provided a click-by-click guide to how to find it in the online manual for the PS3 on Sony's own website.

You were wrong.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
gofreak said:
You can't compare Linux to something like BC, though I'm sure some people will try.

Uh, yes you can. Both are advertised on the back of the box I fucking bought. Removing one or the other is bullshit as I paid for the hardware and want what's advertised. Even if I don't use many of the features removing them is bullshit.

The Slim wasn't advertised to run Linux, the Peter Parkers were. Removing it is stupid.

PetriP-TNT said:
Seriously, how many of you who are so against this have actually TRIED the Other OS?

Seriously, how many of you defending Sony are getting cash or a reacharound from them?

Removing advertised services is BULLSHIT. ONCE AGAIN: BULL. SHIT. I'm sure they could suddenly patch out PS2 BC support on my PS3 if they so deemed it. "Oh, hey that's a PS2 disc? Make output: <Invalid Disc>"

The Faceless Master said:
hey, Sony reps reading this, send me a PS3 to use on the PSN and i'll stop bitching.

If only they put PS2 BC in Slims... if only...

If they didn't do that [removing it], I would not have cared about the Peter Parker PS3's. I was basically waiting for a cheaper Slim to come along until "LOL NO PS2 SUPPORT FOR YOU!" So yoinked a MGS4 PS3. Linux support was icing on the cake but not a huge deal to me.

It's fucking stupid that five years down the line, when the PS4 is out, I have to format my PS3 to get Linux support back but then there are games five months from now that aren't going to work on the PS3 because they want this firmware and said firmware blocks the Linux support. Stupid bullshit.

dark_chris said:
If there is anyone to blame, it should be the stupid piece of shit pirates.

Are you and EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD THAT STILL USES THAT TIRED LINE A MORON? THERE IS NO PIRACY ON THE PS3, that's been the huge selling point that Sony has been touting. The hypervisor being cracked as JACKSHIT to do with Piracy. It may lead to Piracy, but that's one-two years down the line at best.

I'd say wait until the piracy crack day, once that happens release the firmware and state it's for "security of PSN" (shady answer, but at least it would then fit the reason to remove Linux), at least that would be more understandable than "Hello Geohot" spooking Sony into shut. down. everything. mode.


jett said:
I think there's like 5 people in this thread that have actually done it. :p I feel sorry for the gaffer with 200GB of information on his linux partition. Now he has a reason to say FUCK YOU SONY EAT SHIT AND DIE. Strangely enough he hasn't. :p

but what would you use it for? research?


snap0212 said:

In a way, the pirate community would use the Other OS feature to find that exploit and then when they discover it, they spread it like a virus.
Sony is probably removing it as a precaution since the Wii and the 360 has been hacked.


RedNumberFive said:
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

They normally do have other things that aren't part of the main focus of the update. I wouldn't be surprised if something is in there.

I have a pretty full friends list, I don't know anyone that uses the Linux function. Removing features is lame, but with concerns about possible piracy in the future, I can't really blame them after what the PSP turned into.


snap0212 said:

yarrrr :D

No but really everyone should blame that person who hacked the ps3 :p


dark_chris said:
In a way, the pirate community would use the Other OS feature to find that exploit and then when they discover it, they spread it like a virus.
Sony is probably removing it as a precaution since the Wii and the 360 has been hacked.

Agreed, I mean it sucks the feature is being removed, I wish that wasn't the case but if it stops the PS3 from being pirated than that's not a bad thing.
There is no defense of this action.

PS3 owners had a feature. Sony is not even just removing the feature - they're doing it in the douchiest way imaginable. "Sure, you can keep the feature - you just can't use new PS3 games or play your PS3 games online anymore if you decide to do so."

Sony are asshats for doing this. There is no piracy on PS3, no hackers, no DRM stripping, or anything like that. You are getting a lesser machine for the money you paid now, and that sucks.

If you are really worried about piracy or things of that nature, it's silly because even if OtherOS or whathaveyou is locked up, someone will eventually crack and pirate the machine regardless. NOTHING ever stays unhacked.
RedNumberFive said:
Agreed. Leave it to GAF to defend a multimillion dollar corporation when they're bending the consumer over.

GAF is as anti-corp as is comes, but not when it comes to defending our favorite gaming corporation. GAF could catch Sony in bead with it's mother and we'll have defenders tripping over themselves to explain she's a filthy whore who deserved it.


I use the OtherOS feature on a daily basis. I have a fully configured fast and
efficient desktop running. Secondly, I use the OtherOS feature to program the
Cell processor, which is just an awesome processor to begin with.

Linux on the PS3 serves young and enthusiastic people (gamers, geeks, students,
...) in getting their hands on an embedded parallel system. Programming the Cell
processor servers also as a primer in on-chip parallel programming.

I have some projects running on PS3 as well. One project is an optimized Linux
specifically tailored to the PS3 to be used by gamers such that the PS3 can be
used as a full-fledged desktop. Another project is a 3d finite-element fluid
dynamics solver for educational purposes, which will be be parallelized over all
SPEs. The fluid dynamics stuff should end up in a book for undergraduate students
of mathematics, computer science, and engineering, where the mathematics is
treated rightfully and where one also gets a working source code to see
everything in motion. I wanted to put a special emphasis on the Cell processor
since its architecture really has some timeless things to offer within the realm
of on-chip parallel programming. But this won't likely to happen now, since
'no one' would be able to run / modify the code on the PS3 further down the

I've spent about 3 year using PS3Linux (since launch), it's just a wonderful
system. I can tell you, I've leaned a lot and I'm not going to stop here. I'm
not going to update the system.

And one thing if for sure, geohot is not responsible for removing the OtherOS

Suffice is to say, we, the PS3 dev community, felt cut short on Sony's rampage
in cutting down everything which isn't a multi-million dollar business. There
are so much things Sony has sunken money into with no real outcome. But they
need to wipe out a whole community of enthusiastic people all of a sudden who
rely on a feature which doesn't cost a fraction of the money they've lost along
the way.

I'm really disappointed....


I AM JOHN! said:
Who fucking cares. No seriously, who really fucking cares?
I care. Now please shut the fuck up. Thx.


dark_chris said:
In a way, the pirate community would use the Other OS feature to find that exploit and then when they discover it, they spread it like a virus.
Sony is probably removing it as a precaution since the Wii and the 360 has been hacked.
The pirate community does use Other OS for research purposes and will continue to do so, sure. They simply won't update for now. Problem is that whatever solution they might come up with most likely won't be based on or even need Other OS, so this update does nothing at all to prevent anything.
snap0212 said:
This must be because no one wants to, it couldn't have anything to do with the extreme awareness Sony has had towards piracy when it comes to the ps3.


I'd be in the dick
It's pretty shitty that Sony is removing this feature, even more so because there are no features coming with this update other than locking out Other OS.


missile said:
I use the OtherOS feature on a daily basis. I have a fully configured fast and
efficient desktop running. Secondly, I use the OtherOS feature to program the
Cell processor, which is just an awesome processor to begin with.

Linux on the PS3 serves young and enthusiastic people (gamers, geeks, students,
...) in getting their hands on an embedded parallel system. Programming the Cell
processor servers also as a primer in on-chip parallel programming.

I have some projects running on PS3 as well. One project is an optimized Linux
specifically tailored to the PS3 to be used by gamers such that the PS3 can be
used as a full-fledged desktop. Another project is a 3d finite-element fluid
dynamics solver for educational purposes, which will be be parallelized over all
SPEs. The fluid dynamics stuff should end up in a book for undergraduate students
of mathematics, computer science, and engineering, where the mathematics is
threated rightfully and where one also gets a working source code to see
everything in motion. I wanted to put a special emphasis on the Cell processor
since its architecture really has some timeless things to offer within the realm
of on-chip parallel programming. But this won't likely to happen now, since
'no one' would be able to run / modify the code on the PS3 further down the

I've spent about 3 year using PS3Linux (since launch), it's just a wonderful
system. I can tell you, I've leaned a lot and I'm not going to stop here. I'm
not going to update the system.

And one thing if for sure, geohot is not responsible for removing the OtherOS

Suffice is to say, we, the PS3 dev community, felt cut short on Sony's rampage
in cutting down everything which isn't a multi-million dollar business. There
are so much things Sony has sunken money into with no real outcome. But they
need to wipe out a whole community of enthusiastic people all of a sudden who
rely on a feature which doesn't cost a fraction of the money they've lost along
the way.

I'm really disappointed....

I care. Now please shut the fuck up. Thx.

I believe Sony attends to students if they use the Other OS feature for educational purposes. You should contact them at least.


RoboPlato said:
It's pretty shitty that Sony is removing this feature, even more so because there are no features coming with this update other than locking out Other OS.
I think there is more to it, seeing as the patch is jumps over 3.17 and 3.20. Also, if they would've assured us it wasn't an april fools joke, they would've mentioned it in the blog, but they didn't.


dark_chris said:
In a way, the pirate community would use the Other OS feature to find that exploit and then when they discover it, they spread it like a virus.
Sony is probably removing it as a precaution since the Wii and the 360 has been hacked.

What if. Could have. Would have :/

ANYTHING can be labeled as a potential threat. Give me a break.

gregor7777 said:
GAF is as anti-corp as is comes, but not when it comes to defending our favorite gaming corporation. GAF could catch Sony in bead with it's mother and we'll have defenders tripping over themselves to explain she's a filthy whore who deserved it.

Sad, but true :lol


The release date could be Sony's way of giving themselves an out if the outcry of removing Linux is too loud.

Edit: Where's the page that we can post and vote on what Sony should do?


Scary Euro Man
dark_chris said:
I believe Sony attends to students if they use the Other OS feature for educational purposes. You should contact them at least.

Doesn't help at all in the situation he describes, and Sony's 'help' consists of allowing educational establishments to buy devkits.


dark_chris said:
I believe Sony attends to students if they use the Other OS feature for educational purposes. You should contact them at least.

problem is that you have to get different SKU which probably costs more (it is not subsidized)... and people like it cheaper ;-).


Prezhulio said:
I'm assuming to get that 10gb partition back I'll have to format the whole drive?

Anybody? Normally I'd just backup and format anyways to be sure but my external is full and don't feel like buying another one :/


dark_chris said:
I believe Sony attends to students if they use the Other OS feature for educational purposes. You should contact them at least.

Visualante did, earlier in the thread; quoting the reply he recieved:

The upgrade that removes the Other OS feature is optional and if you feel strongly about continuing to be able to run Linux, you can do so at the cost of some of the PlayStation Network features and games that rely on future firmware updates.

(further content spoke specifically about universities)

So, if you like: For missile, this update doesn't mean he can no longer use linux; it means he can no longer play new PS3 games.

Put like *that*, would people still defend it?


y'all should be ashamed
Prezhulio said:
Anybody? Normally I'd just backup and format anyways to be sure but my external is full and don't feel like buying another one :/
Yup, you have to reformat. Says so in the official manual I believe. :\


So much fail in this generation of consoles. Somehow they've managed to turn this ex-console fanatic into a PC only gamer. I did the whole 'waiting overnight in line to buy Day 1' and have nothing but regret about it. Next generation of consoles I could only be tempted to buy after they hit bargain bin prices after being out for many years.


Shambles said:
So much fail in this generation of consoles. Somehow they've managed to turn this ex-console fanatic into a PC only gamer. I did the whole 'waiting overnight in line to buy Day 1' and have nothing but regret about it. Next generation of consoles I could only be tempted to buy after they hit bargain bin prices after being out for many years.

The next generation is only going to be worse. I plan on having an insane rig by then. I hate to abandon my beloved consoles, but this shit is getting ridiculous.

Master Z

Another L for the consumer but whatcha gonna do mang? Can Sony realistically be sued for this? Do we got any lawyers in the house?


Those who want to pirate will not update this firmware at all. When i bought PS3 i had a dream that few years down the line, its Install Other OS - Linux would become so mature i can use it as a HTPC besides my TV, dual booting XMB and a full desktop OS. Instead of going forward, PS3 Linux stalled, stopped and soon to disappear from the Earth....Ken Kutaragi rages at all spineless bean counters running SCEI.

PS3 unpatched at Ebay hmmph....


JoshuaJSlone said:

I want to put myself on the cover of a book. Can I start printing my own copies of Lord of the Rings with myself on the cover and give them away? No. But I can give people stickers they could put on their own legitimate copies.

well, then couldn't there be people who do the same with the dvd firmware? Don't give out the actual firmware but just give a program that modifies it?

note: I know very little about the dvd firmware hack.


NinjaFridge said:
No man, this is huge. fucking huge. OtherOS is a feature used by literally tens of people and they are just to get rid of it man. What about those tens of people, what about them?!

Oh will someone please think of the CHILDREN!


Master Z said:
Another L for the consumer but whatcha gonna do mang? Can Sony realistically be sued for this? Do we got any lawyers in the house?

iapetus mentioned "bait and switch". People could file a class action suit, accusing Sony of such an act. Can't really say what would come out of it though.
In principal it is wrong. But in the end it's not something I will miss and therefor I won't think any worse of Sony.

Now, about those extra features...


Hey heaven forbid Sony goes out of their way to provide a fully-endorsed avenue for the open source, education and enthuasiast communities to congregate - only to see it being used for little more than "HEY GEOHOT WHEN CAN I HAS LOADER" hacking projects.

You guys act like there's some kind of entitlement to OtherOS. Sony set the parameters behind it - if people want to trespass past those parameters, then anything's fair game. "No RSX access"? Fuck right off, Linux has flourished on plenty of platforms ten times weaker than the PS3.

Master Z

-PXG- said:
iapetus mentioned "bait and switch". People could file a class action suit, accusing Sony of such an act. Can't really say what would come out of it though.
Interesting. I'd like to see somebody step up and actually try that.
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