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PS5 Pro Specs Leak are Real, Releasing Holiday 2024(Insider Gaming)

As compared to what generation? Are you including cross generation support for order hardware?

PS4 to PS5 took 7 years
PS5 to PS6 will take 8 years (most probably)

Compare that to the '80s and '90s consoles and you will see that after 4-5 years a new gen was ready

Generations are getting longer and longer, making games is getting longer and longer...

It's the way it is

And that's not even considering the cross-gen period that is getting longer as well
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This thread reminds me of when people were saying the consoles’ SSDs and I/Os would make every PC obsolete and newer PCs would need 64GB of RAM to keep up.

It’s like people never learn no matter how many times we do this exercise. Pro will erase the advantages of high-end PCs? PSSR will 100% be superior to DLSS barring a disaster? The craziest part is that some of these takes are posted by people who should know better, yet the fanboy in them makes them completely blind.

Here we are all waiting for a nice and affordable machine that will be significantly better than the base PS5, yet some just can’t help themselves by poisoning the well by parading complete nonsense. The Pro is an upgraded PS5. It won’t revolutionize gaming hardware.

I was curious why this thread had been revived, but the last 5-10 pages are pure stupidity (including hilariously incorrect assertions by our resident NVIDIA shill Leonidas).
I think from a PC gamer/enthusiasts POV who has been following GPU news; the hardware specs are nothing to write home about. Which is to say, its fine for what it is. And we can kind of guess that it should perform around a 7700XT to 7800XT/3080/4070 once you factor optimizations and API; which is totally fine. And PSSR looks to be solid as upscaling tech goes. Maybe not revolutionary as we've had this kind of performance/image quality that could've been had for many years. But for console players having high quality upscaling way and way better RT performance will be a boon, for sure. And in the current market, its looking to be an nifty piece of hardware for sub $600.

The constant bickering over my brands GPU is better than yours is baffling though. The console isn't even out yet lol.
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Gold Member
PS4 to PS5 took 7 years
PS5 to PS6 will take 8 years (most probably)

Compare that to the '80s and '90s consoles and you will see that after 4-5 years a new gen was ready

Generations are getting longer and longer, making games is getting longer and longer...

It's the way it is

And that's not even considering the cross-gen period that is getting longer as well
I mean, they have gotten longer, but "more than double" only applies to a few cherry picked examples. Out of our major console releases we have Master System to Genesis, Saturn to Dreamcast, and Xbox to 360. In these examples, either the current console was failing to compete in their main markets, or in the case of Xbox, was never able to be produced at anything other than a loss. Every other console release cadence has exceeded the stated 4-5 year cycle.

Edit: you are also referring to console cycles that were in almost every case, 20+ years ago. Comparisons to more contemporary systems would probably be more productive.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
You completely misread the first part. Console players leaving for PC at the mid-gen, whether there is a mid-gen console was the context of brute forcing - nothing to do with DLSS either just gamers using expensive PC hardware whether at native or upscaled to justify playing 3rd party games on PC instead.
How is that "brute forcing" anything though? Hardware gets older and you get more powerful solutions because often times, there is no other answer than better hardware. I'm not sure how brute forcing applies here. Gamers buy a console in 2014, by 2018, much better PC parts are available for cheap and they choose those instead. Where is the brute forcing part there?
You are also completely wrong about the origins of frame-gen which was a graphics paper by a console programmer for a proposed technique for SW: Force Unleashed 2 to frame-gen 30fps to 60fps on PS3/360, an article which DF covered at the time. Tessellation was also pioneered on PS2 - in hardware before Opengl extensions - and with the original procedural geometry paper SCEE did featuring early procedural bosses similar to Shadows of the Colossus IIRC - but it is nearly 2 decades since I clapped eyes on that paper. An adjacent technique that lead to VRR was first used in PS3 Wipeout HD on PS3 where the screen scaled resolution dynamically to maintain a frame-rate, and the only proper implementations AFAIK of VRR are in games like Morales/Spiderman 2 where they have a 40fps mode, which was its real design intention to have a fixed alternative to 30 and 60, rather than a fluctuating frame-rate catcher with broken colour precision and random frame-pacing.
Which is cool but when did I ever say anything about the "origins" of frame generation? I say we got it on PC and it's slowly making its way to consoles. Frame generation is widespread on PC but still very niche in consoles. I didn't say a thing about anyone inventing it. Same for VRR which gained real traction half a decade after Wipeout HD. Regardless, that's besides the point because I misconstrued the top part of your post.
As for "the Pro won't take us anywhere". Well its intention is to drive the development on the base PS5, so we'll have to wait and see, but in relation to my previous post, I can see PS5 and PS5 Pro native res on games being the same but with the fx fidelity and fx layers being a tier above on the Pro, and the PSSR taking the native image and making it look like native 4K30/60, so if that is the outcome it will have done a good job utilising the base Ps5 to its potential and allowing the Pro to present that base PS5 output at its very best on a big screen at 4K, which doesn't take us to a next-gen but still would be good for a refresh for all PlayStation owners IMO.
Correct, but that's already what DLSS does, so I'm not sure why you implied the Pro would make better hardware irrelevant? The 4070 at 1080p performs like a 4090 at 4K. You can use DLSS Performance a lot of the times and get a good image quality with a 4K output with much better performance than native 4K. Native resolution has been an irrelevant topic on PC for years now. The only useful thing about it is that it allows an apples to apples comparison without subjective views on how image quality stacks up. You said before that the RTX 2060 didn't make teraflops comparison irrelevant to which I beg to differ. It did definitely make comparing hardware directly irrelevant. What matters is the final result and the specs sheets no longer reflect that. Native is useless beyond academic purposes (or when the res is too low to do anything but that's another topic).
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Fafracer forever
Which is cool but when did I ever say anything about the "origins" of frame generation? I say we got it on PC and it's slowly making its way to consoles.
Strictly speaking frame-gen got popularized on VR devices, and then made its way to flat-screens.
Though the whole use of interpolation for it is something we really shouldn't want to remain wide-spread - in games. It's decidedly not the win some tech-channels advertise it as.

How is that "brute forcing" anything though?
Well SW is still designed for older hw/targets - so it's kind of true - you're just making older stuff run faster with more pixels. And often we can find older titles that give modern GPUs a fair work-out because they're actually suboptimal for modern architectures(hw evolution isn't just making faster horses) - we've seen that repeat every 5 years or so.

Avoid hardware obsolescence with PS5 when games are still being released on PS4 in 2024?
It's about keeping up engagement / active userbase. One thing that happened in past generations (consistently - with all 3 console makers) is complete collapse of active-users when new generations started. This transition was the first time that avoided that cycle, and part of that was the result of Pro refreshes.
Ie. it's not about the hardware sales - but rather not missing out on billions in revenue that are generated by keeping *active* userbase in the 100M range.


I will say this, PS5 Pro has put on hold any plans I had to get back into PC gaming.

I’m quite happy with PS5 but 3-4 years into the gen I am ready for an upgrade. If the 5000 series of GPU’s were due this year, and for a reasonable price, I may have been tempted.

PS5 Pro would hold less interest if, like PS4 Pro, the target was just a resolution bump. Much improved RT performance and the possibilities of PSSR are far more exciting. Especially in the context of a console where 1st Party studios can really push the features.

I imagine we’ll get a GT7 PS5 Pro update and I’m very curious to see what they can deliver.

The target for Sony could be an improvement on RT and PSSR but that doesn't mean developers are gonna have the same target.

I'm sure many developers will skip RT improvements or PSSR and opt to just increase the resolution.


Strictly speaking frame-gen got popularized on VR devices, and then made its way to flat-screens.
Though the whole use of interpolation for it is something we really shouldn't want to remain wide-spread - in games. It's decidedly not the win some tech-channels advertise it as.

Well SW is still designed for older hw/targets - so it's kind of true - you're just making older stuff run faster with more pixels. And often we can find older titles that give modern GPUs a fair work-out because they're actually suboptimal for modern architectures(hw evolution isn't just making faster horses) - we've seen that repeat every 5 years or so.

It's about keeping up engagement / active userbase. One thing that happened in past generations (consistently - with all 3 console makers) is complete collapse of active-users when new generations started. This transition was the first time that avoided that cycle, and part of that was the result of Pro refreshes.
Ie. it's not about the hardware sales - but rather not missing out on billions in revenue that are generated by keeping *active* userbase in the 100M range.
Well imo, releasing exclusive games on PC, even if it came on console 3 year before, isn't good for engagement.

The library Sony has on PC is getting bigger, which will entice gamers to PC anyway.
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Fafracer forever
Well imo, releasing exclusive games on PC, even if it came on console 3 year before, isn't good for engagement.
The library Sony has on PC is getting bigger, which will entice gamers to PC anyway.
Fair - but that's a different conversation (and entirely possible part of a different strategy).
Tbh I'm not sure PC vs exclusives is nearly as big of a deal as people think it is - historical precedents would argue the other way (eg. virtually all of the biggest PS2 exclusives - were on PC, usually within 1-2 years. Hell outside of GT3/4 there aren't any PS2 top-sellers that weren't multiplatform, day 1 or otherwise) - but none of us actually see the numbers behind it(Sony and MS do though), so it's all feelings with no evidence in either direction.
Yes I know - you will point to XBox collapse as a brand as a data-point - but that was not doing great for over 10 years now, and it has the spectre of GamePass over it for the past 6.


Avoid hardware obsolescence with PS5 when games are still being released on PS4 in 2024?
I think by hardware obsolescence he means the ceiling of acceptable performance for the consoles naturally gets lower and lower as the gen progresses. Typically, this is fine because by now, in say the PS2 gen, we would be talking about new consoles coming out next year (on the 5th year) or at worst the year after that. But when we have generations lasting as long 7-8 years, it makes sense to release something in between that allowing the console performance ceiling to be raised again, and letting what was the previous ceiling become the official floor.
The target for Sony could be an improvement on RT and PSSR but that doesn't mean developers are gonna have the same target.

I'm sure many developers will skip RT improvements or PSSR and opt to just increase the resolution.
I believe the target is to take whatever a dev would make on the base PS5 fidelity mode which runs at 30fps, and get that running at 60fps, with the same quality or slightly better quality. Most modern game engines are already generally scalable right now, so by default, having more performance to drive the same code will result in better results. Eg... things like RT and resolution are tied to fixed dynamic presets for the framerate.

So RT scales with rez, rez scales with framerate....etc. Having hardware that allows a near fixed rez at say 1440p and that will allow the game run at 60fps+, will also mean that things like RT will naturally be improved by default... and then you just use PSSR to give you the rez boost that you would have otherwise needed hardware that is 2-3x as strong to accomplish natively.

I think what sony is attempting to do, is make this transition or upgrade be as painless to devs as possible.


Fair - but that's a different conversation (and entirely possible part of a different strategy).
Tbh I'm not sure PC vs exclusives is nearly as big of a deal as people think it is - historical precedents would argue the other way (eg. virtually all of the biggest PS2 exclusives - were on PC, usually within 1-2 years. Hell outside of GT3/4 there aren't any PS2 top-sellers that weren't multiplatform, day 1 or otherwise) - but none of us actually see the numbers behind it(Sony and MS do though), so it's all feelings with no evidence in either direction.
Yes I know - you will point to XBox collapse as a brand as a data-point - but that was not doing great for over 10 years now, and it has the spectre of GamePass over it for the past 6.

The only reason many people won't trade in a PS console for a PC is simplicity and accessibility. But there are many people who care little about that, especially if we have more freedom to set up games and system as we want, and those people are the ones who are going to skip buying a Ps5 pro or Ps6.

As the console generation progresses, it becomes clearer how developers are adopting the same development paradigm as on PC, so hardware customizations and optimizations no longer make a big difference.
I'm in here just looking for any more information on the system and the last few pages are like "YEAH, BUT LET ME EXPLAIN WHY PC IS JUST BETTER".

Really? Is it really necessary? We know that. I'm just excited to see what Sony can do with their PSSR, improved RT, etc.

I wonder if the actual SSD tech inside will be faster than the base system?


The only reason many people won't trade in a PS console for a PC is simplicity and accessibility. But there are many people who care little about that, especially if we have more freedom to set up games and system as we want, and those people are the ones who are going to skip buying a Ps5 pro or Ps6.

As the console generation progresses, it becomes clearer how developers are adopting the same development paradigm as on PC, so hardware customizations and optimizations no longer make a big difference.
Listen... all that you are saying... is nonsense. You have console gamers and you have PC gamers and you have those that are both. While they all subscribe to the same market, they are very different audiences. Sony doesn't sell on average 100M consoles every gen, because they convinced 100M people to NOT buy a PC that were going to or looking to build a PC to begin with. Any more than no one who wants to build a PC and have the money o do it comfortably,m is going to say they are not going to do that simply because there is a new console coming out.

And even if there are people that fall into any of the above groups, those people would amount to no more than 5-10% of gained or lost sales.

Anyone talking about PC and consoles like they are in the same market is either trolling... or has a gross lack of knowledge on how this industry or even more so, people's buying habits work. Just like how anyone who thinks the majority of the PC audience has a 4090-tier PC is either out of touch, a hypocrite or is being paid by Nvidia. Most PC gamers have hardware that falls within or under the performance of what would be a PS5pro and at the time of the PS5 launch, they were mostly below what was the PS5. Thats just how it is.

And that "BIG" difference in hardware between console and PC that you just so readily dismissed... doesn't have to be in the technology... its in the cost of entry. On a dollar to performance scale, consoles have... and will ALWAYS have an advantage over PCs. That will never change. The day you can cobble together a PC full of used parts that can match a PS5 at $500... I will show you a used PS5 you can buy for $300. As I said.... different audiences.

I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Well SW is still designed for older hw/targets - so it's kind of true - you're just making older stuff run faster with more pixels. And often we can find older titles that give modern GPUs a fair work-out because they're actually suboptimal for modern architectures(hw evolution isn't just making faster horses) - we've seen that repeat every 5 years or so.
Strange way to phrase it in this context. Evolving hardware is just a natural process.
Listen... all that you are saying... is nonsense. You have console gamers and you have PC gamers and you have those that are both. While they all subscribe to the same market, they are very different audiences. Sony doesn't sell on average 100M consoles every gen, because they convinced 100M people to NOT buy a PC that were going to or looking to build a PC to begin with. Any more than no one who wants to build a PC and have the money o do it comfortably,m is going to say they are not going to do that simply because there is a new console coming out.

And even if there are people that fall into any of the above groups, those people would amount to no more than 5-10% of gained or lost sales.

Anyone talking about PC and consoles like they are in the same market is either trolling... or has a gross lack of knowledge on how this industry or even more so, people's buying habits work. Just like how anyone who thinks the majority of the PC audience has a 4090-tier PC is either out of touch, a hypocrite or is being paid by Nvidia. Most PC gamers have hardware that falls within or under the performance of what would be a PS5pro and at the time of the PS5 launch, they were mostly below what was the PS5. Thats just how it is.

And that "BIG" difference in hardware between console and PC that you just so readily dismissed... doesn't have to be in the technology... its in the cost of entry. On a dollar to performance scale, consoles have... and will ALWAYS have an advantage over PCs. That will never change. The day you can cobble together a PC full of used parts that can match a PS5 at $500... I will show you a used PS5 you can buy for $300. As I said.... different audiences.

I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling.
Doesn't matter how many times this gets repeated. Gaffers are convinced that they are the norm and that gamers either have consoles or 4090-tier PCs. The only reasons to own a PC are super awesome visuals and frame rates even though most PC gamers have low to mid-tier rigs and the most popular games are a lot of novelty and indie stuff. There is some overlap in their markets but by and large, they are separate, which is why Sony has opted to port its games to PC because they realized most of the audience there wouldn't budge.
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How is that "brute forcing" anything though? Hardware gets older and you get more powerful solutions because often times, there is no other answer than better hardware. I'm not sure how brute forcing applies here. Gamers buy a console in 2014, by 2018, much better PC parts are available for cheap and they choose those instead. Where is the brute forcing part there?

Which is cool but when did I ever say anything about the "origins" of frame generation? I say we got it on PC and it's slowly making its way to consoles. Frame generation is widespread on PC but still very niche in consoles. I didn't say a thing about anyone inventing it. Same for VRR which gained real traction half a decade after Wipeout HD. Regardless, that's besides the point because I misconstrued the top part of your post.

Correct, but that's already what DLSS does, so I'm not sure why you implied the Pro would make better hardware irrelevant? The 4070 at 1080p performs like a 4090 at 4K. You can use DLSS Performance a lot of the times and get a good image quality with a 4K output with much better performance than native 4K. Native resolution has been an irrelevant topic on PC for years now. The only useful thing about it is that it allows an apples to apples comparison without subjective views on how image quality stacks up. You said before that the RTX 2060 didn't make teraflops comparison irrelevant to which I beg to differ. It did definitely make comparing hardware directly irrelevant. What matters is the final result and the specs sheets no longer reflect that. Native is useless beyond academic purposes (or when the res is too low to do anything but that's another topic).
Brute forcing is where a game designed around 30fps animations and feedback loop on console is just being given a higher capped frame-rate on PC.

The SotC director made this point when 60fps talk questions emerged when Ico and SotC were getting PS3 ports with 3D added, The likes of Richard at DF have been playing the console peasants card since the latter years of the 360/PS3 without ever acknowledging that you can run a 30fps game and run it at 60fps - or more - but the gameplay/AI/Physics is still intrinsically of the 30fps design.

As for DLSS making native irrelevant that's definitely still noisy enough for each person to concluded YMMV, and I certainly don't prefer DLSS to native in the content I've tried it like the Matrix demo,.

But that's maybe the content and the lack of viewing on big screen, which comes to the real difference between PSSR and DLSS in context is that the requirements of releasing games on PS5 will require them to have a PSSR mode for the Pro, unlike the divide of games without or FSR/DLSS/XeSS sponsored titles on PC. This will be the first time at a system level, all games going forward will have AI ML upscaling and the effectiveness of it QA'ed at a platform level by the submissions team to make sure it is high quality.

Whether it means we see the end of DLSS/FSR PC exclusive sponsoring, or console being given an exclusion we'll have to wait and see, but PSSR in the mix from the Pro, I can't see a situation where devs would release first on PC to get the DLSS/FSR money and potentially kill console game sales by releasing later on console when they were cleared to add PSSR support.


advanced basic bitch
Listen... all that you are saying... is nonsense. You have console gamers and you have PC gamers and you have those that are both. While they all subscribe to the same market, they are very different audiences. Sony doesn't sell on average 100M consoles every gen, because they convinced 100M people to NOT buy a PC that were going to or looking to build a PC to begin with. Any more than no one who wants to build a PC and have the money o do it comfortably,m is going to say they are not going to do that simply because there is a new console coming out.

And even if there are people that fall into any of the above groups, those people would amount to no more than 5-10% of gained or lost sales.

Anyone talking about PC and consoles like they are in the same market is either trolling... or has a gross lack of knowledge on how this industry or even more so, people's buying habits work. Just like how anyone who thinks the majority of the PC audience has a 4090-tier PC is either out of touch, a hypocrite or is being paid by Nvidia. Most PC gamers have hardware that falls within or under the performance of what would be a PS5pro and at the time of the PS5 launch, they were mostly below what was the PS5. Thats just how it is.

And that "BIG" difference in hardware between console and PC that you just so readily dismissed... doesn't have to be in the technology... its in the cost of entry. On a dollar to performance scale, consoles have... and will ALWAYS have an advantage over PCs. That will never change. The day you can cobble together a PC full of used parts that can match a PS5 at $500... I will show you a used PS5 you can buy for $300. As I said.... different audiences.

I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling.
I'd wager the majority of gaf have pretty capable PCs though so that skews perception. This is an enthusiast forum. Most of us with pc's here aren't rocking 970's still.

"I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling."

Or you have some saying that the PS5 pro will make high-end PCs obsolete, which will be impossible. These things have to be made for a price.
They're either delusional or trolling. Maybe both.


What time is it?
Or you have some saying that the PS5 pro will make high-end PCs obsolete, which will be impossible. These things have to be made for a price.
They're either delusional or trolling. Maybe both.

But, but, but console gamers too.



What time is it?
It's about keeping up engagement / active userbase. One thing that happened in past generations (consistently - with all 3 console makers) is complete collapse of active-users when new generations started. This transition was the first time that avoided that cycle, and part of that was the result of Pro refreshes.

I'd question how big of a part that PS Pro had to do with it. What's the lifetime sales of the PS4Pro? 20M? We had somewhat recent data stating the PS4 MUA was about 100M. I'd guess that number mostly has to do with backwards compatibility and cross generational support. Then again, we had Andrew House saying that PS4 Pro was launched to keep users in the ecosystem and not migrate to PC which always strikes me as odd so I could be completely off-base.

I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling.

I'd say insecure and trolls sums it up nicely as evidenced in the last few pages of this thread. The newest wave of PC gamers are among the most annoying because of this but I do take pity on them as they missed the golden era.

Don't take it personally.

What exactly am I taking personally? I'm just calling a warrior a warrior. Keeping inventing ghosts to chase.
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advanced basic bitch
What exactly am I taking personally? I'm just calling a warrior a warrior. Keeping inventing ghosts to chase.
What am I being a warrior of exactly? Calling out some of you for having unrealistic expectations is being a warrior? If you expect the world of this thing that's fine but some of us have a little sense. My post history is open. I'm also a huge PlayStation fan. In fact i bet my first post in this very thread was about wanting this. I came in to check the thread for the first time in a while to see if there's been any news and i saw some people acting foolish so I responded. Unless you're one of the fools there's no reason to be upset.


What time is it?
What am I being a warrior of exactly? Calling out some of you for having unrealistic expectations is being a warrior? If you expect the world of this thing that's fine but some of us have a little sense. My post history is open. I'm also a huge PlayStation fan. In fact i bet my first post in this very thread was about wanting this. I came in to check the thread for the first time in a while to see if there's been any news and i saw some people acting foolish so I responded. Unless you're one of the fools there's no reason to be upset.

Who's upset? You ignoring bad faith actors and further justify them when they get called out with #SonyFanboysToo is the warring I'm referring to. Dunking on foolish statements is fair play but you continually reference some "obsolete" statement as a defense or an excuse other foolishness puts you on the same level of discourse. It's all rather droll.


Fafracer forever
I'd question how big of a part that PS Pro had to do with it. What's the lifetime sales of the PS4Pro? 20M? We had somewhat recent data stating the PS4 MUA was about 100M. I'd guess that number mostly has to do with backwards compatibility and cross generational support. Then again, we had Andrew House saying that PS4 Pro was launched to keep users in the ecosystem and not migrate to PC which always strikes me as odd so I could be completely off-base.
I don't think it's off-base to see PS4Pro helps retain MAUs (and likely high engagement ones because they're the bigger spenders). I did say it's 'one' of the factors - I don't think it's solely responsible of course... But personally it certainly helped me stay spending in the PS ecosystem even though PC/Steam is my primary.

The only reason many people won't trade in a PS console for a PC is simplicity and accessibility.
I mean yea - but that was the selling point of consoles since - well always.
As I note above - PC is my primary choice but it's hard to argue console isn't the superior user-experience outside of the pixel-counts and framerate, so I keep coming back there too.

Strange way to phrase it in this context. Evolving hardware is just a natural process.
I guess it's the difference between running an old release at 8k with 4xSSAA @ 120hz (aka 'brute-force' remastering) and playing the remake of same game at 1800p @ 60hz (I'm not gonna name a game - but there's some recent examples that even on higher end PCs make it tough... ).
Not saying one is better than the other - but 🤷‍♀️


Listen... all that you are saying... is nonsense. You have console gamers and you have PC gamers and you have those that are both. While they all subscribe to the same market, they are very different audiences. Sony doesn't sell on average 100M consoles every gen, because they convinced 100M people to NOT buy a PC that were going to or looking to build a PC to begin with. Any more than no one who wants to build a PC and have the money o do it comfortably,m is going to say they are not going to do that simply because there is a new console coming out.

And even if there are people that fall into any of the above groups, those people would amount to no more than 5-10% of gained or lost sales.

Anyone talking about PC and consoles like they are in the same market is either trolling... or has a gross lack of knowledge on how this industry or even more so, people's buying habits work. Just like how anyone who thinks the majority of the PC audience has a 4090-tier PC is either out of touch, a hypocrite or is being paid by Nvidia. Most PC gamers have hardware that falls within or under the performance of what would be a PS5pro and at the time of the PS5 launch, they were mostly below what was the PS5. Thats just how it is.

And that "BIG" difference in hardware between console and PC that you just so readily dismissed... doesn't have to be in the technology... its in the cost of entry. On a dollar to performance scale, consoles have... and will ALWAYS have an advantage over PCs. That will never change. The day you can cobble together a PC full of used parts that can match a PS5 at $500... I will show you a used PS5 you can buy for $300. As I said.... different audiences.

I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling.
100% agree with this. I am in the both crowd and they are very different bits of hardware to me. I am also equally impressed with both from a technical standpoint. I understand why some will only pick one as it meets there needs but do get a bit sick and tired of the PCMR thinking that we didn't know what we are talking about.


What time is it?
I don't think it's off-base to see PS4Pro helps retain MAUs (and likely high engagement ones because they're the bigger spenders). I did say it's 'one' of the factors - I don't think it's solely responsible of course... But personally it certainly helped me stay spending in the PS ecosystem even though PC/Steam is my primary.

I'm not questioning the PS4Pro helping, more wondering aloud how much it actually helped. It also be interesting to know how many people upgraded from PS4 to Pro versus late adopters of the system. And due to timing, I'm sure a larger percentage of PS4Pros sold versus base PS4 sold make up that 100 MUA even if the base is the lion share.


Well if anyone was wondering, there is a thread about this as well.

Data as of Jan 2020 Details Disc Retail, Bundled, and Digital Disc and Bundled- SIEA: 11th Jan 2020 SIEE: 12th Jan 2020 SIEJA: 12th Jan 2020 Digital: 19th Jan 2020 PS4: 105.3 million (including 14.3 million PS4 Pro) as of 19th Jan 2020 PSVR: 5.1 million as of 19th Jan 2020.

That's only 13.5% of the total PS4/Pro consoles sold.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Well if anyone was wondering, there is a thread about this as well.

Data as of Jan 2020 Details Disc Retail, Bundled, and Digital Disc and Bundled- SIEA: 11th Jan 2020 SIEE: 12th Jan 2020 SIEJA: 12th Jan 2020 Digital: 19th Jan 2020 PS4: 105.3 million (including 14.3 million PS4 Pro) as of 19th Jan 2020 PSVR: 5.1 million as of 19th Jan 2020.

That's only 13.5% of the total PS4/Pro consoles sold.
That's the total as of Jan 2020, correct? The PS4 hit 50 million units in December 2016, just a few weeks after the Pro was launched. So between December 2016 and January 2020, it sold another 55 million units, including 14.3 million Pro models. That means the Pro represented about 25% of the total number of PS4 sold between its release and January 2020. 1 in every 4 PS4 which I believe Sony divulged a while back.

I don't know if the PS5 Pro will sell better or worse. On the one hand, it's a much better upgrade than the PS4 Pro, but on the other hand, the PS5 is also a much better machine than the base PS4 was. It's still a very capable piece of hardware even in 2024, unlike the PS4 which was a bit trash by 2018 and could be outdone by a crappy PC.
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This thread is ramping up fast, and I love it. With the impending official PS5 Pro announcement looming, looking most likely in September (only 2 more months from now), things are heating up fast. Can't wait to pre-order two of them day-1.
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Fafracer forever
It also be interesting to know how many people upgraded from PS4 to Pro versus late adopters of the system. And due to timing, I'm sure a larger percentage of PS4Pros sold versus base PS4 sold make up that 100 MUA even if the base is the lion share.
Yea I kind of suspect upgraders were also the majority of buyers, but it's a good question.
That said - other than raw user-counts, the types of users also matter - Sony disclosed at some point during PS4 era that early adopters were spending thousands of $ on software ecosystem, so keeping those engaged matters even more, and they are likely to be candidates for hw-upgrades.
But indeed - actual statistics on user arche-types and distribution would be interesting to see.

That's the total as of Jan 2020, correct? The PS4 hit 50 million units in December 2016, just a few weeks after the Pro was launched. So between December 2016 and January 2020, it sold another 55 million units, including 14.3 million Pro models. That means the Pro represented about 25% of the total number of PS4 sold between its release and January 2020. 1 in every 4 PS4 which I believe Sony divulged a while back.
And if that % held we'd have another 3+M of Pros sold by end of life, bringing total pretty close to 20M in the end.
Two more months until Pro announcement? Or what if they cancelled Pro plans altogether to make way for PS6 by 2026 instead of 2027 (PS console gens: PS3 and 4 were 7 years, what if that's been reduced to 6 between PS5 to PS6)?

Little Mac

Gold Member
I got a ps5 slim late last year after ignoring the PlayStation ecosystem since the launch of the PS3. I bought a handful of popular first and third party games on sale and been slowly playing through them all, and quite frankly I’m having a fucking blast. I’m currently on Ghost of Tsushima and holy shit does it have to be the best looking and running console game I’ve ever played. And it’s a cross gen title from 4 years ago? !

Samuel L Jackson Reaction GIF by Coming to America

I know art direction has a ton to do with it but if the pro allows devs to deliver this caliber of performance on past, present, and future AAA titles going forward, I’ll have no choice but to upgrade. I hope devs update their games to take advantage of the hardware’s capabilities as there are a lot of quality titles I’ve yet to play.
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Gold Member
I am eager to know when you will be able to share with us more of your information for the ps5 pro.
If a have to bet in one person in this forum that have further knowledge in specs that surely would be you....
Thing is when I am able to talk more openly no one will care because everything will be out there

I do hear its performing quite well and PSSR is easy to implement

Still say 4070+ real world performance

Have mentioned this many times, don't get caught up in TF numbers
Thing is when I am able to talk more openly no one will care because everything will be out there

I do hear its performing quite well and PSSR is easy to implement

Still say 4070+ real world performance

Have mentioned this many times, don't get caught up in TF numbers

I know Mark Cerny is very obsessed with making the development of games as easy as possible, it's been central to his design philosophy since he was chosen to design the PS4. I remember in one of his interviews he said something along the lines of games should be easy to approach and have fun, but to truly master it would require time and effort and this is the route that he went with in PS4 and likely PS5, it's why we got such great visual from early PS4 games to the later ones but I'm digressing here.

Given the ease of implementation, I'm curious to see the adoption rate of features like PSSR. I already know Ubisoft will have a beefy patch for AC Shadows and I'm really curious to see what they can pull off.


I got a ps5 slim late last year after ignoring the PlayStation ecosystem since the launch of the PS3. I bought a handful of popular first and third party games on sale and been slowly playing through them all, and quite frankly I’m having a fucking blast. I’m currently on Ghost of Tsushima and holy shit does it have to be the best looking and running console game I’ve ever played. And it’s a cross gen title from 4 years ago? !

Samuel L Jackson Reaction GIF by Coming to America

I know art direction has a ton to do with it but if the pro allows devs to deliver this caliber of performance on past, present, and future AAA titles going forward, I’ll have no choice but to upgrade. I hope devs update their games to take advantage of the hardware’s capabilities as there are a lot of quality titles I’ve yet to play.
Just wait til you get to Days Gone.



I'd wager the majority of gaf have pretty capable PCs though so that skews perception. This is an enthusiast forum. Most of us with pc's here aren't rocking 970's still.

"I do not understand why this PC nonsense has to come into every console thread... to me, its just shows a lot of insecurity on the part of those doing it. Or maybe they are just trolling."

Or you have some saying that the PS5 pro will make high-end PCs obsolete, which will be impossible. These things have to be made for a price.
They're either delusional or trolling. Maybe both.
I get that most here who have PCs likely have a decent one. While I won't call my PC high-end anymore, I do have a 3080 in it (waiting to see what AMD does with REDNA4 before I upgrade), and use it primarily as a HTPC and xbox games machine. I prefer to play on a console, but you don't see me going into any PC-focused thread and bringing up consoles there. I like what I like, and I respect that others do the same. Neednt be anything more than that... some people clearly can't accept that.

And if I saw any idiot saying shit like PS5pro would make PCs obsolete... I would dress them down too.

100% agree with this. I am in the both crowd and they are very different bits of hardware to me. I am also equally impressed with both from a technical standpoint. I understand why some will only pick one as it meets there needs but do get a bit sick and tired of the PCMR thinking that we didn't know what we are talking about.
I am also in the both category. I gather some people just can't help themselves but be trolls.
Thing is when I am able to talk more openly no one will care because everything will be out there

I do hear its performing quite well and PSSR is easy to implement

Still say 4070+ real world performance

Have mentioned this many times, don't get caught up in TF numbers
Honestly a 4070 in term of performance and if the PSSR is a good uspcale tech and not FSR trash tier with way better RT (not like it's really hard compared to the base PS5) for a console that would cost around $600.

It's probably the best possible outcome we could have if we are realistic of course having another better CPU would have been the best but it was probably never really considered for several reasons.

I'm really curious to see what Sony's studios are gonna do with it
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Gold Member
Thing is when I am able to talk more openly no one will care because everything will be out there

I do hear its performing quite well and PSSR is easy to implement

Still say 4070+ real world performance

Have mentioned this many times, don't get caught up in TF numbers

I was surprised to see the 7800xt this close to 4070 at 1440p in an RT based game. This is why I believe PS5 Pro would handily edge 4070 with few exceptions for future games that will be more RT focused and by extension VRAM hungry. 12gb will be an issue for this card especially for first party ports that flex i/o even further than we've seen. 4070S 16gb will be where this card lands when factoring RT/raster in conjunction.

Oh My God Wow GIF


Hard to Kill
Thing is when I am able to talk more openly no one will care because everything will be out there

I do hear its performing quite well and PSSR is easy to implement

Still say 4070+ real world performance

Have mentioned this many times, don't get caught up in TF numbers
Wait, I haven't followed gaming much these past few weeks but what is pssr?
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