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Quantum Break Review Thread


That Halo 5 scored lower then 4 is still really crazy to me. Almost insane haha.
But i am more a MP player tho. Altough i liked Halo 5 SP the same as Halo 4.

I can't really comment, but with a game like Halo which puts emphasis on both it's SP and MP component, I can see it being harder coming to a consensus regarding it's actual quality.

If I understand it, Halo 5 had an amazing MP but a disappointing campaign?


This is very simple but:

The fraction itself is math, but that's just a representation of something else.

What it means as a review score is not anything to do with math though.

The fraction itself is math and it is not a representation of something else. Numbers don't mean something different in review scores than they do is the rest of our lives.

If the score is perfect( 10/10 or 5/5) it means exactly the same and that is the only case I was discussing. That was my point and the math or anything else is irrefutable. A perfect score means that the game is the best it could be for that reviewer regardless of scale. So arguing 10/10 is not the same as 5/5 is stupid.

Thats 10 hours including the tv stuff!

Yeah, but it is still enough for a gaming experience. Not every game has to be a 100 hour Open world or RPG or have multiplayer.
This is the first generation of games where I've realized review scores really don't align with my enjoyment of games. I read them as separate from the question of "should I buy this?"
(which I think is good - it just hadn't really dawned on me in previous generations that reviews were finally talking about larger issues that don't necessarily impact my own experience with the game)


I can't really comment, but with a game like Halo which puts emphasis on both it's SP and MP component, I can see it being harder coming to a consensus regarding it's actual quality.

If I understand it, Halo 5 had an amazing MP but a disappointing campaign?
Amazing is a bit much

Halo 5 has an OK MP.


I can't comment, but with a game like Halo which puts emphasis on both it's SP and MP component, I can see it being harder coming to a consensus regarding it's actual quality.

If I understand it, Halo 5 had an amazing MP but a disappointing campaign?

It was not great the SP. But for me 4 wasnt also great. Both where oke. I think splitscreen was a big factor.
The MP tho. Stands above 4 by a large margin. Its the best MP after 2 imo.

But awell this is a QB thread.
That Halo 5 scored lower then 4 is still really crazy to me. Almost insane haha.
But i am more a MP player tho. Altough i liked Halo 5 SP the same as Halo 4.

But we don't all live in a vacuum. The passing of time and the changing of expectations means that, while Halo 5 may be superior to Halo 4, it's impossible to compare a game that released in 2012 to one that came out in 2015.

Nuke Soda

Shit, the reviews are practically glowing compared to The Order 1886. I still remember being so hyped for that one and then the reviews started pouring in lol. Still bought it day 1, but it felt more like defeat. ;)
God of War Ascension
Gears Judgement
Halo 4/5
Gran Turismo 5/6

and so on scored in the 80s because they weren't as good as their predecessors. (At least that is the general consensus. Haven't played Gears/Halo)
Obviously. Same could happen with Uc4. I think it will deliver on its expectations but the possibility's always there.

Why people suddenly think that because Quantum Break scored lower means UC4 will is beyond me. If you read the reviews they had a number of legitimate complaints, they didn't just lower the score because it wasn't an open world collectathon.

Ofc if Uncharted 4 has any big problems it won't score in the 90s.
I don't think people are connecting the two saying that Uc4 will score lower than expected because of Quantum Break; it's just all hypothetical and it's being stretched out on and on and on in this thread. Probably because it is near.


The fraction itself is math and it is not a representation of something else. Numbers don't mean something different in review scores than they do is the rest of our lives.

If the score is perfect( 10/10 or 5/5) it means exactly the same and that is the only case I was discussing. That was my point and the math or anything else is irrefutable. A perfect score means that the game is the best it could be for that reviewer regardless of scale. So arguing 10/10 is not the same as 5/5 is stupid.

Yeah, but it is still enough for a gaming experience. Not every game has to be a 100 hour Open world or RPG or have multiplayer.

I agree with you, but at 60$? it's a hard sale. Someone like me will never play the gagme again after beating it the first time for example. There is no multiplayer and only about 7 hr of game play not including tv stuff.

If I wasn't a graphics whore I'd just gamefly it and be done with it. Sadly I can't gamefly the pc version.


Obviously. Same could happen with Uc4. I think it will deliver on its expectations but the possibility's always there.

I don't think people are connecting the two saying that Uc4 will score lower than expected because of Quantum Break; it's just all hypothetical and it's being stretched out on and on and on in this thread. Probably because it is near.

Okay, fair enough
... The Order is a good example, where I feel the critical performance ensured that pseudo-interactive cinematic style of game design wasn't pursued further.
You can't blame critics for publishers taking the wrong lessons from The Order's critical reception.

There's no reason a game with The Order's premise or design goals can't work, it just didn't work out well in that particular game's case, for a variety of well laid out reasons.

Speaking of Quantum Break, I still don't know what to think, even with these reviews. I think its the kind of game I'll check back in on in a few months and see if everybody has forgotten about it or not.
I've had zero interest in this throughout its development.

And the scores seem disappointing (not that they are bad).

However, I'm oddly intrigued to play it for myself now. lol
If the time spent (wasted) on the tv show segments was instead spent on tweaking the game itself then this looks like it could've been something great.
As it is it looks like there paying the price for the tv , tv, tv, reveal of the Xbox itself , which clearly they knew was coming .


I don't think you can even pan the camera around the characters in Order 1886? Can't remember.

Doesn't it lock to the back of the character?

Cutscene models were the same anyway though.

lol what you see in cut scene in the order is the same as gameplay. it was one of the things rad was proud about.

Lighting and other factors comes to mind, it didn't look as good when you tried to pan the camera.

And you can do it, just stand close to a wall or something and in the right angle you can get a good look, QB's gif here is superior to anything I've seen from TO1886 regarding models during gameplay.

To all the people who quoted me, show me the money, talk is easy, and laughing gifs doesn't prove you right.
But maybe we should take it to the DF thread.
Haven't really commented on QB at all (outside of my OST post)... If I have it was so long ago I can't remember. Imo after watching a few lets plays I made a personal judgement (yes not the best, as I wasn't playing it) that it would probably review around 7-8 from some of the big sites.

Personally I felt while watching, gameplay started off slow, however once past that using time elements appeared to play for some interesting moments and some of the gameplay was compelling. Gunplay didn't appear to be fantastic (though not the focus). But the main issue I had was when the TV show interrupted gameplay. It seems a bit disjointed with the flow of gameplay and each episode really needed to be about a third, maybe half its length. Simple choices of your actions didn't need lengthy episodes, which weren't that great, to explain ones actions and consequence which would of been better shown through expanded gameplay.

Other thing's; technically the particle effects looked great, but I am not a fan of how soft it looks, but thats just me... I do appreciate how clean it looks though, so I commend Remedy on that.

Of course this was just early impressions and it turned out some of the fears about the TV show impacting gameplay could possibly be true... Really enjoy the Remedy Max Payne games so I'm sure the story is fairly decent regardless.
Why are people comparing this to The Order 1886? Despite the shitty reviews the order got, I enjoyed the game a lot. And it's one of my favorite games this gen. If people were going to buy QB and now they are wondering if they should because of the reviews, then trust your judgement because nobody is the same.
Eh, the review scores are about what I expected after watching those early gameplay videos. I might still pick it up but it doesn't appear to be that groundbreaking but instead a decent shooter with a slight twist. Honestly, the only reason I might buy the game is to support Remedy.


I'm looking forward to getting it next week, but not overly hyped.I'll probably like it but not love it.
I love 3rd person shooters but I'm not to fussed about stories and cutscenes.
No sure what I'll make of the episodes...
Should take me about a week to finish, if I can trade it in for a decent price that will affect my score lol.
I've had zero interest in this throughout its development.

And the scores seem disappointing (not that they are bad).

However, I'm oddly intrigued to play it for myself now. lol

I get where you're coming from, a game that seems so divisive is was more tantalizing to check out than one that has totally positive or negative reception just to see which side you fall on.

I'm getting some real Wolfenstein: The New Order vibes from it.


This thread now.


I don't know if it's because I'm sleepy or not, but I thought that was a real person until someone said otherwise.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Review threads are such a trainwreck of immaturity...yet I cannot look away. Caring one bit about metacritic is just so bizarre.


People pay attention to Gerstmann reviews lol?

Anyway, biggest concern is that I feel like I'm going be jumping through so many hoops just to get back to the gameplay. I heard one review mention that they wish some form of challenge mode had been included, and that's what I feel will be sorely missing. A quick way to jump in and enjoy combat.

Karak, any thoughts on that issue?


Sorry, did not read the whole thread, but why the comparisons with The Order 1886?

Not sure. 80%+ of QB's reviews are 8s, 9s, and 10s in the OP.

I suppose we could have a graphics off, but that's a different discussion.

Caring one bit about metacritic is just so bizarre.

Metacritic is useless really. The only time I pay it attention is if a game has like a 20% on it, then I reconsider a purchase..lol.
Review threads are such a trainwreck of immaturity...yet I cannot look away. Caring one bit about metacritic is just so bizarre.

I feel the same way. Why do people get so worked up over a corporate product? Do these people have money invested in these games? I only care enough about reviews so that they can help form my judgement, the QB reviews appear to be overall positive so I know I won't be making a huge mistake if I purchase it. That's as "invested" in a review score I get.


Amazing is a bit much

Halo 5 has an OK MP.

Halo 5 MP might be the best of the series... So well balanced compared to all the others.

Single player story is trash, but the gameplay is solid. It's an all around better game than Halo4. And can hold its own against the other games in the series...

Still, I'm not terribly surprised by its ratings..


Sorry, did not read the whole thread, but why the comparisons with The Order 1886?
A) Single-player third-person shooters with strong cinematic emphasis in a generation where almost everything else is open world. There's not a lot else out there for comparison when these kind of games are going so quickly out of vogue.
B) Console exclusive to one particular platform
Length. From what we are hearing its 9-10 hours long including the show clips.

Also the graphics are excellent so that may be why its being compared as well.

Im not seeing it other than the "best in class graphics" thing, 9-10 hours is still way longer than The Order ended up being. It was about 6.5 hours long, you could maybe squeeze 7 out of it if you tried to get collectibles.

Plus, only like 3 hours of that was actually playable.
Im not seeing it other than the "best in class graphics" thing, 9-10 hours is still way longer than The Order ended up being. It was about 6.5 hours long, you could maybe squeeze 7 out of it if you tried to get collectibles.

Plus, only like 3 hours of that was actually playable.

the 9-10 hours campaign length includes 4x25 minute cutscenes.

So it's about the same length as the order if you don't count the TV show sections


the 9-10 hours campaign length includes 4x25 minute cutscenes.

So it's about the same length as the order if you don't count the TV show sections

What if I play through it multiple times to see all the episodes (which are different)?

More than one review said it has quite a bit of replayability.

What if I do all the side/extra stuff?

What if I engage the encounters with different strategies, which you can do in QB?

How long is QB now?
What if I play through it multiple times to see all the episodes (which are different)?

More than one review said it has quite a bit of replayability.

What if I do all the side/extra stuff?

What if I engage the encounters with different strategies, which you can do in QB?

How long is QB now?

fuck if i know, you can play any game as much as you want and as many times as you like.

the campaign is about 9-10 hours the first time around and that includes 4x25 minute episodes. I'm not making that claim, i'm just pointing that out to someone who was asking about the game's length in comparison to the order



This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
This thread is getting silly.

People trying to discredit the game using other game as a benchmark (positive or negative), and others getting defensive and finding arguments to present their choice in a better light.

All this for something both sides didn't even played.

Why people feel the need to always fight? Just enjoy the game (or not), not need for others to validate your opinion.


What if I play through it multiple times to see all the episodes (which are different)?

More than one review said it has quite a bit of replayability.

What if I do all the side/extra stuff?

What if I engage the encounters with different strategies, which you can do in QB?

How long is QB now?
If they all lead to the same ending, it doesn't seem very compelling to see more episodes.
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