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Skullgirls |OT| New age of Heroines

Salty Cupcakes data dump(timestamped for your convenience):
EVO online pre-registration is up at $5. The pot total is $2000 so make sure to sign up early. Top 8 also gets that custom envelope from the team like the EVO 2012 top 8.
Voting results are in for this round. The eliminated are Mrs. Victoria, Leduc, Adam, Hubrecht, Andy, Hive, Ottomo, Samson, Yu-wan and Regina. Mike explains the instant runoff vote and how his new program will give us fast results after polls close.
Mike shows off new tweaks to super hitstun with no pauses/freezes during DHCs. Character specific changes and the new super film art shown(amazing). Valentine, Painwheel, Parasoul, Peacock changes and Double changes shown(A good 15 minutes).
Squigly game-play and animation improvements shown. Supers will mostly be done by next week, stance cancels and combos shown.
Some interesting facts about the Maplecrest stage and how it might need to be fixed.
Rich arrives at Salty Cupcakes. New Big Band T-shirt from 86'd shown. Comes in black and white. It is totally legit.
Mike and Skullgirls on old computers. Also, a bit of resolution talk.
Dealing with Xbox patch has set Mike back around seventy-five hours.
Mike: "This game is 2D because we love 2D and for no other reason".There is hope for anyone in the polls.
Mike would like to make a Beat 'em up, an RPG and a Metroidvania someday. Super Metroid praise ahoy.
Rich's voice is going to be filtered to fit Big Band. "Saxploitation" voice pack may be Rich's regular voice, but that is subject to change. Details on how to obtain an EVO event pass are shared and godlike Yomi is displayed.
AMAZING Lab Zero vs SNK voice-work from Mike.
New squigly animations for this week includes wakeup(facedown/up), throw techs, sliding, stagger, crumple stuns and wallbounce.
Alex drops in and someone asks about Annie, Beowulf and D.Violet concept art. He has some old ones so he'll clean those up and put some art out soon for Annie.
Alex says vote for who you like because Skullgirls 2 is absolutely not guaranteed.
We should be hearing something soon about the Patron Saint background characters.
Details on how to get a free signature from Rich Brown for your 86'd Big Band T-shirt(even for those of you who already ordered). Also, the team wants to have a panel at EVO, but needs your help to convince EVO staff. Let them know we want some SG panel action. Tweet the Wizard or something.
A good fifteen minutes of high level play from Salty Cupcake regulars.

*EVO pre-registrations are open for five dollars.
*New Big Band t-shirt available on 86'd until the 16th!
*EVO and MarvelousAQL are each putting in $1000 for a pot total of $2000. Winner of the tournament may be drawn in the background with some sort of trophy cuz it's EVO.
*Alex says he'd like to release the high res versions of the IGG character art. Needs to check with team before doing so.
*Be dapper fellows when EVO finally rolls in. Don't be salty about Injustice or not being the ninth game, guys. Keep ya chin up.
*Kuwabara is the best Yu Yu Hakusho character. This is law.
*Alex tells Rich Panzerfaust can get a Black Egret palette if he gets in.
*You need the $40 event pass along with the $5 Skullgirls registration to compete. Check this link to purchase.

All gameplay on frameskip 6 this week. Register for EVO if you got the time and money. No one cares about skill. It's about zerg rushing EVO.

That is all...


GGs to Beats. You gave me a thorough beat down to say the least. I barely remembered any combo I tried to practice in this game so I had to rely on my shitty fundamentals to get me through this non stop offense. I'm just not well equipped to deal with it right now but hopefully soon !


Good games Kioshen. I hope I wasn't too hard on you. >_<

17 ping though. That's the best connection I've had with someone so far in this haha.


Oh, that film strip for the supers looks great! I appreciate the time you put into this SolarPowered. I haven't been able to watch Salty live since I started work.

The 360 patch needs to hurry the fuck up so I don't get as brutally murdered as I expect to.


Good games Kioshen. I hope I wasn't too hard on you. >_<

17 ping though. That's the best connection I've had with someone so far in this haha.


Oh, that film strip for the supers looks great! I appreciate the time you put into this SolarPowered. I haven't been able to watch Salty live since I started work.

It's the only way to stop me from going to default SF mode and holding down back. Near the end my defense was getting better but I need to learn an "active" defense instead of being a sitting duck or reacting with a DP. That's funny about the 17 ping though because on my end it was saying 154 ping !? For the instant overhead crossup thingy you were doing with Filia ... was it IAD, j.LK, j.HK ?

Well if you weren't bored to tears waiting for me to learn how to play the game don't hesitate to hit me up next time you see me online ! Also same thing for me on the bolded part.
SolarPowered you're absolutely fantastic for the work you put in to give an overview of the Salty Cupcakes. First and foremost, thank you.


A lot of crying on the Skullheart forums / IRC about the proposed changes to Painwheel this week, mainly that the duration of her supers when shes out of Hatred Install were decreased and that the ground bounce was removed off of Hatred Install air super. It effectively results in a damage nerf to the character when she's in her normal state. It's fair I think when, as mentioned by Mike, the Nail buff represents a HUGE buff to the character's neutral game and Painwheel has always been a character thats pushed IPS to its absolute limits.

If you fix her neutral game then the damage doesn't become as necessary to the effectiveness of the character. I feel like people are looking at Buffs v. Nerfs strictly in a tally count sort of faction, more buffs = better character and more nerfs = worse without really gauging the impact that specific buffs (Nail buff being huge) and nerfs (Damage being fairly minor) will have on the character. Just because a character is lacking doesn't mean that buffing their other tools may not mean that a nerf is appropriate in another area.

And again, these gameplay experiments are currently all in a VERY fluid state, what may be flavor of the week changes one day may be and probably will be replaced with others down the line. Let's also not forget things that MikeZ has yet to incorporate in his list of proposed changes, check the to-do list people!




I'm honestly interested to see what kind of super this is going to be. A lot of the fun in seeing the concepts before the effect is that you can speculate on potential things the character may be able to do. Is this a grab super? A low hitting attack? Maybe something that can "capture" characters in a specific state allowing further combos after the fact? Who knowwws.


It's the only way to stop me from going to default SF mode and holding down back. Near the end my defense was getting better but I need to learn an "active" defense instead of being a sitting duck or reacting with a DP. That's funny about the 17 ping though because on my end it was saying 154 ping !? For the instant overhead crossup thingy you were doing with Filia ... was it IAD, j.LK, j.HK ?

Well if you weren't bored to tears waiting for me to learn how to play the game don't hesitate to hit me up next time you see me online ! Also same thing for me on the bolded part.

Yeah, that works. I'm not sure if it always crosses up though. You can also try IAD, j.LP, j.LK, j.HK or IAD j.LP, j.LK, cr. LK also for other IAD stuff.

Huh, that's weird about the ping. It was very smooth though anyway. Don't worry, I wasn't bored at all and I wouldn't mind playing you again. :p


Yeah, that works. I'm not sure if it always crosses up though. You can also try IAD, j.LP, j.LK, j.HK or IAD j.LP, j.LK, cr. LK also for other IAD stuff.

Huh, that's weird about the ping. It was very smooth though anyway. Don't worry, I wasn't bored at all and I wouldn't mind playing you again. :p

Thanks for the IAD tips. I'll need to figure out what to do when doing a close stare down after a blocked c.MK to force going back to neutral or at least follow it up afterwards. Checking if I have frame advantage should be a good way to go.

Yeah that was very weird about the ping. I had to bump up my frame delays to 5 frames but it looked smooth. I just missed a bunch of jumping confirms but I'll blame it to inexperience and general suckiness hehe.

Is there a page that dumps all of SG's frame data somewhere or I'll have to test moves manually in training mode ?


*mother of god gif*

Thanks !

Edit : cr.MK is -7 on block for Filia. No wonder Beats was jumping in on me for free. THE TUTORIAL HAS LIED TO ME *raises fist*.


I almost don't believe it myself, but...

The 360 patch is out!

For maximum ease of acquisition, please download the Compatibiity Update before starting the game.


Redownloading now. I started the game and it tried to update, but it didn't work afterwords online and it didn't have the patch active even when I restarted so I left, deleted, and I'm downloading it again from the market place before turning on Skullgirls.

Cmooooooon baby. Daddy needs a movelist.


Well damn I thought there would have been a small sale when the patch would have come out just in case ;_;. I'll have to wait a little more before I buy it for the third time because I'm a little short on cash at the moment.
SolarPowered you're absolutely fantastic for the work you put in to give an overview of the Salty Cupcakes. First and foremost, thank you.
You are welcome. It's definitely worth the effort since people are obviously checking it out. Gonna try to keep doing it.

Good games today. Hopefully I'm moving away from mind bending scrubiness. I feel like I'm getting back to my old self. Also, poor Painwheel just can't touch royalty.

Azure J

I want to play people, but I will get destroyed with the swiftness. I'm at that "There are six buttons, what?" phase, but just because I've been so hype from the IGG stuff to now, I want to see what the game is like.

Any newbies or vets wearing weighted clothing want to play? I'm on 360, GT: AzureJericho. This also reminds me that I need to edit in my Skullgirls info in the main document in FightingGAF.


I want to play people, but I will get destroyed with the swiftness. I'm at that "There are six buttons, what?" phase, but just because I've been so hype from the IGG stuff to now, I want to see what the game is like.

Any newbies or vets wearing weighted clothing want to play? I'm on 360, GT: AzureJericho. This also reminds me that I need to edit in my Skullgirls info in the main document in FightingGAF.

I would but I have my doubts that even the improved GGPO can carry my lag.

So Skullgirls color DLC is releasing today on US PSN, but I don't recognize most of the color palletes:

Who're they supposed to be based on?

I see a Panty & Stocking reference in one of Filia's alts. Parasoul has a Kula outfit I think? Painwheel has a Evangelion palette.


I want to play people, but I will get destroyed with the swiftness. I'm at that "There are six buttons, what?" phase, but just because I've been so hype from the IGG stuff to now, I want to see what the game is like.

Any newbies or vets wearing weighted clothing want to play? I'm on 360, GT: AzureJericho. This also reminds me that I need to edit in my Skullgirls info in the main document in FightingGAF.

I'm bad at this game but I can be a good punching bag. Let me download the game and send you an invite.
You are welcome. It's definitely worth the effort since people are obviously checking it out. Gonna try to keep doing it.

Good games today. Hopefully I'm moving away from mind bending scrubiness. I feel like I'm getting back to my old self. Also, poor Painwheel just can't touch royalty.

Yeah, good games for sure. Parasoul's in a position where she doesnt really need to bother with zoning Painwheel because all of her normals pretty much destroy Painwheel's neutral game. The jLP -> jHP chain will do the majority of the work for you once I get into a certain range where I can't fly backwards out of your advance. The only suggestion i'd throw out with Parasoul is to jump back less in pressure situations and try to use Napalm Pillar more to neutralize my offensive.

Remember that a Painwheel is going to be scouting air grab opportunities, don't bother with jumping up and attempting to tech, beat the option with Pillar.
Yeah, good games for sure. Parasoul's in a position where she doesnt really need to bother with zoning Painwheel because all of her normals pretty much destroy Painwheel's neutral game. The jLP -> jHP chain will do the majority of the work for you once I get into a certain range where I can't fly backwards out of your advance. The only suggestion i'd throw out with Parasoul is to jump back less in pressure situations and try to use Napalm Pillar more to neutralize my offensive.

Remember that a Painwheel is going to be scouting air grab opportunities, don't bother with jumping up and attempting to tech, beat the option with Pillar.
You have no idea. If you could peek inside my head for those matches you'd see a tiny army of SolarPowereds flipping switches and passing reports to one another in a frenzy. Every single one said "stop using 2xheavy punch+napalm shot up close, dumbass". I guess I get so jittery whenever Painwheel comes near that I lose my focus and fall back on napalm shot charges since you can't really flub that like you can napalm pillar(start charging down too early and those heavy punches turn into a launcher).

It was maddening.

Azure J

Welp, just got christened by Kioshen today. Final score? 0-21 him.

I feel like I can see what I'm supposed to do but cross inputs (I'm extremely conditioned to Marvel 3's button layout) got the better of me. I think I adjusted as much as I could for day 1 play, but I'm pretty upset about where I stood. I really need to work on neutral in this game though, I really can't just be IADing all the way with Fortune/Valentine. I'm also a bit mad that of all the times for me to get a Level 3 Operation Table super, it was when I decided to just roll something out forgetting what my character could do...

It was fun, but you've definitely roused the devil in me Kioshen. Time to go balls deep into this game.


Are the locked costumes paid DLC?
You can unlock them by doing specific conditions in the game. The DLC unlocks them by default.

GGs azurej ! Hopefully I didn't piss you off too much when playing peacock. Kept dropping those filia combos but hey american resets complimentary of circus girl! Valentine was a little weird but once I hit the lab with her to check what I need to do to launch properly she can be annoying.

Edit :

Welp, just got christened by Kioshen today. Final score? 0-21 him.

I feel like I can see what I'm supposed to do but cross inputs (I'm extremely conditioned to Marvel 3's button layout) got the better of me. I think I adjusted as much as I could for day 1 play, but I'm pretty upset about where I stood. I really need to work on neutral in this game though, I really can't just be IADing all the way with Fortune/Valentine. I'm also a bit mad that of all the times for me to get a Level 3 Operation Table super, it was when I decided to just roll something out forgetting what my character could do...

It was fun, but you've definitely roused the devil in me Kioshen. Time to go balls deep into this game.

*gulp* I was IAD all over the place too you know XD. I said screw neutral ... I'm either in his grill 24/7 or out of the way. I had an advantage with inputs coming from a SF background but not by much.

Re: lag spikes. Apparently my wife started playing Path of Exile in the middle of our session. So, sorry about that :/.

El Sloth

If it makes you feel better; I went ~250-3 to a local SG player a few weeks ago. So hold solace in the fact you will never be as bad at this game as I am, AzureJ.

Don't forget to check the character forums for Fillia and Valentine on Skullheart. And the videos thread.
Alright, so now that the patch is out, what other totally out of practice 360 person wants to play with me to try to derust?

...I'll need to hit the lab first though.


How do you unlock Miku Filia?
Q: How do I unlock color palettes?

Color 7: Beat Story mode with that character
Color 8: Beat Arcade mode with that character
Color 9: Win with the character roughly 25 times in Versus (online and offline both count)
Color 10: Code is entered at the Controller Select screen in local versus as player 1. (Dustloop baby!)
for PS3: Down R1 Up L1 Square X
for 360: Down RB Up LB Y B

Alright, so now that the patch is out, what other totally out of practice 360 person wants to play with me to try to derust?

...I'll need to hit the lab first though.
I'm pretty bad at this game by dropping combos everywhere ...

Sorry, my parents are kicking me out of the console. It'll have to be tomorrow.
... nevermind then but seriously I barely remember the current move list :/.


Oh right before I forget. @AzureJ : If you pick random for stage select, it'll change the stage everytime you hit rematch. You don't need to pick a stage if you don't want to.


Anyone got a link to a good Cerebella guide? Is it viable to play her combo-light, meaning just fishing for hits here and there to help get in and set up throws?


Anyone got a link to a good Cerebella guide?

Yes please go here for a very detailed guide by Zidane.

Is it viable to play her combo-light, meaning just fishing for hits here and there to help get in and set up throws?

Yes you can play her combo light but you'll need to know her tools to get around because she can get shutdown pretty quick. Don't forget that MikeZ implemented a special case when doing 360 motions in which the game will not make her jump when it detects it. Try it you can churn that butter and she will never jump.


Yes please go here for a very detailed guide by Zidane.

Yes you can play her combo light but you'll need to know her tools to get around because she can get shutdown pretty quick. Don't forget that MikeZ implemented a special case when doing 360 motions in which the game will not make her jump when it detects it. Try it you can churn that butter and she will never jump.

Awesome - thanks! I love that 360 detection. Since I'm learning Hakan as an alt in SSFIV I figure focusing on a grappler for SG will save several of my brain cells.
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