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So it's PS6 basically confirmed to be at minimum $700 if not more?


Gold Member
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Gold Member
No way arrogant Sony makes their next gen less than a mid gen refresh.

So I think it's more than just sticker shock to a mid gen refresh, it's the reality of next gen being massively expensive too.

Am I wrong in that?

You’re probably in for a rude awakening. It’s not just going to be Sony.


Like most electronics, it's going to come down to component prices. Demand for chips is an all time high right now and the chip manufacturers are struggling to meet the demand.


When I used it at the house it played very well on my WiFi

One of my younger nieces or nephews dropped it and it stopped working and I never replaced it so I didn't get a lot of mileage out of it and didn't love it enough to replace it so theres that :)
Thanks, will probably skip it then. Maybe they'll actually make a proper handheld at some point


It will be cheaper than ps5 pro. After all, they want to sell some of it.
inflation alone by holidays 2028 will make it expensive af, and sony have to offer generational leap vs base ps5 at least, that guarantees ps6 will cost pretty penny =D


No, Pro is a premium product. Consoles need mass adoption and vast majority of sales comes from cheapest variants.


Nah, parts and components should be cheaper by 2028 if it releases by then. $599 max for a base offering and no competition upon release sounds about right.


I think it'll be $600 and the ps6 pro will be $800. The base model staying low and the way more premium 'pro' refresh at mid gen makes sense. They're not trying to price people out of their ecosystem.

The dlssr equivalent will allow them to keep the specs close to the ps5pro, as that gets better, the raw power need comes down. It'll have an updated AI chip, a big CPU upgrade, very minor GPU bump. No change to ssd.
It won't be a big overhaul like the 4-5 was.

E: I do think they'll sell the disk drive separately though, we are probably locked in with that bullshit.
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Gold Member
The only thing confirmed is that PS5pro users will beta test PSSR until arrive on PS6 fully polish.
Just sets for a bad precedent for allow arrogant Sony to do whatever they want

I mean.....that's the world we live in. Us gamers on message board complaining about it are a very small group and probably have a small influence on the way Sony operates.
Plus, price and value are subjective. You personally vote with your wallet and hope you get enough people like you to do the same. But because people don't do the opposite does not relegate them to being stupid.

I bought a Portal because I can more than afford it, and it has been of great value to me. I play on it probably 70% of the time vs my PS5......so being called stupid is quite offensive.


I know folks don't want to hear it but with inflation $699.99 for PS6 in 2028 is a good deal IMHO. Chip are way more expensive and the Bill Of Materials are not coming down like in the past.
Who knows I think it will depend a lot on the market\economy at the time. A lot can change in 3-4 years. On top of that I'm not so sure Sony is as interested or worried about getting people into the new gen anymore. I suspect cross gen games will be the norm from here on out and Sony will jsut be worried about


Gold Member
Honestly I'm expecting so, because I order to shut up people they'll throw a disk drive and make it retrocompatible until PS4 games.
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I’ve never understood why there’s the perception that gaming is supposed to be immune from the concept of inflation.

Not only has the cost of games and the cost of games hardware been consistently below the rate of inflation, with subscriptions it’s ostensibly cheaper now to play games than it has ever been, and not by a small margin. Meanwhile the cost of development has skyrocketed.


No way arrogant Sony makes their next gen less than a mid gen refresh.

So I think it's more than just sticker shock to a mid gen refresh, it's the reality of next gen being massively expensive too.

Am I wrong in that?
If we count cost of disk attachment, for sure. Maybe $700 just for Digital Edition.


inflation alone by holidays 2028 will make it expensive af, and sony have to offer generational leap vs base ps5 at least, that guarantees ps6 will cost pretty penny =D
Inflation is down to almost 2% in most Western countries. If anything it’s generally lower on consumer electronics side, but will depend on fab availability.

That said, yeah, I could see $700.


No way arrogant Sony makes their next gen less than a mid gen refresh.

So I think it's more than just sticker shock to a mid gen refresh, it's the reality of next gen being massively expensive too.

Am I wrong in that?
Obviously not. Pro is considered a premium product for those who whish to play on console but that want a bit more grunt while technology advances. PS6 will be priced as usual, maybe 550, if the semiconductor situation will continue. But it will surely be still on a mass market price.


PS6 will have a 4 year newer CPU/GPU and we're automatically assuming it will be at minimum the price of their current high margin premium model?


Inflation is down to almost 2% in most Western countries. If anything it’s generally lower on consumer electronics side, but will depend on fab availability.

That said, yeah, I could see $700.
Im an european, and here ps5pr0 is exactly 2x more expensive from discless base ps5 from launch.
45% stronger gpu, 10% oced same zen2 cpu, ofc 2x bigger ssd but still, price increase in 4 years alone is literally double, and now add another 4 years, which inflation wise very likely gonna be worse (u can see world economy is in the gutter, basically no middle class anymore and ppl living paycheck to paycheck even in 1st world countries).

And rememeber one more thing, ps5pr0 to ps6 will or at least should be much bigger jump than ps5 to pr0, bare minimum we expect is much stronger and newer cpu(zen 6?) more vram, and way bigger jump in gpu power than that tiny +45% pr0 got, it wont come cheaply :)


Yes so that the price can go down to 500$ after two years.
The age of sub 500€ high end consoles at launch is done, the cost of electronics don't support the old prices anymore unless the companies are willing to take significant losses. They won't, the potential loss in console sales will be offset by the expansion to PC.
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This generation I bought a PS5 and a Series X.

At $700, I would still be ahead of the game, since it'll play all the Xbox games too.
Hall Of Fame Game Nfl GIF

Btw, I don't think it'll be $700...but more in the $549 range.
PS5 Pro is a product aimed at a high-end niche.

PS6 will be a product aimed at the mainstream console consumer just like the PS5 was. It will be priced accordingly.

People are really getting worked up over a more expensive option.

PS5 Pro is a product designed to sell 8-10m.

PS6 just like PS5 will be designed to sell 100m+

Morgan Freeman Reaction GIF by MOODMAN
It depends on if people are stupid enough to buy the PS5 Pro at $700.
They are bud, look at how many topics about this thing are currently on this board. Bet they’ll paid an inflated price to scalpers too.
Weren’t jackasses paying like $2k for the old ps5? $700 ain’t shit
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If they're smart, they won't. They need a mass market price to get into as many hands as possible.

If they not, there's plenty of people who will be happy playing on PS5 for those first couple of years.


No way arrogant Sony makes their next gen less than a mid gen refresh.

So I think it's more than just sticker shock to a mid gen refresh, it's the reality of next gen being massively expensive too.

Am I wrong in that?

Won't happen. The big money lies in the ecosystem, and you want to keep the entry point as low as possible.
Digital PS6 for a maximum of 599 or PlayStation goes bananas.
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