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So it's PS6 basically confirmed to be at minimum $700 if not more?


Im an european, and here ps5pr0 is exactly 2x more expensive from discless base ps5 from launch.
45% stronger gpu, 10% oced same zen2 cpu, ofc 2x bigger ssd but still, price increase in 4 years alone is literally double, and now add another 4 years, which inflation wise very likely gonna be worse (u can see world economy is in the gutter, basically no middle class anymore and ppl living paycheck to paycheck even in 1st world countries).

And rememeber one more thing, ps5pr0 to ps6 will or at least should be much bigger jump than ps5 to pr0, bare minimum we expect is much stronger and newer cpu(zen 6?) more vram, and way bigger jump in gpu power than that tiny +45% pr0 got, it wont come cheaply :)
Yeah, I can see it costing the same as Pro, but that’s because of Sony charging higher margins vs actual BOM.


Maybe I’m delusional or naive but I don’t think that PS6 will be this expensive.

Some people here are saying that it depends on how well the Pro sales. I don’t think it’ll do better than PS4Pro rather less. But let’s say more or less the same so about 20 mln (?). It’s quite a lot but still it’s about 1/6 of all PS4’s.

Sony will want to sell as much base consoles and as fast as they can. They need to do that to sell games and services. Now they can just go with intense cross gen window and the PS6 will be more for the premium users but it’s not a way to go in the long run. In the end many people will need a price cut and we see now that it’s not that simple anymore.

Also they could lose some users that would be unhappy with the state of PlayStation.

That’s why they can’t go crazy on prices even if PS5Pro will sell as good as PS4Pro. It still won’t sell as well as it needs. They are relaying heavily on sales of hardware.

I think that it can go up to $599 but I feel that Sony will try hard to be at $499. They may take a loss on every console sold to do that (maybe with Pro they’ll start to build some funds for that ;) ) They will try to squeeze what they can for that price. Or in the end they’ll go with Xbox Series approach.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
My guess is they'll do the duel-SKU thing again and it will be $499/$599.

IMO PS5 Pro's price has set the precedent.

PS5's 2 SKU's matched and exceeded PS4 Pro. I'm gonna guess PS6 will be at least $699 for at least one of its SKU's too.

If the NeXBox is indeed a hybrid PC, it will at the minimum be $699 as well.

If it's a dedicated handheld adjacent device, then it might have multiple SKU's with one or more below that.
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It's a hard question.
On the one hand we have new price bar and inflation.

On the other hand, console manufacturers normally subsidi a next gen console.
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What time is it?
IMO PS5 Pro's price has set the precedent.

PS5's 2 SKU's matched and exceeded PS4 Pro. I'm gonna guess PS6 will be at least $699 for at least one of its SKU's too.

If the NeXBox is indeed a hybrid PC, it will at the minimum be $699 as well.

If it's a dedicated handheld adjacent device, then it might have multiple SKU's with one or more below that.

PS5 Pro's pricing might be a trial balloon but it's hard to have a precedent without sales data. I'm guessing PS5 Pro will perform significantly worse than PS4 Pro and this will set the course for future Playstation pricing. There will also not be future Xbox hardware.


Gold Member
We are so f***ed. What if someone gives them the idea of pricing the PS6 at $1,000 dollars? I hope no one at Sony thinks of that.
I imagine they've had that price hike idea for quite sometime. I wouldn't be remotely surprised at £1,000 for a console now, after the £700 price tag on the PS5 PRO.

Sony are clearly testing the waters with how far they can price their consoles!
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Gold Member
IMO PS5 Pro's price has set the precedent.

PS5's 2 SKU's matched and exceeded PS4 Pro. I'm gonna guess PS6 will be at least $699 for at least one of its SKU's too.

If the NeXBox is indeed a hybrid PC, it will at the minimum be $699 as well.

If it's a dedicated handheld adjacent device, then it might have multiple SKU's with one or more below that.

If NeXBox is hybrid PC then it will be minimum $999


I don't think that will be the case, but you may end up waiting for PS6 for a long time. It's going to take a while to make a PS6 that stomps the pro at $500. They may release at $600 which would be pretty gnarly. And by then the price of the pro will have to have dropped quite a bit for that to make sense.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
We had it easy when Moore's law was actually valid.

I'm optimistic though. We are gonna have a hard time in the short term. The cost of raw horsepower will go way up. And the advancement is gonna be less.

But I expect AI to pick up the slack. It's our only hope..
Most likely. Barring something unforseen I doubt the cost of components are much/any cheaper by 2027 when it likely starts going into production. Plus obviously we're past the era of companies taking major losses on hardware.

Finally, Sony saw that the 'must have it now' launch crowd were more than willing to cough up extra for supply-challenged units, so why give that extra money to the scalpers? Mind you, we were also in the thralls of the Pandemic/lockdowns so that kind of spending may have been a one-off. Af the very least, pricing the Pro at $700 will make a $600 PS6 digital( my guess) look like a bargain. And of course they'll likely sell the drives again as I doubt there will be dual SKUs again, so one way or another you'll be spending around $700.
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My guess it will be $599 and they'll make the extra money indirectly with things like it being a digital only system and a price increase to Ps+ (maybe $100/year).
$700+ as a base price can work for a niche product aimed at a niche audience, but I think it's still too much if they want the hordes of more casual players that make up most of the console userbase.

That said, I do think the cross gen period and the migration to new hardware will be even slower next gen than it is now.
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People seem to be happy enough to pay for scalped PS5's which sold for well over $700, I don't see people having any problem buying a PS5 Pro at $700 or whatever price the PS6 will be when it launches.

People will find a way to get one, whether that is selling their existing console(s), lot lizard work at the truckstop, or putting some overtime in at their jobs. I sold an old switch, series s and my current ps5 so that I have money ready to go for the PS5 Pro. When the PS6 is nearing launch, I'll do something similar.


Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF
If its going to be $700, then PS5Pro price must be reduced, and PS5 Price must be even lower further. Let's see if MS gives them any competition to get the price down...🤷‍♂️


People seem to be happy enough to pay for scalped PS5's which sold for well over $700, I don't see people having any problem buying a PS5 Pro at $700 or whatever price the PS6 will be when it launches.

People will find a way to get one, whether that is selling their existing console(s), lot lizard work at the truckstop, or putting some overtime in at their jobs. I sold an old switch, series s and my current ps5 so that I have money ready to go for the PS5 Pro. When the PS6 is nearing launch, I'll do something similar.
Not really a good indicator of what people are were willing to spend on consumer electronics. PS5 and Series consoles released just when the pandemic hit and everyone was stuck at home; looking for an outlet. Which video games and consoles provided. A better test is seeing how much the PS5 Pro will sell over the next few years.
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I don't we should take the price of the ps5 pro as an indication of base ps6 price, it's a premium product that they don't really need selling in high quantities.

Having said that I think ps6 won't be as heavily subsidised as past consoles, as a bean counter is now hovering over playstation.

I think sony will really learn the hardway if they price it too high.
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Gold Member
The PS6 will be a loss-leader like every other Sony console has been at launch. They take a small loss on every sold console and make it up with game revenue. It's all about getting a large install base as fast as possible at the start of each generation.

The PS5 Pro is different, it's made to keep enthusiasts from switching over to PC and won't be subsidized. They don't expect to sell a lot of it, that's what the base PS5 is for.

But yes, the PS6 will be have a higher price tag than the PS5. But taking inflation into account, will it actually be more expensive? We'll see.
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Bro, I'm super doomer pilled on gaming now.

The president was set when people were buying PS5's for $800 from scalpers.

So guess what, now we all have to bend over.
I'm predicting for PS6 will be $900. Controllers will be $150 and still have drift issues.

I have no hope of another company entering in the console space to add any competition. It's either be rich or get fucked.
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exactly. the PS3 was $600, sales were atrocious, they lowered the prices, sales improved and we got the ps4 at $400.

Considering inflation, if the ps5pro has poor sale numbers, they should price the ps6 accordingly. $500 I would say.
You guys are just completely ignoring inflation. $600 back when the PS3 launched in 2006 is equivalent to around $930 in 2024 money!

699.99 in 2028 would be a good deal.

Iced Arcade


If they have no other power console competition... definitely.

High priced consoled bundled with ever increasing subscriptions... We are in for some good ol rapes.

We need to learn to vote with our wallets but some will ignore all that and defend companies so passionately.
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Writes a lot, says very little
The PS5 costs $500 in 2020, that's more than $600 in today's money.


... but if you add three more years of inflation to this price (since the PS6 will probably release in 2027) the price could go up to $650. And if there's another worldwide crisis like war in the Middle East, US boots on the ground in Ukraine or a war over Taiwan, all bets are off.
...what cuh said lol

I agree.

This is business. We are in an expensive hobby and I have no issue getting PS6 day 1 or Switch 2 for that matter.

Some of you stuck on this fucking shit of expecting this odd entitled thing with the same price, seem to be really out of touch with the real world.

Gaming for a long time was one of the fewest industries keeping the price the same of a lot of shit and imho, they should have never even been doing that trying to fucking appease folks, cause you'll pay one way or another anyway and suddenly what used to be normal to greenlight a sequel at 5 or 6 million sales is now the fucking number used to argue a team closing down..

GEEEE I wonder why that is? lol At least with the price raising, those that want to support those games, can get sequels vs this idea that something nitche now fucking needs to move just unrealistic numbers just to keep the lights on.

Sony can charge 800 and it will still be sold out, let the market decide and let them pack the PS6 with as much hardware as they can for the price. We don't need a generation being gimped cause some of you broke lol


Sony's done subsidising their hardware. They pushed out every competitor, they don't need to loss lead anymore. PS6 is gonna be pricey when it lands - there's literally no reason for it not to be.


I can see Sony taking a loss on a launch PS6 and also not taking a loss on a Pro model. Two different target audiences. This way little Timmy gets his PS6 for christmas and the 30 year old with fun money gets a Pro.


I heard rumors for a long time that the PS5 is coming out in 2027, I can't even imagine the people that bought the PRO for $700 right now.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU


Snake Oil Salesman
I imagine they've had that price hike idea for quite sometime. I wouldn't be remotely surprised at £1,000 for a console now, after the £700 price tag on the PS5 PRO.

Sony are clearly testing the waters with how far they can price their consoles!
I have no doubt. If XBox isn't a major threat to them they can also force users to insert a chip under our skin in order to engage with the PS6. The graphics need to be really good for me to sign up for that at 1,000 dollars.


I think Ps6 will not be as expensive as ps5 pro. Actually the Ps5 pro might even help to decrease the price of future technology of ps6. Ps5 pro is almost like a test of the technology and mass production will be smoother because they already started to use a new technology this early, by the time ps6 is out maybe 3 years from now, they can reduce the price.
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Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
It depends on if people are stupid enough to buy the PS5 Pro at $700.

The disk drive is trending hot or some shit now so its gonna be a success 😁


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
There is a fair chance that the PS5 Pro will cost more than $700 by the time the PS6 launches.
I believe the price is surely set above $800 for a PS6.
If PS6 were able to also do all the things that a PC can do - photoediting, video editing, document editing, the console would be worth it. But in the end it's nothing more than an entertainment machine and button mashing. Paying $800+ just to bash some buttoms seems silly to me.

Also, corporate greed attracts piracy. And I think the only gamers who would benefit from such a high price are those who play on modded console.

Sony that has failed in the TV and smartphone market due to not budging from high price of its tech toys looks all set to fail in the gaming market as well going forward. Unless they are somehow able to rein in the cost to below $600 and/or start releasing exclusives with universal acclaim, the brand is set to sink. I for one plan to bail out by focusing on PC gaming that is in a much better state in comparision mainly due to multi-purpose use of a PC - work, play, emulate, and more.


If they set price too high everyone will remain on their PS5s and games will be cross gen for many years. But we will see how market reacts to high price consoles with upcoming pro launch.


I kind of expect the “premium’ next gen consoles to be approx. $999 with lower priced ($499) sku’s available as well.
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