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Sony: "Acquisition of Bungie Represents a Major Step Forward in Becoming More Multiplatform"


Depends what the narrative of the day is.

I thought the point of Sony going PC porting is because exposing 3 year old ports is supposed be big time teasers making them jump and get a PS console. So even if PC gamers are willing to bail for a PS5 with this strategy, surely launching multiplats on Nintendo or MS systems a few years later like PC will lasso in tons of competing gamers too making the PS ecosystem even bigger.
Sony never said that. That came from fanboys on these threads.


So nothing new here:
-We knew Bungie will be under SIE but outside PS Studios
-We knew Bungie will continue publishing their new games day one in the other platforms including rival consoles
-We knew PS Studios will continue focused on PS only games while having separate teams to port some old games to PC
-We knew SIE will bring some of their brands to mobile gaming and that somewhere in the future their cloud gaming will be playable on smartphones and tablets
-We knew PS will use their IPs in movies and tv shows

100% fake news. See above.

Yes, they said Bungie will be under SIE but outside PS Studios. Bungie will be full multiplatform day one and PS Studios will focus on PS exclusives, some of them being ported years later to PC.

That only meant that for some reason during a quarter or two they got more chips to produce consoles than Sony. It will be compensated with other quarters where Sony will be the one getting more chips.

And well, once they get rid of the chips issue PS5 will break all records and will eat market share for breakfast

So what are you playing


I don't know which games you think Sony will never let out of their ecosystem but the ND games are coming to PC and those would be the most coveted.
You've been saying that for two years now. And it's all the old ones - remasters of last gen games.
GT7 will be nice at 120fps or higher.

Get it done quickly too. If you make ne wait a year I'll happily wait another year and buy it for next to nothing.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Convenience and couch play.

I know hardcore PC gamers will say "just hook up the PC to your big screen TV".

Ok, a gamer just finished playing Counterstrike on an LG OLED and have been successful telling the wife and kids to leave him alone for two hours as they wanted to watch Netflix. Now he's done and wants to surf the net, now what? He's going to sit in front of the family's 65" tv doing emails tying up the TV or haul the PC back to the basement to free up the TV? Nobody is going to do that. That's why most people keep PCs away from their TV.

Now someone will say "just buy another good TV just for PC gaming". Anyone can do that. But that assumes someone or a gamer wants to pony up for another TV.

This gamer can just buy a laptop


Convenience and couch play.

I know hardcore PC gamers will say "just hook up the PC to your big screen TV".

Ok, a gamer just finished playing Counterstrike on an LG OLED and have been successful telling the wife and kids to leave him alone for two hours as they wanted to watch Netflix. Now he's done and wants to surf the net, now what? He's going to sit in front of the family's 65" tv doing emails tying up the TV or haul the PC back to the basement to free up the TV? Nobody is going to do that. That's why most people keep PCs away from their TV.

Now someone will say "just buy another good TV just for PC gaming". Anyone can do that. But that assumes someone or a gamer wants to pony up for another TV.

well I personally have a 10m cable running to the TV, and a normal display port connected to a 144hz PC monitor.
Windows + P to switch between them.

I even mapped out a Dualsense controller to have basically full control over the, PC as much as possible anyway.

here are my DS4Windows Settings if anyone wants to copy :)


you can see I have set up Special Actions

FULL SCREEN: PS+Up = Alt+Enter
SCREEN CHANGE: PS+Right = Win+P (to switch screens)
ALT + F4 = L1+R1+PS+L2+R2 = ...well AltF4, so force-closing a program
Windows Button = PS+Left = Pressing the Windows button
Xbox Capture = PS+Square = capturing the last few seconds/minutes using the Xbox Game Bar

the Xbox and Playstation modes you see are to switch between controller modes. I have set these up so that pressing PS+Down I can cycle through this PC mode and a stock DualShock 4 mode and stock Xbox mode for proper support of those games. that includes full Gyro support for RPCS3 when set to DualShock 4 mode

The DualSense is the perfect PC controller. the additional buttons like the Share and Mute buttons can be used for utility stuff like I use here for Left and Right click without interfering with basic game controls even in this PC mode
also the touchpad of the Dualsense is simply not good enough to use it like a normal track pad with tap for left click. so moving the cursor with your right thump on the touchpad and using the Share button to left click is way better. the Microphone button is useless anyways on PC so I bound that to right click because having that as a touchpad click would interfere with game controls should you not want to switch around all the time or simply test stuff

the only real issue using it as a PC controller is that the poor ergonomics mean Gyro aiming will be not great unless you bind fire and ADS to R1 and L1 respectively. the trigger are angled in a way that pushes up the controller every time u use them...
one of the reasons I am sad that the new Xbox controllers don't have gyro :messenger_pensive: as there the trigger pressure and angle is way less of an issue and you controller will barely move
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Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
I'll be that guy. The upfront cost is an issue for sure but a PC can be very plug and play. You'll want to update drivers and windows every now and again sure but it's a few clicks. Not hard considering all the other benefits.
Consoles also require firmware updates in recent decade too, so updating drivers and windows are null point. Especially when updates can be automatically download in the background now, and you can have the PC install the update when you turn it off.

Not to mention you can still play without updating drivers and windows too.


Thinks buying more servers can fix a bad patch
Sure, didn't play FFXV even saying I did. I lied. Lol. I "didn't "play with DS3 controller. Had 1 or 2 crashes.
So BGIII has solution. Cool. What about all the blurry games on consoles? What's the solution?
No one in the thread or ever anywhere said pc gaming is perfect. Just you painting as it is some catastrophic thing.
True. I have more crash in Overcooked All You Can Eat on my Nintendo Switch in couple of weeks than my years of PC gaming. Its a shame because it is one of the best local multiplayer games and Switch is the best place to play it.


Moderated wildly
OK, I'm glad you brought that point up. So I ask, if Sony still had a portable offering on the market, do you think that would create less of a dependence on any need to increase porting efforts on PC outside of where it makes sense (Day for GaaS/live-service titles, for example)?

Because in light of the console shortages they were having with PS5 (which might be clearing up with the new fiscal year), one of the more noted ideas for them from fans has been to come out with a new portable. Personally I think that would make sense; would not need to cost very much to sell or produce, aim for PS4 base equivalent performance, same featureset support as PS5, scale resolution down to something good for a 720p mobile screen. Maybe pull forward some hardware-based image upscaling ability with HDMI-out passthrough to upres games on a television for those who want that option.

As a business it sounds like it'd make more sense because they can control the vertical integration better that way, and maximize profits on their revenue streams while synergizing features and services with PS5. Only potential issue might be memory capacity; I think they'd still need 16 GB even if going for PS4-level performance TF-wise. But I'm not sure if that is the case.

Would've made a lot of sense for Microsoft to compliment the Xbox product line with a portable device too, before really going headfirst into Day 1 with PC and especially now more or less leveraging Steam Deck as a GamePass machine for all intents and purposes. They've already offered support for other options and once you do that it's very hard to try moving things back into any option that can gate access exclusively back into your ecosystem, either in actuality or in perception. It's not too late for Sony to bring back a portable option to complement their consoles, though. It would just serve as a complement to the console however, not something they are targeting specific 1P output for exclusively the way they did with PSP and Vita.

Yeah like I was saying with DeepEnigma DeepEnigma earlier, consoles do have the advantage of convenience through perception, even if actuality for some users that advantage isn't as much as it may be compared to lower-end laptops or such in a few years from now, with a bit of looking on the customer's part. So there's that, and also consoles having the image of being gaming devices, which I suppose PCs or laptops, tablets etc. would not have, which adds to the convenience factor of consoles as well.

Maybe, but in Microsoft's case they conveniently stopped reporting console sales numbers around the time they did PC Day-and-Date, almost as if there was some correlation at the very least. To this day they don't report console sales numbers, even though this is a new generation. So we can either argue that they made the shift to PC Day 1 due to poor software sales and limited console install base growth, or they did it in order to push increase in revenue off 1P titles, but given the timing of the shift which of those sound more plausible?

According to Statistica, XBO sold roughly 19.63 million between 2013 and end of 2015. MS enacted their Day 1 PC policy with Quantum Break in 2015. Between 2016 and 2020 XBO reached total LTD sales of around 45 million. That's another 25.37 million in 5 years, compared to 19.64 million in 3 years. To what amount of that can be put on them doing Day 1 on PC for all games, driving down the need to buy their console, we don't know. But it at least had some effect.

Again, I do think there's an innate perception of convenience with consoles that plays into their ability to sell regardless. That works into their brand image, and goes from there. I get that part. And that's a big reason why Xbox is able to move what they move even while doing PC Day 1. However, I don't think Microsoft are a company where having tight vertical integration of their gaming offerings is that big of a requirement, that's why they're very liberal with decentralizing their gaming ecosystem from hardware and storefronts they 100% own. Their software DNA is also not intrinsically tied to pushing innovative hardware designs (not necessarily) in order to drive creative innovations with their 1P studios, historically.

Sony and especially Nintendo are much different in that regard. PlayStation is way more integral to Sony than Xbox or even GamePass are to Microsoft, and we've seen multiple times how Sony 1P have pushed the architecture of their systems, systems that in many cases were wildly different than anything on PC. Nintendo is literally dependent on gaming to survive, they have no other major sectors of the tech market or entertainment markets they're in like Sony, much less Microsoft. And they've designed games that literally put certain genres on the map or standardized things like 3D analog controls (Mario 64). Same can be said with things like the DS, Wii etc.

Companies like those benefit more from centralization of the hardware and software, where as much of it is in their control as possible. Not just for maximizing profits but also to guarantee a baseline of quality. A while back Sony said they were paying close attention to Nintendo's Switch OLED; I think their "multiplatform" is really about PS5, PC, PSVR2 and probably some new portable device. And since out of those four, the PC provides the least control on their end as a provider (dependency on Microsoft for the OS, dependency on Epic and Valve for the storefronts, etc.), I think that's going to rule out things like Day 1 releases or significantly shorter release windows to PC for anything that's not specifically a live-service, GaaS type of game.

If Sony could release a portable that would sell 100 million units lifetime and around an additional 10 to 20 million unit sales of games per big first party ip like Nintendo seems to pull off, I absolutely think it would be worth it. I think the vita killed all dreams of it, even though I still have my day one vita 3g and love it lol.


Making more money isn't my problem with their direction. It's the potential alienation of its own platforms and then ultimately Sony going 🤷🏿‍♂️ why make anymore Playstation's after software/console sales on their systems start to slide as a result in this kumbaya (multiplatform) strategy.

It could be a "strategic" PR as well for their next acquisition as they see how much heat the Acti/Blizz deal is getting. Also I think it's making money either way as console will always be demanded no matter what. If anything Xbox should be dead by now but it's not.
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I wonder if the MLB games coming to Xbox and then Switch has turned heads inside the company, seeing that sort of engagement and opportunity is bound to make them realise what sort of revenue increases this could bring.
I doubt it. Mlb forced that to happen or they would lose the license. Doesn't surprise me hearing how mlb operated


You've been saying that for two years now. And it's all the old ones - remasters of last gen games.
There isn't a ND game out that is new right now. You don't even know what they are currently working on for the PS5 but it will surely go to the PC whatever it is.


There isn't a ND game out that is new right now. You don't even know what they are currently working on for the PS5 but it will surely go to the PC whatever it is.
Exactly, The Last of Us 2 is years away because the first one isn't even on PC yet - a port you've been talking about for years....


Exactly, The Last of Us 2 is years away because the first one isn't even on PC yet - a port you've been talking about for years....
I wouldn't say years. TLOU/TLO2 are coming to PC. Of course they will have to come to PS5 as well (not a port). It doesn't matter when it comes out, my claim is still valid.


If Sony could release a portable that would sell 100 million units lifetime
I think that none of this will or would happen for different reasons.

Even if they are growing a lot, Sony already has their teams too busy developing marketing devices, services and games for PS4, PS5, PSVR2, now also ports of old games to pc, movies and soon mobile games of these IPs. Another device maybe would mean too much.

If fact they have been hiring and acquiring a lot of people to be able to release more 1st party games for these devices because they think don't have enough, or would like to have more. Regarding hardware, they don't have enough chips for their devices, son will have even less if they would add more devices.

Same goes with multiplatform 3rd parties. They make games for XBO, XB1X, XSS, XSX, PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, PC and sometimes Switch. These already are a ton of devices even if once the next gen gets a big enough installbase they'll be able to skip the previous one in order to have a profitable business.

A new smaller one would require dedicated games and ports, and pretty likely, as happened with Vita devs could think it isn't profitable to make that work for a too small userbase. Nowadays pretty likely would sell worse than with Vita because mobile is stronger than ever, Nintendo too and now there are the PC portables. So they would have too much competition.

I think the only possibility would be if somewhere in the future they get rid of the chips issues, discontinue and stop releasing games for previous gen, release PSVR2 and the mobile tech continues improving so fast that they are able to make a portable PS4 or PS5 using exactly the same hardware but obviously in way smaller form factor (a small tablet with controllers in the sides, like Switch or Steamdeck) and can natively run PS4 or PS5 games, and if possible Android or PC (maybe partnering with Valve?) games too.

The thing is that they should make sure that -like Steamdeck- since day one it has a huge catalog of games and that devs don't need to make game or ports specifically for it, maybe only to tweak the PC settings.


I wouldn't say years. TLOU/TLO2 are coming to PC. Of course they will have to come to PS5 as well (not a port). It doesn't matter when it comes out, my claim is still valid.
Yeah when they're actually announced.

And while I think it will be months for Factions 2, if the single-player games also come to PC within months, it'll be because they're old games - same as Uncharted Legacy of Thieves. That won't be the standard operating procedure for single-player titles.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
It depends: they can use old game PC ports to promote their console exclusive sequels.

Did you like Horizon 1 port in PC? Here we have the sequel a few months later, only on PS5 during at least the next 4 years.
Why would I, after experience Horizon with glorious mouse&keyboard game play at 60+fps with "perfect" IQ, want the PS5 version of Horizon 2???


Gold Member
Why would I, after experience Horizon with glorious mouse&keyboard game play at 60+fps with "perfect" IQ, want the PS5 version of Horizon 2???
3rd person action/adventure games aren't that glorious with m/kb. Every other game, sure, but thankfully there are pad options on the PC for those.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
3rd person action/adventure games aren't that glorious with m/kb. Every other game, sure, but thankfully there are pad options on the PC for those.
You wish. To hell with claw grip, slow right analog stick, L3/R3, lack of buttons leading to stuff like weapon wheels...


3rd person action/adventure games aren't that glorious with m/kb. Every other game, sure, but thankfully there are pad options on the PC for those.

This is always funny to read online, mainly for how nonsensical it is. People claim how 1st person is better on m/kb, but then somehow a game becomes better on pads if you have an avatar on screen ? So all the deficiencies that existed in 1st person somehow magically evaporated because you look at an avatars ass ? Of course not, every single fault remains. In Horizon on PC you can turn better and faster, react better, track enemies better, aim better, manage your inventory better, access game functions better. Every action that exists in that game is better on m/kb. On console, be it 1st person or 3rd person, games rely on the same gazzilion of assists for each and every single action due to how poor a dual stick controller is for virtually everything. Every genre


Gold Member
This is always funny to read online, mainly for how nonsensical it is. People claim how 1st person is better on m/kb, but then somehow a game becomes better on pads if you have an avatar on screen ? So all the deficiencies that existed in 1st person somehow magically evaporated because you look at an avatars ass ? Of course not, every single fault remains. In Horizon on PC you can turn better and faster, react better, track enemies better, aim better, manage your inventory better, access game functions better. Every action that exists in that game is better on m/kb. On console, be it 1st person or 3rd person, games rely on the same gazzilion of assists for each and every single action due to how poor a dual stick controller is for virtually everything. Every genre
1st person is better on KB/M. Always will be. Most 3rd person have analog controls that aren't replicated on a pad. Been PC gaming since the 90s, and "PC" gaming before the mouse in gaming in the days of the C64.

I get that it can be faster, but it also feels twitchier to me. I also edit files and amp up the analog sensitivity to max and turn just as fast. But again, 1st person, RTS, PnC, etc., I will always prefer KB/M.


1st person is better on KB/M. Always will be. Most 3rd person have analog controls that aren't replicated on a pad. Been PC gaming since the 90s, and "PC" gaming before the mouse in gaming in the days of the C64.

I get that it can be faster, but it also feels twitchier to me. I also edit files and amp up the analog sensitivity to max and turn just as fast. But again, 1st person, RTS, PnC, etc., I will always prefer KB/M.

Thats not "better", its a personal preference that people might like more. How the character feels controled with an analogue stick. But fact remains thats its not actually better, its worse. Using the mouse camera for fine adjustments in direction gives you even more granular control over the character than a stick. And the quick binary nature of wsad gives you instant directional change thats not possible with a stick, which has to travel a few miliseconds from left to right through a deadzone until the character moves.
Look at this:

You usually see this idea that 3rd person is better said online because the person saying it enjoys the analogue movement of the avatar on screen. But this serves no gameplay purpose at all, and every other deficiency remains. Ok, you have finer control on the avatar ? So ? You still cant aim. You still cant react to ingame events. You still manage any inventory or menu like shit. You still need the game to play itself for you and aim for you and slow down the reticle for you when above an enemy and twist bullets for you when shooting.
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Gold Member
Thats not "better", its a personal preference that people might like more. How the character feels controled with an analogue stick. But fact remains thats its not actually better, its worse. Using the mouse camera for fine adjustments in direction gives you even more granular control over the character than a stick. And the quick binary nature of wsad gives you instant directional change thats not possible with a stick, which has to travel a few miliseconds from left to right through a deadzone until the character moves.
Look at this:

You usually see this idea that 3rd person is better said online because the person saying it enjoys the analogue movement of the avatar on screen. But this serves no gameplay purpose at all, and every other deficiency remains. Ok, you have finer control on the avatar ? So ? You still cant aim. You still cant react to ingame events. You still manage any inventory or menu like shit. You still need the game to play itself for you and aim for you and slow down the reticle for you when above an enemy and twist bullets for you when shooting.
It's not worse either, it's preference. Better for my preference. Worse for others.

Subjectivity and all of that malarkey.


It depends: they can use old game PC ports to promote their console exclusive sequels.

Did you like Horizon 1 port in PC? Here we have the sequel a few months later, only on PS5 during at least the next 4 years.
Diid you like GoW in PC? Here we have a few months later the sequel with the 2nd half of the story. Won't be in PC until at least 4 years from now.
Same with Spider-Man, Bloodborne etc.
The console will also have a ton of great games not available on PC and a nice game subscription.

Sure, most of these PC players won't buy the console, but a portion of them will. An old game that wasn't generating revenue anymore sells some million of copies more and some consoles. If all their games would be day one on PC these console sales wouldn't happen.

And those gamers who after playing the games on PC won't buy the console pretty likely they already had the same opinion before, it would have been impossible to sell them the console or the game in another way. So you don't lose game or console sales.

I think that specially with the current strategy Piscatella is right.

So lets look at how God of War launched on PC. At the launch PC trailer among others:

Whatever resolution you want, 4k,8k,16k. High refresh framerate. As in actuall high framerate, not 60 shit. Better visual quality. Mouse and keyboard controls. Nvidia Reflex for the lowers input latency possible. God of War on PC, with m/kb, with reflex responds to your input like its Quake 3. Nvidia DLSS. Same with Horizon.

So, a PC gamer after experiencing these on PC will now buy a console to have a gaming experience completely different that offers nothing of what he experienced on PC ? "man, god of war looks amazing at 8k and 100 frames and played with m/kb. Let me quickly get a console so i can play it at upscaled 1440p, 30 frames and use a controller"

It's not worse either, it's preference. Better for my preference. Worse for others.

Subjectivity and all of that malarkey.

It's a personal preference in regards to a person's own enjoyment from one input or another. It's objectively worse though. How can it be claimed otherwise when any console game looks like this under the hood:

How can an input thats so bad that it needs code which actually interprets the players actions, adjusts them and outputs them differently then what the player actually did - claim parity ?
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Gold Member
So lets look at how God of War launched on PC. At the launch PC trailer among others:

Whatever resolution you want, 4k,8k,16k. High refresh framerate. As in actuall high framerate, not 60 shit. Better visual quality. Mouse and keyboard controls. Nvidia Reflex for the lowers input latency possible. God of War on PC, with m/kb, with reflex responds to your input like its Quake 3. Nvidia DLSS. Same with Horizon.

So, a PC gamer after experiencing these on PC will now think to buy a console to have a gaming experience completely different that offers nothing of what he experienced on PC ? "man, god of war looks amazing at 8k and 100 frames and played with m/kb. Let me quickly get a console so i can play it at upscaled 1440p, 30 frames and use a controller"

It's a personal preference in regards to a person's own enjoyment from one input or another. It's objectively worse though. How can it be claimed otherwise when any console game looks like this under the hood:

How can an input thats so bad that it needs code which actually interprets the players actions, adjusts them and outputs them differently then what the player actually did - claim parity ?
Bro, you are showing me a first person shooter as an example. Which I already agreed with, KB/M are king. 3rd person... it's all subjective, even more so with animation branching based on analogs.


Bro, you are showing me a first person shooter as an example. Which I already agreed with, KB/M are king. 3rd person... it's all subjective, even more so with animation branching based on analogs.

Same things happen on a 1st person game. The only difference is you have an avatar rendered on screen. Nothing changes functionally


I don't need competitive crosshair precision when whackadoodling robodinos in HZD.

Sure you do. One of the assists in Horizon is slow mo, to let you target the weak spots in peace with a pad. You need no such crutch with m/kb because you can simply aim at the weak spots. Because you can track the dinos better when they're moving, you can aim their spots better. Better precision, reaction and tracking are desirable in every situation than worse ones. Game being single player has no bearing on wanting quality. I never adhered to the idea that mediocrity is allright, because its not a multi/competitive game. Why should i desire the best only in a multiplayer game ? Should i not want it in a single player game thats dozens of hours long ?


Identifies as young
Sure you do. One of the assists in Horizon is slow mo, to let you target the weak spots in peace with a pad. You need no such crutch with m/kb because you can simply aim at the weak spots. Because you can track the dinos better when they're moving, you can aim their spots better. Better precision, reaction and tracking are desirable in every situation than worse ones. Game being single player has no bearing on wanting quality. I never adhered to the idea that mediocrity is allright, because its not a multi/competitive game. Why should i desire the best only in a multiplayer game ? Should i not want it in a single player game thats dozens of hours long ?

I get what you are saying, but KB&M just don't jive for me in third person games. If a game is first person then I'm playing where KB&M are supported. If it is third person, I playing with a controller. As DeepEnigma DeepEnigma said, this is entirely subjective.


Sure you do. One of the assists in Horizon is slow mo, to let you target the weak spots in peace with a pad. You need no such crutch with m/kb because you can simply aim at the weak spots. Because you can track the dinos better when they're moving, you can aim their spots better. Better precision, reaction and tracking are desirable in every situation than worse ones. Game being single player has no bearing on wanting quality. I never adhered to the idea that mediocrity is allright, because its not a multi/competitive game. Why should i desire the best only in a multiplayer game ? Should i not want it in a single player game thats dozens of hours long ?
And here I thought it was there because it’s cool as shit, like Max Payne


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
I get what you are saying, but KB&M just don't jive for me in third person games. If a game is first person then I'm playing where KB&M are supported. If it is third person, I playing with a controller. As DeepEnigma DeepEnigma said, this is entirely subjective.
No, it's not. Unless you think gameplay slower, more imprecise with pathetic aim assist "needed", "needing" pathetic slow time like in HZD to shoot robot weak spots, needing claw grip to access all the buttons + the analog sticks at same time = equal or better. Analog movement of the left stick can be cool, but it is not an advantage on third person shooter in any way.


Identifies as young
No, it's not. Unless you think gameplay slower, more imprecise with pathetic aim assist "needed", "needing" pathetic slow time like in HZD to shoot robot weak spots, needing claw grip to access all the buttons + the analog sticks at same time = equal or better. Analog movement of the left stick can be cool, but it is not an advantage on third person shooter in any way.

Sure it is. This is entirely personal preference. I don't care for kb&m when it comes to third party games.

Awkward John Krasinski GIF by Saturday Night Live


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Sure it is. This is entirely personal preference. I don't care for kb&m when it comes to third party games.
What people care or not is irrelevant when it comes to which control method is more deficient.
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Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Opinions on "which control method is more deficient" are irrelevant when it comes to my personal preference.
You preferring the worse controls is an opinion. It being worse is not. Presence of aim assists, gyro assist and elite controllers are proofs of why default controllers are inferior especially for shooters, being first person or third person. But no wonder people still think stuff like aim assists helping/fooling the player is ok, cool or satisfying. Next 30fps is better than 60 because opinions....
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And they are years old already.
It doesn't matter. The decision to release to PC was recent. They was under old management when all these games were released on the PS4 last gen. You can't start the clock for waiting on a PC release at the same time the game releases in stores on the PS4. That's silly thinking. You act like they had ported versions of their games from the time they release on the PS4 and was told to shelve them until recently.
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Yeah when they're actually announced.

And while I think it will be months for Factions 2, if the single-player games also come to PC within months, it'll be because they're old games - same as Uncharted Legacy of Thieves. That won't be the standard operating procedure for single-player titles.
That's a very fan boyish belief. I was told at ND that they had to change a lot of code in their game engine to create a new pipeline to support the PC - NOT because it's an old game and people won't care about it.

I swear you guys go through great leaps and bounds to portray your fan boyish tone. It's embarrassing.


Identifies as young
That's a very fan boyish belief. I was told at ND that they had to change a lot of code in their game engine to create a new pipeline to support the PC - NOT because it's an old game and people won't care about it.

I swear you guys go through great leaps and bounds to portray your fan boyish tone. It's embarrassing.

We don't know what the timeline will be for PS first party games to come to PC. The fact that ND had to change code in their engine in order to support PC doesn't reveal anything about when those games will actually be on PC. So whether you believe games will come day one, soon after, or long after, it is all entirely speculation. With that in mind, why do you think one person's speculation is any more "fan boyish" than another?
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