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[SPOILERS] Dangan Ronpa 2 Spoiler Thread | Aloha, Despair!


Did you guys like DanganRonpa 1 or 2 more?

Personally, I prefer the story in DanganRonpa 1 more but 2 has a stronger cast, better location, but more bloated in terms of minigames.

I'm a monster who actually enjoys minigame bloat, so I thought that was a positive personally. DR 1 had more of a psychological element, where everyone was paranoid of everyone else, and I liked that. DR 2 the cast goes out of its way to avoid doubting each other, which was less interesting.

The actual class trials in 2 were better in every way(imo, as I mentioned before, I'm a monster who enjoys having a lot of minigame), most of the cast was intelligent enough to bring up some decent points, where in DR 1, Kirigiri and Byakua generally knew the answer at the beginning of the trial(Byakua wasn't always right, but still) while the rest of the cast was just derping around arguing with makoto.

The executions were better in 1. The 2 executions were generally too absurd to be interesting. I actually thought that they had a good opportunity to have a really despair inducing execution with Gundham. They could've forced him to watch his four dark Devas getting killed, and then killing him(This was what I was expecting, I was simultaneously relieved and disappointing when this didn't happen). I think that would've easily topped Leon's execution.

The ending was better in 1 as well. Junko was fresh, and there was actually a murder connected to the final class trial to make it more interesting. The characters who made it to the end(other than Hiro) had a good dynamic for a face off. In DR 2, it felt like it was just a face off between Junko and Hajime.

In the end, I think I like 1 better, 2 had enough improvements that I have no complaints, however.


I've actually never been a fan of any of the executions. I rarely face "despair" while watching any of them. They're all just so crazy and over-the-top and cartoony, which is probably the point. I mean, I feel like Danganronpa rarely gets SUPER dark, so I guess the executions fit.

...but I would totally be into Danganronpa getting SUPER DARK. :p

Yeah after Leon being brutally pelted to death with baseballs and making it look all dark like a public stoning, I thought they would all be similarly dark and intimidating. Instead, most are really goofy or campy. I'm not really a fan of that. Wish they'd do more dark ones similar to Leon's and what Makoto's would have been if it worked. Most of DR2's felt like jokes in a way (being splattered with egg and flour, orgasming on top of an arm rocket, being lifted to heaven by animal angels, etc.)
I just meant that he gives up and calmly talks about it, whereas Leon is crying and begging for his life from the moment he's accused to the start of the execution.

I wouldn't say that Teruteru accepted it at all. If anything he was in denial that he was really gonna die and hoping that the "it was a mistake" and playing the hero angle would get him out of the punishment. Then there's that last scream for his mother...


I wouldn't say that Teruteru accepted it at all. If anything he was in denial that he was really gonna die and hoping that the "it was a mistake" and playing the hero angle would get him out of the punishment. Then there's that last scream for his mother...

Honestly, for the first two chapters, the scenes between being voted guilty and the actual execution were more chilling than the deaths themselves. That scream for his mom that Teruteru does and the whole thing between Peko and Fuyuhiko was just...wow.


I think some of the highs in DR1 felt, well, higher than most of DR2's - but I'd place a lot of that on the inherent novelty and uncertainty that the first game had going for it. I think, sure, DR1's setting evokes a certain oppressive tone and atmosphere to it that DR2's more open landscapes can't really capture, but I liked the inherent mystery of DR2's atmosphere and world more than I did Hope's Peak. There wasn't really any context to a lot of the abandoned rooms in the school, so it was a little hard to wrap your head around the desolation. I think the big emptiness of the island and how the game kinda parceled out more and more mysteries through its' locations as you advanced through the game worked much better. Seeing the ruins of Hope's Peak so early into the game was just a brilliant idea. Really helped kickstart your imagination.

I also preferred most of the characters in DR2 and I definitely preferred how cohesive they felt as a group. There was just a lot more time with them, a lot more time getting to know them, and there's a lot more time we get in terms of feeling out the group dynamic. DR2's characters in general just feel a lot more three-dimensional, and even if I hate on Kazuichi and Akane, even they have stronger and more developed character arcs and personalities than, say, Yasuhiro. It was a lot easier to get attached to people in DR2 (whereas I only really connected with a handful of characters, most of whom survived in the first game) and as such it hit a lot harder when they all started to, uh, die. The report cards in DR2 in general just feel a lot more meaningful and open about what they reflect about the characters. Like, as much as I love Asahina, I wouldn't really say her issues about her weight and how bad she is at dieting or being feminine have a lot on even her contemporary in this game, Akane (make no mistake, though, Asahina >>> Akane). I think, even the murderers in the game, Mikan aside (but she served as a fairly cool bit of foreshadowing) just had... much better reasons for doing what they did, and DR2 took exploring their rationalities over the act much more seriously, and sympathetically.

That all said, I do prefer DR's overall cast of surviving characters against DR2's. Akane and Kazuichi just weighs it down too much. Might have been more even if Chiaki didn't die, haha.

Story and dramatic tension was hands down much better in DR2 (bar a few situations where DR1 held a novelty advantage), though. DR2's so good at manipulating and controlling expectations (especially how it uses your assumptions from the first game) and so amazing at ratcheting up tension and keeping momentum going. It's honestly just a much more exhausting game to play than DR1, especially in long spurts. And as much as I love where DR1's story snowballed, the way that DR2's narrative escalated so extremely from that felt so cool and felt so right. I think DR2 was bogged down a little by reusing the Junko card (again, DR1 holds an advantage in novelty in this regard), but the thrust of the story beats and reveals really put it over the first game on the whole.

I'm also a big fan of the main theme playing right when you beat the last portion of the trial too. I'm a huge sucker for when games/shows do that. The ambient beginning of the theme is great too because it builds up into an awesome climax for the climax of the game.
You have no idea how much I adore the theme reprises in DR, it's just... argh, it's so good. Feels so cathartic and powerful when it finally comes in, and for some reason or another when the digitized 'DANGAN RONPA' title drop comes in... well, that's probably my favourite part of it all. Probably one of the main reasons why I feel DR finales are so great, haha.

Oh yeah, one of the best scenes next to this one (thinking of the Climactic Return song):

...was the one where Nagito wants to wrap things up quickly, so he tries to go over everything that happened in the case before Hajime can, combined with the appropriate music. Hajime's just like: "Wait... what?"
I think one of my favourite mindfuck moments with Nagito was the first one, where he interrupts you with Makoto's trademark 'you've got that wrong!'. I really did love that moment, though. It legitimately felt like you and Nagito were dueling for protagonist status the whole game.


DR2 is better. It had its faults. Executions were big hit or misses and felt more reliant on spectacle than a despair inducing cinematic. New hangman's was total shit. A number of minor flaws carried over between games, too.

DR1 is great, don't get me wrong. It was my GOTY before DR2 came out. Its just... So many things are just hit perfectly in DR2, when DR often felt close yet not there. Things like the OST being great, the art design feeling varied, unique, and vibrant, and the cases being more interesting all the way through.

I guess the best of saying it is this... DR2 felt like it took the concept and refined the hell out of it. It feels like a game with a lot more care put into the details (since bulding on a concept instead of establishing it allowed them to) and the quality shows.


Fuck, finally got the trophy with no damage. Much tougher with the new Hangman's and I kept fucking up a few answers but I saved often. Glad that's over with. It was so much easier in first game.

oh yea, the most disturbing aspect of Teruteru's execution was right before the cutscene when he yelled "MAMAAAAAA" it reminded me that they're still kids. that gave me chills so much!

PK Gaming


"The rightful wielder of the shining light of justice! ( ̄ー+ ̄)"

"The sun is precious because we cannot reach it… This is true of any form of idol worship. And thus, justice should be the same! (*`Д´*)ノ”彡☆"

"The light of justice must reach every corner of this world. We mustn’t allow even a single shadow. Let’s ・ Wipe ・ Evil ・ Out! ヽ(`д´)ノ"

"I have not the slightest guilt over what I’ve done! (`⌒´)"

"Let me get straight to the point, then. You are about to conduct some justice! In order to make my justice live on, you will all give up your own lives! (`・ω・´)"

" If I die here, now, who will be left to keep control over the world’s justice?! (`⌒´)"

"Follow the call of justice inside your hearts… Then, save me in the name of justice."

"Rest assured, your sacrifices will not be in vain. I shall not waste the justice you entrust me! (ノ_・、)"


Man, case 2 was bananas


Case 2 was a perfect instance of the game using what you understood (and the inherent security) of the first game against you. It's easier to accept that Peko is posing as a murderer because you project your expectations from the first game back onto this game, which makes you more sure of the verdict, which is exactly what Peko wants.

...then again, you could have been unconvinced precisely because of that, haha. I think it's clever, either way.


Honestly, for the first two chapters, the scenes between being voted guilty and the actual execution were more chilling than the deaths themselves. That scream for his mom that Teruteru does and the whole thing between Peko and Fuyuhiko was just...wow.

I'd say this is true for all of them, really. From Mikan going crazy to Gundham being awesome to Chiaki breaking your heart, all of the pre-execution scenes were really strong, and a lot more fleshed out than most of the ones in the last game. Even if the executions weren't as strong, those added some nice weight to them.

Case 2 was a perfect instance of the game using what you understood (and the inherent security) of the first game against you. It's easier to accept that Peko is posing as a murderer because you project your expectations from the first game back onto this game, which makes you more sure of the verdict, which is exactly what Peko wants.

...then again, you could have been unconvinced precisely because of that, haha. I think it's clever, either way.

Yeah, that was pretty clever. I love the way the game has this meta way of playing on its sequel status, with stuff like this and Nagito.


It legitimately felt like you and Nagito were dueling for protagonist status the whole game.

I forget when, but I'm pretty sure Nagito even says something like "I always wanted to be the main protagonist..." at some point, which is along the lines of that conflict.


I forget when, but I'm pretty sure Nagito even says something like "I always wanted to be the main protagonist..." at some point, which is along the lines of that conflict.

The message left for the traitor after trial 5, I believe. I think it was part of his apology for making fun of Hajime.
Case 2 was a perfect instance of the game using what you understood (and the inherent security) of the first game against you. It's easier to accept that Peko is posing as a murderer because you project your expectations from the first game back onto this game, which makes you more sure of the verdict, which is exactly what Peko wants.

...then again, you could have been unconvinced precisely because of that, haha. I think it's clever, either way.

Doesn't help that her eyes are red too.


Hmm Maybe Junko omitted that information. That seemed to be one of her trump cards after all.
Considering the message had large portions of it sort of blocked by the interference or whatever it was that was confusing people, I doubt he didn't know. No other reason to make those statements.


So I'm playing through Island Mode for the Hope Fragments, and Byakuya's
was surprisingly interesting. I really liked how he started contemplating the identity issues of being the Ultimate Impostor. Made him surprisingly sympathetic in a few lines, and makes me even more sad he didn't end up meaning much to the plot. I'm sure he's in a better place, chilling with Mukuro.


Mahiru's Free Time Events are... surprisingly cute. It's not quite as, uh, heavy as, say, Mikan's, but it was just light, breezy, and enjoyable. Endeared me a lot to her, which surprised me given how little impression she made on me in the main game.
Her reasons for taking photographs and stuff is really heartwarming stuff. I think she might have been the girl must obviously crushing on Hajime, too?
Mahiru's Free Time Events are... surprisingly cute. It's not quite as, uh, heavy as, say, Mikan's, but it was just light, breezy, and enjoyable. Endeared me a lot to her, which surprised me given how little impression she made on me in the main game.
Her reasons for taking photographs and stuff is really heartwarming stuff. I think she might have been the girl must obviously crushing on Hajime, too?

I went through hers yesterday and thought they were adorable as well (especially her final event, that was way too sweet).

Fuyuhiko and Byakuya had a great set of events too.


Mahiru's Free Time Events are... surprisingly cute. It's not quite as, uh, heavy as, say, Mikan's, but it was just light, breezy, and enjoyable. Endeared me a lot to her, which surprised me given how little impression she made on me in the main game.
Her reasons for taking photographs and stuff is really heartwarming stuff. I think she might have been the girl must obviously crushing on Hajime, too?

I'll have to do those next, because she definitely struck me as strangely bland in the main game. I want to do a character ranking, but I feel like it's not fair 'till I finish their FTEs. :p


So I just finished the game...and while the credits are rolling..

So did Hajime and the others return to their selves from the virtual world or what!? 0_0

and I really really hope the dead characters come back to life. Gundham Tanaka is too good of a character to die.


So I just finished the game...and while the credits are rolling..

So did Hajime and the others return to their selves from the virtual world or what!? 0_0

and I really really hope the dead characters come back to life. Gundham Tanaka is too good of a character to die.

I think the implied idea, at least, is that their avatar memories mixed with their school memories and sheer strength of willpower let their avatar's personality be dominant once out. Though, even implied may be a strong word for that explanation.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I was thinking of buying the this Junko figurine: http://amzn.to/1qBlEJ4

But the reviews look bad, any info about this?


Neo Member
I just finished both games pretty much back to back. I think the series has some interesting concepts and characters. I enjoyed playing through the series.

I would argue the most developed character in Dangan Ronpa 2 would probably go to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. Many of the cast members are not fleshed out and they don't have much character development / character arc. Probably due to them being killed off so quicky.

I also thought many of the cases in Dangan Ronpa 2 were somewhat questionable. For example Nagito's plan in chapter 5. He could have easily succeeded without coming up with that convoluted idea.

Instead of giving long speeches and ranting about his plans during chapter 4 and the beginning of 5. All Nagito has to do is this.

1.) steal Usami's book. Read said book.
2.) ask Hajime why he didn't go to the octagon room in case 4 and who stopped him.
3.) write chiaki to meet him on a different island. confirm her leaving.
4.) call a meeting with everyone else inside the hotel. confirm everyone else is there.
5.) set off the bomb and then throw the poison.

But then we wouldn't have much of a game would we?
I thought many of the cases were kinda ridiculous but they were fun to work through.


I just finished both games pretty much back to back. I think the series has some interesting concepts and characters. I enjoyed playing through the series.

I would argue the most developed character in Dangan Ronpa 2 would probably go to Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu. Many of the cast members are not fleshed out and they don't have much character development / character arc. Probably due to them being killed off so quicky.

I also thought many of the cases in Dangan Ronpa 2 were somewhat questionable. For example Nagito's plan in chapter 5. He could have easily succeeded without coming up with that convoluted idea.

Instead of giving long speeches and ranting about his plans during chapter 4 and the beginning of 5. All Nagito has to do is this.

1.) steal Usami's book. Read said book.
2.) ask Hajime why he didn't go to the octagon room in case 4 and who stopped him.
3.) write chiaki to meet him on a different island. confirm her leaving.
4.) call a meeting with everyone else inside the hotel. confirm everyone else is there.
5.) set off the bomb and then throw the poison.

But then we wouldn't have much of a game would we?
I thought many of the cases were kinda ridiculous but they were fun to work through.
The inherent flaw with that is that Usami's inability to write is only made clear after his death. Given the childish appearance of the book's writings and her previous ability to wield items... There is little reason to doubt it is her diary until that fact becomes apparent. Honestly, as much as Nagito seemed to like to act as though he knew who the traitor was, he seemed more like he had no idea and was betting on his luck.


Instead of giving long speeches and ranting about his plans during chapter 4 and the beginning of 5. All Nagito has to do is this.

Well, I think the problem with your plan is that there was no way for Nagito to know the evidence that pointed to the traitor in Usami's book. He didn't know if there were any spectators who saw Hajime being stopped to go in the Final Dead Room... Though, did the passage explicitly say that the one who wrote it stopped Hajime?


Also I'll say this as for DR 2 as a whole...

- Hajime IMO is a MUCH BETTER main protagonist than Makoto was in DR1. I liked Makoto but Hakime too me represents almost everything on how I would realistically react in the constant situations he is put through and has a cooler personality to boot. I guess that's the Jason Yong Bosch effect. :D

- I also liked more of the side characters here than I did in DR1. Some of the characters in DR1 I felt absolutely nothing for like Leon, Hifumi, and Hagakure. Here, the only character I can say I disliked was Kazuichi Soda. He's like a little less useless Hagakure.

- I did HOWEVER, like the story in DR1 a little better. Mostly because I felt in DR2, there was SO MUCH (in the words of Akane) Sci-fi bullcrap going on and the ending was practically one huge Deus Ex Machina. (I also laughed when Hajime practically went super sayian and changed hair color when he was awaken) In DR1, I felt the suspense was a little more realistic while avoiding that suspense getting bigger into one huge convoluted mess.

- Feep, I smiled like an idiot fan boy when I saw the real you appear. :D Just thought I would mention that. (*sniff...I knew you weren't dead...)

- This game beats DR1 though for one simple reason...SONIA LIVES! The waifu I pick from the beginning of the game actually fucking lives! Akane was also a second choice so her living as well was also a great bonus. XD

- I am confused at one thing however. In chapter 3 where Mikan was the killer. What was her motive for killing Ibuki? I understand why she would kill Hiyoko (because she was a total bitch to Mikan) but why Ibuki? She...didn't have to die there. :(


I am confused at one thing however. In chapter 3 where Mikan was the killer. What was her motive for killing Ibuki? I understand why she would kill Hiyoko (because she was a total bitch to Mikan) but why Ibuki? She...didn't have to die there. :(

Because Ibuki was sick and would not resist Mikan's assault at all due to the nature of her sickness. Nagito and Akane might have put up a fight, though any of them might have worked anyways. Ibuki was also probably the physically weakest of the three.


- I am confused at one thing however. In chapter 3 where Mikan was the killer. What was her motive for killing Ibuki? I understand why she would kill Hiyoko (because she was a total bitch to Mikan) but why Ibuki? She...didn't have to die there. :(

I was initially very dissatisfied with Mikan's turn, but the Ultimate Despair twist at the end sorta put things in perspective.

After beating the game I've come to the (maybe incorrect) conclusion that after the disease unlocked her memories as a Remnant of Despair, she went back to her usual ways of committing horrific crimes in the name of Despair in hopes of being reunited with Junko. So she just went out and killed whoever.

That's the way I see it, at least.


Because Ibuki was sick and would not resist Mikan's assault at all due to the nature of her sickness. Nagito and Akane might have put up a fight, though any of them might have worked anyways. Ibuki was also probably the physically weakest of the three.

So it was just because Ibuki was physically (due to her condition at the time) the weakest? That's it? I mean I understood the motives very well for Teruteru, Peko, Gundham, but I find Mikan's motive to be...well a little weak.

I mean if we are going by physical strength here, why didn't she just target Hiyoko and leave Ibuki alone?

I was initially very dissatisfied with Mikan's turn, but the Ultimate Despair twist at the end sorta put things in perspective.

After beating the game I've come to the (maybe incorrect) conclusion that after the disease unlocked her memories as a Remnant of Despair, she went back to her usual ways of committing horrific crimes in the name of Despair in hopes of being reunited with Junko. So she just went out and killed whoever.

That's the way I see it, at least.

Ah I see. So Mikan at that point was just another Junko sort to speak? And Ibuki just happened to be that target? :(


So it was just because Ibuki was physically (due to her condition at the time) the weakest? That's it? I mean I understood the motives very well for Teruteru, Peko, Gundham, but I find Mikan's motive to be...well a little weak.

I mean if we are going by physical strength here, why didn't she just target Hiyoko and leave Ibuki alone?
Because she wasn't acting rationally, and in fact, she never intended to target Hiyoko in the first place. Her target was always Ibuki simply because her condition left her suggestible and susceptible to anything Mikan wanted, thus letting her set up the crime easier. Like, imagine how easy it'd have been for Mikan to lure away Hiyoko (especially given how fearful she was of Despair Disease) and how easy it'd have been to control Ibuki, looking at how close Mikan was to the patients at all times.


So it was just because Ibuki was physically (due to her condition at the time) the weakest? That's it? I mean I understood the motives very well for Teruteru, Peko, Gundham, but I find Mikan's motive to be...well a little weak.

I mean if we are going by physical strength here, why didn't she just target Hiyoko and leave Ibuki alone?

Because she was close to Ibuki at the time. Not in an emotional sense but I mean she was taking care of her so she was an easy target. Then Hiyoko was just to cover the tracks.


I was initially very dissatisfied with Mikan's turn, but the Ultimate Despair twist at the end sorta put things in perspective.

After beating the game I've come to the (maybe incorrect) conclusion that after the disease unlocked her memories as a Remnant of Despair, she went back to her usual ways of committing horrific crimes in the name of Despair in hopes of being reunited with Junko. So she just went out and killed whoever.

That's the way I see it, at least.

I'd like to add, that despite Alter Ego Junko being the person running the show, the plan was made and put in action by Izuru/Hajime along with the rest of the Ultimate Despairs who were part of the killing school trip. Once she regained her memories, it likely didn't take long to figure out that instigating another killing would accelerate their plan. Which would also explain why she was so tight lipped on information after the trial.


So it was just because Ibuki was physically (due to her condition at the time) the weakest? That's it? I mean I understood the motives very well for Teruteru, Peko, Gundham, but I find Mikan's motive to be...well a little weak.

I mean if we are going by physical strength here, why didn't she just target Hiyoko and leave Ibuki alone?

What the people above me said, but yeah, you also have to realize that she had reverted to an Ultimate Despair, which is how her motive is further illuminated by the ending twist that they're all members of Ultimate Despair.


Because she wasn't acting rationally, and in fact, she never intended to target Hiyoko in the first place. Her target was always Ibuki simply because her condition left her suggestible and susceptible to anything Mikan wanted, thus letting her set up the crime easier.

Because she was close to Ibuki at the time. Not in an emotional sense but I mean she was taking care of her so she was an easy target. Then Hiyoko was just to cover the tracks.

...what a shame. :(

That sucks. Soda gets to live but not Ibuki? It's the Hagakure syndrome all over again. XD

What the people above me said, but yeah, you also have to realize that she had reverted to an Ultimate Despair, which is how her motive is further illuminated by the ending twist that they're all members of Ultimate Despair.

Good point. I guess when I think about it more it does make sense. Just wish it wasn't Ibuki. XD


So it was just because Ibuki was physically (due to her condition at the time) the weakest? That's it? I mean I understood the motives very well for Teruteru, Peko, Gundham, but I find Mikan's motive to be...well a little weak.

I mean if we are going by physical strength here, why didn't she just target Hiyoko and leave Ibuki alone?

Ibuki was super compliant under the Despair Fever, right? I wouldn't be surprised if Mikan simply suggested killing her and she went along with it.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
The main complaint I heard about it was that they got her hair color wrong, lol

It's kinda tempting. From 12k Yen down to 4k Yen.

Still... Should I get it? I'm not sure about the quality of the figure though.


Souda's continued existence at the expense of Chiaki and Ibuki baffles and confuses me. :(

OMG I know right!? That was almost pure despair when she went... :(

I thought Chiaki was going to be the next Kyoki and be the main protagonist's girl sort to speak but man did that suck. :(

Also Soda was overly creepy towards Sonia which made me hate him even more.


Santa May Claus
I was thinking of buying the this Junko figurine: http://amzn.to/1qBlEJ4

But the reviews look bad, any info about this?

I have her. The biggest problem that people seem have had are some quality control issues with the paint. It's a good paintjob, but it's not perfect. So, that's why the figure is discounted. It released at double the price.

At that price? It's a steal. It's a large figure. About 1/6 scale size. You can read more impressions here:

And a review:

For anyone that has the LE, did their sunglasses have a small splotch of red on the front? I'm trying to figure out if it was manufacturing mistake or not.


I forget, is there any other requirements to getting an island ending other than all that character's hope fragments and a full meter via trip tickets? Didn't touch school mode much in first game.


Oh yeah also I think I posted this in another thread but this quote below is IMO the best line in the entire game.

"If you say killing for the sake of living is evil, then what would you call giving up on life? If a world would consider that justice, then I will fight that world with every last fiber of my being! Giving up on life and choosing death...is nothing but a blasphemy toward life. It is a violation of the natural order! It is the arrogance of humanity!"

- Gundham Tanaka

And his execution scene...the feels in those hamsters. :(

...actually wait a minute, what happened to them?


It's kinda tempting. From 12k Yen down to 4k Yen.

Still... Should I get it? I'm not sure about the quality of the figure though.

I have it and really like it. The only bad thing is that her hair color is golden brown instead of blondish, which does really suck, but the rest of her is pretty accurate.

Oh yeah also I think I posted this in another thread but this quote below is IMO the best line in the entire game.

"If you say killing for the sake of living is evil, then what would you call giving up on life? If a world would consider that justice, then I will fight that world with every last fiber of my being! Giving up on life and choosing death...is nothing but a blasphemy toward life. It is a violation of the natural order! It is the arrogance of humanity!"

- Gundham Tanaka

And his execution scene...the feels in those hamsters. :(

...actually wait a minute, what happened to them?
Only the Ultimate Despairs were brought into the game. The hamsters weren't probably real from the start. When he died, they probably were deleted along with him. Like they were a part of his memory and his memory got deleted.
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