I was just trying to figure out what made sense as my first crew skills and found this. Handy!
As a jedi shadow i think i might do ... hmm...
I don't know.
I was just trying to figure out what made sense as my first crew skills and found this. Handy!
As a jedi shadow i think i might do ... hmm...
I don't know.
All this stuff mentioned in the in-game codexs. I picked the lightsaber crafting and related skills... not working out so well. Low on funds.![]()
Main install done and got my account and iPhone authenticator all set up. Doing the launch day patches now!
How many patches and how big are they?
While leveling, just gather mats, don't send companions to do missions at all (don't bother buying recipes either...), it just drains your money but doesn't provide enough to replace the lost money and doesn't raise the skill fast enough to keep selfmade items competitive with quest rewards and commendation-bought ones. 40 levels worth mats should give good start when you start training the skill at 50...
All this stuff mentioned in the in-game codexs. I picked the lightsaber crafting and related skills... not working out so well. Low on funds.![]()
I have 9 gb left unfortunately...plenty of time to pick a class though.
While leveling, just gather mats, don't send companions to do missions at all (don't bother buying recipes either...), it just drains your money but doesn't provide enough to replace the lost money and doesn't raise the skill fast enough to keep selfmade items competitive with quest rewards and commendation-bought ones. 40 levels worth mats should give good start when you start training the skill at 50...
I'm not playing on the same server as GAF but in general the Empire seems to be a far more popular choice. Haven't played enough to say anything definitively, but it seems like most of the Empire stuff is just executed much better than the Republic stuff. Jedi just seem particularly dull to hang out with when conceptually they are trying to distance themselves from all emotion.Are more gaffers on the good side or bad?
Should I do slicing or just the other three materials (mats) ones?
WoW has invented a huge amount of the current tropes, wow of 2005 was more similar to previous games than it is now, tor is similar to wow of 2010, not wow of 2005.
Where to start.... How are they similar.
Get over it, it's the same game. You don't like wow anymore people, we get it. That doesn't mean you need to be personally offended by having it pointed out that your new girlfriend is just your old girlfriend with a wig on.
I don't understand why all the charm of the Dark Side in any MMO. I always play the "good" side, being bad don't seems... correct.
I think Empire can be just as dull though. Evil for the sake of being evil. I'd personally go off and start my own faction if I lived in the Star Wars Universe.I'm not playing on the same server as GAF but in general the Empire seems to be a far more popular choice. Haven't played enough to say anything definitively, but it seems like most of the Empire stuff is just executed much better than the Republic stuff. Jedi just seem particularly dull to hang out with when conceptually they are trying to distance themselves from all emotion.
I was just trying to figure out what made sense as my first crew skills and found this. Handy!
As a jedi shadow i think i might do ... hmm...
I don't know.
everyone says Slicing is a waste now that they nerfed it.
Wait, when did Slicing get nerfed? Details?
The amount of money you get from the credit boxes has been reduced by around 50%. Happened a couple of days back.Wait, when did Slicing get nerfed? Details?
after the recent major patch. people told me you don't get as much money from it or something.
This is a good chart, but it's a bit incomplete. Diplomacy also yields Luxury Fabrics for Synthweaving, and Underworld Trading produces Schematics for moddable versions of Armormech and Synthweaving patterns.
Diplomacy now gives Medical Supplies and Companion Gifts, but not Luxury Fabrics. I think the fabrics were moved to Underworld and the schematics were moved from that to something else (maybe Slicing).
Now list all the things that are unique to SWTOR vs WoW. I bet your list will be just as long.
Sure they may be small things, but isn't that the point?
I'll get you started:
Personal story
Dialogue trees
Fully voiced everything
Companion characters
Crafting/gathering system which can be done by your companions while you quest
Modding orange armor giving huge flexibility
etc etc etc
There are difference and similarities but they're not the same game with a new skin.
Slicing is a gamble but you'll still make SOME money....people still don't understand
You send a companion to a mission for 400
He comes back with 500 or 585 or sometimes fails(gamble)
Thats +credits, how is that not a profit? Prepatch it would be something like.. send a comp for 400.. he'll come back with 900.
Oh right, on the Luxury Fabrics, but not entirely on the schematics. Schematics for Blue/Purple gear come from Investigation - and loot, but moddable schematics for Armormech and Synthweaving only come from Underworld Trading - there was a dev post about it (the one about "Unify Colors to Chest" being gone).Diplomacy now gives Medical Supplies and Companion Gifts, but not Luxury Fabrics. I think the fabrics were moved to Underworld and the schematics were moved from that to something else (maybe Slicing).
Companion characters, aside from crafting which I forgot to mention and IS kind of cool, are just story devices.
I don't understand why all the charm of the Dark Side in any MMO. I always play the "good" side, being bad don't seems... correct.
Lightside Imperial for life.
Nope. Completely wrong. They make playing the game completely fun for healers and tanks.
Having a problem with resolutions I think. The UI is fine and looks like its 1280x768 but the graphics on everything are stretched. The characters are fat. Anybody else have this problem?
Slicing is garbage. EVERY tradeskill in every game is a profit industry of some sort, slicing literally does nothing but bring back credits. Usually at a loss or an INCREDIBLY small margin after the nerf. Pre-nerf margins were perfectly fine for level 50s, it was only being 400 slicing at level 20 that was broken. I can make 500 credits for killing a group of weak mobs with a mortar volley. 26,000 credits an hour was hardly that op (which was the max average Credit/hour return pre-nerf), it would have stabilized once people needed mats from other skills, c'est la vie.
Sounds like some fanfic character to me. 'Hey guys, I got the sweet Sith robes, but I'm teh good guy. I get all the benefits and none of the badness!' Also playing a 'good' character in a video game is real refreshing, I'm sure.Because:
Any fellow Concealment Operatives know what stats I should be aiming for? I would think Tech Power for my poisons, but idk
Sounds like some fanfic character to me. 'Hey guys, I got the sweet Sith robes, but I'm teh good guy. I get all the benefits and none of the badness!' Also playing a 'good' character in a video game is real refreshing, I'm sure.
You're being a bit overdramatic here. Slicing has lockboxes that produce straight up cash are still peppered all over the world - the ONLY tradeskill that has this advantage. They are purely free money. Drive around and open boxes. Not to mention the other benefits like Augments, Cybertech schematics, and mission discoveries - all things that you can sell on the GTN. Slicing is still one of only TWO tradeskills that nets a positive result on its own (the other being Treasure Hunting, and that doesn't even get the world money boxes that slicing does).
Even if you say "ok other tradeskills can sell their wares for more money than slicing earned!" (try selling Luxury Fabrics, you can't give that shit away) - the difference is Slicing is generating new money into the system, whereas products sold to other players keep the amount of money the same (or slightly reduce it in the case of the GTN). The other generators of money are killing mobs and completing quests. Why should Slicers be entitled to a significant 3rd source of new money generation? Without appropriate sinks, that drives inflation. Whether the game had enough sinks or not is arguable and I'm not interested in debating that.
In short, if you don't want Slicing, don't take Slicing. The way it is now is fine. The way it was before might have been fine, but Bioware clearly disagreed. Slicing is still one of few tradeskills you can take and not be throwing your money down a pit in the hopes that one day you'll produce something of value that people will want to buy. Synthweaving, for example, is not really panning out![]()
Nope. Completely wrong. They make playing the game completely fun for healers and tanks.
This. I have an android phone and have the same question.For those doing iPod security, if you wipe the iPod or otherwise lose the data, can you recover it from the cloud? I'm thinking about using my ipod, but if I have to wipe it, I'd hate to have to call Bioware.
I might just wait for a keychain key.
I HAD slicing, I had it since day 1, you get an AMAZING like 1k at best from the best lockboxes located on the floor. That's nowhere near as good as getting mats hand over fist with bio or archaeology or something along those lines. Especially since the actual missions...do nothing? Seriously, does anyone truly think the profit margins on the other skills are as low as slicing is now? that's delusional at best.
Ok, your first 4 points are basically the exact same thing. "The quest system has cutscenes" sorry, but it is. Companion characters, aside from crafting which I forgot to mention and IS kind of cool, are just story devices. You will never use one when you do an instance, pvp, or raid, they're just there for questing. "Modding orange armor" is nothing. Mods are just any socketable item from any game ever. Yeah, you can keep a piece of gear that looks cool, except A) at the end game, all the gear is purple, which means you can't just mod it up like that, and B) you can look like whatever you want in wow as well (and many other games). It's not innovative or flexible, it's less flexible than most mmos have today in fact, including wow.