So I joined Keller's Void on the Empire side. How do I get into the GAF guild?
shoot me a /tell on either Dauthi or Alicar
So I joined Keller's Void on the Empire side. How do I get into the GAF guild?
Whats your character name?
shoot me a /tell on either Dauthi or Alicar
I'm having a lot of trouble with these space battles.
Too much action in my MMO! I'm no good at these
I don't know how to avoid hits. It's even harder when I'm trying to aim at the same time.
Make sure you get the level 1 upgrades. I could not beat the first mission without them. Especially the offensive ones, they are essential for saving that ship.
What level are you? I thought that, until I actually got to 25 and easily had enough for it. The amount of credits which you get really starts to ramp up as you get through the 20s.
I'm level 19. I think I heard it was 75k credits or something? I'm not even remotely close to that number.
Level 19 for Taris? Is the planet order different for Republic players? I just got to Taris and I'm lvl 37.I'm half way through level 19 and about to head to Taris. I think I heard it was 75k credits or something? I'm not even remotely close to that number.
Oh that's way less than 75k. Still far away from where I am though.
I guess? The galaxy map said it was 16-20 or something.Level 19 for Taris? Is the planet order different for Republic players? I just got to Taris and I'm lvl 37.
Oh... I'll probably click like 3 times.56k if you're a moron and press right-click twice.![]()
Level 19 for Taris? Is the planet order different for Republic players? I just got to Taris and I'm lvl 37.
Yes. And Republic gets to Balmorra way later.
I didn't know that, I thought it was the same for either side.
I'm pretty sure Taris is completely different maps for both factions. Empire version is nighttime, whereas Republic is daytime.
Really? Can anyone confirm this? I think if it is accurate that is very cool. I know alot of talk about time of day settings for planets or planets have day to night cycles is missed by alot of people, but this would be cool since we do not have time of day cycles.
It's been discussed on the last 2 or 3 pages, haha. I agree that SW/JK need tweaking.I think this has been discussed earlier, but does anyone else feel like melee classes in this game just suck? I'm currently playing Sith Marauder and taking on more than 1 opponent at a time is just a total pain in the ass, having no CC or AOE whatsoever. Medium armor isn't cutting it either, as I'm taking a lot of damage from mobs.
I dunno, I just feel like a lot of classes are just not working and the game needs a lot of tweaking.
I think this has been discussed earlier, but does anyone else feel like melee classes in this game just suck? I'm currently playing Sith Marauder and taking on more than 1 opponent at a time is just a total pain in the ass, having no CC or AOE whatsoever. Medium armor isn't cutting it either, as I'm taking a lot of damage from mobs.
I dunno, I just feel like a lot of classes are just not working and the game needs a lot of tweaking.
I think there's some truth to that they're tough to play, but it is the class.In my opinion, melee (specifically Jedi) are tough to play. A bunch of folks on the forum say we're not playing right so it's us and not the class. Not sure what to believe. Without a combat log, there's no way to see where the deficiencies are.
You're assuming that the skill cap on Juggs is some how higher than on other Tanks. Which is just not true. A smart playing Jugg can be on par with other tanks yes, but put the same smart player on a Powertech, and he'll be alot better and be able to do things Juggs can never do. The class is just fundamentally broken.
I think it's interesting that my lvl12 Trooper can do the same damage as my lvl29 Jedi Guardian (DPS spec) at range in PVP with no danger of being caught in AoE.I think there's some truth to that they're tough to play, but it is the class.
In my opinion, melee (specifically Jedi) are tough to play. A bunch of folks on the forum say we're not playing right so it's us and not the class. Not sure what to believe. Without a combat log, there's no way to see where the deficiencies are.
It's only a matter of time before my quest log is full of quests I don't need but cannot abandon.Awesome - I have a game stopping bug. Level 30 - just completed Sith Inquisitor story quest on Alderaan and now have to head to Nar Shadaa to continue.
As soon as I try to exit my ship - the game just shuts down. Closes completely. Every time.
GG Bioware.
Can I get an inv for US Empire gaf? Been trying to get a hold of an officer for the last 2 days and haven't had any luck. Toon's name is Raynah.
kk, logging onI'm on now, character name is Dauthi.
I am still wavering on pve versus pvp. I am completely engrossed in Skyrim right now and would love to play a Star Wars game like it. PVE sounds close. Am I correct?
This game is nowhere close to Skyrim, is much closer to a KOTOR or even Mass Effect. But, yes, unless you plan to focus in killing other players (or surprisingly you enjoy being attacked by a group of people when you are injured because you just fighted against a boss), PVE is the way to enjoy the single player (or coop based) game.
There should be a quest giver in the Imperial Fleet(Republic Fleet if your republic).Reached 50!
Anybody know how to start the questline for FP Directive 7?
Ok. Can anyone convince me that the Vanguard/Powertech mechanics are fairly different in comparison to the Merc/Commando?
I want to roll a Repub alt so I'm not rehashing the Empire stuff. I tried both Jedi classes, and hated them both. I'd prefer to have something that could tank, so that pretty much limits me to Vangaurd. I'm just hoping it feels different enough then my Merc, that I won't regret it. Also... how does the Trooper story hold up?
In my opinion, melee (specifically Jedi) are tough to play. A bunch of folks on the forum say we're not playing right so it's us and not the class. Not sure what to believe. Without a combat log, there's no way to see where the deficiencies are.
The trooper uses an assault cannon while the BH dual wields blaster pistols. I don't know if this has any long-run advantages for either side, but if it does, they are probably marginal. There are some other minor differences that favor the BH, mostly animation time stuff. The trooper abilities Full Auto and Mortar Volley both animate slower and more clunkily than their BH counterparts. This actually matters on Full Auto because taking damage can easily cause you to lose a tick of damage dealt as it channels.
In my opinion, melee (specifically Jedi) are tough to play. A bunch of folks on the forum say we're not playing right so it's us and not the class. Not sure what to believe. Without a combat log, there's no way to see where the deficiencies are.
That's what bonus series are for! I never touched Corellia outside of my class quest and I'm glad I didn't.Ugh, navigating Corellia is such a bitch. Not only are half of the routes on your map blocked by unopenable doors so you have to go a looong way around, the available routes are manned by strong droids who will onehit you off your speeder. And everything is so goddamn far apart.
Immersive? Maybe for the first five minutes, but a total annoyance after that.
Grav Round and Demolition Round also benefit from the talent.What is 'rounds'? I get that if I use "Full Auto" and I crit then I will get an 'energy cell' but it also seems to indicate another skill benefits from this?
A single unit of ammo is an Energy Cell.What is an 'energy cell'? This some sort of resource that I'm not aware of? I play Commando and have for the past 24 levels and never heard of this... Our energy bar is 'Ammo' on all our skills.. so I know it isn't that...
That's what bonus series are for! I never touched Corellia outside of my class quest and I'm glad I didn't.
Grav Round and Demolition Round also benefit from the talent.
A single unit of ammo is an Energy Cell.