I'm right there with you man. I've been coming in here for news, pics, and written experiences. The feuds are making it hard to sort through.
Welcome to MMOs. Even GAF can't evade it.
I'm right there with you man. I've been coming in here for news, pics, and written experiences. The feuds are making it hard to sort through.
Welcome to MMOs. Even GAF can't evade it.
I know, I know. I just want more pictures! Been troubleshooting some errors and should be in by tonight.
Man, Heroic 4 starts to feel like a fucking Aion, shit takes forever to kill even in full party of 4. Done Friends of Old yesterday, I'm a Medic and I don't understand how can you do it without a Healer, the whole stuff is just open area instance.
I will stick with Operative I think, maybe later I will try Powertech.
Also, am I supposed to pick Orange gear just for looks? Will it be competitive with other items when modded? Any nice set for Imperial Agent, I kinda look like crap now.
Also, am I supposed to pick Orange gear just for looks? Will it be competitive with other items when modded? Any nice set for Imperial Agent, I kinda look like crap now.
I am so surprised thata neoGAF MMO threadany MMO discussion on the internet deteriorated into WoW talk.
Uh, no. We were first on our server to beat most of the bosses in vanilla wow, and we definitely used spreadsheets, boss mods, dps meters, etc etc. I wrote timer mods for C'Thun between pulls because the boss mods people kept theirs private until world firsts happened.People somehow handled high end raiding in Everquest without recount, DBM, healbot, and raid performance graphs. The best players out there found a way to beat Molten Core, UBRS, and AQ without 2000 mods, elitist jerks, and pages of Excel spreadsheets.
Yes, it sure is crazy that people play a broken and feature incomplete MMORPG and point to a popular, successful, and tightly made MMORPG as a reference point on how to do things right. And it is really awful that people have anything to say about it and aren't just posting funny pictures.I am so surprised that a neoGAF MMO thread deteriorated into WoW talk.
So after making a 21 Sage and a 20 Sentinel and only really liking the Sage but not really the Sentinel, I decided to make a Commando the other day.
Got him to 25 and enjoying him way more then the other 2. Though I may go back to those guys one day. I do want to make a Gunslinger or an IA.
But for now I will continue on my Commando. Enjoying him and he's fun. Any Troopers have any opinions on what the better companion is to level with? Dorne or Aric? I'm 25 and just got Dorne.
Also my Commando is looking sweet and I just got to Nar Shaddaa (Yes late) but it is a gorgeous planet.
Also Nar Shaddaa is gorgeous and my Commando looks like a pimp.
Yes, it sure is crazy that people play a broken and feature incomplete MMORPG and point to a popular, successful, and tightly made MMORPG as a reference point on how to do things right. And it is really awful that people have anything to say about it and aren't just posting funny pictures.
No, pretty sure WoW at least had a legible UI on launch. It was a polished product at launch with some bugs. TOR is a pile of bugs and poor design with the occasional bit of polish.I think you mean tightly patched.
No, pretty sure WoW at least had a legible UI on launch. It was a polished product at launch with some bugs. TOR is a pile of bugs and poor design with the occasional bit of polish.
No, pretty sure WoW at least had a legible UI on launch. It was a polished product at launch with some bugs. TOR is a pile of bugs and poor design with the occasional bit of polish.
Is there an auction house in this game? I have a bunch of stuff I want to try to sell so I can afford a mount at 25. I'm nowhere near the credits I need and I'm already level 21.
GTN is on the fleet and some major cities. Nar Shaada has a faction neutral one.
Oh that's what this "GTN" I hear people talking about is.
I thought it would just be called an Auction House/AH.
Thank you.
So datacron hunting is really fucking fun. Forgetting about the nominal attribute gains they give you, the way they hide these things and the hoops you have to jump through to get them are just awesome. Towellie was just streaming his whole guild on Twitch going after them, about 60 people cruising through low level zones walking up these weird ledges and getting to all these crazy places.
Everybody should try to get them, even if you don't care about the stats.
Man, Heroic 4 starts to feel like a fucking Aion, shit takes forever to kill even in full party of 4. Done Friends of Old yesterday, I'm a Medic and I don't understand how can you do it without a Healer, the whole stuff is just open area instance.
I will stick with Operative I think, maybe later I will try Powertech.
Also, am I supposed to pick Orange gear just for looks? Will it be competitive with other items when modded? Any nice set for Imperial Agent, I kinda look like crap now.
WoW at launch had:
Stratholme runs for 8 hours
UBRS runs for 10 hours
Cloth users being one-shotted
Want me to go on?
I'm sure as a commando you could likely use any companion you wanted, but Aric isn't very good in general, I've literally NEVER seen a trooper over level 30 that wasn't using Dorne. She's amazing. I've done heroic 4 quest areas tons with just 2 troopers and 2 dornes healing me.
Riding the jawa balloon for half an hour, then missing the jump to the second datacron, was decidedly not fun.
I don't know, how many more hilarious WoW "facts" can you make up?WoW at launch had:
Stratholme runs for 8 hours
UBRS runs for 10 hours
Cloth users being one-shotted
Want me to go on?
So datacron hunting is really fucking fun. Forgetting about the nominal attribute gains they give you, the way they hide these things and the hoops you have to jump through to get them are just awesome. Towellie was just streaming his whole guild on Twitch going after them, about 60 people cruising through low level zones walking up these weird ledges and getting to all these crazy places.
Everybody should try to get them, even if you don't care about the stats.
Huh, I remember none of those things, since they're all malarky. Dungeons were harder, but none took more than an hour or so with any group that wasn't mentally ill.
Cloth users being one shot...guessing you mean pvp? Cause that didn't happen either, but it's good you think so.
TOR's UI is complete donkey shit in this day and age, anyone that tries to claim otherwise is going to need some amazing kind of argument (which doesn't exist, since it's basically a FACT how bad this is), not this nonsense.
It always fascinates me how the Voidstar minimap just overlaps with the right side bar. It's like the UI designers never actually tested their work or ever attempted to play the game with what they created.
If this game didn't get popular, there is no hope for any MMOs honestly. I don't think any MMOs that are upcoming have anywhere near the mass appeal Star Wars has.
Tatooine was my favorite so far. The World Arc story was great, the Imperial Agent storyline was amazing. It's the first planet with world pvp and it has the fucking cantina song in it.
What part of the map is the Sarlaac pit at? I think that's the only bit I've yet to see.
What part of the map is the Sarlaac pit at? I think that's the only bit I've yet to see.
Just use cover in place instead, no worries anymore about getting stuck.In what sense? Game quality/experience or IP for mass appeal? The game felt really polished early on, but it became pretty evident they were hoping to just patch as they go when you got to later content. There are a ton of bugs in here, and at times IA/Smugs can be outright unplayable due to the cover system (getting stuck in cover that the game puts you in).
If you think any MMO won't be buggy at launch, you will probably be disappointed. The game has a lot of bugs at launch like most MMOs, but it's actually one of the most smooth launches in the bunch.
In what sense? Game quality/experience or IP for mass appeal? The game felt really polished early on, but it became pretty evident they were hoping to just patch as they go when you got to later content. There are a ton of bugs in here, and at times IA/Smugs can be outright unplayable due to the cover system (getting stuck in cover that the game puts you in). PVP is very-very unsatisfying in this game, as nearly every WZ you get into has latency issues, and overall it just doesn't feel that great in world PVP even. Something's just "off".
The honeymoon is over for me, and I can't believe how much the quality of experiences dropped. It's fun for the great storylines, but thus far outside of that, there's nothing to write home about. I have my ticket for the GW2 hype train ready, and I'm hoping that it can save MMOs.
Tatooine was my favorite so far. The World Arc story was great, the Imperial Agent storyline was amazing. It's the first planet with world pvp and it has the fucking cantina song in it.
I've never had issues with playing Operative and using TA; dart, backstab, shiv, TA lacerate, BS should be back up, Shiv. Repeat, only time I really have energy issues is when I have aggro. It's not complicated or hard at all, its just you actually have to pay attention. It's not a set and forget class or spam X skill until creature is dead class. If people think operatives are complicated then I have lost hope for MMOs progressing past the whole spam X key style of combat. And I hope these people stay far the fuck away from Guild Wars 2 Thieves, they'll hate it.
If the fight is going to be long, then pop stim boost as soon as it's available. Energy starvation is an issue, but lets not make the class out to be some kind of quantum physics class in regards to difficulity. I've seen more people bitch about Marauder playstyles than I've ever seen about Operatives, and I found Sentinel the easiest class to play....granted they're actually all easy.
Tatooine was my favorite so far. The World Arc story was great, the Imperial Agent storyline was amazing. It's the first planet with world pvp and it has the fucking cantina song in it.
Huh, I remember none of those things, since they're all malarky. Dungeons were harder, but none took more than an hour or so with any group that wasn't mentally ill.
Cloth users being one shot...guessing you mean pvp? Cause that didn't happen either, but it's good you think so.
I don't know, how many more hilarious WoW "facts" can you make up?