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Star Wars: The Old Republic |OT| EA: "Let's blow this thing and go home!"


Can we compare 2010 to 2012? This is just like the WoW (Cata Launch) Tor Brand jumping on the bridge giving thousands of honor. Except in this case its Valor. Honestly we all overreacted and now its being fixed besides illum the rest of the patch is fine.

Big difference between Valor ranks and honor... plus I'm pretty sure Tol Barad was like once every four hours. This is constant.

There is one good thing about this patch though. Doing PVP warzones on a sub 50 character is actually fun now.


Can we compare 2010 to 2012? This is just like the WoW (Cata Launch) Tor Brand jumping on the bridge giving thousands of honor. Except in this case its Valor. Honestly we all overreacted and now its being fixed besides illum the rest of the patch is fine.
A few thousand honor every few hours isn't shit man. It would take weeks and being online every battle to get a full set of honor gear.

I think all the arena and match making rating issues and selling ratings is an actual contender but none of that compares to standing in one place aoeing until you become a top rank.

But rolling back valor would be an easy fix while people have been frustrated with arena problems for years.

Tho people are going to frustrated with other swtor pvp issues too.


I love the companion glitch where their head tries to follow you but they end up leaning way, way back. Reminds me of this...


I love the companion glitch where their head tries to follow you but they end up leaning way, way back. Reminds me of this...

The companion glitch I had last night was maybe my favorite of the year, and that's saying something considering I played about 90 hours of Skyrim with Lydia. It basically looked like every six or so steps she would slip on a banana and land flat on her back. It was awesome. Wish I had fraps running.


Also, one thing that annoys the fuck out me in this game... why does the screen fade to black when you respawn in the place that you died? Why doesn't your character just rise up? The engine can't handle that?
Also, one thing that annoys the fuck out me in this game... why does the screen fade to black when you respawn in the place that you died? Why doesn't your character just rise up? The engine can't handle that?

Doesn't your character stand right up if another player rezzed you without the black screen?

Think it's supposed to be some kind of "cinematic" thingie like your character passes out and then you hear the medical ship and probe show up to get you back up.


Also, one thing that annoys the fuck out me in this game... why does the screen fade to black when you respawn in the place that you died? Why doesn't your character just rise up? The engine can't handle that?

No, it fades to black because it's supposed to mean that an ambulance came and patched you up. That's why it makes that ship noise when it goes black. The same thing happens when you fast travel. it's supposed to mean that a taxi came and picked you up. I guess it's for "immersion", but I don't know.


No, it fades to black because it's supposed to mean that an ambulance came and patched you up. That's why it makes that ship noise when it goes black. The same thing happens when you fast travel. it's supposed to mean that a taxi came and picked you up. I guess it's for "immersion", but I don't know.

I like that my character waves to the imaginary taxi. so dumb


Thought it was a nice touch. You are shown calling for an emergency shuttle to pick you up, then waving it thanks for the ride. Little things like that are nice that try to hide the gamey aspects

The number of people my BH has basically murdered for sport and/or spite....dude ain't waving like a toddler to a taxi driver.
I guess that makes sense. Just feels odd to me.

Well just more immersion attempts, think it was kind of a nice touch. What bugged me was the whole temp stealth thing which seems odd but yea the only other alternate would be to teleport players to a safe distance, which I'm sure would have lot of issues with respawning on another mob, in world geometry, off a cliff, or some other place you should fall down on.

The number of people my BH has basically murdered for sport and/or spite....dude ain't waving like a toddler to a taxi driver.

It's a shuttle that comes picks you up, has to be someone on your side or a friend... I mean you can think of it as a Mandalorian buddy if you want. It's not like you called Yellow cab to come get ya


I played for a couple hours last night and had no problems except for a hilarious glitch where Mako kept laying down while we were
fleeing a ship
at the end of Act I (I think).

Has there ever been an MMO where people who hit the level cap and got to end game content in the first few weeks were happy?

Not really an MMO, but I think people were generally pretty alright with Guild Wars at end game. You got to level 20 in days.
But the way that game was structured and the things it focused on make it kind of a different thing altogether.
Not really an MMO, but I think people were generally pretty alright with Guild Wars at end game. You got to level 20 in days.
But the way that game was structured and the things it focused on make it kind of a different thing altogether.

Yea GW was not really a MMO and people are less critical about things when they don't have to pay a monthly sub.

People didn't bitch about endgame long ago when MMOs were not all about endgame grinds and were community based games


while I'm being nitpicky:

- When flying to a planet why the hell does it have a low res texture? It looks awful.

- During the intro to the Warzone voidstar, there is a ship that flys into view from off camera. Problem is the ship is already there. So you're treated to an intro of a ship flying into another ship.

- When you go up to a transport ship and click the glowy door you are treated to a cinematic of the ship flying away but the glowy door doesn't move.

I have more but I'll stop there. :p


Not really an MMO, but I think people were generally pretty alright with Guild Wars at end game. You got to level 20 in days.
But the way that game was structured and the things it focused on make it kind of a different thing altogether.

I never played Guild Wars, but wasn't the whole point to do PvP, which means it makes sense to get everyone to level quick so they can brawl. As long as there are enough people for PvP, seems like there wouldn't be much issue in that type of a game. I could be way off, never played it.


I never played Guild Wars, but wasn't the whole point to do PvP, which means it makes sense to get everyone to level quick so they can brawl. As long as there are enough people for PvP, seems like there wouldn't be much issue in that type of a game. I could be way off, never played it.

PvP was a huge part of Guild Wars. But PvE was pretty good too. I never really did much PvP and I enjoyed the game well enough.
I spent more time trying to get clothing dyes than I did PvP.


some thoughts on the new patch:

- loving the under 50 pvp wz's
- random logo screen is really annoying
- not a fan of the new cooldown at all... I keep mashing my dodges and escapes in pvp and realize they aren't ready


A few thousand honor every few hours isn't shit man. It would take weeks and being online every battle to get a full set of honor gear.

Are you kidding? Damn near everyone in my guild had full PvP gear in a bit over a weekend from Tol Barad's bridge shuffle goofiness, everything PvP was fucked in Cataclysm though so who can blame anyone for exploiting when they had to quintuple honor gains across the expansion (loved when they shoved the main doubling of it into 4.1 and held onto that shit patch for 4 months of testing, derp) and it's still an insanely slow grind.

PvP gear in general needs to not exist unless it's cosmetic, a small perk or the complete focus of your game, that's always been my stance. It's not something you can ladder comfortably like PvE gear and it's just an excuse to put another absurd grind in, especially when you reset it every few months.

Anyway, they did fuck up with this, but hopefully they learn a bit but still proceed to kick out medium sized patches quickly. No pulling a WoW and making me wait 4-6 months for baby tweaks and balance issues the game needs by piling them with (increasingly shittier and shitter) content bundles


Worships the porcelain goddess
I love how the website comes down when they're patching as well. I'm still deciding on whether to unsub or change my sub from three month to one month and give them a chance to fix all of these issues that continue to mount up.

Part of me wants to continue (even though I still can't find a class I truly love), part of me just wants to bail out for awhile and see if they can get their shit straight. March is their next big content update, but I hope they have a steady flow of fixes in the pipes.


some thoughts on the new patch:

- loving the under 50 pvp wz's
- random logo screen is really annoying
- not a fan of the new cooldown at all... I keep mashing my dodges and escapes in pvp and realize they aren't ready

I felt like something was different on mine as well. What is the story there? I had gotten into sort of a rhythm and then last night it felt like everything took a lot longer to cooldown.
Yeah, I'm staying. Still have 59 days of gametime. Going to level my Operative on a new server. Enjoying the class storyline, getting to 50, pvping a bit, doing some flashpoints. I'll get my moneys worth.


Are you kidding? Damn near everyone in my guild had full PvP gear in a bit over a weekend from Tol Barad's bridge shuffle goofiness, everything PvP was fucked in Cataclysm though so who can blame anyone for exploiting when they had to quintuple honor gains across the expansion (loved when they shoved the main doubling of it into 4.1 and held onto that shit patch for 4 months of testing, derp) and it's still an insanely slow grind.

PvP gear in general needs to not exist unless it's cosmetic, a small perk or the complete focus of your game, that's always been my stance. It's not something you can ladder comfortably like PvE gear and it's just an excuse to put another absurd grind in, especially when you reset it every few months.

Anyway, they did fuck up with this, but hopefully they learn a bit but still proceed to kick out medium sized patches quickly. No pulling a WoW and making me wait 4-6 months for baby tweaks and balance issues the game needs by piling them with (increasingly shittier and shitter) content bundles

I'd be okay with cosmetic PVP gear only, and have all gear stats be the same for pvp -- that way it's about skill and not min-maxing.


I felt like something was different on mine as well. What is the story there? I had gotten into sort of a rhythm and then last night it felt like everything took a lot longer to cooldown.

ability used to by greyed out while on cd....now the portion on top of the cd bar is bright while the lower part is greyed out.... so on the last few sec of a longer cd, it looks like it is ready at a quick glance


ability used to by greyed out while on cd....now the portion on top of the cd bar is bright while the lower part is greyed out.... so on the last few sec of a longer cd, it looks like it is ready at a quick glance

I feel like if it went up instead of down, this would help a lot. Once people get use to the change, it will be better.


ability used to by greyed out while on cd....now the portion on top of the cd bar is bright while the lower part is greyed out.... so on the last few sec of a longer cd, it looks like it is ready at a quick glance

I didn't even think about that as a problem.

I guess I have a more relaxed play style so I never notice it. I'm not frantically looking to smash my key the very moment a cool down is up.


ability used to by greyed out while on cd....now the portion on top of the cd bar is bright while the lower part is greyed out.... so on the last few sec of a longer cd, it looks like it is ready at a quick glance

oh yeah, man, what a dumb ass move. I was constantly thinking stuff was ready when it wasn't. Man, shows how little stuff can make an absurd amount of difference.


Many players have written in to us to report that the "cancel subscription" button on their Star Wars: The Old Republic account pages has mysteriously gone missing. Considering that tomorrow is the one-month mark where accounts are set to be billed following the free month of gameplay for those who started on launch day, this is particularly troublesome.

Some players have found a workaround link, but have received a warning and seen their threads shut down by moderators as violating the Rules of Conduct.


Thought this was pretty ridiculous. Here's a particular post that violates the rules.


I feel like if it went up instead of down, this would help a lot. Once people get use to the change, it will be better.

I only found it a real problem on the survivability skills in pvp since it's usually quite hectic and you can only glance down for a split second

annoying but I'll live

anyone with nvidia test between forcing AA in inspector vs in game? any performance difference? I use to set it via ini cause it was quicker but I'll use inspector if there is an improvement

I didn't even think about that as a problem.

I guess I have a more relaxed play style so I never notice it. I'm not frantically looking to smash my key the very moment a cool down is up.

Some people like helping the team out in wz's and it would be nice if you didn't have to stare at the bars to do so. Maybe that's just me. It's a non issue when questing
This launch has been hilarious.

First there's the rumor about BW banning people for dancing. WRONG.

Then there's the rumor about the valor farming from turrets. WRONG.

What rumor are people going to quit over next?


Not only is it there but it works. i hope that the majority of the whiners would leave but i know they wont.

Apparently more people reported it's not there for them. According to Bioware it's some browser related bug. Still pointless to remove harmless helpful posts.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Changed my sub from three months to one month. Will probably just go back to playing my Jedi Guardian casually, gearing up through dailies and seeing about guild activities. All I'm looking for is signs of improvement from Bioware. bug fixes, imbalance fixes (you know, the shuttering animations that make Republic classes play jankier than their Empire counterparts?). If nothing, see ya later.
The cancel button was indeed gone for me when I tried to cancel this afternoon. Not actually canceling, but I found a cheap 60 day card so I wanted to replace my recurring subscription with the game code. I had to use that direct link to remove the existing subscription. There are a lot of people on the official forums having this problem, it's not a case of trolling or people hating on the game. This is a legit problem which is very shady on the part of EA/Bioware.
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