Massive queue problems could have been avoided or at the very least, alleviated.
Early access servers that were Full should have been locked down at the end of early access. At least lock them down through the launch window.
Yes I know you have friends, and a guild, and blah blah and you want to play with them, but that's why you should have pre-ordered and done some pre-planning instead of waiting until retail launch day to jam up the early access servers. If you pre-ordered, you would have gotten a guaranteed slot on an early access server with your friends.
Now, I realize the early access servers had queue problems as well, but it would have been much more manageable to deal with those queues BEFORE they opened the floodgates to the general population.
Had they locked the servers you would have heard - Bu..Bu..Bu... its not fair, wah, wah, I want to play with my friends. Well, should have pre-ordered. Sorry. One of the pre-order bonuses should have been that you get a guaranteed slot on an early access server, which would then be locked during the launch window and not open to new player creation.
If you have such good friends, and you're a late comer, then you should all go roll on one of the new 'light' servers. I, along with many, many others, who beta tested, pre-ordered, and had early access in some cases since day 1, should not be punished because of it. We should not be the ones to have to go roll on a new server because we were here first and we have more invested in it than someone starting brand new today.