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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Pyke Presco said:
Yeah, this is what makes it so tough. You know it's gotta be something cool and off the wall, which means it's going to fail A LOT before you finally get a good game out of it. It sucks because these tier 1.5 armies just arent interesting enough to really make a cast, but the tier 2.5-3 armies are so slow to get rolling that you need terrible opponents to pull it off. It's a bad mix all around, and very tough to do.

yaaaa. whatever it is im sure one of the casts will involve banelings.

we should try a 3v3 or 4v4 where all 4 of us go same unit lol.


Everything is moe to me
mcrae said:
yaaaa. whatever it is im sure one of the casts will involve banelings.

we should try a 3v3 or 4v4 where all 4 of us go same unit lol.
that unit being banelings.

have everyone type FOR DAYVIE! just before the attack.

also we would fight three other gaffers who are also going only banelings.


Banelings, Raven, Ghosts, Chargelots. I think that should do it.

Maybe Sentries for FF (and the :lol's)?

EDIT: Though those sentries take a TON of gas to build. I had a lot of minerals to spare but gas was scarce. Actually, that's an extremely gas heavy build in general.

So, ditch the sentries, have the Chargelot guy send gas to the guys making the Ghosts and Ravens. Baneling maker will have to fend for themselves. It's 25/25 per baneling, so they should be able to manage.


I want a tag give me a tag
Keikaku said:
Banelings, Raven, Ghosts, Chargelots. I think that should do it.

Maybe Sentries for FF (and the :lol's)?

EDIT: Though those sentries take a TON of gas to build. I had a lot of minerals to spare but gas was scarce. Actually, that's an extremely gas heavy build in general.

So, ditch the sentries, have the Chargelot guy send gas to the guys making the Ghosts and Ravens. Baneling maker will have to fend for themselves. It's 25/25 per baneling, so they should be able to manage.

Yeah, I tried the banelings in one of our last games and it was pretty damn easy.. compared to the fucking ravens and all their gas.


Not Wario
I'm determined to make mass overseers work, but I need to figure out what the other 3 will be. Probably something ranged, so they aren't disabled by the 100+ changelings standing in front of them. Of course, I could just use the overseers to clog the air over my opponents units to make it more difficult to micro or do a bombing run over all their bases, contaminating everything in my way! Yes, this is the best strat in the history of strategy games!
Mass overseer to contaminate all of their production facilities would be the most amazing thing ever. Too bad they don't get Infested Terrans anymore. :p


Still Tagged Accordingly
contaminate should stop defensive structures (cannon, turrets, spines/spores) from firing too


I just did mass sentries in two games and won both, single handedly in 4v4

I beat back hydras, DKs, ghosts, tanks, colosi, mass marines, mass stalkers, zergling rush

O, if your wondering how I defended my bases, i just used cannons, cannons on half the fucking map!

I also would mess with the other team's head as I'd do full void ray hallucinations long before id attack on the other side of their bases with my sentries

felt good man


Not Wario
Hallucinations? That's perfect!

Wait, what happens when I have a bunch of changelings on the field and my partner sends in hallucinations? Will they see two different sides fighting one another? :lol


Oh boy I need to stop sleeping in and missing my own promised release times!


Official SCII Forums Thread: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/777578529
Official Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNkzpBjQ-U4

Shadow Assault 2.0 has been released! The biggest update for SA since it began has been released! Go to Battle.net now to play as well as view the new trailer on Youtube!

Changelog said:
- 2.0

-- If players vote for Brutal Mode in the beginning, the following will occur:
-- Players will start with 0 minerals instead of 1000
-- Players will not be able to make new units
-- More units will spawn on the field
-- Dominion Squad spawn waves will be tougher sooner
-- All Mineral pallets are removed from the field
-- Added new loading screen and preview images
-- Added transmissions for when certain alarms are triggered
-- Added text tags showing minerals earned whenever an enemy unit is killed
-- Added Boss health bar to the final boss
-- Added a fade out ending after victory is achieved
-- Added Level 4 Weapons and Level 4 Armor upgrades
-- Changed the layout and look of some areas on the map
-- Changed some tooltip descriptions
-- Fixed multiple trigger timing issues
-- Fixed some alarms not going off correctly
-- Cleaned up some trigger definitions
-- Another attempt at fixing the Dominion Squad AI
-- Shredder Grenades now have a cooldown that will get larger the more you use them
Thank you guys for all the support you've given me over the past few weeks, I'm astounded by how much you guys have had fun with my little map! I look forward to hearing more from you as time goes on. Shadow Assault is just the beginning, now that 2.0 is done I can work on my next plan. :D

EDIT: Blizzard reset the popularity list because of the Custom Map Spotlight so SA is down at the bottom again so I'll need all of GAF's help to get it back to the top!
MrMister said:
Thank you guys for all the support you've given me over the past few weeks, I'm astounded by how much you guys have had fun with my little map! I look forward to hearing more from you as time goes on. Shadow Assault is just the beginning, now that 2.0 is done I can work on my next plan. :D

Did you post about your map on teamliquid.net? Big community there... They have a separate custom forum for sc2.


perryfarrell said:
Did you post about your map on teamliquid.net? Big community there... They have a separate custom forum for sc2.
No I don't even have an account on TL.net... maybe I should since you mentioned...

EDIT: Signed up, seems I can't make a thread for my map for a couple days :p


Pandaman said:
numbers account for lost drones. ie:14gas/14pool= 14gas[build a drone]14pool
9 ovie
10 scout
14 gas.
14 pool.
15 ovie.
16 queen/speed
22 expand
22 lair
22 gas.

congrats, you're now me. :p

Is it really just up to prefence as to whether to use this build or 14 hatch/14 pool/13 gas? Or is it situational?
cdyhybrid said:
Is it really just up to prefence as to whether to use this build or 14 hatch/14 pool/13 gas? Or is it situational?

It's up to preference as to what kind of player you are and also pretty situational. My standard build is:


Slightly different from Pandaman in that I get my pool out a little faster, but zergling speed finishes a little slower. Speed finishes for me when I get about 15-20 lings, which is fine because I don't attack with any fewer, but for someone more aggressive and want to attack with 8-10 then you need a slightly different build.

Another build for pure macro against turtling players (usually Terran):


This helps get out some lings/spines out early to defend. Spawning pool and 2nd hatchery finish at the same time. Again, if you want speed/lair earlier and less defense right away, get the extractor sooner.

Another safer variant of the above:


Gets queen/lings out at normal timing at the expense of a later 2nd hatch.


Me and some RL friends have submitted two replays for Monday Funday.




Fun games. The second one was over an hour long. 350KB replay, or something.


Forever Platinum
vicissitudes said:
It's up to preference as to what kind of player you are and also pretty situational. My standard build is:


Slightly different from Pandaman in that I get my pool out a little faster, but zergling speed finishes a little slower. Speed finishes for me when I get about 15-20 lings, which is fine because I don't attack with any fewer, but for someone more aggressive and want to attack with 8-10 then you need a slightly different build.

Another build for pure macro against turtling players (usually Terran):


This helps get out some lings/spines out early to defend. Spawning pool and 2nd hatchery finish at the same time. Again, if you want speed/lair earlier and less defense right away, get the extractor sooner.

Another safer variant of the above:


Gets queen/lings out at normal timing at the expense of a later 2nd hatch.

If you're going to go for eco against what you know is something that isn't aggression, you should go either 15 or 16 hatch/pool and then the other. The 15 hatch 14 pool was what idra tried to make standard during the beta, ends up being too weak to a lot of early aggression but is fantastic when you see a protoss go forge fast expand or something. I played it almost exclusively during the beta, trying to find a way to get that second hatch up quickly in all scenarios, as all of the beta tournament players can attest to, but I lost to things like hellions and reapers because of it.


Xirj said:
How do I play it? Is there a way to search for it?
That there is the problem with the popularity system... There is NOT a way to search for it. You just have to keep clicking show more.....


eosos said:
That there is the problem with the popularity system... There is NOT a way to search for it. You just have to keep clicking show more.....

*facepalm* In a lobby now. No one else there...
Actually you can search it. Search for custom game types, type shadow assault and scroll down to the 8 player maps. Searching shadow assault will list any maps and games with shadow or assault in the name, which is why you might think search doesnt work, but it does, you just need to find the right one.

In the meantime, I'm gonna go play the most awesome custom map of all time, Nexus Word Wars. Anyone who hasnt played this...do so now. It's "Typing of the dead meets Starcraft meets Tower Defense". So ridiculously epic.


Hilarious Blizzard. Hilarious. You get rid of Kulas Ravine, the most impossible map for Zerg, only to replace it with Shakuras Plateau. Guess what this map has?


If you are playing ZvT or even PvT and you both spawn on the right, or both spawn on the left, Terran can shell your natural FROM HIS NATURAL.



Also apparently if you spawn at the top position on Jungle Basin, you need 4 workers to saturate your gas. BLIZZARD!


Blizzard has no idea how to design maps. They make super cramped tiny maps where your bases are super close so rushes and cheese become way more powerful. Too bad close positions only ever favours Terran since they have the best T1/T1.5 army and nearly infinite options to harass.

Also, Zerg has to be 1 base ahead to keep up with Terran/Protoss and these small maps with difficult to defend 3rd bases make Zerg cry.


They changed Desert Oasis only to remove it?

They replaced Kulas with a 2v2 map?

What is going on?!
Jungle Basin is actually pretty sweet, I've played customs on it. It's actually surprisingly big, easy to fast expand on because of the long rush distance. And I like that they took out Kulas, NA please follow suit. That map is terrible.

But I really wish they would just make better maps in general. Xel Naga and Metalopolis are probably my 2 favorite maps, they just flow really well. No crazy ledge abuse, no silly shenanigan's with island expos and air dominance, high risk/reward with center gold expos, just solid maps all around.


MrMister said:
Wouldn't a couple Phoenix's solve the Colossi problem?

colosi supported by stalkers? phoenix get eaten up, ive tried that before tho, its not that great =(

I wish mardil would of given me some tips on PvP =P
I find I do much better with an immortal or two in the mix. Make an Immortal while the robo support bay is building and then push with it while you wait for colossi to spawn. You may actually be able to win right off this push if you have enough stalkers and one immortal, because you can crush his army and set him back, pull back and get a couple colossi, then go back in for the kill after range is done (so actually, you wont win off the push, but you'll set him far enough back that he falls when the next attack comes. Key thing is don't lose your army! Hit him hard and pull back while he's reeling, don't go in for the kill right away). Try and always keep one or two immortals in your unit mix, they will absolutely destroy stalkers and three immortals can take down a colossus in I think two volleys. Also, use guardian shield, makes a huge difference in battles.

And yeah, phoenix are garbage for helping the colossus battle. They do bonus damage to light, but barely even dent armored guys. They can kill workers, overlords, uncharged void rays and medivacs, and thats about it. Great for harassment, terrible for actual support units unless they're lifting tanks or immortals to buy your ground army some time.


Everything is moe to me
cdyhybrid said:
Is it really just up to prefence as to whether to use this build or 14 hatch/14 pool/13 gas? Or is it situational?
preference, there are other builds that have stronger early pressure or heavier macro at expense of defense, its really only up to what you want to start with and as long as your build is adaptable based on what you scout, its entirely up to preference.

i do my build because you can get speed and queen when the pool pops and when the queen spawns you have alot of options for a 1gas build.

i actually like jungle basin, but switch out that shakuras shit to bring oasis back.


I'm with Panda, I prefer the gas before pool build simply because it gets you zergling speed that much faster.

9 OL
10 scout
14 gas
14 pool
16 OL
16 Queen
18 zergling
22 expand

Speedling, muta, ultra is strong unless you get booty humped by Thors before your break-dancing bad boys hit the creep.

If you're placed far enough away then I also like:

9 OL
10 scout
15 expo
14 pool
13 gas

Good luck and let us know what works for you.

Also, I'm down for some hot baneling-on-baneling action Funday Monday style.

If not, I'm going MASS speedlings, queens, nydus canals.


The Reason you do 14gas/14pool is for fast speedlings. This is only really used against Terran so you're not screwed by reapers. Against Protoss you can get gas later, I do 13pool/16hatch/15gas since zerglings are already faster than gateway units and it's more important to have more zerglings than fast ones early on to protect your natural hatchery.


Everything is moe to me
Zzoram said:
The Reason you do 14gas/14pool is for fast speedlings. This is only really used against Terran so you're not screwed by reapers. Against Protoss you can get gas later, I do 13pool/16hatch/15gas since zerglings are already faster than gateway units and it's more important to have more zerglings than fast ones early on to protect your natural hatchery.
zergling speed is pretty critical vs 2gate. or proxy 2gate, its not just about zerglings being faster than the opponenet, its about the amount of space you can control. faster zerglings can push forward and restrict a protosses ability to poke outward. the faster you are, the shorter distance he has to travel outward to be unsafe vs a surround.


Zzoram said:
The Reason you do 14gas/14pool is for fast speedlings. This is only really used against Terran so you're not screwed by reapers. Against Protoss you can get gas later, I do 13pool/16hatch/15gas since zerglings are already faster than gateway units and it's more important to have more zerglings than fast ones early on to protect your natural hatchery.

I found speedlings to be useful enough to drop some gas over a spawning pool. The speed is all about map control - knowing what is coming from where. Sure its necessary when dealing with Hellions / Reapers (more so with Reapers,) and the decrease in time needed to get a surround is nice - but I'm all about that sweet, sweet scouting. Parking your zerglings in front of his base, around watch towers, in choke points... harassing isolated buildings or chasing down scouts to deny information. I don't think there has been a single game where I haven't researched the upgrade. You just need it - the sooner the better.

If you're facing an insanely fast zealot push or something, I can see dropping it for roaches, but in pretty much any other instance is all about them zergling happy feet. Sweet, sweet, metabolic boost.

edit: doh, severely beaten by Panda.
Won said:
They changed Desert Oasis only to remove it?

They replaced Kulas with a 2v2 map?

What is going on?!
I still see the original map rotation, don't see shakuras or jungle basin in my list. Kulas and DO are still there.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
only changed on sea and eu for now, its changed on mine (eu)


FoxSpirit said:
:lol :lol :lol

Is that other girl even interested in Starcraft, by any remote chance?

Not in the least. Apparently she doesn't like people to know she speaks Korean or is Korean.


Neo Member
MrMister said:
I can't believe people still don't know how to search for custom games :lol

Please do tell. Do you mean you can search for random custom games and not just ladder? I'm away from my home comp so I can't investigate.

Also looking forward to playing your custom maps. Look awesome.


Right now, all my zerg play is against the very easy AI, but damn, it feels like you're doing a lot at once. Maybe I just got too used to be chronoboosting, making probes and pylons and don't feel it as tough as injecting larva/creep.
And I do find myself skyrocketing in money pretty quickly, but ahn, very easy AI got roaches faster than me. :lol


Sblargh said:
And I do find myself skyrocketing in money pretty quickly, but ahn, very easy AI got roaches faster than me. :lol
Roaches? I've never seen the very easy AI build more than one unit.
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