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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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HolyCheck said:
We don't save up scans in bronze.

We forget to use mules.

We don't save up scans.

We forget Mules.

lol, and I wasn't even playing all that good in my game(no pressure and doing gimmicky thing)


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a176 said:

I assume he meant do it at 8pop.. then build 3 sets of lings..

not.. do it 8 times

unless you meant what is the extractor trick!

then in that case: basically you build an extractor to take your population down one when it's capped, then you'll be 9/10 instead of 10/10 then build lings or a drone.. cancel the extractor and ull get the drone back and be 11/10 :)

UNLESS all you meant was wth ar eyou doing it at 8 not 10... then i assume it's because he has all the minerals saved up to just do it right then


Everything is moe to me
yea, you do it at 8 to get 6lings and still have money left for an ovie and a queen without stopping drone production.


Pandaman said:
yea, you do it at 8 to get 6lings and still have money left for an ovie and a queen without stopping drone production.
Do you think the faster timing is worth more than the extra drone with double extractor on 9 instead?
I've only tried it once on ladder and I did fairly well but stopped microing my lings at bit too early to get a proper advantage. Just pure slack from me, otherwise I would have won that game.


Everything is moe to me
ksan said:
Do you think the faster timing is worth more than the extra drone with double extractor on 9 instead?
I've only tried it once on ladder and I did fairly well but stopped microing my lings at bit too early to get a proper advantage. Just pure slack from me, otherwise I would have won that game.
i don't have experience with double on 9, but it sounds like a larvae lock waiting to happen. usually larvae efficiency wins out over short term economic gains, so id have to test them both out first.


Everything is moe to me
hmm. double on 9 actually is more larvae efficient than 8 extractor and niether build was mineral locked for the 2nd ovie, both had 150 before the 2nd ovie finished and both had cash for the third ovie, however 8 extractor had to wait for the larvae needed for the third ovie because it was sitting on 3 for a longer period of time.


Figured I'd ask here, but I think I want to get a headset for my PC. Not sure what kind to get though. Got some real life friends who want to talk.

I also play late at night and have paper thin walls, so I'd like something I could also get sound from the game out of instead of my TV for when I play SC2 around that time. My budget is $20-30 bucks, and I will most likely order from Newegg unless there's somewhere else that takes PayPal and is cheap.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Picked this game up last night, and am slowly trying to figure things out. I've never been a huge fan of RTSes, but it's been pretty fun so far futzing around in the campaign, and doing some matches versus AI.

I'm still just getting used to all of the different units, and trying to wrap my head around build orders, openers, and the like. It feels a tad overwhelming at times, but little by little I've begun grasping the concepts. Protoss has been pretty fun so far, and seems the most newb friendly of the races. I like how the probes build stuff. They just open that wormhole or whatever it is, and after that you just wait for the structure to materialize, while sending the probe off to do something else.

My builds have been slow, and clunky as hell so far. XD I haven't attempted one of those four gate things, or anything like that. Just building enough units to hold off the AI up front, while building a massive force in the back to mow over the other side about 15 minutes later. It's a disgusting blob of colossi, immortals, carriers, void rays, and legions of basic warp gate units just rolling over the opponent. I really need to start working on something more elegant, or I'm going to get my ass handed to me on the ladder.

What's a good way to keep my units more organized? Should I have certain types constantly assigned to a hot key? Are there other units that don't really need the hot keys?

In any case, fun times so far. Not going to touch ladder play for a while yet. Just going to practice against the computer for now (only playing on normal right now, but I think I'll be cranking that up). Hopefully, by the spring time I'll be mildly competent, and be able to do reasonably well on the ladder. =)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I once used protoss as my main but when I noticed how inferior they were to zerg, I never looked back. So the only thing I can contribute here is:
Mr Nash said:
Completely ignore this unit :D


-COOLIO- said:
the vautrin coolio game was so boring that b.net booted everyone

haha. the commentators ripped you guys a new asshole. you'll have to see if you can get a copy of the stream recording if they did one.

I liked your Thor against V's zerg.


valenti said:
Was there a number next to the general chat room? Pretty sure u joined a new one

Nope. At the moment general has 27 people in 1 room. The rest are empty. See this is why fucking region locking sucks.


fanboi said:
I hate this game


haters gonna hate.
zlatko said:
Oh and I checked a lot of my recent matches...it's almost all silver league players. Still no bump to silver league considering I win the majority of my matches against silver peeps. :/

Sometimes the system is to reluctant to promote people. In my 3v3 team we started off just playing some muckaround games and got put into gold. We didn't really play that much and left our team doing nothing for a few weeks. When we came back we lost a few games and were demoted to Silver

At that point we won something like 20-25 games straight and were mostly being matched against diamond and platinum players. Eventually the system just skipped gold and put us straight into platinum. Not much later it put us up into diamond.

I think the promotion system should never skip leagues, not sure why they made it like that.
Mr Nash said:
Picked this game up last night, and am slowly trying to figure things out. I've never been a huge fan of RTSes, but it's been pretty fun so far futzing around in the campaign, and doing some matches versus AI.

I'm still just getting used to all of the different units, and trying to wrap my head around build orders, openers, and the like. It feels a tad overwhelming at times, but little by little I've begun grasping the concepts. Protoss has been pretty fun so far, and seems the most newb friendly of the races. I like how the probes build stuff. They just open that wormhole or whatever it is, and after that you just wait for the structure to materialize, while sending the probe off to do something else.

My builds have been slow, and clunky as hell so far. XD I haven't attempted one of those four gate things, or anything like that. Just building enough units to hold off the AI up front, while building a massive force in the back to mow over the other side about 15 minutes later. It's a disgusting blob of colossi, immortals, carriers, void rays, and legions of basic warp gate units just rolling over the opponent. I really need to start working on something more elegant, or I'm going to get my ass handed to me on the ladder.

What's a good way to keep my units more organized? Should I have certain types constantly assigned to a hot key? Are there other units that don't really need the hot keys?

In any case, fun times so far. Not going to touch ladder play for a while yet. Just going to practice against the computer for now (only playing on normal right now, but I think I'll be cranking that up). Hopefully, by the spring time I'll be mildly competent, and be able to do reasonably well on the ladder. =)
Hotkey your Nexus(es), hotkey your units (try not to put everything into one control group but against the AI it shouldn't really matter, you can try splitting up ranged, melee and air units). Your warp gates are on W per default and you should hotkey other production facilities (stargate, robo) as well.

Try using hotkeys for everything (researching stuff, warping in buildings and units etc) as well. The grid layout might help you, it's easier to memorize.
Mr Nash said:
Picked this game up last night, and am slowly trying to figure things out. I've never been a huge fan of RTSes, but it's been pretty fun so far futzing around in the campaign, and doing some matches versus AI.

I'm still just getting used to all of the different units, and trying to wrap my head around build orders, openers, and the like. It feels a tad overwhelming at times, but little by little I've begun grasping the concepts. Protoss has been pretty fun so far, and seems the most newb friendly of the races. I like how the probes build stuff. They just open that wormhole or whatever it is, and after that you just wait for the structure to materialize, while sending the probe off to do something else.

My builds have been slow, and clunky as hell so far. XD I haven't attempted one of those four gate things, or anything like that. Just building enough units to hold off the AI up front, while building a massive force in the back to mow over the other side about 15 minutes later. It's a disgusting blob of colossi, immortals, carriers, void rays, and legions of basic warp gate units just rolling over the opponent. I really need to start working on something more elegant, or I'm going to get my ass handed to me on the ladder.

What's a good way to keep my units more organized? Should I have certain types constantly assigned to a hot key? Are there other units that don't really need the hot keys?

In any case, fun times so far. Not going to touch ladder play for a while yet. Just going to practice against the computer for now (only playing on normal right now, but I think I'll be cranking that up). Hopefully, by the spring time I'll be mildly competent, and be able to do reasonably well on the ladder. =)

Switch to grid hotkeys and learn them well.

Different people like to employ control groups to varying degrees, but you should deffinately set your productions structures to control groups, so that you can produce units while away from your base. As far as units go, try to at least hotkey your casting units, High Templars etc.

You will learn much faster playing real people on the ladder. As soon as you beat AI on hard I would give it a go. You will loose a lot but no amount of comp stomping will prepare you for real players and ladder cheese. I'm embarrassed to count how many times I've lost to a probe rush.



valenti said:
Well back to hon for me until the next tourney ㄱㄱ unless the ladder resets of course.

The only good game we had was the first game. A genuinely entertaining game to watch the cast.


Spl1nter said:
The only good game we had was the first game. A genuinely entertaining game to watch the cast.
Ill have to balance btwn sc2 and hon..its just that laddering in sc2 seems so ungratifying. More fun to 1v1 gaffers.

Losing really makes you want to try harder =_=


My first post in this thread, don't know why I've waited.

I'm just a bronzie, but I never played StarCraft multiplayer at all before SC2, and I just started playing online the last few weeks, and it's awesome! I've played around 60 some odd 1v1 games and about the same amount of 2v2. I've been on a good streak with 1v1 lately, and I feel like I'm winning lots of matches that I wouldn't have had a chance in just a week or two ago. In fact, I'm riding a 6 game win streak now (though that probably means I'm due for a humbling).

Anyway, I play Terran and I've yet to settle into a real go to build order, but lately I've found that a 2-1-1 opening is far more effective for my style and transitioning into the mid and late games. If I'm playing against Zerg, a 3-1-1 is also good for me so I can harass more and keep his economy in check.

If there's any other fellow bronze players that want a practice buddy or even some silver/gold/platinum people want to coach me up a bit, feel free to add me as a friend on battle.net. My bnet id email is jar155 [at] gmail.com.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Thanks for the advice, guys. I've cranked it up to hard against the AI, and it does seem to at least try to do some more realistic tactics that I suspect I'll see on the ladder. Every time I take protoss against terrans, I seem to get hit by an early marauder rush. XD I'm slowly getting used to it, trying to clog up my ramp, and get some stalkers and a sentry at it to blast / cc them, with some zealots up front as meat shields. My execution still needs some work, but it seems to be working. I'll probably hop on that beginners' ladder tonight, and try playing against some real people. Should be interesting. =)


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Mr Nash said:
Thanks for the advice, guys. I've cranked it up to hard against the AI, and it does seem to at least try to do some more realistic tactics that I suspect I'll see on the ladder. Every time I take protoss against terrans, I seem to get hit by an early marauder rush. XD I'm slowly getting used to it, trying to clog up my ramp, and get some stalkers and a sentry at it to blast / cc them, with some zealots up front as meat shields. My execution still needs some work, but it seems to be working. I'll probably hop on that beginners' ladder tonight, and try playing against some real people. Should be interesting. =)

one of the biggest problems I had early on was the early harrasment, the computer does that, allthough it's fairly scripted, it's still enough to make sure you keep your eyes on the mini map and keep yourself ready


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Milabrega said:
Cool games, worst commentating in the history of streaming games. Horrible mics and feedback galore.

The main streamer / casters house just flooded (lives in Australia.. like 1/5th of our country is flooded atm...) so they had to throw everything together at the last moment, including wolf casting on j.tv when everything he's ever done has been on ustream so his settings are all off + the aussie guy whos house flooded is casting via a dodgy mic, from his uncles house, i think it's all excusable


Pandaman said:
yea, you do it at 8 to get 6lings and still have money left for an ovie and a queen without stopping drone production.

i do 8pool, 9ovie, 6 zergling when pool finishes, queen with next 150


Briefly tuned in to Cella's livestream just in time to see his protoss buddy get crushed in 2v2. The guy left saying 'why do I always get stuck with retards'? XD


Everything is moe to me
Slavik81 said:
Briefly tuned in to Cella's livestream just in time to see his protoss buddy get crushed in 2v2. The guy left saying 'why do I always get stuck with retards'? XD
to be fair, cella is a bit of a troll when he plays teams.
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