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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Just played a (bronze) PvP ladder game. Saw them walling off the expansion with my initial scout, but they surrounded and killed it off. Figured I should early expand too so that I don't fall behind on econ. Sent off a second scout, saw they definitely put down a nexus at the expansion. Made it up the ramp to their main, and just before I died I saw the stargate.

Bam -- cancel my expansion, put down another two gateways, , pumped out stalkers, twilight council for blink.

Felt sooo good when they marched their voidray ball into my (delayed) expansion and was met with a pure blink stalker ball.

<3 scouting.
Jeff-DSA said:
The only way that they should have kept the amulet upgrade is to have made High Templars unable to be warped in. That would have been fine, but the warp and immediate storm play was too powerful.
I don't see why they had to take it out completely rather than reduce the energy upgrade or turn it into a faster regen upgrade. I can't speak about balance really but PvT is less fun than it used to be for sure
they could've just made it like in BW. I don't understand.
I keep losing faith in David Kim and Browder, I feel like they have no idea what they're doing.


relies on auto-aim
mescalineeyes said:
they could've just made it like in BW. I don't understand.
I keep losing faith in David Kim and Browder, I feel like they have no idea what they're doing.
Yeah it makes sense.
50->64 energy
200->250 max

1 EMP still means 2 storms and the wait is decreased.


Zen said:
So overall how is everyone feeling about the Amulet being removed and the increased Stim research time? I haven't noticed too much difference with the buffed plague (SC2 name eludes me for some reason).

Storm still hurts, so I guess it's ok.
I never pay attention to upgrade times, so I haven't really notice the Stim change.
Haven't seen a single Infestor since the patch, but I probably just don't play enough.

mescalineeyes said:
they could've just made it like in BW. I don't understand.
I keep losing faith in David Kim and Browder, I feel like they have no idea what they're doing.

They want all casters play by the same rules I guess. We will have to wait for HotS to see an actual revamp there.
mescalineeyes said:
they could've just made it like in BW. I don't understand.
I keep losing faith in David Kim and Browder, I feel like they have no idea what they're doing.
They couldn't make it the same as Broodwar because they are trying to pitch a new game. Trying to sell a full price graphics overhaul would just piss people off and would not convince the SC1 Pro's to transfer over, which is what they want.

Anyways I never had faith in them ever. Balance of the game has been an utter shambles full of "Band aid" fixes because they refuse to tackle the "real" balance issues. I still find it hilarious that most of this thread continues with its ignorance in that regard. But they will never tackle the "Real issues" ever, not until an expansion anyway. Here's why.
The balance issues lie with the core mechanics of each race, so in order to balance these aspects they would drastically alter a way a race is played which not only would piss off everyone who plays that race, but would also have a domino effect on everything else. The only way they can adjust the core mechanics without admitting they fucked shit up is if they have a valid excuse to redo everything, which is expansion time.


mescalineeyes said:
they could've just made it like in BW. I don't understand.
I keep losing faith in David Kim and Browder, I feel like they have no idea what they're doing.

We're only going to see small changes between now and the expansion to fix glaring imbalances. I think, all things considered, Blizzard has done a fantastic job of balancing the game.

With Hots, they will be able to make massive changes and test them on a large scale with an open beta.

David Kim and Browder put an impressive package together in wol - don't count them out until we see what they've got in store for us in the expansion.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
PhoenixDark said:
How come you're never online with the rest of the GAFers?
He doesn't play against anyone on EU either, whenever he gets asked if he wants to play he's always busy, still tells us all his amazing strats though :)lol)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Any rumors/confirmation when reset is happening?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
V_Arnold said:
No rumor, it will come this tuesday/wednesday (US/EU), according to patch notes, if I remember correctly.
Wow, that's odd... considering WoW 4.1 is probably going to be released this tue/wed too :/ Why would they do that!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tntnnbltn said:
Can someone please tell me how I could have done better in this game. Both general mechanics-wise and overall strategy-wise.
Will watch :D
I will most likely not be able give you any tips but I'm bored!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tntnnbltn, small things here and there (I saw four probes not doing anything at the same time, supply capped a couple of times) but I saw that you had an observer at his base but didn't really fly and see much with it. You saw his rax, you should head over to his main base to see if he's got things near his orbital (in this case, a double factory and a techlab starport).

Gonna continue now :)
TheThunder said:
You could always teach him the most efficient way to break a keyboard.
I'll make a Youtube video about it some day :)! Please look forward to it!


Tntnnbltn said:
Can someone please tell me how I could have done better in this game. Both general mechanics-wise and overall strategy-wise.

Edit: Herp derp, forgot the link

Too many gates when you were on one base, and even when you took your second you didn't use warpgate cooldowns efficiently instead you let them sit ready for quite some time instead of making units.
The hellions were quite unfortunate, but now you know that you should have at least a pylon down there, shouldn't be a problem next time.
Don't walk into siege tanks! When a terran is turtling try to get even more ahead and deny his third instead. Actually, I think it was a comfortable game all along for him considering you never threatened to attack other than that.
Actually you should have taken a fourth when your main mined out, he was never really a threat to you until you donated your army.
Considering he was so siege tank heavy I don't think you should have added those warpgates after your attack, maybe try some stargates next time?

What I liked a lot though was your extremely good upgrades!

I don't play toss, but I hope it helps a tiny bit at least :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Just finished watching... yeah besides what I said before, the actual fight was not pleasant to watch :(

As soon as you saw your zealots get blown to bits by the siege tanks you should've run back. I also noticed you had one too many gates at the start of the game (they were barely working). Also, good manners :) I like that. Too bad I don't have it :(

edit: and fuck those siege tanks. Get double stargate, pump those 18 second phoenix and lift those shit up!


I know that I'm not good at applying pressure in general. I'm bad at multitasking, and if I try to apply pressure with my army then my macro completely falls to pieces. And if I don't micro my army then it gets taken out and I don't have anything left.

What really threw me in this game was the use of PDDs. Normally gateway + colossus goes well against bio + vikings, but those PDDs nullified my stalker fire, left my colossus exposed to the vikings. Still not sure what the best move would have been. Add void rays? Tech switch to HTs and use feedback on the ravens? More chargelot heavy to take care of his ground army without worrying about PDD?

On the plus side, I managed to last past the first 10 minutes. I don't actually have much (if any) experience with late-game PvT. I either get defeated by the first push of marine/marauders or they go compeltely bio and I decimate them with gateway + colossus.


I want a tag give me a tag
Tntnnbltn said:
I know that I'm not good at applying pressure in general. I'm bad at multitasking, and if I try to apply pressure with my army then my macro completely falls to pieces. And if I don't micro my army then it gets taken out and I don't have anything left.

What really threw me in this game was the use of PDDs. Normally gateway + colossus goes well against bio + vikings, but those PDDs nullified my stalker fire, left my colossus exposed to the vikings. Still not sure what the best move would have been. Add void rays? Tech switch to HTs and use feedback on the ravens? More chargelot heavy to take care of his ground army without worrying about PDD?

On the plus side, I managed to last past the first 10 minutes. I don't actually have much (if any) experience with late-game PvT. I either get defeated by the first push of marine/marauders or they go compeltely bio and I decimate them with gateway + colossus.

Thats EXACTLY where I usually don't get passed too. I should fix my mouse and play again, we would be good training partners!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tntnnbltn, you play in Europe or US?


Tntnnbltn said:
Can someone please tell me how I could have done better in this game. Both general mechanics-wise and overall strategy-wise.

Edit: Herp derp, forgot the link


Oh man. You should have won that. You were definitely the better player.

Some thoughts..

- Your gameplan is solid; gateway + robo opening is brilliant against Terran. Your way of getting there wasn't the most efficient, though. Try this build order - http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/3_Gate_Robo_into_Double_Forge . Write down the BO on a piece of paper and stick it to the side of your monitor; practise it a couple of times against the computer until you can do it perfectly.
- Keep building pylons and probes! Also; make sure to shift click them back to the minerals. You often had idle probes sitting around in your base not doing anything.
- Scout more. You have an invisible all seeing eye available to you - use it well! You could have checked out his main base and seen the two factories producing hellions.

Apart from that, just play more. You seem to have a good grasp of the fundamentals - just work on refining them.


I have a present for you guys. Another game I just played, which had pretty much the exact same MO as the last one. I tried to make some improvements over the last game, but still lost.

Link: http://www.sc2replayed.com/replays/154842-1v1-terran-protoss-slag-pits

Things I know I could have done better:
- Stayed on 3 gateways even after my expo was up
- Queued units in my Stargates at the end (I was concious of myself doing it)
- Didn't send a new observer to their base after they scanned and killed the first
- At one stage I accidentally had over 1k in the bank I think

It all fell apart when I went to expand. I had to either expand all the way across the map or take the expansion right next to his main. And yeah... you'll see.

Yoshichan said:
Tntnnbltn, you play in Europe or US?

twofold said:
Some thoughts..
Thanks for the feedback. I'll practice that build order. When I started playing I used to look at them to get an idea of what to do, but then I had a 31 week hiatus from 1v1 and haven't looked at anything since.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Tntnnbltn said:
I'm miserable, I don't even know what this is... and I even Googled it :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
HolyCheck said:
*breaks your keyboard*
Shit man, leave my keyboard alone :lol it's a new and fresh one, I bought it two days ago~
Tntnnbltn said:
South East Asia (includes AU/NZ)
Got it!


Finally, after 5 PvT games in a row I actually won one.

I think I'll give up on trying to get a top 8 finish for the season. There's no way I can get 200 points before Tuesday. Not when I have losing streaks like today that set me back.


mescalineeyes said:
tell that to my Pathogenic Glands that have been raping Protoss lately.

Sorry, Bros.


It's pretty brutal, but they're so dang slow that you can't just hatch them and bring them in as reinforcements unless the battle is already near one of your hatcheries. They have to be brought along with your army, just like ghosts. I think it's fine that Infestors are so strong when you consider that Zerg has BY FAR the weakest grunt unit (Zergling vs. Marine/Zealot). Although it does suck when fungal growth gets chained back to back. That feels really broken at times...but I still don't see enough Infestors in the game to complain about it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm thinking of switching my name from Yoshichan to something with "Marine"

Any ideas? Marinechan sounds cute but... :/


Spl1nter said:
Im sure if I laddered I could make it. My terran is getting stronger.

Whao, whao, that is some borderline-ChronicleX statement, dude :D Either do it or do not, but do not just assume you are there :D

If I were to start running, I would win Olympics :p


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I can't have Prime in my name, silly!

If I'd join the Prime clan, I'd instantly switch to MarinechanPrime though :D Any other name?


Everything is moe to me
Spl1nter said:
At least ive been online recently. And I have laddered. Im averaging a game every other day over the past two weeks.
its not my fault the guy who was handling the internet bill at my house bailed out and stiffed the landlord with the bill. >_>

im currently cut off and trying to negotiate getting it set up just for me.
or becoming a dirty teksavvy user like you.
Tntnnbltn said:

Just wanted to say I appreciate this joke. Would :lol if it were still possible.

I've been trying to get a build down, but I don't know if I'll have time to actually start laddering. Watching TSL/GSL/etc. and hearing Browder talk about the design at GDC really got me wanting to play, though.
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