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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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I want a tag give me a tag
Pandaman said:
elcheris has also advanced!

both protoss members of team gaf were eliminated though.
chanstaa faced ROOTCatZ, so he has an excuse.
holden is just terrible.

team GAF vs ROOT 1-1

congrats panda and elcheris!!!! this is awesome news :) I hope you're both practicing your PvT really hard tonight!

better luck next time chanstaa and holden :)
HolyCheck said:
congrats panda and elcheris!!!! this is awesome news :) I hope you're both practicing your PvT really hard tonight!

better luck next time chanstaa and holden :)

unless the P in PvT stands for Panda you mean ZvP, surely?

or is there something we don't know, Panda? :>


give holden a break, he had to play at like 4am - i'd love to see how some of u guys play at 4am :)

that being said, he prob just 4gate proxy rushed him and got punished like a nub :0


Everything is moe to me
nilbog21 said:
give holden a break, he had to play at like 4am - i'd love to see how some of u guys play at 4am :)
i play at 4am like every day. >_>

splinter, i need you to help me fake a zvt match history. i want this guy to think im planning something super safe and then play standard.


I want a tag give me a tag
Pandaman said:
i play at 4am like every day. >_>

splinter, i need you to help me fake a zvt match history. i want this guy to think im planning something super safe and then play standard.

fuck it, make him think you're going for something crazy like proxy muta rush!

then.. do it. lol.


Everything is moe to me
HolyCheck said:
fuck it, make him think you're going for something crazy like proxy muta rush!

then.. do it. lol.
i was thinking opening 14/14 in the hopes he'd open rax/gas and then abusing him with a 15hatch timing.
So I had a zerg put an evo chamber in front of my geyser. I'm not sure how to respond to that. I ended up killing it and just kiting the broodlings so they didn't really do any damage but it kept me from scouting for a while when my lings were killing it. I ended up winning but it's such a weird situation.


Pandaman said:
elcheris has also advanced!

both protoss members of team gaf were eliminated though.
chanstaa faced ROOTCatZ, so he has an excuse.
holden is just terrible.

team GAF vs ROOT 1-1

hey, whats the score of the last 5 games we played ? 5-0 for me? I'm sorry pvp is super random :p


Everything is moe to me
nilbog21 said:
lol panda started to get mad but then saw holden's avatar and could only say "Holden :D"
some brother you are, im the one who petitioned lord evilore for his account. >_>


haha i messaged him about it and he never replied :( it's prob cuz i made him activate distants accoutn when he told me that he just didn't accept the email they sent him --a


mescalineeyes said:
day9 has lost all my respect.

I still think he's entertaining and a fun/great guy but it was clear that he had no idea about what he was talking about.

Not day[9]'s fault that Idra didn't understand his point. Day[9] lost the argument because he argued poorly and was shouted down before he was able to properly articulate his point that clearly went over Idra's head. Shame JP isn't a better host and he didn't moderate the discussion more so both sides could talk about it calmly and actually be able to really talk.

It's pretty clear that Day[9] was making a point on a much higher level than Greg was willing to go to, and unlike Greg, Day[9] wasn't arrogant enough to presume that the final state of the game has already been unlocked.

We saw Greg basically show how close minded he is for the entire StoG to the point when Incontrol was constantly slapping him for it (playfully), I don't think much more needs to be said.


Zen said:
Not day[9]'s fault that Idra didn't understand his point. Day[9] lost the argument because he argued poorly and was shouted down before he was able to properly articulate his point that clearly went over Idra's head. Shame JP isn't a better host and he didn't moderate the discussion more so both sides could talk about it calmly and actually be able to really talk.

It's pretty clear that Day[9] was making a point on a much higher level than Greg was willing to go to, and unlike Greg, Day[9] wasn't arrogant enough to presume that the final state of the game has already been unlocked.

We saw Greg basically show how close minded he is for the entire StoG to the point when Incontrol was constantly slapping him for it (playfully), I don't think much more needs to be said.
Day9 didn't say anything insightful or useful whole session and going by his standards, we'll never reach the point when we can say there are balance issues. Further, certain aspects of the game can be broken even if nominally balance is fine. He should have just avoided the subject.


syllogism said:
Day9 didn't say anything insightful or useful whole session and going by his standards, we'll never reach the point when we can say there are balance issues. Further, certain aspects of the game can be broken even if nominally balance is fine

From Day[9]'s perspective whining about balance issues is toxic to constructive thought and actually improving your game and that's kind of his thing. He may abstract things away from directly referring to balance issues, but it's for a specific point.

He has said for instance when things have been unfair in the game, or made things too hard for one race or another, or when a particular build/unit was too powerful and that's talking about balance without just saying "X is broken, cry cry".

Idra has amazing 'down in the trenches' understanding of the game, no doubt there, but so does Day[9], the difference is how both of them apply their knowledge and what boundaries they set for themselves. Greg is content to blame game design at every turn and call something broken when he has traditionally been very stubborn and inflexible. I don't feel that gives him the authority to speak on the absolute truth of Starcraft II.

It was like his example of 'well if the Terran is going banshee and you haven't scouted it, you die'. You can't just say that as a blanket statement of absolute truth. Day[9]'s point about how when the opponent reveals their tech path, it's a huge tell and severely limits the Terran econ and tactics is absolutely true.

Zerg may not have a ton of opening options right now (and even saying something like that is still highly presumptuous because we clearly haven't seen all the tactics yet) , but look at how many opening options that Terran ended up with in Starcraft Broodwar in the TvZ matchup after years of play (and we still have expansions to come).

Is Zerg 'broken', I don't think so.

As much as people will adapt to Spanishiwa's style, the games I've seen him lose aren't because people really figured out a magical build that BO wins against it. It's more because Spanishiwa has some key weaknesses in his play that people are exploiting.

And it's not like Spanishiwa's Zerg style is the only way to play it, obviously, but I happen to think it's a pretty cool and new so I like to name drop it :p, but it's something that Idra wouldn't even have considered a possibility to exist prior to it coming out, where as Day[9] would never have discounted it permutating into existence.
How the fuck could this game put me in silver league when I lost 4 games big time and accidentally won ONE?! Am I stuck in this league forever?


Sniper McBlaze said:
How the fuck could this game put me in silver league when I lost 4 games big time and accidentally won ONE?! Am I stuck in this league forever?

Learn to defeat ill-timed, 1-base-all-ins and you'll soon be in gold. Then you'll have to face ill-timed 2-base-all-ins.

Unless you're Zerg, in which case ZvZ will make you slit your wrists long before you get out of Silver.


Aquavelvaman said:
So I had a zerg put an evo chamber in front of my geyser. I'm not sure how to respond to that. I ended up killing it and just kiting the broodlings so they didn't really do any damage but it kept me from scouting for a while when my lings were killing it. I ended up winning but it's such a weird situation.

Build the other geyser and expand. You won't be gas constrained in the early game anyway unless you were planning on doing one base muta or something. You can make Roaches or Banelings easily on one base.

Keikaku said:
Unless you're Zerg, in which case ZvZ will make you slit your wrists long before you get out of Silver.

ZvZ is awesome. Don't hate!

Just don't build Banelings if your micro isn't great. Focus on Roach/Ling and a-move to victory!

IdrA was just temp banned for 90 days by Liquid`Nazgul.

That account was created on 2004-07-31 20:59:50 and had 11027 posts.

Reason: A few days ago, one of our moderators (Chill) banned Idra for 2 days. After the ban, Idra encouraged his fans, through twitter, to harass and spam him on TL.

We spoke with Idra and he stated that he does not regret his actions and will not change his behavior on our forums. Thus, we've decided to ban him for 90 days. Regardless of whether he felt the 2-day ban was justified or not, we cannot tolerate a forum user publicly encouraging harassment of our moderators.

We understand that this decision may be unpopular among Greg's fans, but we have warned and banned him before about his conduct toward our staff members. We simply cannot accept this sort of abuse and insults directed toward our volunteer staff members who work very hard to make TL what it is.

Idra's stream will still be listed in the stream section. Our stream list is an informational resource much like the TLPD, Calendar, or Liquipedia. We believe for these resources to function properly, they must be comprehensive and complete and thus we do not remove banned pro players from them.

I knew trying to troll Chill was not a good idea.


TheThunder said:



twofold said:
Build the other geyser and expand. You won't be gas constrained in the early game anyway unless you were planning on doing one base muta or something. You can make Roaches or Banelings easily on one base.

ZvZ is awesome. Don't hate!

Just don't build Banelings if your micro isn't great. Focus on Roach/Ling and a-move to victory!

I'm a Zerg and you're a god-damned liar, sir :p


Yes we know that is day9's stance, which is exactly why he simply shouldn't talk about it. It's also completely subjective as to whether whining is "toxic" when you it's still in your best interest to come up with new builds as you are playing for living. Nestea is a good example as he is one of the biggest whiners in Korea and still does well. That banshee example is pretty inane as there are definitely builds that can't reliably be scouted and will kill or cripple you as zerg. Finally, this is not BW and just because BW ended up fine, does not mean the same will happen here and there are actually reasons to believe it won't. Expansions might address some of the inherent flaws, but I'm not holding my breath.

Perhaps once day9 actually has time to play the game he'll recognize the issues. Probably not, at least he won't say so publicly as he actively avoids saying anything controversial


That was one of Idra's key examples.The funny part is, there are a lot of examples of things that use to give Idra trouble that he would cry broken about, and some of them were taken care of in patches, but others happened purely through evolution of the game. That's why I never take Idra 100 percent seriously on his balance discussion, he's stubborn to a fault and very biased, as Incontrol frequently points out.

And Idra's opinion on 'whining' is absolutely subjective as well, so he shouldn't speak on it either, I suppose? Day[9] will talk about 'imbalance' he just has a very different vernacular for doing so, and that shouldn't be an obstacle to discussion.

Obviously StarCraft BW and II are different games, but the fact that both will follow a path of evolution is not remotely questionable.


So many people use balance "issues" as a scapegoat for their shit play, just sayin :b

(not talking about Idra just saying :b)


Keikaku said:
I'm a Zerg and you're a god-damned liar, sir :p

Haha. I used to be like you.. Then I saw the light!

Seriously, try this opening.

14 gas, 14 pool.
Get a Queen + 8 Zerglings.
Drop a Roach Warren asap.
Produce three Drones (should leave you with 16-ish drones)

It's a super safe opening that'll hold Banelings and can punish practically everything.

If your opponent is on one base, you'll have a bunch of Roaches and Speedlings ready to hold off whatever they're doing.
If your opponent expands, drop an evo chamber, produce 8 Drones and send them to your natural, grab +1 ranged and build Roaches while the upgrade finishes. Once your +1 finishes, send all your Roaches out and reinforce with Zerglings.
Transition into Roach/Infestor if need be, but you'll win most of your games with your +1 push.

If you pull it off right, if your opponent is going Mutas, you can drop a few spores and outright kill them. The only thing that hurts you is if your opponent goes hatch first and econ heavy. If that happens, make sure to harass them a lot with your initial 8 lings to force Zerglings out.

This might not work in the super high levels, but it works very well for me against Diamond/Master players.

zoukka said:
So many people use balance "issues" as a scapegoat for their shit play, just sayin :b

(not talking about Idra just saying :b)

I'm definitely guilty of doing this, but I know deep down that 90% of my losses are due to issues with mechanics and shitty macro more than anything.

I think it was Tyler who said in the last sotg that, unless you're mid-high masters, your losses are probably due to poor mechanics. He speaks the truth.


RE Zerg having crap scouting info: Protoss are in a similar position to Zerg in ZvP as Zerg are in the ZvT matchup.

With the current ZvP matchup, Protoss are favoring Forge expo or 3 gate expo against Zerg, and with both of these you're essentially blind to the Zerg until the 7 minute mark. Unless mess up in some way, the Zerg have early map control with speedlings, and Protoss are in a defensive stance against what ever the Zerg might do. and we've seen Losira and Nestea exploiting that to great effect.

Idra's counter argument is probably that the 200/200 death ball is unstoppable... if you're using a roach/ling/hydra ball. We've seen zergs finding more success against maxed armies by using infestors, banes, ultras or brood lords in the mix. Not to say that picking apart a Protoss prior to his maxing (by using fungals on mineral lines, or what ever) is impossible either, even if the Protoss is sitting on 2 base. It's a tough matchup, sure, but it's constantly evolving.


Banning idra for another 90 days seems silly. They asked him to change his ways and he said no. That leaves you with ban him forever or don't ban him at all.

Id like to see him banned forever, then he will have to search for new places to post
Zen said:
RE Zerg having crap scouting info: Protoss are in a similar position to Zerg in ZvP as Zerg are in the ZvT matchup.

With the current ZvP matchup, Protoss are favoring Forge expo or 3 gate expo against Zerg, and with both of these you're essentially blind to the Zerg until the 7 minute mark. Unless mess up in some way, the Zerg have early map control with speedlings, and Protoss are in a defensive stance against what ever the Zerg might do. and we've seen Losira and Nestea exploiting that to great effect.
Not really no, the zerg is in as much darkness as the protoss in this situation. Most of the time I think the observer/phoenix/hallu phoenix will be out before the Overseer unless the toss is doing 6/7gate agression which you don't really need to know what the zerg is doing because nothing is particularly deadly to a toss going for that unless it's mass hydra but a zerg won't do that blindly against certain openers or they lose straight up to collosus. Burrow move roaches are aout the only other thing that would be trouble for mass gateway at that stage but it's possible to get a robo just for observer for this kind of push.

edit: i will admit it's hard for the toss to know if it's aggression or passivity coming out of the zerg but you are giving up scouting and/or map control for your build, especially if forge expanding.


V_Arnold said:
Chill is a fucking troll. I rarely say something like this but the bullshit he makes up in defending Cruncher is unbeliavable.
Cruncher seems like the kind of guy who could very well stream cheat, but there's a replay of him doing the same terrible build against Ret, so the seemingly suspicious behaviour is just him being bad. Could still have been stream cheating of course.


Pandaman said:
elcheris has also advanced!

both protoss members of team gaf were eliminated though.
chanstaa faced ROOTCatZ, so he has an excuse.
holden is just terrible.

team GAF vs ROOT 1-1

Congrats guys!


pieatorium said:
Not really no, the zerg is in as much darkness as the protoss in this situation. Most of the time I think the observer/phoenix/hallu phoenix will be out before the Overseer unless the toss is doing 6/7gate agression which you don't really need to know what the zerg is doing because nothing is particularly deadly to a toss going for that unless it's mass hydra but a zerg won't do that blindly against certain openers or they lose straight up to collosus. Burrow move roaches are aout the only other thing that would be trouble for mass gateway at that stage but it's possible to get a robo just for observer for this kind of push.

edit: i will admit it's hard for the toss to know if it's aggression or passivity coming out of the zerg but you are giving up scouting and/or map control for your build, especially if forge expanding.

The 3 gate expand/forge builds are so easy to see just by scouting the base/seeing the expand go down, making it a huge tell by the protoss as to the their options within the next couple minutes. The reverse is not true for Protoss being able to scout the zerg and accurately tell if the zerg is going for econ or aggression. This is why we might see more 2 gate pressure from Protoss eventually. It is up to the Protoss to tell specifically if the zerg is going for aggression or econ in this situation, but if the zerg is playing properly, the protoss just can't. I think we've seen enough examples of Zergs punishing the protoss for these builds by using that early blindness, that Protoss may start shifting away from it.
Zen said:
RE Zerg having crap scouting info: Protoss are in a similar position to Zerg in ZvP as Zerg are in the ZvT matchup.

With the current ZvP matchup, Protoss are favoring Forge expo or 3 gate expo against Zerg, and with both of these you're essentially blind to the Zerg until the 7 minute mark. Unless mess up in some way, the Zerg have early map control with speedlings, and Protoss are in a defensive stance against what ever the Zerg might do. and we've seen Losira and Nestea exploiting that to great effect.

Idra's counter argument is probably that the 200/200 death ball is unstoppable... if you're using a roach/ling/hydra ball. We've seen zergs finding more success against maxed armies by using infestors, banes, ultras or brood lords in the mix. Not to say that picking apart a Protoss prior to his maxing (by using fungals on mineral lines, or what ever) is impossible either, even if the Protoss is sitting on 2 base. It's a tough matchup, sure, but it's constantly evolving.

The difference is the zerg is supposed to be the reactive race. We need that information to know exactly what unit composition/upgrades we should be getting. Unlike protoss we aren't just constantly building our army so we need information in advance to be able to prepare for an attack.

That plus the fact that there is just so many less things a zerg can throw at you than a protoss. One strong timing push is nothing compared to all the things a terran can do to a zerg.

Even if the protoss could scout exactly what the zerg was doing i doubt the unit composition would change very much that early in the game.

Also im not complaining as i love ZvT, i win about 90% of them (it's my ZvP which is holding me back). I just think the situations are different.

ribbonlace said:
Yea, I definitely know that. It's just during a heavy macro game where I queue army units at multiple bases where it's a big enough issue for me to bring up. I rather have a ovie rally point for each base, which would remove the need to go find those 5 ovies, set each eggs rally point to a place on a map, and while making sure I don't have any stray ovies already floating over.

I guess you can say I like to have one less thing to micro when I'm trying to macro.

In the early game when you don't have many overlords it should be easy to manage. In the late game i think upgrading overlord speed could be a big help for you. I used to have a much bigger problem with this but getting ovie speed has helped me a great deal.


mescalineeyes said:
I can't wait for the huge metagame shift that will allow zerg to scout.

thank you day9 you fucking moron.

I think what he was saying is that Zerg will get better at learning the right ways to handle what aggression the Terran is doing in the early game with the minimal of investment.

Here's an example.

I've been watching a lot of Nerchio's replays recently since he's been doing really well against Euro Terrans. He opens 14h/14p/16g every game. He drops a Spine at his natural as soon as his natural completes.

If he sees two rax, he grabs metabolic boost when he hits 100 gas. If he sees one rax, he drops a Roach Warren at around 24 food and then grabs 3 Roaches to hold off any Hellion shenanigans. He drops an evo chamber a little later if he suspects a Banshee is coming. Metabolic boost can be taken after Lair if necessary.

This opening feels really strong against the various Terran openings while still allowing you to drone really hard.

Over time, openings like this will get more refined as people learn where they can cut a few corners to get ahead and still be safe.

I don't think we'll ever see Zerg being able to be aggressive in the early game, though, due to the reasons stated by Idra. Even July, the most aggressive Zerg in the world, has to play super passively for the first few minutes of the game.
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