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//: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty |OT2| GL HF GG

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Jeff-DSA said:
I know man, it's just a little messing around.

I played StarCraft Ghost and it was pretty clunky. I still wanted to see it come out though. When they passed it on to Swingin' Ape I thought that it had some hope. It's a shame it never worked out because I think they had a good concept going.

Around that time, I hated the concept of Ghost because I could not imagine anything in SC that is not an RTS :D (Lol, what a bad excuse)
Jeff-DSA said:
I know man, it's just a little messing around.

I played StarCraft Ghost and it was pretty clunky. I still wanted to see it come out though. When they passed it on to Swingin' Ape I thought that it had some hope. It's a shame it never worked out because I think they had a good concept going.
Wasn't it some kind of wierd Tribes clone?


pieatorium said:
Wasn't it some kind of wierd Tribes clone?

It was more of a stealth action game, but the cool part was seeing all the different units in 3D and up close. Overlords looked pretty dang ugly. Hydras looked pretty awesome too.



Jeff-DSA said:
StarCraft Ghost?

thanks god for that.
blizzard probably realized how shitty consoles are and scrubbed the shit out of it.

if hots delivered the perfect (or semi-perfect) mp balance then i won't give a fuck about legacy of the void.
Jeff-DSA said:
It was more of a stealth action game, but the cool part was seeing all the different units in 3D and up close. Overlords looked pretty dang ugly. Hydras looked pretty awesome too.

It's funny, the thing I am most excited about in Heart of the Swarm will be seeing what they do for zerg for the equivalent of the Battlecruiser briefing areas that WoL has. I loved watching the high-poly models animate in the armory, I really hope they do something similar for zerg and toss units.


Hope that some day we'll get a custom map by blizzard that's somewhat what StarCraft Ghost was envisioned to be.


Zen said:
Hope that some day we'll get a custom map by blizzard that's somewhat what StarCraft Ghost was envisioned to be.

hope some day blizzard will stop using their dumb fuck custom games list system


Awesome Animals said:
Assuming the ticket lasts a season? Also, how invasive are the ads. Is it worth the extra $10 to remove them?

The ticket does last for a season. So this whole super tournament = covered by the 10 bucks. I never notice ads, but I think that's because the times I bought my 10 dollar ticket there were no ads ever. Even so, I think 15 seconds in between games to tell you to buy GSkill memory isn't too big of a deal.

Just go for the standard 10 with ads. :)


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
zlatko said:
The ticket does last for a season. So this whole super tournament = covered by the 10 bucks. I never notice ads, but I think that's because the times I bought my 10 dollar ticket there were no ads ever. Even so, I think 15 seconds in between games to tell you to buy GSkill memory isn't too big of a deal.

Just go for the standard 10 with ads. :)

I wish GSkill made the ads that GOM plays. It's always those stupid Bing and Chase ads that get really old after the 3rd time you hear them.

That being said though, they're only 30 seconds and come right before the actual games so they aren't that bad.


BigAT said:
Apparently there is an unannounced ladder lock going on.


I was suspecting this. I won 15 of 17 matches, and my opponent was favored in ALL 17 matches, and I saw no promotion. In my first 35 wins this season, I only had about 10 losses. Still stuck in Silver... :\

I want to get out of this league not to just say that I'm no longer in Silver, but the matches are getting really predictable. I'm winning like 80% these days in 1v1, and I see the same tactics from each race.

Protoss - 4gate fail, they lose to my counter push. If not that, they go too heavy on colossi and lose to my viking/tank/marine mix.
Zerg - They rush too quickly to Brood Lords and Infestors, they lack upgrades to keep up
Terran - They go for tanks, but they try to do it off of 1 or 2 base and can't keep up with production. They lose to my superior tank/viking count.

I'd rather be back to winning 50% of games and seeing more interesting games.
Pankaks said:
I wish GSkill made the ads that GOM plays. It's always those stupid Bing and Chase ads that get really old after the 3rd time you hear them.

That being said though, they're only 30 seconds and come right before the actual games so they aren't that bad.

You mean the same ads we see for every stream we watch as well?

$10 ticket it is! I'm excited. ^_^


joelseph said:
Dude! I have been stuck at #1 silver for weeks with a 80% win/lose record. Shit is getting oooold.

Doesn't the article say it is more to do with platinum to diamond players though?

I've taken like over a week long break right now from SC2 with all the big games coming out and my schedule, but I hope this issue gets ironed out if it exists. I know I have a big margin of wins in my gold ladder and was sitting at #1 forever while I was constantly beating platinum players. I'll have a big bonus pool when I come back to it soon, and if this issue is real and fixed, then I'll hit platinum relatively quickly.


SteveWinwood said:
Watching Destiny play as protoss and fuck up hardcore and still win handily makes me sad.
Well, his opponent also fucked up hardcore. Heavy zergling attacks doing 0 damage, and not scouting a proxy pylon that's been sitting in his main since the beginning of the game. Not getting overseers to deal with the DTs he scouted.


joelseph said:
Dude! I have been stuck at #1 silver for weeks with a 80% win/lose record. Shit is getting oooold.

The promotion system has nothing to do with what opponents the matchmaker gives you.


Schedule for the Friday stream for MLG Columbus is out

Here are the Friday Pool Play schedules for all three games. Please note: all games in bold will be streamed.

*At 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30pm, a second match from the Feature Stations will be streamed, based on the results of the Community Polls. *

5:30 PM
IdrA1 vs. Bomber - Main StageStream
KiWiKaKi vs. MMA
FXOmOoNan vs. SjoW
SeleCT- vs. LiquidTyler

6:30 PM
Dignitasnani vs. Moon - Main StageStream
SLush450 vs. Gret0rp
LiquidTLO vs. Losira
EGiNcontroL vs. LiquidHayprO

7:30 PM
LiquidRet vs. Bomber - Main Stage Stream

KiWiKaKi vs. FXO Sheth
FXOmOoNan vs. MMA
SeleCT- vs. IdrA1

8:30 PM
EGiNcontroL vs. Losira - Main Stage Stream
LiquidHayprO vs. EG-Machine
SLush450 vs. ROOT-drewbie
Gret0rp vs. Moon

9:30 PM
FXOmOoNan vs. FXOSheth
SjoW vs. MMA
IdrA1 vs. LiquidRet - Feature StationStream
LiquidTyler vs. Bomber

10:30 PM
LiquidHayprO vs. Losira - Main Stage Stream
LiquidTLO vs. EG-Machine
ROOT-drewbie vs. Moon
Dignitasnani vs. Gret0rp

11:30 PM
EGiNcontroL vs. EG-Machine - Main Stage Stream
Dignitasnani vs. SLush450
SeleCT- vs. LiquidRet - E Stream
SjoW vs. FXOSheth


Thats a ridiculous schedule. So many great games.

You can vote for which other 3 matches you want streamed at 5.30, 6.30 and 7.30 here but the results are heavily favoured for one matchup in each vote already, so it looks like its kiwi vs mma, tlo vs losira and select vs idra.


WedgeX said:
Makes sense now.

Not that I'd get promoted, but looking at the GAF 1v1 rankings, people weren't (aren't) moving up relative to when they usually would.
Ahh, a GAF group on sc2ranks! Sweet, I've added myself. Just the motivation I need to ladder more.
Awesome Animals said:
That's a pretty grueling schedule for the pros too. Wish I could watch.

And just purchased the GSTL ticket !!

Sorta. It's less pressure on them since they all make it to the championship bracket. This just determines seeding. MUCH less games than the people coming up from the open bracket.


why on earth did I just play a game on scrap station, when it's one of the maps I've thumbed down in the map preferences?

Also, how am I supposed to beat a drop heavy terran as a protoss? The only way that I don't lose massive amounts of probes is if I spot it immediately, have my units in my base and have blink on the stalkers. It's also not possible to ever move out unless I invest obscene amounts of minerals in cannons, which don't really help me if I want to defeat the terran.


Trickster said:
why on earth did I just play a game on scrap station, when it's one of the maps I've thumbed down in the map preferences?

Also, how am I supposed to beat a drop heavy terran as a protoss? The only way that I don't lose massive amounts of probes is if I spot it immediately, have my units in my base and have blink on the stalkers. It's also not possible to ever move out unless I invest obscene amounts of minerals in cannons, which don't really help me if I want to defeat the terran.
Thumbed down maps can still appear while laddering, just very very rarely.

Keep one or two Zealots/Stalkers in your mineral lines along with a cannon. Yes, it will slow down your main army and push, but if he really commits a lot to drop-heavy play he can't get super far ahead of his own.


Awesome Animals said:
2-0 tonight, felt good, although I'm sick of only facing Terrans in Bronze league. They never expand.

A fun replay where my opponent ONLY MAKES THORS.

Finding the right time to expand is hard! ><

Bronze league Terrans unite!
hamchan said:
Finding the right time to expand is hard! ><

Bronze league Terrans unite!

Honestly, I should have expanded multiple times during that game, especially once I realized he wouldn't do anything about it. I could have had seven bases all safe, with the ability to hit 200 supply in the matter of one production cycle.


EG Master's Cup is suffering from the casting. I think it is DJWheat and inControl.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Updated OP with links to new gaf tourny and gsl tourny. For the lazy *me*

EG Master's Cup is suffering from the casting. I think it is DJWheat and inControl.
EG suffers from the who cares about non korean teams in such a long period. I think it would work better in a prior GSL format of one weekend.
Only few teams I care about, one of them is not playing (TL) and the other is EG and thats only because of like 2 players.


Awesome Animals said:
2-0 tonight, felt good, although I'm sick of only facing Terrans in Bronze league. They never expand.

A fun replay where my opponent ONLY MAKES THORS.

Both the first and second "youre screwed" 's are so damn ironic. Glad to see you beating him soundly.

Oh, and at one point I was like "awesome should do _______" and then you did it. Moving on up, man.


Awesome Animals said:
2-0 tonight, felt good, although I'm sick of only facing Terrans in Bronze league. They never expand.

A fun replay where my opponent ONLY MAKES THORS.

GG man! Siege tanks are pretty amazing!! You could've absolutely demolished that guy if you would've built more than ~35 SCVs, but your unit composition was enough to get the job done.

I found it funny that your opponent went overkill with missile turrets, but still left quite a few blind spots for drop harass in his base for a while.


Man, fuck the ladder.

Every Terran but one that I played today did some variant of either a 2-rax or a 3-rax all in. I just can't hold it yet.

I'm so frustrated it's probably better I don't play for a while.


relies on auto-aim
Keikaku said:
Man, fuck the ladder.

Every Terran but one that I played today did some variant of either a 2-rax or a 3-rax all in. I just can't hold it yet.

I'm so frustrated it's probably better I don't play for a while.
But once you can beat it, it's all free wins and you can call them scrubs. So...


relies on auto-aim
Keikaku said:
That sounds awesome, so teach me how because damned if I know.
I think it is:

Gas/Pool first + 8 lings early on + speed with good control. (2 rax pressure)
Snipe early scv's bunker and catch reinforcements instead of fighting the main force.
After that I don't know. Queen + ling production?

If it is the all-in I don't know. I remember months ago there was some pool first / hatch first larva count management crap, but the maps are bigger now (unless you get close spots, then you die).


Everything is moe to me
Hazaro said:
Gas/Pool first + 8 lings early on + speed with good control.

After that I don't know.
can you recommend a strategy where t cant just scout and cancel the third rax to collect free win?

Snipe early scv's bunker and catch reinforcements instead of fighting the main force.
nobody in their right mind bunker rushes a zerg who opens gas/pool.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So I just came back from a job interview... I ended up talking about SC2 to the boss for approximately 15 minutes (out of the 30 minutes I had with him).

Guys, what do you think? Will I get the job?


edit: I even mentioned Neogaf and I was THIS close mentioning Panda to him...


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Pandaman said:
alright, you gotta explain this conversation now.
Haha, it was just weird man...

We started talking about why I should be getting this job and stuff like that. Then all of a sudden he asked me about my hobbies. Of course, I had to mention SC2 and I discussed how the game works (I mentioned how op ff is...). Then he asked me if there's a community for it, and here's where GAF came in :lol

Oh shit, he might even read this sometime... HIGH possibilities of that so in case, I'll just say: Hello sir, I had a great time with you two :D You can truly see how dedicated I am in this community! Hoppas så otroligt mycket att jag får jobbet!!!


relies on auto-aim
Pandaman said:
can you recommend a strategy where t cant just scout and cancel the third rax to collect free win?

nobody in their right mind bunker rushes a zerg who opens gas/pool.
Uhh. Make 7 rax and cancel the 6th for a free win?

Psh. Bunkers are a zergling, and it takes like 8 to kill one. Why wouldn't I just mass them?
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