yea, team games r way more fun for me personally, though I feel there is a need to nerf mutas in team games, as if I can see a huge bunch together it's GG especially if their team is feeding them gas. I have tried HTs to counter large bunches, but their speed does negate that amazing unit that I rarely get to use anymore(having to go colosi almost every game =(
(team battles btw, 1v1 is fine, cause if I were to let them build that many mutas I deserve to loose.
also, for some reason after watching the last daily and MrMister telling me to just go fucking kill the enemy base, I've gotten quite better at pushes and in general using a lot more variety of units(I'll have a pack of z-lots, immortals, and sentries in 1 group and a pack of stalkers/colosi in a 2nd group) I just wish there was a unit I could swap out for the colosi, I may see if I could do a combo of carriers/void rays, but who knows