STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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Relaxation game? Eden almost made me break my ps3 controller.

well, it's awesome that the pc version can be played with just the mouse. It also feels really precise because of this.

The art and music just really calmed my nerves for a time. Also watching the plants grow was oddly therapeutic
Is Gatling Gears any good? Literally, the only title that interests me there.

I really enjoyed it, but it's not great. I would say if you are a fan of the top down shooter then its semi unique mechanics may win you over and it does look fantastic, but it does also get a little repetitive so I don't think it will be for anyone isn't already invested in the genre.

Hope that massively mixed message answers your question.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
sorry for being OT, but you have no clue what you are talking about...

Godwin's Law in full force right here.

I guess he was just referring to the fact Nazi/Hitler related stuff are in the campaign of the game. Or at least the Kill Hitler DLC. And that, for a long time, you couldn't activate this in Germany presumably for reasons related to that. Though now apparently it's available in Germany so I don't know why this is still locked.


I really enjoyed it, but it's not great. I would say if you are a fan of the top down shooter then its semi unique mechanics may win you over and it does look fantastic, but it does also get a little repetitive so I don't think it will be for anyone isn't already invested in the genre.

Hope that massively mixed message answers your question.

Yeah, this plus fact that it requires Origin (thank you based Enhanced Steam) is enough to make me not want the game. Thank you.


sorry for being OT, but you have no clue what you are talking about...

well to be fair, I had only read references from some international press, so I know that i'm stretching a lot, so if I offended someone please accept my apologie, that being said I don't had any other idea on why the game should be banned in germany, but again, I forgot that there lot's of games are banned


Thanks for the IndeRoyale info, Xelios.
Just pulled the trigger, almost bought the Sniper Elite V2 on the weekend deal.
Is Gatling Gears any good? Literally, the only title that interests me there.

It's a decent-looking time waster. I've never bothered to beat it on XBLA. It's certainly better than Judge Dredd vs Death.

FYI for everyone, Judge Dredd Dredd Versus Death is terrible. Startlingly bad, and not in a "Trucker USA Dubstep Video" way, but a dull, boring way. Unless something massively interesting happened after the 1/3 mark I can't fathom the depths of Dredd-fandom needed to consider the game worth the time in any way.


Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death key for anyone, lurker or otherwise, who wants to up their game count on Steam I guess :p.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I bought Dredd when it was like 2$ because of some RPS article where they wanked off to it or something, but the game was a shit PC release that felt awful.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that RPS is a bunch of wankers for tricking me.


Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death key for anyone, lurker or otherwise, who wants to up their game count on Steam I guess :p.

Upped my game count :)
I'll return the favour with Star Ruler and Vessel key. //Both gone.
No lurkers tho, one key per person, quote me.


"the journey to a thousand games ends with bad rats. ~Lao Tzu" ~Gabe Newell
well to be fair, I had only read references from some international press, so I know that i'm stretching a lot, so if I offended someone please accept my apologie, that being said I don't had any other idea on why the game should be banned in germany, but again, I forgot that there lot's of games are banned

no problem!
sure there are some (not lot's, the situation got better and better over the years) games "band" here in germany but that has nothing to do with ignoring our past. that was the part that upset me a little bit :)

you wouldn't believe how much german students get "tortured" with all the WW2 and Hitler stuff during our school time, we are reminded of our past almost every day, nobody tries to hide it...

sorry for being OT again and apologie accepted




no problem!
sure there are some (not lot's, the situation got better and better over the years) games "band" here in germany but that has nothing to do with ignoring our past. that was the part that upset me a little bit :)

you wouldn't believe how much german students get "tortured" with all the WW2 and Hitler stuff during our school time, we are reminded of our past almost every day, nobody tries to hide it...

sorry for being OT again and apologie accepted

Thanks! at least I can't recall where I heard that in germany you can't make public references of the nazi party, so maybe I based it loseless on that, my awkward english doesn't help either

Back on topic, well it seems that this bundle will only get higher prices per minute, no hope to see a price drop


Thread title change? I am all kinds of confused. I thought we'd burned out the last thread already until I looked at the dates.

Also, is there a reason to suspect that the Summer sale will start on the 28th, or does it just rhyme nicely?

Stump probably came in and changed the title because of the constant barrage of questions.


Axel Hertz
I might get it for Sniper Elite 2.

Will wait for the price to drop a little though.

I also already have Gatling Gears.. :(


wait, with indie royale the price drop when someone does a big contribution?

I bought in Bundle the Bundle Crusader Kings complete for 0.53 cents, now I had this Victoria II and March of the eagles as grand strategy games, should I start with CK1? at least everyone says that CK2 is the easier one to start, so don't know if the same could be applied with CK1


I just emailed Majesco to see if they would discount their library during a Steam Sale.

I posted a link to the Dustforce sales numbers and said they were just leaving revenue on the table.

For a company whose stock price is sitting around 60 cents, you would think they would do anything to make some money.

I'm looking to pick up Advent Rising.
PSA : If you have not yet played through The Walking Dead...avoid the High Res screenshot thread. Some <insert bad name> posted some pretty spoilery shots and i'm pissed. Currently playing through and can not unsee them.

You've been warned.
Shit, I was taking names and kicking asses on FTL, then I ran out of missiles and bailed to a store, used all my money to buy FUEL accidentally instead of missiles and that-was-that.jpg


Shit, I was taking names and kicking asses on FTL, then I ran out of missiles and bailed to a store, used all my money to buy FUEL accidentally instead of missiles and that-was-that.jpg
Yesterday I had the final boss down to 3 bars of hull health and ran out of missiles. The only damage I was doing was being negated by his shield's regeneration. I couldn't make any ground.
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