STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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No Summer Sale on Thursday confirmed


Beth Cyra

Has anyone tried out the Akaneiro Demon Hunters F2P version? It looks like it could be a fun little game, but I don't know if it's really worth 9.99 when they have a F2P version.


My non Steam game icons keep disappearing from my Installed list when I restart my PC. Halp!

I believe it's a known issue for which there is no current fix. There is a workaround which may work for you, as detailed on the Steam forums:

"Navigate to your Steam installation folder, then to "userdata\<number>\config". There, make the "shortcuts.vdf" file Read-only.
Only trick is you need to uncheck that option if you want to save any changes to your current list of non-Steam games. :) " {Sluimerstand}


Don't know what to do without new trading cards. I ate a burrito. Now I'm wistfully staring out the window. A scene out of a Cymbalta ad.


Will we get new cards today AND tomorrow?

EDIT: Looks like it has been already answered? Only wednesday this week?

They explicitly stated in the update that it would only be Wednesday, and not the normal Tuesday and Thursday release.

This means all the features you all have been helpful in testing are going to be made available to everyone on Steam. We'll be adding Trading Cards to several games that day as well (instead of the normal Tuesday & Thursday release).


Some regions do not support it. There should be an option saying to friends/family if that is not there pay enough to cover the fees.

Lol that's stupid, I send some guy 0.53 and he only received 0.2 I tried to send the difference of 0.33 and he only got 1 cent

Now I feel like a latin scum


I don't know then :/

Thanks anyway =)

I believe it's a known issue for which there is no current fix. There is a workaround which may work for you, as detailed on the Steam forums:

"Navigate to your Steam installation folder, then to "userdata\<number>\config". There, make the "shortcuts.vdf" file Read-only.
Only trick is you need to uncheck that option if you want to save any changes to your current list of non-Steam games. :) " {Sluimerstand}

Sounds good, I'll try that. Thanks a bunch.

Are you exiting out of Steam before you shut your PC down? Not doing that seems to cause it for most people.

Last time I didn't. Maybe that is it. (I'm having a weird deja vu now about asking about this issue). I'll do that and check.


Dirt showdown. Dirt 2 and dirt 3 are 9.99 for all 3 at gamefly

Any opinions
Dirt 2 was pretty good. Lacked a good amount of rally races, though. Something which, from what I've heard, Dirt 3 fixes. Showdown is pretty lame because it's basically 100% dudebro races.
Only Showdown can be activated on Steam by the way.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Maybe flinging objects around is considered cathartic and a path to zen, or something.
Do not grasp for a high score. Simply see the score. Do not desire to activate multiball or worry about the ball falling in the pit. Just experience the flipping of the pinball.


Maybe I'm misremembering but haven't sales typically started on thursday, sometimes in the afternoon? I also think sales have started in the morning with the mid weeks running until the afternoon. Could be wrong though.

The mid week sales will always end at 10 am Pacific Time if there is a major sale starting that day.

Anyone disagree? I'll PM Stump and have him change the title.
Maybe I'm misremembering but haven't sales typically started on thursday, sometimes in the afternoon? I also think sales have started in the morning with the mid weeks running until the afternoon. Could be wrong though.

It's usually Wednesdays, AFAIK. It's probably a safe bet that it's not happening this week.


IANAB but I thought zen could be found in any human endeavor. I thought it was like 'flow', so video games would be particularly good for it.
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