STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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There is a (hidden) prototype for an indie game called Chess the Gathering on Steam. I have received a Steam key because I had pre-ordered A Virus Named Tom last year. Toma has a key too, and he might be able to write a review sooner or later.

By the way, speaking of indie games, Super Splatters will be released tomorrow. It is one of these indie games on which I have been keeping an eye.

And it is still time to take part in the beta testing of Gun Monkeys, which will be released on Friday.
Beta keys will expire on launch. If you’re exceptionally helpful during the Beta, I’ll be handing out free codes for the full game. I can’t let everyone keep copies obviously, in case they’re not helping and don’t deserve it.

Finally, I am faced with a little dilemma for a friend's birthday: either buy Scrolls (not on Steam, in beta phase, will be continuously expanded for a long duration, the game costs 15€ yet has some aspects of F2P games) or buy Magic the Gathering 2014, which is going to be released tomorrow, but which is relevant for only one year, and does have F2P aspects with these numerous DLCs. Plus my friend already owns MtG 2012 and has played it for 15 hours, but he does not own MtG 2013, so I don't know whether he is really interesting in another edition.

You can also send friends keys to CTG. edit: I see you already got started!

Yep. I have discovered this.


Unconfirmed Member
Warren Spector intended the game to be played in 4:3 though... I'm not opposed to going vanilla (that's how I played System Shock 2 for the most part), but some tweaks for modern systems here and there don't hurt!
And that's how I played it: 1024x768.

New Visions is pretty awesome. Although I haven't played much with it, yet. Detroit looks amazing.
That looks fine, but then again I thought the vanilla game already looked fine. Guess I'm a sucker for old graphics, lol

it does need the fix for modern videocards though. As does Thief, and Unreal.

That last one won't even run on modern systems in its 'vanilla' state. :(
The Steam version ran perfectly without any mods or fixes, and I played it 5 months ago.
Y'all doin' me proud by suggesting to play Deus Ex the proper way. Deus Exe launcher is all that's necessary.

Personally can't stand the texture pack either, as I don't think having high resolution textures on simple geometry makes much sense, but hey that's just me. It just starts looking way too noisy and I had to uninstall it shortly after trying it out for myself.


It seems like a couple of you are Steam magicians and are good judges on what games will drop in price soon (maybe for the Summer Sale).

What do you guys think about these?

Kentucky Route Zero
The Swapper
Dustforce (missed the Humble Bundle)

These are my most wanted games. I play games on my older laptop and anything powerful just kills it dead. Most indie titles seem to fair just fine though and I've tried the demos out for a lot of these.


It seems like a couple of you are Steam magicians and are good judges on what games will drop in price soon (maybe for the Summer Sale).

What do you guys think about these?

Kentucky Route Zero
The Swapper
Dustforce (missed the Humble Bundle)

These are my most wanted games. I play games on my older laptop and anything powerful just kills it dead. Most indie titles seem to fair just fine though and I've tried the demos out for a lot of these.

Wait for Humble/Indie Royale/Groupees bundle. I don't buy indie games in anything other than bundles anymore.

Mr. Hyde

[Gamefly] - use code GFDJUN20 or GFDJUN20UK for an additonal 20% off

  • 2K Action Bundle - $7.99 with coupon
    • Duke Nukem Forever
    • Spec Ops: The Line
    • The Darkness II
    Square Enix Bundle - $23.99 with coupon
    • Just Cause 2
    • Sleeping Dogs
    • Tomb Raider

The other packs are not worth listing.

Damn. I just bought Tomb Raider off games gate for $17. I have JC2 but I really wanted to get sleeping dogs for the pc. Oh well. I've played it on consoles and can hold off until sales begin to get it cheap by itself.


It seems like a couple of you are Steam magicians and are good judges on what games will drop in price soon (maybe for the Summer Sale).

What do you guys think about these?

I'm not a big poster in here but I lurk the thread hardcore. I'm expecting all of those except for Unepic (because it isn't released yet) to appear in the summer sale. My wishlist is quite similar to yours, actually.
It's completely horrendous. It throws 6000 references a second at you in hopes of distracting you from how awful the gameplay is, but that only works for about 10 minutes.

Shit, I just bought the game thinking it was awesome. I guess it's another backlog game I will never play then :(
[Gamefly] - use code GFDJUN20 or GFDJUN20UK for an additonal 20% off

  • 2K Action Bundle - $7.99 with coupon
    • Duke Nukem Forever
    • Spec Ops: The Line
    • The Darkness II
    Square Enix Bundle - $23.99 with coupon
    • Just Cause 2
    • Sleeping Dogs
    • Tomb Raider

The other packs are not worth listing.

Are these separate codes for each game or one for all three? I already have Spec Ops and Duke Nukem (ugh), but would love to get the Darkness II and maybe give Spec ops to my bro.

I wouldn't throw DNF at my worst enemy.


It seems like a couple of you are Steam magicians and are good judges on what games will drop in price soon (maybe for the Summer Sale).

What do you guys think about these?

Kentucky Route Zero
The Swapper
Dustforce (missed the Humble Bundle)

These are my most wanted games. I play games on my older laptop and anything powerful just kills it dead. Most indie titles seem to fair just fine though and I've tried the demos out for a lot of these.

That's like half my wishlist for the upcoming sale, so I hope there are some good discounts xD


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Are these separate codes for each game or one for all three? I already have Spec Ops and Duke Nukem (ugh), but would love to get the Darkness II and maybe give Spec ops to my bro.

I wouldn't throw DNF at my worst enemy.

Should be separate.


listen to the mad man
It seems like a couple of you are Steam magicians and are good judges on what games will drop in price soon (maybe for the Summer Sale).

What do you guys think about these?

Kentucky Route Zero
The Swapper
Dustforce (missed the Humble Bundle)

These are my most wanted games. I play games on my older laptop and anything powerful just kills it dead. Most indie titles seem to fair just fine though and I've tried the demos out for a lot of these.

They'll all get discounts but only Antichamber and maybe Dustforce will get deep ones

Card Boy

Anyone want to accept $3 for Darkness 2 from that Amazon 2K bundle? I got paypal. I have the other 2 games already and just want Darkness 2. Not sure if we can do Steam wallet laundering if you put a item on the market.
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