Steam Summer Sale 2015 thread of refunding everything you buy (June 11-21)


I'd say yes, and when you find "in library" next to 75% of the good deals, it just makes it seem worse

Edit: Heck, last year's Steam Sale made it to 3 OTs, we're not even half an OT done with only 2 days left

Way better meta game last year.


the fallout 3 page says it's not optimised for windows 7 and later. should i just buy new vegas? i already played a good chunk of 3 on ps3. never really got into NV though so would like to play it in the run up to 4.
Mods fixed any problems for me on fallout 3 (i'm on windows 7). I still do get the rare crash from nukes though


The flash sales tonight will probably be the last "new" discounts, right? There are going to be a lot of disappointed people if Dark Souls isn't one of them.


Any thoughts on RE Revelations?

I beat RE 4 and 5 for the first time since their release recently and was hoping to pick up RE: HD, but will wait for more than 25%. Might get Revelations at 70% to hold me over, but I've heard some mixed things.
How's Just Cause 2?



Fallout games used to cause major PC problems to the point I had to reset my accounts on my computer.

Never installing them again.


According to steam I have the fallout new vegas ultimate edition

yet on my steam library it just says Fallout new vegas but I have no DLC :S


I'd say yes, and when you find "in library" next to 75% of the good deals, it just makes it seem worse

Edit: Heck, last year's Steam Sale made it to 3 OTs, we're not even half an OT done with only 2 days left

Because people spammed Red Team! Pink Team! all the time.


No additional discount on the RE5 Gold Edition DLC?

Until next sale then, and hey, maybe they'll actually fix the latest patch that cripples the game if you don't have GFWL installed. Seriously, what the hell.
Final tally for me, about £20.

I don't know if I want to buy Dark Souls 2 now or simply save my money to get The Phantom Pain at launch.

Ultimate General: Gettysburg
Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1
Five Nights at Freddy's
How to Survive - Storm Warning Edition
Lost Planet 3 (ROW)
Metal Slug X
Metal Slug 3
PlayWay's Sim Bundle
Bet On Soldier
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Opposing Force


I've got an extra copy of Pillars of Eternity - Kickstarter Hero Edition (Includes the base game of Pillars of Eternity. Added bonuses include the Giant Miniature Space Piglet and Gaun's Pledge pre-order items) that I'm looking to trade for DSII: Scholar of the First Sin.

PM me for trade.


the fallout 3 page says it's not optimised for windows 7 and later. should i just buy new vegas? i already played a good chunk of 3 on ps3. never really got into NV though so would like to play it in the run up to 4.

Worked fine for me on Windows 7. I played about ~170 hours and rarely crashed.

Is the New Vegas Ultimate edition worth the extra? I know its only €4 but I'm a cheap bastard.

Yes absolutely.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
It seems like the 25% voucher at GMG doesn't work on Killing Floor 2, so I may pick that up through Steam. It's only a 5% difference though, so it's not a huge deal.


Really disappointed at the 25% off for Kerbal Space Program. It's been half that price on Steam before.

I remember seeing it on sale for $14 and thinking I'd wait it out another year for <$10. Woops. I'm aware now the dev had said it would raise in price out of early access though.
Cool I got a foil card from the sale set. I have no intention of making a foil badge so I should just sell it aye?

They disappear when the sale ends right?

Otherwise I'd just keep it for 'collection' heh.


Unconfirmed Member
Am I able to play it 100% fully with a controller from my couch? I know it says 'partial' support but that can mean a lot of things...from initial setup only to mid game use etc in my experience.


The config utility doesn't have controller support, but in-game it is 100%. Same with the Ys games. Set everything in the configuration before you start (mostly just maxing out graphics settings) and you shouldn't have to touch it again.


Yeah there's been next to nothing for me this sale. A lot of games I've seeing have been cheaper before, even on Steam.
Oh my GOD. I waited all sale, barely spending anything, for a better sale on Resident Evil HD. It finally goes daily, and it's EXACTLY THE SAME PRICE IT'S BEEN ALL SALE?



What the heck is up with the "Europa Universalis IV Extreme Edition"? It's a package that only includes the base game which sells by itself for $7.99, but the package is priced at $11.24.

Paying an extra $3.25? That must be what makes it the Extreme Edition.

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