damn it some games did not go on sale at all , i was waiting to grab some of the older magic the gathering games or raptor or double dragon trilogy not even a hint of sale on them.
Thanks! Though I have played amnesia thanks to the based humble bundles haha. I thought it was okay, though the setting did little for me. Penumbra broke me for a bit at a friends house. I'm told Ethan Carter is horrorish, but also a terrible game. I'm torn on that oneFricitonal Games should be your first stop. Both Amnesia: The Dark Descent and their Penumbra games are praised for their take on the horror genre. I've only played Amensia, personally, but it was genuinely surprising at times.
4 I think. It's short but hilariousHow many levels to explore does Jazzpunk have? I watched a quick run-through of the consulate level and love how it's like a playground of interactivity.
4 I think. It's short but hilarious
Buy Dirt Rally now or wait? I'm currently playing Project Cars and Wreckfest.... but, dat rally racing...
I would probably wait had I known. Dirt rally plays really well, but it's incredibly bare bones and basically no career mode to speak of. It does have a number of tracks available now. Project cars is the better buy right now.
Could anyone tell me, for the older Tomb Raider games (anything before the reboot), which ones have controller support, or are fairly easy to get working with a wired 360 controller?
Are they going to be making another Hexcells? I'm tempted to spend my card money on the complete pack, but if it's going to be more complete later I'd rather spend my gabens toward, like, the next game from the LLTQ dev.
I can already tell Ori is going to be one of these types of games........
Thank you, Tizoc! I won The Silent Age from your awesome giveaway.
My early impressions:
The Silent Age looks fantastic visually - such a beautiful and unique artstyle - and it controls wonderfully and smoothly with either a mouse or an Xbox controller if you prefer that. I usually like controller support in my games, but it's not needed for this.
It is a point and click game. You pick up objects and use them, talk to people, interact with the environment - all of the usual staples of the genre.
The game begins in 1972 and it's yet another day of work for you. You have to meet your boss, and it goes from there.
I have no idea what's happening yet, but there's obviously something going on. I really like the mysterious atmosphere and sense of foreboding.
I can't wait to find out more...
After hearing the voiced pseudo-language I did that and then asked for a refund.
You all force me to do it... I bought Ori
The feels
They hit like a truck
10-15 mins. into the game.
Picked up and starting playing Infested Planet. Game is hardcore.
Refunded Ark. Even with my 780 Ti, the performance is just unbearable. Gonna jump in again when it's technically more sound.
Hey GAF!
I have 1,5 left in my steam wallet and was wondering if there is any metroidvania worth it for that price to grab before the sale ends.
Hey GAF!
I have 1,5 left in my steam wallet and was wondering if there is any metroidvania worth it for that price to grab before the sale ends.
They may not have thought this through.
Congrats GAF, you convinced me to buy Ori
Coincidentally the only thing I bought this sale. Originally only wanted Dark Souls II SotFS, but well... They should have just had it at -33% the entire sale with a -50% daily if they didn't want to give a lower discount.
Probably wouldn't have bought it anyway, but at least my hopes wouldn't have been crushed day after day...
Anyway, I'm going to play Ori now.
Ori is actually really good. I expected it to be overhyped to some degree, but it controls fantastically well.
Probably my favourite non-Metroid non-Castlevania Metroidvania of all time![]()
Damn it refund, give my money back before the sale ends![]()
That's a tight budget... Can't think of any metroidvanias with that money, but if 2D-platforming with some minor combat interests you, check out Battleblock Theater. Stamper's narration in that game is amazing!
Use advanced search on Steam. Don't type anything in the bar, hit enter. On the right side, look at the tags and hit "see all," > type it in the box > sort by price.
Idk how much Outland is in your EU store (since there's two and), but if you could scrounge up some card money, I've been enjoying it plenty.
If not, the game Wake should be good enough. It's 1.50 USD. Only ones I know off head. You may be able to find some in the indie hidden gems thread but I'm not sure of the price point, so I'd go with the advanced search option.
Could anyone tell me, for the older Tomb Raider games (anything before the reboot), which ones have controller support, or are fairly easy to get working with a wired 360 controller?
The feels
They hit like a truck
10-15 mins. into the game.
I started Grim Fandango and my god, the music is amazingly beautiful in this game.
It really brings you back to a different time in gaming and cinema. This game oozes style and while I'm only two hours in, I can already see the differences in ambition, writing and quality compared to Broken Age.
Which isn't a bad game in any sense, I enjoy myself quite a lot playing it, but this one is simply in another league.
I'm wondering if Darkest Dungeon is worth jumping into... Hmm..