Kind of? I got into the Atelier series because it was the closest thing to Recettear I could find, but you don't manage a shop in Atelier games (at least not from Rorona onwards) and there's no haggling with customers or anything like that. What you get instead is a robust crafting system where you synthesize items out of ingredients you collect in dungeons (so similar to getting gear in dungeons and selling it in your shop in Recettear). And though you don't sell things to people directly, you do make items to fulfill the townspeople's requests and whatnot.
The other thing Atelier shares with Recettear is a general lighthearted tone and an emphasis on slice-of-life storytelling. It's not quite as punny as Recettear, especially the newer games (which settle for just being blandly nice most of the time), but they're breezy, relaxing games for the most part. Except for the time constraints, which some people find really stressful (again, echoes of Recettear's debt repayment deadlines), but generally are pretty loose.
I'd say if you're into Recettear, there's a decent chance you'll like Atelier Sophie as well.