Phantasmal Repose
None of you know what bad is unless you've played Xenosaga 2. Makes Persona 2 look like god damn DMC3.
Persona 2's combat is good, though. The issues are the encounter rate, lack of difficulty, and awful card system.
None of you know what bad is unless you've played Xenosaga 2. Makes Persona 2 look like god damn DMC3.
At least it looked kinda cool for 2s... I only got through the first boss before I quit.
Persona 2's combat is good, though. The issues are the encounter rate, lack of difficulty, and awful card system.
Not sure how I feel about this blatant exposition dump theyre giving for Feis backstory.
I think ill do what I did with Eva and give my thoughts about this game as I play through it.
The thing is, the Press turn System makes things legit worse in SMTIV because of the smirk System. Combined with no Defense and you legit will either get wrecked or blow through the game with little trouble after Medusa,
I like having binds and Status elements from EO which a lot of games ignore, they are key features since they work even on bosses
It will, again and again, but then it'll make you laugh before your tears dry, and get you hyped before you stop laughing.just finished episode 42 of Gintama
dammit why am i crying
this anime is gonna destroy me emotionally isnt it?
UNS4 HD Trailer
Looks pretty good, I see they're using the same models again but just enhancing the visual effects, probably 1080p and 60 FPS since it's for current gen only.
I'm okay with this.
No he's not, he's Aizen, similar voice, he was Tokiomi Tōsaka in Fate Zero i love that Kaguras dad is MOTHERFUCKIN KOTOMINE KIREI
Give it time, I'm sure it'll get there.i wish they'd make the jojo game look this good
Honestly, as cool as the press turn system is I think its kind of... too good? Extra actions are by far the most powerful thing you can get in a turn-based game and press turns(and once more, which makes it even worse for a few reasons, the big one being the all out attack) makes it too easy. If you are smart and know what you are doing many combats become a joke and the ones that don't feel boring because the enemy just has no weakness and the cool thing about the system is useless and if you fuck up, you can get wiped out in a single turn because one of allies has a weakness the enemy can get too. Its one of the reasons I miss fusion spells(think CTs combo skills) because they are just fun to use and the game doesn't have any reason to make them unusable(as long as they don't make fusion spells that are too good and too easy to get... which is one of P2s problems admittedly, though I've avoided using the super op one in my current playthrough of P2:IS). PQ makes what I think is a nice compromise with the boosted status. Gives you an advantage(interestingly enough, slow characters get the most out of it, as well as low sp characters), but you an loss it as well(kinda random if they target a boosted person, but ehh, I'm not saying its perfect) and even keeps knock down from being ridiculous by making it not a guarantee just because you crit or hit a weakness.
Yeah, this is nice and kinda goes back to having cool features that don't become useless when you meet a boss. Some other stuff I like is the Link attacks and this one death chaser skill I've seen. When used everyone in that characters row who makes an attack causes the death chaser character to do a physical attack against any enemies they hit(its pretty cool watching Chie follow up a maragi by kicking a bunch of shadows in the face). It also comes with a ridiculous hp cost which limits who you can use it on unless you are good at keeping your boosted status.
...God I just love talking game design.
I didn't say that it was bad, just mediocre. It's decidedly average.Well then don't say it's bad. I don't think that Persona games have amazing combat, but I wouldn't say they are bad.
Oh geez. Hope you can stay well or feel better.Well I'm off for the night. Sleep deprived and starting to feel ill.
Well I'm off for the night. Sleep deprived and starting to feel ill.
Well I'm off for the night. Sleep deprived and starting to feel ill.
Plague's got a new vid, John Cena's top ten is up, and more latenight fisticuffs here on bestgaf.Just got back from a ugly christmas sweater party. Did I miss anything good?
Just got back from a ugly christmas sweater party. Did I miss anything good?
Nothing as usual.Just got back from a ugly christmas sweater party. Did I miss anything good?
More Xrd and Smash? Or was it SkullGirls?Plague's got a new vid, John Cena's top ten is up, and more latenight fisticuffs here on bestgaf.
It's so goood! I think it's the best portable Zelda!Holy Fucking Shit
The Pixel Art of The Minish Cap is fucking gorgeous
Where? I can't see him.Holy Fucking Shit
The Pixel Art of The Minish Cap is fucking gorgeous
Edit: Someone on Reddit recognized Liam in the apple store
Yeah, I legit think EO series has the best turn based battle system in recent games. Nothing feels too OP, and while people think the games are hard, I find them more anti-idiot. (Outside of 2 fuck that game)
The games expect you to know what you're doing and not rush. Learn what your team is good at and use it to your advantage. Playing them like a regular RPG is just asking for pain.
Where? I can't see him.
It was Skullgirls.More Xrd and Smash? Or was it SkullGirls?
You're doing god's work, man.So today I casually played the W101 demo at Best Buy and got a few "That looks crazy!" comments.
So today I casually played the W101 demo at Best Buy and got a few "That looks crazy!" comments.
So today I casually played the W101 demo at Best Buy and got a few "That looks crazy!" comments.
So today I casually played the W101 demo at Best Buy and got a few "That looks crazy!" comments.
I wish that J-Stars game was a traditional 2d fighter
I get they want to be more anime but I think makes the gameplay kind of weird.
Goku would simply destroy everyone.
I guess I can only imagine a fighting game where Dio beats the shit out of Naruto and takes Hinata for himself
Edit: I may or may not get Wonderful 101 at Frys tomorrow
good job, you already did more marketing for the game than Nintendo
So today I casually played the W101 demo at Best Buy and got a few "That looks crazy!" comments.
Brachydios Gem. It's a 2% drop chance. Finally rocking that Greatsword upgrade.
I even had rarer shit on other monsters, but I beat the desire sensor. Now I'm gonna go wreck some Great Jaggi and laugh maniacally.Feels bro.
I even had rarer shit on other monsters, but I beat the desire sensor. Now I'm gonna go wreck some Great Jaggi and laugh maniacally.