whatDoytch said:Not sentries, as Sciz said.
I swear, every time you're on defense I can expect a sentry up on one of the two balconies, and they're always a pain in the neck to kill.
whatDoytch said:Not sentries, as Sciz said.
This is why I try to stay on Drake's team.Cheeto said:Shenanigans have been declared on Drake.
Fixed.Lhadatt said:Xizk as sniper is a jackass and should be eliminated.
Lhadatt said:This is why I try to stay on Drake's team.![]()
As I said in game today, snipers are a jackass class and should be eliminated.
Except the one time when he completely failed at backstabbing you JUST so you could get off a headshot on me.Xizk said:I kept getting backstabbed by Drake so it was no fun to snipe.
Volcynika said:Less sniper hate![]()
OH GOD, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF.Javaman said:And tentacles.
I'm sorry what.Zek said:I thought the Flamethrower was the better of the two weapons before. Now, the Backburner is useless and they really need to fix it somehow. It breaks my heart to see so many Pyros even now still not realize that - they just gave up with the airblast after a couple hours and now it goes to waste.
It is when you compare it to the airblast I just finished talking about. It wasn't before, but now, those back-crits happen so rarely(against people who occasionally look around) that they alone can't possibly be equated with the airblast under pretty much any circumstances. Even if you're not good with the airblast, the easy stuff alone like uber-breaking and self-defense make it worthwhile.TheOneGuy said:I'm sorry what.
It's not useless. At all.
I haven't played much pyro lately, but I know that when Iw as using the backburner, I was at least twice as deadly thanks to the crits, and I very rarely actually took enough damage for that extra health to even matter.Zek said:It is when you compare it to the airblast I just finished talking about. It wasn't before, but now, those back-crits happen so rarely(against people who occasionally look around) that they alone can't possibly be equated with the airblast under pretty much any circumstances. Even if you're not good with the airblast, the easy stuff alone like uber-breaking and self-defense make it worthwhile.
firex said:wow. I think I finally got the timing down to reflect level 3 sentry rockets. too bad they don't blow up the sentry if it's getting repaired though.
Jakob Jungels said:August 1, 2008
One of the things we're looking at for the next update is the creation of a new type of environment for our levels to be built in. We're pretty happy with the way our environments have turned out so far, but as we create more and more maps with these achievement packs, we want our level designers to have more to work with in terms of giving their settings a unique look.
The challenging part of this type of design process is in finding types of terrain and structures that provide an understandable, interesting set of visuals and at the same time staying within the constraints of what we want to do with gameplay. In addition to this, we want to be able to stay within the strengths of the engine that TF is built around.
Image 1
Image 2
In coming up with these ideas, we have a set of questions we ask about each one, for example:
* What are the costs in building this compared to the value it creates for the end user?
* What are the obvious types of new gameplay that we can create with this theme?
* Is this environment flexible enough that we can leverage it for our other gameplay types?
* Is this environment flexible enough to be usable for ideas we may come up with in future updates?
* Is this type of thing recognizable to a larger set of people?
* Has it been used successfully anywhere else? Has it been used too often?
* Does it create a unique experience that people will be drawn to?
* Can we leverage existing art assets to help build the new environment?
Having come up with a set of criteria, the next stage of the process is to brainstorm as many possibilities as we can, building a list that we can chip away at over time. In doing so, we come up with a smaller set of possibilities, some which we may build right away and some which we reserve for a later time.
We find that creating a set of questions like the above actually makes the design process quicker and easier for us - immediately highlighting which ideas simply will not work with the goals we have in mind. Hopefully these examples will help you in taking a look at your own ideas for what types of environments you'd like to see TF take place in.
nah, I always get a few bullets first, but I managed to get it so I would lose 55 health once before rockets would come in.Javaman said:Have you found a way to trigger the missles without being shot by the bullets? I've tried that once or twice, but always get my health whittled down before I can do any serious reflection damage to it.
Well the back-crit detection is incredibly strict. It will not work unless they are facing directly away from you and you are running straight towards them. In other words they have to be completely oblivious to your presence and not looking around or being careful at all. That doesn't happen very often if the other team is any good(and if they're not, well, it doesn't matter what you use). Even in the situations where you get back-crits, most of the time you would have gotten the kill anyway with a normal flamethrower. The health boost was the better bonus because it was reliable and helped in all situations regardless of enemy competence.TheOneGuy said:I haven't played much pyro lately, but I know that when Iw as using the backburner, I was at least twice as deadly thanks to the crits, and I very rarely actually took enough damage for that extra health to even matter.
The health was a nice bonus and that's it. The crits are what really mattered.
Even with my ping, I was still really effective with the pyro, and I've always had the MSOT trouble with that class thanks to the latency problems.
I don't know why you're lecturing me on CB's usefulness, though. I was one of the few people who defended it after the backburner was revealed.
You can't, but the first round of missiles goes out instantly, so what you have to do is get hit by just a bullet or two so the missiles launch, duck back behind the corner, and then pop out again in time to reflect the missiles. It's not worth the trouble very often.Javaman said:Have you found a way to trigger the missles without being shot by the bullets? I've tried that once or twice, but always get my health whittled down before I can do any serious reflection damage to it.
? It's completely in spirit of the class, it's just an old-fashioned Pyro that's a little better at ambushing. There's nothing wrong with that IMHO, they just need to either improve the back-crits or add another feature to fill it out.Confidence Man said:Now that the idiotic health bonus is gone people seem to be coming around to what a shitty idea just adding guaranteed crits to a weapon is. It's not in the spirit of the class, or even of the game. Valve sure loves their crits, though.
Sciz said:what
I swear, every time you're on defense I can expect a sentry up on one of the two balconies, and they're always a pain in the neck to kill.
Well, hey, fine, whatever. Maybe that's your experience, but...Zek said:Well the back-crit detection is incredibly strict. It will not work unless they are facing directly away from you and you are running straight towards them. In other words they have to be completely oblivious to your presence and not looking around or being careful at all. That doesn't happen very often if the other team is any good(and if they're not, well, it doesn't matter what you use). Even in the situations where you get back-crits, most of the time you would have gotten the kill anyway with a normal flamethrower. The health boost was the better bonus because it was reliable and helped in all situations regardless of enemy competence.
Just saying, when somebody is already engaged and distracted and you start flaming them from behind, it doesn't generally matter if you crit or not. And all the times things don't go that well, you've got no airblast. Back-crits come in handy once in a while, sure, but the airblast is a major class-defining ability and I think people still don't realize what they're giving up when they just pick Backburner by default.TheOneGuy said:Well, hey, fine, whatever. Maybe that's your experience, but...
I can pretty reliably get back-crits. You just have to, you know, ambush. Be smart about it. Wait until they're already engaged in battle and distracted, THEN jump them with it. (This strategy also works remarkably well for the spy, of course!) Simply hiding around the corner when they're only halfway to the battle isn't good enough. Jump from above, if possible. Etc.
That was debunked already, it's some bug with the bots he used.aznpxdd said:Has this been posted here yet? So it turns out BB has longer range than the regular Flamethrower. Valve did some ninja buff.
Confidence Man said:Now that the idiotic health bonus is gone people seem to be coming around to what a shitty idea just adding guaranteed crits to a weapon is. It's not in the spirit of the class, or even of the game. Valve sure loves their crits, though.
Won said:I know you hate crits, but this statement doesn't make sense at all, even for a crit hater.
Remember that GOD guy on 2f2f? The demos I have of him also show me getting a 5 kill streak during an uber on Mini Canyon.Capndrake said:Oh god that was amazing. On 2fort2furious we were playing on Granary. I was at the center as Medic and about to die (With 100% charge), so I grabbed the nearest person, which was dygit as Scout. He proceeded to bat 2 people to death, after which the uber ran out and we went on to the fourth CP. On the way he bat-killed about 5 or 6 more people. We then went for the last point (By this time the rest of our team had capped the 3rd and 4th point) and actually got it :lol
Are you serious? Crits have never been "a random element of the game" , they've been part of the balance since the start; as we can see with melee weapons.Confidence Man said:It's the fact that so far three of their weapon upgrades revolve around crits in some way (either restricting them or guaranteeing them under certain conditions); what was at first just a random element of the game is now turning into a central gameplay element around which things are being designed.
It just seems like a cop-out on Valve's part. Of all the new kinds of weapons one can come up with for a pyro, all they can manage is one that gives crits from behind (which doesn't make any sense, why would fire hurt more from behind?). I know, it's a game and all, but still. There are probably a hundred better ways to make the class more effective without mucking around with crits.
Confidence Man said:It's the fact that so far three of their weapon upgrades revolve around crits in some way (either restricting them or guaranteeing them under certain conditions); what was at first just a random element of the game is now turning into a central gameplay element around which things are being designed.
It just seems like a cop-out on Valve's part. Of all the new kinds of weapons one can come up with for a pyro, all they can manage is one that gives crits from behind (which doesn't make any sense, why would fire hurt more from behind?). I know, it's a game and all, but still. There are probably a hundred better ways to make the class more effective without mucking around with crits.
What is your problem with crits aside from them being random? I don't like that either but the unlocks have done nothing to increase the dumb luck factor at all.Confidence Man said:It's the fact that so far three of their weapon upgrades revolve around crits in some way (either restricting them or guaranteeing them under certain conditions); what was at first just a random element of the game is now turning into a central gameplay element around which things are being designed.
It just seems like a cop-out on Valve's part. Of all the new kinds of weapons one can come up with for a pyro, all they can manage is one that gives crits from behind (which doesn't make any sense, why would fire hurt more from behind?). I know, it's a game and all, but still. There are probably a hundred better ways to make the class more effective without mucking around with crits.
PillowKnight said:Are you serious? Crits have never been "a random element of the game" , they've been part of the balance since the start; as we can see with melee weapons.
That aside, I would be more likely to agree with your if back crits did not play to the pyro's strengths. How else would you make the pyro more deadly on ambushes?
The worst part though, is how you completely ignore the CB. The CB, shows that valve isn't just taking the easy route when it comes to changing the classes, and that they are open to really cool ideas--even one as drastic and game changing as the CB.
It's also ironic that the same person who complained about crits being random is now complaining when crits are made not random. Although, I suppose you just hate crits in general, but I just think that's silly.
Confidence Man said:And Won, why should an ambush only be effective from behind? A surprise attack can come from anywhere. A Pyro should be a close quarters monster from any angle.
I took offense on the "just" part, which I didn't quote. As for your suggestion, that sounds insanely unbalanced, and would be a buff to pyros who also attack from the front, it rewards poor game play, unlike the back burner which rewards only surprise attacks. Also, taking away control from the game player is a lame game mechanic-- one which is much more frustrating than death.Confidence Man said:Crits are, as valve described them, a way to implement randomness into an otherwise deterministic set of rules (whether you consider that "balance" is another matter), and I can get where they're coming from even though I think it's a cheap way to bring that in.
As for the Pyro, if they wanted to buff his ambushing skills they could've just added a new flamethrower that did more base damage than the regular one and maybe disoriented the victim a lot more (unless you're a sniper, being on fire doesn't really affect your ability to fight) so it would be a lot harder to just spin around and fire back.
And the CB is great. Love it. All I want is the same thought put into the rest of the weapons.
It wasn't a complaint about crits per se, more about Valve's choice of new weapon with respect to the Backburner (I would probably say the same about the Kritzkrieg).
Download this : http://www.erlenddahl.net/tf2stats/Default.aspx#downloadTrax416 said:How do I check my Kill death ratio? I have been playing this game since it's launch and never bothered to find out.
Is it just my average kills for that class?
PillowKnight said:
Apparently it means getting ubered and hitting a heavy with a bat until the uber runs out and you die.I showed Twig what BONK means!
TheOneGuy said:I like crits to a point.
Where I draw the line is when I get killed by ONE PIPE BOMB as a HEAVY.
What the fuck.
Apparently it means getting ubered and hitting a heavy with a bat until the uber runs out and you die.
No.Volcynika said:Less sniper hate![]()
heavy at full health can usually survive a crit explosive, were you 100%?TheOneGuy said:I like crits to a point.
Where I draw the line is when I get killed by ONE PIPE BOMB as a HEAVY.
What the fuck.
Crit stickies do over 300 damage. Normal crit nades do 295. Ridiculous to be honest.rakka said:heavy at full health can usually survive a crit explosive, were you 100%?
Giganticus said:Crit stickies do over 300 damage. Normal crit nades do 295. Ridiculous to be honest.
If they are direct, then yes. Heavies are very slow, more so when fighting, and are easier to score a direct hit on.Ysiadmihi said:Are you sure this is true? There have been plenty of times when my crit sticky grenades just push the enemy closer to me.