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TFS DragonBall Z Abridged

Commenting on the second half (begins about 17 minutes in)

Loved how Vegeta was essentially a stand-in for the vapid Broly fans. "SO COOL"

It was a surprisingly meta movie. Bringing up the villains from the previous ones, and outright saying the next one belongs to Gohan. Poor Wheelo.

I want a divorce
Me too! I'm starving
Now that's a callback.

Good thing Bardock's next to cleanse things.
Though there's no gap between Broly 2 and Bio-Broly.

Is that a callback to their own stuff or the end of DragonBall?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Gotta say, I'm sorta disappointed. Not so much with the jokes they had, but rather the missed opportunities. There were quite a few of them.

- Vegeta kicking Broly as he was about to transform not doing any damage whatsoever
- Piccolo dragging/carrying Vegeta by his hair
- Vegeta sliding down the mountain after Broly smashed him into it
- That scene where Broly punches Goku and the screen shatters (one of the legit funny moments in the original).

They could have done so much more. Also, it felt quite rushed.

And forgive me for the possibly dumb question, but I'm guessing Broly speaking the third person was supposed to be a reference to eh Huik?

All the way back to dragonball. When Chich and Goku first talked about marriage, Goku said yes because he thought a bride was a kind of food.

Wait, what?? TFS dubbed the original DB as well?



The way they used the "Broly mad because Kakarot made him cry as a baby" story to hit Vegeta with shock, awe and discontent (?) about the Legendary Super Saiyan really sold it!

I was expecting him to, in Frieza's words, "cry like a bitch", like in the original movie, but this was better. Good job.
The Broly movie got me thinking about a Second Coming Abridged movie, and the funny thing is I'm having a hard time imagining a DBZ Abridged not led by Goku.

TFS will have the same problem Toriyama did I guess.


So yeah, still not that good. There's a handful of good gags, the slap fight was genuinely amazing, Vegeta becoming a squealing fanboy while cringing about how dumb Broly is, and PIccolo going super doting parent was funny, but it's altogether weak.

It felt like it was done out of obligation more than anything.

World's Strongest is still the worst one they've done, because at least this had some funny bits while WS was just non-stop boredom, but it's still not that good.


Watched it last night. I thought it was okay with a few funny moments but watching it knowing how TFS hates Broly/his fanbase made the whole thing come off... i dunno, a beat mean spirited?
So did anyone watch this with subtitles on and see the silly names used for the characters, like Vegeta becoming Broly's #1 FANBOI.

Gohan's dad
Loved this one

The slapping sounds
Vegeta's entire ego from the moment he is called "King" and his heel turn when he realised they were using slaves
Piccollo being a doting father
Cell randomly waiting at his ring
One punch man references
"He cried... For like three hours"
The slaves being sadists


I really think TFS's writing gets better by the episode.

It helps they can do a lot more story bending thanks to all the editing work, but it all adds up together as something I like more than DBZ.

I love how Piccolo has become Gohan's father figure.


It's just so out of nowhere. It's some arbitrary wacky character trait that has no bearing on the characters, and what makes DBZA so good is that it's practically its own dub of the series at this point.


Eh, they had to do something with the aliens, and that was a pretty good choice imo. During the Broly gaming livestream they mentioned it spun off from an ad-lib.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Holy hell, TFS essentially squeezed blood out of a stone on this one.

I fucking lost it at the slap fight.

Can you blame them? The movie is mostly just Broly beating the shit out of everyone until Goku gathers the energy and finishes it.
And the stuff leading to it was just boooooooring.

I remember when Toonami aired the movie and I could not believe how dull it was.


Can you blame them? The movie is mostly just Broly beating the shit out of everyone until Goku gathers the energy and finishes it.
And the stuff leading to it was just boooooooring.

I remember when Toonami aired the movie and I could not believe how dull it was.

To be honest, most of what I remember of Broly from any form of DBZ media (anime, games, otherwise) is him beating the shit out of people until he gets one-shotted by something dumb.

When the movie first aired on Toonami, I do remember skipping almost the entire first half though.
I hope they don't even touch Second Coming and Bio-Broly. You think making the first Broly movie funny was impressive? Don't even waste time trying to make those funny.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I hope they don't even touch Second Coming and Bio-Broly. You think making the first Broly movie funny was impressive? Don't even waste time trying to make those funny.

Oh they're going to do them.
Otherwise they're going to be bombarded with "WEN BROLI 2" "WEN BIO BROLI"

They're going to do all the movies eventually.
I hope they don't even touch Second Coming and Bio-Broly. You think making the first Broly movie funny was impressive? Don't even waste time trying to make those funny.

Kind of their job now though, even if they pretend people care about their other crap.

I mean: Broly is like, in there for three seconds and then he's blown into the sun. They can use that. Bio-broly for 18-Satan interactions and Krillin finally becoming a Super Human. And then wakes up. Could be a Halloween thing.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I wonder what these guys are gonna do once they've done the entire series.

They could always abridge the original Dragon Ball or Dragon Ball Super.

Of course by the time they finish DBZ they would have been doing this for 10-15 years so they might just stop.


I like how they brought back the "you're not dealing with the average Saiyan anymore" joke, this time with Vegeta on the receiving end. I loved that part with Freeza.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I can't see them stopping. I have no idea how profitable the DBZ abridged series is split between everyone on staff, but I'd assume it's a pretty nice form of additional income at the very least. It would be pretty dumb for them to just stop when there's dozens of animes out there that they could tackle next (and that's assuming they decide to ignore the original DB or Super).


I can't see them stopping. I have no idea how profitable the DBZ abridged series is split between everyone on staff, but I'd assume it's a pretty nice form of additional income at the very least. It would be pretty dumb for them to just stop when there's dozens of animes out there that they could tackle next (and that's assuming they decide to ignore the original DB or Super).

Technically DBZA and Hellsing Abridged don't earn them any money. They spend time/effort on them and get zero money in return.

What they do get is popularity, and they can turn that popularity into indirect money by making things like other videos (ones which are allowed to earn money), selling merchandise, and they get like $10,000 a month from Patreon. Those revenue streams will dry up if TFS doesn't stay relevant by doing popular stuff like DBZA. If DBZA ends and TFS can't find a suitable replacement for it's popularity, they're probably going to have to quit being TFS.

I assume that being in TFS is a well-paying gig, even though they're obviously doing it partly out of love (that being the whole reason why they started). I haven't seen any indications that they're burning themselves out and the only thing holding them together is their drive to complete DBZA. So if DBZA is completed, I think they'll try to find a new reason to stick together. It shouldn't be that hard for them to find something new that they love, which is also popular.
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