My worst day of BoI ever.
I was grinding my final 200 coins with Azazel.
Then I got a run with Book of Rev on the first floor, so went for Meat Boy. Got meat 3 times in a row (every other boss), but... CRASHED entering boss room for the 4th and final. Was super excited because when I reloaded the game my save was kept and I could restart the level! Except it crashed EVERY time I entered the boss room. (Tried 4 times, including using an Emperor card)
First and only time BoI crashed on me, and it cost me meat boy.
THEN... very next run my first item was the Holy Mantle. So once again I went for it, this time The Chest no damage run. Had brimstone, the knife, was azazel, was guppy, had holy mantle and EVERY damage up i can think of - money = power with 99 coins, cricket, pact, pentagram, ababadon, and more.
I killed blue baby w.o getting hit.
too bad in the room before that, i got hit once by a enemy, which was fine (holy mantle) but then got hit by one of those moving spikes after i clear the room because i'm an idiot.
Awful. At least i only have 50 coins to go for stopwatch