press the bottom right side of the screen, where the pill is.
Question: do you like the 8-bit visual style or did you prefer the original(if you've played the original)?
Question: do you like the 8-bit visual style or did you prefer the original(if you've played the original)?
Tyrone Rodriguez ‏@tyronerodriguez 8 minutes ago
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth will have a Steam update today. Details coming in the next couple of hours. In other news, I'm very sleepy
Yep, Azazel is definitely easy mode. Beat the game on my first try with him. Or did I? Is there more to the game past Mom if I beat her again or is it literally just unlocking characters and doing the challenges from here on?
Yep, Azazel is definitely easy mode. Beat the game on my first try with him. Or did I? Is there more to the game past Mom if I beat her again or is it literally just unlocking characters and doing the challenges from here on?
Yep, Azazel is definitely easy mode. Beat the game on my first try with him. Or did I? Is there more to the game past Mom if I beat her again or is it literally just unlocking characters and doing the challenges from here on?
Yep, Azazel is definitely easy mode. Beat the game on my first try with him. Or did I? Is there more to the game past Mom if I beat her again or is it literally just unlocking characters and doing the challenges from here on?
Question: do you like the 8-bit visual style or did you prefer the original(if you've played the original)?
Had a pretty killer Judas run. Halo + Big Mushroom combo isn't fancy but it's got carrying power. Add in a Little Mushroom and Cancer and you've basically got a machine gun. Seed: 72GA C7LQ
ya'll prolly hate me for this but i play with the filter on
Getting an error when I try to Sync on PS4.
Is it still down?
Okay so this was totally new to me. Spoiler in the image I linked.
Found a door with wood over it, it took 2 bombs to clear out and when I walked in to the room I got this;
Let me go to sleep on the bed and I woke up with full hearts. I tried to do it a 2nd time but it wouldn't let me.
Also the picture of the ass on the wall made me laugh pretty hard.
Beating mom is equivalent to beating the "first" boss in the grand scheme of things. There's a lot of content left to unlock, additional chapters, bosses etc.
stay away from sync unless you want to lose progress (common) or possibly get corrupt saves (seems to happen to very few ppl)
ugh come on, I just synced my cross save and it fucking wiped my progress
ya'll prolly hate me for this but i play with the filter on
reminds me of old isaac
By all rights this should've been the worst run, but instead it was the best.
First was Mom's Contact, which has a chance to fire a tear behind you. Then I grabbed Ipecac, which I'm generally okay with except that I'd forgotten about the contact, which made standing near walls a problem. So that was a pain in the neck for a while, but I hung on until I got... something or other that lit my tears on fire, leaving flames behind on impact. It also made me fireproof. This was followed by a lump of coal, so I suddenly had some pretty wicked long range artillery.
Then I stumbled across Dr. Fetus. So instead of Ipecac's wonky targeting, my basic tears were little Bob's Heads that grew stronger the further I threw them and left behind hellfire. And I have no idea why this next part was happening, but whenever mom's contact procced, both bombs would instantaneously go off on top of me. But I was immune to bomb damage, which probably had happened back when I just had flaming ipecac, but it took until I started detonating explosives in my face on a regular basis to notice.
So instead of the usual splash damage hell that comes with having explosive tears, I was free to fling death with complete abandon and occasionally explode with pure toxic rage, bathing the world around me with flames. Minor bosses died in one good hit. Major bosses hardly survived much longer. Rooms where the mushroom doubled my fire rate were especially fun, and the unicorn stump let me go invincible and wait for anything still standing to burn to death if I wanted.
So, did you keep the seed code? I'm curious to try it
Apparently the no damage achievements disregard damage on the first floor of a chapter, too. So you only need to avoid getting hit on Basement II to get Basement Boy, and so on.
So in theory to get Dark Boy you need the tarot card that teleports you to Mom, a Bible and that's it, done? Hmmm...
Apparently the no damage achievements disregard damage on the first floor of a chapter, too. So you only need to avoid getting hit on Basement II to get Basement Boy, and so on.
Pretty much. That is, until they patch it. It's most certainly a bug.
anyone having issues with notifications and BOIR on the PS4? it never seems to work (like if i earn a trophy, if i press the PS button while it's flashing on screen it wont take me straight to trophies) and if i try to go back to the XMB and then return to the game it locks the game up half the time.
yeah, they need to patch this already.