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The Black Culture Thread |OT18| - Ma-ma-ma-MAXIMUM! Haram Achieved

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Imagine folks showing more concern for their fan base being called racist than an actual racist act. I can. Its easy 😃

I'm sure they're more concerned with the damage their team's brand takes from this. Racist family members need love. Racist fans if your team are merely outliers. Many forget it is their family members that make up a good number of these racist fans
It started with an chonie thief so that got me kinda more involved. I had to see what was up because the people directly under me is supposed to fill me in as I have other responsibilities but due to the fact that it had been ongoing for so long I have zero confidence in them. Started interviewing the young ones at work and shit I got to hear what they have to accept is horrible. Old men talking about how women shouldn't have the same salary due to the fact that they aren't as smart or as strong as a man, from a chemical engineer this is as well...like what the fuck? The strength you need to lift a damn test tube is a non issue. Men that call each other whatever insult they can come up with and everyone else has to accept that as well no matter what. People using the intercom system to blaze out how badly they feel about one particular person. Having a go about how the young ones should do the Negrojob or they are gay of some sort. So shit like that. I Have been in contact with HR and tried to have them green light some sort of training akin to sensitivity training, kinda to give them one last chance to actually realise that they are behaving like idiots. This would be for the workers and engineers alike. But no. HR don't see any wrong in anything and that that's just "men being men". I talked to the locus chief and he was the same. Just "men being men".

And this isn't the first time. HR have been hiring people they are related to for years and I have fired the same people for years. Going above them and ignoring them as much as possible. I mean I can deal with nepotism of sort but HR seems to be this own thing no one dares to mess with. Especially not their relatives. Ok so sure, 1300 people here. No one would notice a handful of disgusting people but they have this annoying habit of ending up in my house. Which btw was forced on me. I liked having a team of 30ish people, managing them and talking up our products to costumers but now I suddenly have 220 more people to be responsible for, they centered R&D together with PD. No I don't like it. Especially not when those under me responsible for all them refuse to actually be responsible or keep me informed about the well being of people. So yes, I go work knowing that no one gives a shit about how things are. As long as the money comes in I could build a damn ring and make people fight each other for fun and no one would care.

Sorry to seem like a hippie but anyone with half a brain cell do understand the correlation between being well mentally at work and being sick or doing a bad job. Not to mention the dangerous moments that occur in the work itself. It's stressful enough knowing that you can kill yourself and your work "mates" if you fuck up badly but being in a hostile work environment atop of that? I don't see any of the young ones staying or anyone wanting to work for us in the future. I don't want to work for us right now either.

Damn dude I understand, all of that sounds like my previous job years ago which is why I decided to run my own business, that and other reasons which pushed me over the edge, especially seeing how the CEO treated people including me. However nasty people are towards each other it becomes such a toxic and dangerous environment it drives you nuts. I'm sorry to hear you're having to go through this, and I know exactly how it feels. Some people just don't know how to grow up, there's more to working than just a paycheck. Can't stand that mentality. And if they feel that way they should leave.

And that sexism shit? Ruins all morale, and is wrong. I always had dudes sticking their foot in their mouths because the majority of my custom mechanics are women, they're doing diagnostics, driving forklifts, driving trucks, making deliveries and all types of shit. I wish another dude would come in my shop and tell me they don't want a woman working on their car, and sadly its rare now but used to happen often. Took a couple employees on that spewed dumb shit, got rid of em. Hired dudes I thought to respect and when they see they're working along side a woman that can do the exact same shit they can, they feel some type of way, fuck out of here. Some people just can't appreciate a good thing and fuck it up for everyone else.

Had my last practical final for my culinary arts program today. I did an Cantonese chicken, with honey ginger zucchini and ginger rice.

I aced that test like:

All that's left is a written test and I'm done.

I'd eat it. Congrats. Don't forget us when you win a James Beard award.


I remember that dude that kept saying he was black, then saying all blacks are the same and we put it all on ourselves.


Wasn't that the same one that said Trump would give black entrepreneurs small loans$$$ to start a business.

The poster that said Obama isn't the 1st black president because he's mixed?


If I call Barak a mixed man instead of black is that wrong or a bannable offence? I dont want to offend

ok was just wondering cause if i didnt think he was the first black president , i wasnt sure if that would go over well

Am I the only person who is not voting? I'm not feeling either candidate

If hes serious about the microloans to black entrepreneurs


If it's that easy to flip you on either of these candidates you're either not as informed on these candidates as you should be by now and/or you're way too susceptible to lip service to your own detriment. There's no reason why you should be even considering voting for someone who refuses to denounce support from David Duke, discriminated against black people in his real-estate companies by refusing to allow them to rent from him, and continues to talk to large white crowds about how he is going to help black people, among other issues with the candidate himself, let alone the political party he represents.

Meanwhile, DeRay McKesson just endorsed Hillary Clinton. Might be worth your time to read his article.

To me this comes off as very condescending and I never said I was voting for him . I showed interest in his plan to give black entrepreneurs loans because if hes serious that would help with jobs.

I am well aware of his discrimination and the people who support him. I'm srry if you feel me not voting for a white woman who has called black men super predators and that stole funds from Haiti for her own profit along with a list of other issues.

As far as BLM endorsing Hilary , I like their cause and what they stand for but I dont trust an organization that was funded by George Soros. RIP Darren Seals

Does it offend you that I dont like her? I'm not afraid of Trump nor do I care if he becomes president as many of the people in my circle feel the same. I'm focused on getting my degree , my money and doing me.


So nobody listens to Tariq or Umar Johnson? You should check them out

Alright, that's enough post history for the week.

I don't even know where to look for it, but he had a thread talking about being doxxed or harrrassed... so he made a sad video asking people to lay off.

He posted it in here too.

Ha guys I think I'm the target of online bullying . Im pretty sure someone has posted a unflattering picture or video of me online somewhere so if you have seen my face pls let me know.

I dont know how to post pics so ill just link a youtube vid I just posted thanks in advance



I like the guy playing Shadow Moon on American Gods. He's basically perfect for the role, look, height, the way he carries himself.


I don't watch anime

You sure?

You are not supposed to share their history
Was shocked when i saw Flash singing

It was a shit show as well. Every one was way shit at acting, so it's mad how much he has stepped up.

They pretty much forced him off of The 100. I feel like this is a promotion though. He wasn't getting enough shine on The 100

Yeah. He was on Hollyoaks (UK teen drama shit) for years and wasn't great.
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