I love this MS DRM back pedal family. Public opinion and the pressure it can exude is the ultimate super power in the world.
There are dudes hot about it. They thought MS was going to allow you to give out 9 copies of a game for nothing.
I love this MS DRM back pedal family. Public opinion and the pressure it can exude is the ultimate super power in the world.
please tell me they are 2 sets of twins?I saw on the news today a 19 year old mother of 4.
I saw on the news today a 19 year old mother of 4.
please tell me they are 2 sets of twins?
I saw on the news today a 19 year old mother of 4.
You can marry as young as 13 in New Hampshire. (my reaction to that is: WAT)
But still.. goddamn
You can marry as young as 13 in New Hampshire. (my reaction to that is: WAT)
But still.. goddamn
It was a story about how her 5 month old baby died somehow after she had it in the bed.
The other kids are 4,2 ,1.
how many DY's?
only for the initial setup though?
whether it's a problem depends on whether it's just a short setup/authorization, or whether you actually have to download a whole system update
I saw on the news today a 19 year old mother of 4.
I just finished The Last of Us.
I need to go ly dwn
Okay is this shit on the same level as Walking Dead?
The game is on it's own level really.
I can't even post in Slay's thread right now. I had to niggafy some dudes conversation at lunch a few minutes ago. He was going on about how his daughter is dating a black guy and the guy has a pretty good job at Microsoft but he complains to much about the obstacles he has to face at work for being black. Then he said:
"I get so sick of his complaining. Blacks don't have it bad anymore. He never experienced slavery, He didn't experience what his ancestors did so he can't complain."
My boy tried to stop me, but it was too late. "Hey my man, have you ever been stopped by the cops because you fit the description? Have you ever had a security guard follow you around in the store because you look like the type to steal? Have you ever been frisked longer than everyone else at a Hootie and the blowfish concert because you don't look like the type to listen to that kind of music? Ever been told by a boss you need to soften your look if you want to get a promotion? Oh you haven't? Then you have no right to speak on the black experience. Especially here in North Carolina......Now finish ya lil frosty and get way from round me"
coming from the south you know he got me pissed when I'm playing some ole negro gospel at my desk trying to calm down.
Edit- Dammit D.funk. Let me crank this Kirk Franklin up!!!
Okay is this shit on the same level as Walking Dead?
I don't know why I like these so much https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=537792729620781&set=vb.471293809616508&type=2&theater
I thought it was more impactful since you had more control over Joel than Lee.
Niggas saw them Gamestop pre-orders and flipped the script
Don't tell me you guys are gonna crawl back to m$ after this fuckery
Which is exactly why Microsoft spite-removed some of the features, to paint some stuff as "well, we could have done -awesomething- but we can't do it now because of what you did " even though they still can.
I don't think anyone in their right mind is gonna be simping back to MS. But then again the Gizmodo article thread is filled with a disturbing amount of people who agree with the moron who wrote it and/or are blaming consumers for "stalling the future."
only for the initial setup though?
I'm loving the use of the "term" simp when referring to video games.I don't think anyone in their right mind is gonna be simping back to MS. But then again the Gizmodo article thread is filled with a disturbing amount of people who agree with the moron who wrote it and/or are blaming consumers for "stalling the future."
I'm loving the use of the "term" simp when referring to video games.
Console simping will be a thing
Don't tell me you guys are gonna crawl back to m$ after this fuckery
I hope no one does. Man microsoft are probably just going to slow roll all those bad DRM features onto consumers over the life cycle of the X box one, once they've sold enough units. I don't trust them and I hope nobody in their right mind does either. They had no problem a few weeks ago fucking over their consumers and that was before they got a single customer to invest money into their system and games.
I'm with you on this bro. Who's to say they don't add this stuff at a later date. The same way Sony pulled out the ps3's Linux capability, MSFT could easily add their DRM stuff at a later date. This stuff has already been built, it's already been mapped out. All they are doing is delaying the inevitable in my opinion.
The industry will be there sooner than many on this board will hope. Sony has similar plans.
Wot m8Sony has similar plans.
Don't tell me you guys are gonna crawl back to m$ after this fuckery
I'll get an xb1 eventually
They really should have said "every single Xbox One game will have dedicated servers powered by Microsoft, standard". People would have fucking loved it
but nope, had to use the cloud pr bullshit. Hardly anyone knows the above fact. And that's all on them. Because that's really what it is, every game has the ability to spin up dedis in Azure. Which to be honest, is a really cool thing.
They really should have said "every single Xbox One game will have dedicated servers powered by Microsoft, standard". People would have fucking loved it
but nope, had to use the cloud pr bullshit. Hardly anyone knows the above fact. And that's all on them. Because that's really what it is, every game has the ability to spin up dedis in Azure. Which to be honest, is a really cool thing.
This is such a stupid position though. Sony admitted that they were considering the very same policies, they just handled it better by backtracking behind the scenes. People who act like Sony have more morals than Microsoft, and that they're pro consumer and for gamers, are completely misguided. Sony is a multi billion dollar corporation just like Microsoft, and like all multi billion dollar corporations, all decisions they make are with the intention of self preservation and increasing future profits. If a multi billion dollar corporation radiates qualities that are seemingly pro consumer and pro gaming, it's because they've deemed those qualities necessary to increasing their bottom line. That's why we see corporations shift from being virtuous and pro consumer, to morally repugnant assholes without a car in the world towards the industry, and vice versa depending on their success within their respective fields.
We're not that far removed from a time where Microsoft was seen as "for gamers," and Sony was seen as conceited, complacent and full of themselves. If a company thinks they can get away with something without any blow back, they're going to do it 100% of the time. Case in point, Sony charging for PSN this generation.