that's because you need to leave vsync on. or if you use the nvidia control panel or nvidia inspector to force vsync on make sure the in game one is off. then set rivatuner to 60fps. turning it off completely isn't helping. in game vsync with rivatuner usually fixes everything for me. i play every single game that way.
If you have gsync, vsync and frame limiter should be off, right?
Quad SLI? Talk about diminishing returns.Is it? I'm running 4 Titan X's in SLI with an 5960x @ 4.4ghz and I'm only getting around 40fps with max settings (minus AA).
Is it? I'm running 4 Titan X's in SLI with an 5960x @ 4.4ghz and I'm only getting around 40fps with max settings (minus AA).
For 970 GTX @ 1080p using G-sync?
Quad SLI? Talk about diminishing returns.
I'm a little confused by the temporal AA options. What is the difference between Supersampling and Stabilization? Super looks smoother, stabilization definitely has more jaggies, but I notice no performance difference between them?
I also don't see post fx SMAA doing much of anything.
If it works like the way I think it does: that would be a TAA which kicks in on the camera move (and maybe when objects move?) to reduce signal change. While the super sampling option jitters the screen by subpixels all the time and accumulates samples for AA.
The Stabilisation one would lead to more aliased but "clearer" standing screenshots, while Super Sampling option would lead to less aliased but arguably softer standing screenshots.
Quad SLI? Talk about diminishing returns.
One thing I can't stand is the chromatic aberration in this game. It literally makes me a little queesy, lol. Anyone else getting that? Thankfully it can be turned off.
I am getting 30-45fps with this setup with the settings it defaulted to which seemed to be a mix of high and ultra. Gsync is probably helping, but it feels nice and smooth and looks fantastic. Yeah 60FPS would be nice, but I never expected a single card to push modern games at this resolution @ 60 without really knocking down tons of settingsPerformance is terrible on a single 980 Ti at 3440x1440. Will wait on this one.
I would suggest cranking AF up to 16x, has like no perf impact but will look even betterAfter messing around for a bit i found these to be the best possible settings for a "solid" 60 fps (might get a couple of frames to drop if there's like 8 people on screan shooting at each other)
GTX 970oc
Tried this after playing the first 5 hours with the game settings maxed and locking the framerate at 30fps but in the end this feels way better and the game is as gorgeous as ever
I would suggest cranking AF up to 16x, has like no perf impact but will look even better
I have a 5K monitor, so it takes a lot of hardware to play games at that resolution. Go hard or go home baby.
After messing around for a bit i found these to be the best possible settings for a "solid" 60 fps (might get a couple of frames to drop if there's like 8 people on screen shooting at each other)
GTX 970oc
Tried this after playing the first 5 hours with the game settings maxed and locking the framerate at 30fps but in the end this feels way better and the game is as gorgeous as ever
Game seems to be running at 60fps according to the in-game counter, but it doesn't really seem smooth. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Game seems to be running at 60fps according to the in-game counter, but it doesn't really seem smooth. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Lol very little games support sli? I think you'd be surprised just how many do.But very little games even support 2 way SLI, let along 4 way, and even when they do the negative affects are substantial.
I had this problem with The Crew, it was thanks to the online/connection and there wasn't anything I could do about that.
my configuration:
3570k @ 4.4 Ghz
XFX 390x OC
24GB Ram
Win 10 x64
I honestly though my system should be powerful enough to get me some nice locked 60FPS with everything on high (not ultra, no supermega AA or anything) @ 1080p
After fiddling around with the settings a bit I've noticed some weird issues.
Regardless of what settings I choose, I will always get around the same FPS, it's super weird.
(Vsync on Auto, 60 Hz Monitor via DP, tested in front of base of operations)
If I set everything on high I will get 60 FPS with occasional dips to upper 40s and mid 50s
If I set everything on low, I will get the same 60 FPS with the exact same occasional dips.
Dark Zone FPS are much lower, they occasionally dip into the mid 30s and never come close to solid 60 FPS for a long time.
The whole game also does not seem as smooth as the open beta anymore, it's a bit "stutter-y" for some reason.
Here's what my GPU usage graph looks like - shouldn't it stay up at or around 100% like all the time? (final part was where I alt-tabbed)
Furthermore, my CPU usage appears to be around 100% most of the time - judging from the Digital Foundry article it should never stay up that much, right?
No other processes are horring my GPU or CPU, when I exit the game, everything is back to idle.
Any input from you guys?
Is "well, it's a beta after all" the correct answer to this when it's only 2 weeks until the full release?
edit: just watched the Digital Foundry video on the viablity of the 2500k and it left me thinking that maybe my 3570k might be the bottleneck here?!
Which settings most affect CPU in this game, anyone tested?
Next game when i'm CPU limited on i5 2500k ;/
Game looks beautiful though, i love all the interactions in the world, cutscenes looks great too.
I run great with my i5 2500k. overclock it to 4.5
i7 920 oc to 3.8
12 gigs ram
crossfire 290x
i know my cpu is old as dirt but i get 100+ fps in battlefront on ultra..... i know crossfire isnt working now (odds are it never will) but i get dips into 50 fps even on low good lord
Talked a friend into getting this (he did not play beta).
He has 4 year old i7, 16gig ram and a 770 (2gig)
I told him he should be able to get ps4 level performance.
Will he hate me?
It says I am well under recommended specs but the game runs flawless for me, looks like super booty but runs with no issues.